How did you become such a stupid person and make your business so big? !

Without answering the rich man's doubts, he pointed to a product and changed the subject: "This jade pendant is very suitable for you. It can not only enhance your physical fitness, but also provide protective functions."

The rich man's attention was immediately pulled away. He looked at the jade pendant for a while, and then said: "It feels quite ordinary, not domineering enough."

"Eh?! This knife is great! It can also change forms. The second form is the Qinglong Yanyue Knife... It's great! Just buy this!"

Traveler: "..." Don't want one just when you see one!

"Huh?! There's actually a gimmick, not bad! Buy it!"

"Flying shuttle? What a great thing! Buy it!...Wait, it's a bit expensive, let's take a look at the other ones first."

Traveler: "..." Do as you please!

Similar scenes are played out everywhere in the store. Most of the aliens are carefully selected, while ordinary people activate their money ability and buy if they like...

After the product selection is completed, the customer needs to go to another place to pick up the goods and pay.

There was a long queue in front of an ordinary warehouse. Everyone in the queue looked at the half-open door and could see rows of shelves in the warehouse.

"Give me the order."

In front of the warehouse door, there is a rectangular iron table. A person sits behind the square table, registers according to the information on the order, and then hands it to another staff member next to him.

The man took the order, lowered his head and scanned it roughly, then turned and walked into the warehouse, took out a few spherical storage magic weapons from the shelves, and then returned to the outside of the warehouse.

By injecting Qi into the storage instrument, you can take out the items stored in the storage instrument according to your own ideas.

After that, it’s just a matter of swiping your card to pay.

In just a few days, Biyou Village has made a lot of money by selling various props, and the accumulated items are about to be cleared...

Until the evening, the village was still quite lively with people coming and going.

Bi Yuan, who was thirsty after talking to customers, invited Zhang Chulan and Feng Zhenghao to the canteen. The hungry two people did not refuse, and the three of them went to the canteen together.

On the way to the canteen, Zhang Chulan looked down at his phone and said to Bi Yuan: "The company asked when the first batch of power armor and the first flying ship can be delivered as soon as possible."

"do not know."

He is just an ordinary salesperson, don't bother him with the problems he creates.

Especially since there are only two people in the village who can make power armor, and those two are unreliable guys. It is impossible for them to keep making power armor.

He could definitely say that after the two of them built a few machines, they would go do other things.

Looking at the powered armor passing by him, Zhang Chulan said nothing and directly relayed Bi Yuan's original words to the people in the company.


When Biyou Village became the center of the turmoil, no one in Quan Xing, who was keen on causing trouble, came close to it. There were too many ruthless people gathered, and you can imagine the consequences of making trouble wherever they go...

It ranges from being imprisoned in the "company's" cell to reporting to the King of Hell at worst.

In particular, the Tianshi who was in charge of the Tianshi Mansion was also in Biyou Village. Because of the battle at Longhu Mountain, most Quanxing disciples had been frightened to death by the old Tianshi whose force value exceeded the standard.

Naturally, it is impossible to rush to the front of the Heavenly Master, fearing that he will be sent away at once.

But being law-abiding and not causing trouble at all is not the character of a Quanxing member.

Therefore, when people focused their attention on Biyou Village, some Quanxing Sect members had already arrived in the city where the "Tang Sect" was located.

The Tang Sect is a mysterious sect that has been around for a long time. When the sect was founded, perhaps even the members of the Tang Sect were not aware of it. The founder was said to be a woman, and all the sect members were named Tang.

But about 400 years ago, the Tang Sect changed its rules for recruiting disciples and began to recruit people with other surnames than Tang. From then on, the Tang Sect truly became a powerful force that people in the circle could not ignore.

I don’t know when it started. The daily job of Tang Sect disciples is to assassinate evildoers.

Some are targets chosen by the Tang Sect disciples themselves, and some are commissioned by others.

Today, the Tang Sect has transformed from an assassin organization into a martial arts school. Most students are in the new campus at the foot of the mountain, while those with Qi refining talents will be taken to the old campus on the mountain for real practice.

The teachers and teaching assistants in the school are all strangers from the Tang Sect. The martial arts taught to the students are not showy, but can be used in actual combat.

In terms of business, before the existence of the stranger was revealed, it could be said to be tepid.

However, after the existence of strange people was revealed, the number of people applying to the martial arts school suddenly increased. After the teachers and students of the school showed extraordinary powers, the number of applicants increased again...

Close to the suburbs, in a dilapidated warehouse.

"What are we here for?" an all-sex member asked lazily, leaning against the wall.

"I don't know. I heard that you can fight here, so I came~" one person said in a nonchalant tone.

"Hey! I didn't expect you, an aggressive lunatic, to know about this." The man sneered disdainfully.

At this time, one person said: "I have heard some rumors, but I can't guarantee that they are true."

"Let's talk about it! It's boring now anyway." Another person said.

"Okay!" The man shrugged and said, "I heard that Ding Shi'an wanted to challenge the old Celestial Master, but you all know how strong the old Celestial Master is..."

Hearing this, the others nodded with lingering fear.

At the beginning, hundreds of strangers besieged Laotian Master, and every stranger was a master with considerable strength.

But the result?

They were all solved by the Heavenly Master at once, and the difference in strength was too obvious.

"He is so brave!" one person exclaimed.

"A true warrior!" another added.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement, agreeing with the two men that Ding Shi'an was indeed very courageous, unlike them, who no longer had the courage to say anything like a challenge after seeing the strength of the old Heavenly Master.

"Wait a minute, since we are challenging the Heavenly Master, why are we coming to Tangmen? Are we traveling?"

Blind student, you found Huadian.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on the storyteller, as if to say: Boy, you can't be the one talking nonsense!

The man remained calm and explained: "Of course it's because Ding Shanan felt that he was not strong enough, so he decided to challenge other famous martial arts figures before challenging Laotian Master."

"But there are no masters in Tang Sect." Someone said.

The Tang Sect's unique skill "Elixir Bite" is said to have no solution, but now there is no successor. Some poisons and hidden weapons cannot threaten Ding Zhangan. After all, he is one of the "Two Heroes", and his personal strength is recognized by the alien society.

"There should be some." Another person said, "According to the intelligence I collected, there is something hidden in the back of the Tang Sect. Maybe it's the person who controls the alchemy."

"So..." A ferocious smile appeared on someone's face, "...the reason why we were called here is because of the intelligence submitted by your boy?"

Someone: "..." Danger!

"Wait, please listen to my explanation..."

"Whoever likes to listen, just kick my ass!"

"Want to fight? Very good, add me!"

"You guys should restrain yourself and don't tear down the warehouse~"

"I'll go shopping near Tangmen for a while. If you have any questions, call me."

Some people who were unwilling to participate in the fight left the warehouse one after another.

On their way to Tangmen, several of them encountered many people watching videos. The background music was all the same, majestic and particularly attractive.

Out of curiosity, I watched the video a few times, and then several full-sex members fell silent.

In the video, a person wearing heavy power armor is testing various functions of the power armor, such as running speed, grip strength, and various weapons...

The ordinary people outside of the video were filled with excitement and envy.

"Hey, do you think Biyou Village will issue a powered armor to each disciple?"

Said the young man holding a mobile phone.

"Maybe!" What can the other young man say? Of course, he will follow his words.

"A piece of power armor isn't cheap!"

"It must be expensive!"

Listening to the discussion of passers-by, several full-sex members suddenly became even more silent.

The world is changing too fast!

Biyou Village, what's going on with you?Why are the power armors even sold?

etc!There shouldn't be anything like power armor hidden in the Tang Sect, right? !

The expressions of the members of Quanxing suddenly changed. It was normal for a force with a long heritage to have some killer tricks.

Especially since the Tang Sect has a heritage of weapon refining, they felt even more that their guess might be true.

"Be careful where you step on it later."

Hearing this, the other Quanxing members nodded in agreement.

After a while, a group of people came to the entrance of Tangmen Martial Arts School and were stunned for a while when they saw the huge crowd of people.

"...There are too many people!"

"It's good to have more people, it will help us infiltrate."

The member of Quanxing who was the first to regain consciousness moved slowly in the direction of the crowd, and the others quickly followed after seeing this.

"Would you like to hold hands? To prevent us from getting separated..."

"No need, it's better to split up."

"Meet at XX Noodle House in two hours."

Shouting, he was submerged in the sea of ​​​​people, and was carried forward by the crowd.

The rest of the people separated one after another and went to different areas.


Only the new campus of Tangmen Martial Arts School can be visited, the old campus is prohibited...

Unfortunately, the more forbidden it is, the more curious some people become. In order to catch disobedient tourists, more than half of the disciples are guarding the old campus...

Chapter 245 Descends from the sky...

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