"On August [-]th, the weather is hot. Let's eat melon and play chess."

"On August [-]th, the new self-cultivation furnace was completed."

"On August [-], Fang Rui made a mechanical beast, but he lacked the means to identify himself and the enemy. He attacked everyone he saw except the maker, and was banned from using it in the village."

"On August [-]th, Fang Rui left the village for an hour and brought back six strangers. Coincidentally, some of them were people I knew. We had a close relationship with each other. They are all related."

"On August [-]th, the weather was sunny. Fang Rui took out a 'Noble Phantasm' and said he wanted to test it. It was a sword engraved with complex patterns.

The group of people went to the open space outside the village. As Fang Rui shouted Excalibur, the machine puppet 100 meters away from them moved. When it swung its sword, the sword suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the strong wind raged. Flames spurt!

With the sound of "bang", the ground shook slightly, and the incoming fragments were blocked by the defensive weapons worn by everyone.

There is no doubt that the magic weapon was a failure. "

"On August 21st, because all kinds of materials were about to run out, Fang Rui and the leader left the village to buy the needed materials."

"On August 23, the weather is hot. Let's eat melon and play chess."

"On August 25th, the leader and Fang Rui returned to the village, and five strangers came back with them."

"On August 27, Fang Rui gave Liu Hongzhong a wheelchair with a speed of five meters per second. Liu Hongzhong, who was unprepared, accidentally fell into a pit and was chased and beaten by Liu Wukui for half an hour."

“On September [-], the number of villagers increased and there were few vacant houses left, so the leader decided to build a new house.

The leader who wanted to control the machine puppet to do this was stopped by the villagers, and a group of villagers wearing mechas came forward. "

"On September [-]rd, Fang Rui, who was watching a cartoon with Wu Kui and Hong Zhong, suddenly became interested in a weapon in the cartoon and said he wanted to reproduce it."

"On September [-]th, Fang Rui gave Liu Hongzhong a special mecha. After Liu Hongzhong puts it on, he can move around freely in the village without stepping on the gravel roads."

"On September [-]th, the weather is hot. Let's eat melon and play chess."

"On September [-]th, the weather is hot. Let's eat melon and play chess."

"On September [-]th, the weather was hot, I was eating melon, and I was called by the leader to help... What a magical technique."

"On September [-]th, the weather is hot. Let's eat melon and play chess."

"On September [-]th, eat melon and play chess."

"On September [-]th, eat melon..."

Chapter 28 The simulator is being upgraded


On the steps next to the forging workshop, Fang Rui stood under the eaves and casually threw a diamond-shaped hidden weapon. He didn't aim at all, and the hidden weapon flew casually, but accidentally hit a tree twenty steps away.

With a hook, the diamond-shaped hidden weapon flew back, hovering next to his right shoulder, and then he threw it out...and repeated this.

Fang Rui's eyes were distracted and he didn't even look at where the hidden weapon was flying. Instead, he was thinking...

According to Bi Yuan, in the eyes of ordinary people, the fate of a boy is a special fate. People with this fate are mostly beautiful in appearance and complex and sensitive in their hearts...

They are usually weak and sick, and some difficult and rare diseases often appear in these people... Another characteristic of these people is that they are all related to Buddhism and Taoism, and their side will always cause some supernatural events in the eyes of ordinary people... …

However, there are some rarer ones in the lives of these children... Most of them have a rough life experience like the others of their kind, but the difference is that they are smart and strong...

Their fate is full of twists and turns, but they can often turn danger into safety, and even make everyone have a strange feeling, as if there is a god blessing around such a boy.

In the past, most people believed that children were reincarnations of gods or fairy children in heaven. Those sickly children were fairy children who had made mistakes or were burdened with karma. When the sins were eliminated or the karma was resolved, the children would return to heaven. This is what they Causes of illness and early death...

But strangers don’t see it that way…

Strange people believe that the birth of a child is caused by inexplicable evil spirits that attach themselves to the child at the moment of birth... but this is also a controversial statement.

However... Fang Rui vaguely remembered a reliable saying: a child's life is not possessed by evil spirits, but a mutation of his own spirit or soul, and most of the mutations are malignant...

When it comes to souls...

Fang Rui thought that one of the Eight Magic Skills, Double Hands, could modify the soul and body. He thought that there should be a way to solve the problem of the boy's life.

After all, Duanmuying's original goal of practice was to cure all diseases in the world. The miraculous skills she realized with this goal were naturally closely related to the treatment of diseases.

Nowadays, people who have both hands in their hands...

Qu Tong counts as one, Lu Huan and Lu Liang count as half.

First of all, excluding Qu Tong, it is impossible to invite her to help.

As for Lu Huan and Lu Liang...

At this point in time, Lu Liang definitely has not learned how to use both hands.

And Lu Huan...

Fang Rui took out his cell phone and contacted Shen Chong.

"Beep - beep -" After a few beeps, the phone was connected, and an angry voice came out: "Hey! What do you want from me? If it's a tool man's business, you need to wait for a while..."

"No." Fang Rui interrupted Shen Chong's ramblings and said straight to the point: "Is there a newcomer named Lu Liang in Quanxing?"

"How do I know?" Shen Chong said speechlessly: "Quan Xing is so big, how can I possibly know if there is a newcomer named Lu Liang?"

"I understand." Fang Rui hung up the phone.

It takes time from joining to becoming famous, and now Shen Chong said that he had never heard of Lu Liang.

In other words, Lu Liang may have just joined Quanxing not long ago, or it may be that Lu Huan is still alive, so Lu Liang has not left Lujiacun yet.

If so, then...

"Start the simulation!"

As Fang Rui said this, he opened the simulator interface in front of him.

[In the first year, you, masked, rushed into the Lu family village and ran rampant, easily defeating all the enemies. After finding Lu Huan, you picked her up and sprinted for [-] meters. Lu Ci brandished two swords and chased after her. You used earth skills. Get rid of Lu Ci's entanglement.

Half a day later, Lu Ci announced a generous reward, and many strangers coveted you.

You took Lu Huan back to Biyou Village. Under the double offensive of "sugar-coating" and "cannonballs", Lu Huan promised not to contact his family and was willing to stay in Biyou Village to help. 】

[The next year, after several months of research and preparation, you and Lu Huan found a way to treat Liu Hongzhong and successfully cured Liu Hongzhong. 】

[In the third year, you and Lu Huan went to the Changbai Mountains to find an elf and obtain the method of animal energy refining.

One month later, with the help of Lu Huan, most of the animals in the breeding farm of Biyou Village have mastered the method of refining energy, but they have not yet enlightened themselves to become elves.

Half a month later, Chen Duo was brought back to Biyou Village by Ma Xianhong, and formed a ranch duo with Lu Huan to jointly manage the ranch.

One month later, temporary workers came to Biyou Village, and after investigating, they gathered people to launch an attack. Nadoutong's troops were completely defeated.After winning, at your suggestion, Biyou Village moved towards Nathan Island.

A few months later, a war broke out on Nathan Island, and you took action to suppress all the aliens on the island. 】

[In the fourth year, the breeding industry on Nathan Island has developed very well. Relying on the various instruments you invented, the living standards of the islanders are not low, and trading relationships have been established with some alien organizations. 】

[In the fifth year, you...]


[This simulation is over, you can keep one of the following. 】

[[-]. A hundred years of pure cultivation. 】

[[-]. Liu Hongzhong’s treatment plan. 】

[[-]. Accumulated drawings (expand/collapse). 】

Looking at the interface of the simulator, Fang Rui rubbed the side of his face and said in surprise: "It actually ends with a long life, I'm shocked!"

The previous simulation didn't have a good ending, and I could already put together a hundred GG postures.

But now a good ending suddenly appeared, which really surprised Fang Rui.

I didn’t expect it~

You can also give Happy End to the simulator!

Not bad, give you a like!

And the rewards are okay. The first two rewards are relatively useless to him. On the one hand, his current cultivation level is enough, and he has no idea of ​​​​continuing to improve his cultivation level for the time being. On the other hand, Liu Hongzhong’s treatment plan, since it is in the simulation If it can be researched, it makes no sense that it cannot work in reality.

As for the third reward, the drawings accumulated over the past century are not a small amount.

Expanding the list, Fang Rui looked at the names of the blueprints. Among them were many daily necessities, such as blueprints for air conditioners, refrigerators, all-in-one farming and seeding machines, and other equipment that used energy as energy.

There are not many drawings of magic weapons for combat use, but they are not too few.

In addition, there are other types of drawings, such as ship drawings.

Looking away, Fang Rui thought for a while and chose to receive the third reward. A large amount of knowledge emerged in his mind one after another. Because knowledge emerged bit by bit, Fang Rui had no illusion that his head was going to explode.

The whole process lasted about one day. During this day, Fang Rui kept feeling that someone was whispering in his ears, which made it difficult to concentrate, so he took a day off and performed another simulation after the cooling time. Collect enough 1W simulation coins, and then enter the simulation mall to buy the only product.

[The simulator starts to upgrade, time required: 23:59]

Chapter 29 About the use of Qi animals

After closing the simulator interface, Fang Rui walked down the bluestone steps in the mountains and forests, returning to the increasingly cyber-style village. The villagers he met along the way were very enthusiastic towards him, giving him the illusion that he was a star. .

In front of an ordinary brick house, Bi Yuan was sitting in the shadow under the eaves, eating a sweet and delicious watermelon. When he saw Fang Rui walking slowly, he raised the hand that was not holding the melon and pointed at the short man next to the lounge chair. There are several watermelons on the table, and the bright red flesh looks particularly attractive.

"Eat melon~"

Fang Rui picked up a piece of watermelon, sat on the steps in front of the door, took a bite of the watermelon, and asked while chewing: "Mr. Bi Yuan, what is the difference between ordinary beasts and 'elves'?"

Hearing this, Bi Yuan slowly turned his head to look at Fang Rui, staring at him with eyes that were not cloudy for a while, and then explained: "If you want to ask what the difference is, isn't it obvious? The latter is much smarter than the former. times, the latter is many times more powerful than the former..."

After listening quietly to Bi Yuan's story, Fang Rui put the finished watermelon rind on the table and continued to ask: "So...is there anything special about elves? For example...the meat tastes better?"

In the simulated future, he had put so much effort into setting up the breeding farm. If the animals that could refining energy had not been useful in some way, he would definitely not have wasted so much time and energy on setting up the breeding farm.

So what’s so special about animals that gain energy?

Perhaps because of his instinct as a foodie, the first thing he thought about was whether it tasted delicious.

Bi Yuan looked stunned.

There’s something wrong with your idea!

How could ordinary people think so!

In order to dispel Fang Rui's idea, Bi Yuan said: "It shouldn't taste good. The flesh that has been warmed for a long time is very strong. It should be almost like rubber when chewed."

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