After a while, the anger subsided a little, and the clone decided to play for a while before the main body came to cause trouble.

After all, the blame has been taken, it would be a shame not to have some fun~

"If you don't know when the main body will come, don't make a big one, otherwise the main body may come before the preparations are completed~"

"Just get some small ones! Cthulhu-style monsters."

As he said this, the clone's gaze turned to the ocean, to be precise, the deep sea.

As for why it is the deep sea, of course it is because the fish living in the deep sea have innate advantages. They are invisible to everyone and grow very casually...

There is no need to bother changing the appearance to make it look like Cthulhu, after all, it is very Cthulhu-like.

Now that the decision has been made, the clone begins to take action...

The other clones are also taking action, working hard to enrich the extraordinary creatures abroad.

Chapter 295 Monsters from the Deep Sea

Next to an uninhabited coast, a coral island docks here.

A group of heavily armed gunmen were sweeping away the gathered animals.

"One night, so many animals gathered again. It was the first time I knew that there were so many animals in the city I had lived in for so long! Especially rats... too many!!!"

When the gunshots rang out, all the animals fled in all directions, hundreds of rats ran away together, countless cockroaches flew up in a swarm... all kinds of things, it was simply mind-numbing.

"I hate cockroaches even more!!!" Another person, holding a flamethrower, pointed at the cockroaches and other insects flying in the air, and with a crackling sound, lumps of charred residue rained down.

"...Stop talking nonsense and get to work!"

As soon as a certain person finished saying this, he was knocked away by a speeding dog. Fortunately, he released his index finger that was holding the trigger when he was knocked away, otherwise... he would have hit the friendly forces!

"Retreat! Fall back!"

He appeared to be the leader of the group. He retreated, firing his gun at the animals that were charging towards him, and at the same time calling his companions to retreat.

Hearing this, the others retreated one after another, but...

Because there were so many animals here and they fled in panic, it caused some trouble for the people who were retreating.

Because animals running in panic often bump into them, they cannot fire at will, otherwise they will easily hit friendly forces. Therefore, everyone moves very slowly and is often knocked around.

After a staggering retreat, everyone arrived at the temporary base.

There are steep cliffs along the coast here, and only one gentle slope, where the entrance and exit are located.

Behind the entrance and exit, there is a temporary base. Although it is a temporary base, it has all the necessary facilities. Not only that, it is also very complete, and some of the instruments are even the most advanced.

The security guard guarding the door saw a group of people running in in a panic, and immediately laughed: "Did you meet a big monster? You are so embarrassed~"

"I haven't encountered any big monsters, but there are a lot of small monsters. You can go out and have a look. They shouldn't be all gone yet."

A certain person was rubbing his very painful abdomen. After his abdomen was hit by an animal, it continued to hurt. He must have been injured~

"Really?" Looking at everyone's embarrassment, the security guard was a little convinced.

A full set of equipment and experienced warriors, just cleaning up some ordinary animals, there is no reason to make it such a mess.


A security guard took a breath, is there really a monster here? !

Thinking like this, he suddenly felt a little insecure. He looked left and right, and then asked someone carefully.

"Ahem, what do those monsters look like? Are they easy to solve?"

Hearing this, the face of the person being questioned gradually became subtle.

No way!No way!No one is really so easily deceived!

Although his mind was very active, this person's expression did not change at all on the surface and remained expressionless.

"It's a matter of confidentiality, no comment."

After saying that, he turned and left, heading to a certain room to report the information, followed by the other members of the team.

"Hey~ they are all workers, why are you dragging them..."

As he spoke, he turned his head left and right to look around, and gradually tightened his grip on the gun.

With monsters as neighbors, only the gun in his hand can bring him a sense of security.

"...Fortunately, I am on the day shift. I hope my brothers on the night shift will be safe."

While someone was praying like this, all members of the team code-named "Cleaners" had arrived at a certain door. Someone as the captain pushed the door open and entered, while the rest of the team stood guard outside.

"Huh? Did you finish cleaning up so quickly today?"

In the room, a certain blond middle-aged man who was working on documents at his desk raised his head when he heard the sound and looked at the brown-haired middle-aged man who walked in through the door with a somewhat surprised tone.

"No, the cleanup is not completed, something unexpected happened."

The brown-haired middle-aged man shook his head slowly, and as the blond, blue-eyed middle-aged man's expression gradually became serious, he gave an explanation: "The number of animals that need to be cleaned is increasing day by day, and the strength of those animals is also increasing day by day..."


Hearing this, the blond middle-aged man sitting behind the desk had already guessed a little bit. He put down the pen in his hand and gently pressed his eyebrows.

"What happened?"

"To put it simply...animals are very powerful, we are no match!"

Someone described the situation in a concise and comprehensive way.

Although he couldn't imagine the specific picture, he understood its meaning very clearly.

"Does this mean we need to increase manpower?"


"Okay, I understand." The blond, blue-eyed middle-aged man was silent for a few seconds and said, "...Write a report to me detailing the situation in the morning."

"Okay." Someone responded, then turned and left.

As the sound of the door closing echoed in the room, someone in the room sighed softly. Although he had already known that animals would mutate, he didn't expect... that it would happen so quickly!

"It seems...the construction of a fully enclosed research institute needs to be put on the agenda~"

After knowing that the energy emitted by the coral island would attract animals, we decided to build a fully enclosed research institute that encompasses the entire coral island. However, a research institute that surrounds the entire island is so large that it cannot be built in a short time. Now it may even be possible No design drawings have been drawn...

But animals have begun to mutate. According to the information he has, once mutated animals begin to appear, then...

"The beast tide should be coming soon..."

"It takes some preparation."

With this in mind, he passed the news to his boss and shook off his troubles. There was someone to handle this kind of thing. I first thought about how to protect myself from the possible tide of beasts.

"Transfer a battalion here! With the people here, it should be enough..."

Saying this, someone was silent for a while and added: "Add a few more tanks! If we don't defend, it will be easier to escape."

After all, tanks move very fast and can adapt to a variety of terrains. The most important thing is that they have strong defense and can ensure safety.

at the same time……

After receiving the news, senior officials of a certain country immediately held a meeting to discuss how to handle the matter.

"While building a fully enclosed research institute, a blockade will be built at the same time. All animals close to the blockade will be killed to ensure that the area around the coral island is clean..."

"As for the people...arrest them all."

After all, it could be a spy from another country who could extract some information.

"City cleaning work needs to start as soon as possible..."

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time to prepare. According to experience, it takes several months from the emergence of mutated animals to the formation of a climate."

"As long as the efficiency is higher, a few months is indeed enough."

In the conference room, everyone was discussing with each other. Perhaps because they had enough time, everyone was not very nervous.

"How can you guarantee that no accident will happen?" One person looked at the relaxed faces of everyone, poured out a basin of cold water, and continued after the conference room returned to silence:

“Whatever can be done as quickly as possible is done as quickly as possible.”

"Hey~ Listen to this tone, it seems like you are the only one working seriously. Do you think..."

Someone leaned forward, stared at someone with a serious face, and said with a slightly ferocious expression: "Who are you?!"

"Do you need to remind me about that? Don't we know?!"

"Ha! Newcomers, don't be so arrogant! We have already arranged countermeasures for whatever you can think of..."

Seeing this, everyone else retreated and entered the show-watching mode.

"It's noisy again~" Someone shook his head.

"It's good to have a quarrel. Someone's tone... I hate it. It's like he's superior to others! Haha~" Someone sneered disdainfully.

"...Is there anything else to discuss?"

"No, the things that need to be discussed in the meeting have actually been discussed before, and the corresponding arrangements have been made. The reason for holding this meeting is to confirm and exchange information."

"I see……"

After whispering to each other for a while, the two entered theater-watching mode.

Don't tell me, it's fun to watch people quarrel.

As for the others, they are doing their own thing...

Some people are doing work remotely over the phone, some are watching the show seriously, and some are chatting with other people...

After all, what needs to be done has been dealt with, and we only need to wait for follow-up feedback and deal with emergencies.

At the same time, a certain avatar stepped on the sea, and his whole body rose and fell with the waves.

Near him, one after another strange-looking fishmen poked their heads out of the sea, their pure black eyes staring straight ahead...

"start to act."

The clone's words dissipated in the sound of waves, and many murlocs took action. Under the sea, there were more monsters and murlocs moving together.


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