The Lion King has not agreed to this for the time being and is still considering it, but the probability of her agreeing is relatively high.

After the Holy Sword was returned, the Lion King's mission had reached its end. Even if she wanted to continue... Fang Rui, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others would not allow it.

Not bound by the responsibilities of a king, the Lion King has more choices and is more likely to accept his invitation...

While waiting for the Lion King's reply, Fang Rui, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others discussed the seventh singularity.

"According to the information I collected, the seventh singularity is a little more difficult... No, to be precise, it's much more difficult!"

"What do you want to say?" Fujimaru Ritsuka asked.

"I don't want to say anything, I just want you to be prepared and bring more people with you..."

"As you know, there is no other Master in Chaldea at the moment." Fujimaru Ritsuka replied.

Although she also hopes that she is not the only master, and that there are multiple masters, her burden will be lighter, but it is a pity... the other masters are seriously injured and are sleeping collectively.

"Not the Master, I mean the Servant!"

Warcraft, several goddesses, gold solids, and Tiamat sleeping in the sea can be seen everywhere... several forces form a quite chaotic situation.

Especially since he planned to wake up Tiamat in advance and not prepare some bodyguards for Fujimaru Ritsuka, he felt uneasy.

"Summoning a Servant?" Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little confused and didn't fully understand.

"Your magic power is a bit low. You can support one or two servants to fight normally. However, the magic power required for the servants to fight with all their strength is several times that of normal... It is not something you can bear!"

Saying this, Fang Rui glanced at a certain place: "What I mean is..."

"The servant I summoned will be sent to the seventh singularity through some means to act with you."


Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka was speechless for a few seconds: "Why go to so much trouble? Isn't it easier to summon again when you reach the seventh singularity?"

Fang Rui: "...Same."

Just thinking about retaining memory can lead to better cooperation, but forgetting that there is not much use in cooperating at all.

Before the two of them could say anything else, the Lion King, who had already made up his mind, came to Fang Rui's side. After expressing his willingness to accept Fang Rui's invitation, he told Fujimaru Ritsuka and others the information he knew.

To put it simply, the seventh singularity has an existence that far exceeds that of the Magic King, and is quite dangerous.

Afterwards, the Knights of the Round Table were loaded into space magic weapons by Fang Rui, and returned to Chaldea with Fujimaru Ritsuka and others.

Since the positioning of the Seventh Singularity will still take some time, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others are resting, and Fang Rui is preparing to deal with the affairs of Group A. He will not directly kill the people in Group A, but will use the other party's soul to Do some tricks.

As for whether his little tricks would be discovered, Fang Rui said he didn't care much. Whether he was discovered or not, his "purpose" could be achieved.

Some time later, Fang Rui, Fujimaru Ritsuka, and Mashu set off again to the seventh singularity.


2655 BC, ancient Mesopotamia.

After completing the "spiritual transfer", Fujimaru Ritsuka and others appeared hundreds or even thousands of meters in the air, in free fall...


Although he has experienced several special points, in the current situation, Fujimaru Ritsuka still feels his heartbeat speeding up and screams uncontrollably.

Fang Rui crossed his arms with a very calm expression. He expected to be teleported into the air.

This happens not because the time span is too far away, which reduces the accuracy of "spiritual transfer", but because Uruk has a defensive barrier that refuses the three people to break in and bounces them away. to the air.

Mashu was also a little panicked, but she quickly regained her composure and initially released the Noble Phantasm to protect Fang Rui and Fujimaru Ritsuka, allowing the three to land safely.

After landing smoothly, Fujimaru Ritsuka chatted with Dr. Roman for a while. Under Fang Rui's suggestion, he decided to summon the servants and then explore the surrounding area...

Since the magic power in the Age of Gods was very strong, there was no need to deliberately search for spiritual vein nodes. Mashu directly smashed the shield to the ground, and the summoning array unfolded.

"Who are you summoning? The Knights of the Round Table?" Fujimaru Ritsuka asked as he stopped Mashu who was about to enter the summoning array.

"No, this time... let's summon it by chance!"

Fang Rui thought seriously for a while and said to the two of them: "...Speaking of which, I'm also curious about which heroic spirits are more compatible with me."

Saying that, the summoning array bloomed with light...

"Saber, I came here in response to the summons. Are you my Master?"

The heroic King of Knights appears again, Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka look a little weird, and King Arthur has appeared a lot!

'King Arthur and I have a relatively high compatibility. Is it because we are both foodies? '

After thinking for a while, Fang Rui continued to summon...

Another group of "acquaintances" appeared on the scene, Cu Chulainn carrying a gun, Hercules who came as an Archer, Medea who once taught Fang Rui about magic, and Mei who came with an eyepatch as a Rider. Dusha, Li Shuwen came with the Assassin rank...

"The personalities of these servants are quite different."

"But my compatibility is quite good. In other words... my personality is very changeable~"

After complaining, Fang Rui looked around. Due to the magical reaction caused by summoning the servants earlier, a bunch of magical beasts had gradually gathered, so...

"Leave it to you."

Saying this, Fang Rui raised his head and looked at the blue sky, seeming to be looking at something.

Except for Medea, the other servants present had a good temper. After hearing Fang Rui's words, they immediately took action...

Arturia held the invisible sword and rushed into the group of monsters. Every time she swung the sword, she would kill one monster.

Cu Chulainn waved the red magic spear, the red afterimage flickered, and the monsters fell to the ground one by one.

Hercules did not use weapons and rushed into the group of monsters, punching one monster at a time. Medusa controlled the Wuming Dagger. The silver chain quickly extended, and the "nail" dagger quickly shuttled between the monsters. , piercing one monster after another.

Li Shuwen and Medea did not take action, but looked into the sky...

A few seconds later, a beautiful woman riding a strange vehicle flew quickly from a distance. To be precise... she should have fallen!

Flying in the air on "Ma Anna", her eyes were wandering around, as if she was looking for something, and she didn't pay attention to the nearby situation. As a result, she was hit by a magical beast and fell from "Ma Anna".

Everyone present just watched quietly without any thought of answering.


First, it hit the ground with its buttocks, making a crater in it, and then rolled forward, somewhat embarrassed, with flying sand and dust covering its figure.

But for a servant with excellent eyesight, a little bit of dust is almost nothing, and he can clearly see Ishtar who is not damaged at all. From this, it can be seen that Ishtar is very strong. Generally, a servant can see from that If you fall from such a height, you will definitely be injured...

Speaking of which, in another timeline, without his intervention, Fujimaru Ritsuka was hit by Ishtar who fell from the air. He acted as a backer and rolled out more than ten meters with her...but there was no damage at all, even the dots. No scratches at all.

One thing to say, the magic costume made by Chaldea is indeed a high-quality product, and its impact resistance is indeed very strong.

While complaining like this in her heart, Ishtar rubbed her aching buttocks, stood up slowly, and looked at the people on the side.

Ishtar seemed a little embarrassed to be seen in such a miserable state. She raised her hand, gently brushed her hair, and raised her head slightly. A kind of elegance and nobility emerged, pretending As if nothing had happened, he asked calmly:

"What force do you come from? Uruk? Rainforest? Or Warcraft?"

"We are from Chaldea." Fujimaru Ritsuka introduced herself.

"Hmm~" Hearing this, Ishtar was thoughtful.

As a first-class god, Ishtar had some understanding of the current situation. He made some guesses after hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's words, but he did not ask in detail...

No matter what they plan to do, it has nothing to do with me anyway. Why do I care so much about it?

With such thoughts in mind, Ishtar "hum~", her tone of voice was tactful and somewhat meaningful, and she turned to ask about another thing, one that she was more concerned about.

She looked around and found that everyone was looking at her with strange eyes. Although she wanted to put on a fierce look and yell "What are you looking at?", but before she could say it, beast roars rang out again, and the smell of blood caused... Come more monsters.

"Tsk!" Ishtar gasped.

"The work is coming~" Fang Rui reminded.

The followers took action one after another and charged towards the group of monsters, leaving Mashu alone to protect Fang Rui and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Seeing this, Ishtar thought this was an opportunity. He took a few steps and came to the side of Fujimaru Ritsuka. He lowered his voice and asked, "Have you ever seen a very conspicuous..." Have you ever seen something "very powerful"? "

"Even if you ask that..." Fujimaru Ritsuka was confused.

"Did you lose something?" Matthew asked.

"Haha~" Ishtar said, "I'm a little panicked because I was poked into the center of things." She didn't have 300 taels of silver to cover up and said: "How is this possible! I didn't lose anything!"

Cross your arms, turn to the left, and perform "I'm Lying" to the fullest.

The expressions of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu were a little dazed. The two people who had already seen the problem did not expose Ishtar's cover and pretended not to understand.

Even if it is to take care of Ishtar's face, there is no benefit in exposing her after all.

'Wonderful! '

Fang Rui smiled. Mimic-servants are different from mimic-servers. Some mimic-servers are cold goddesses, the kings who rule the Holy City. Some mimic-servers are the masters of the underworld, gentle and beautiful goddesses. , and some pseudo-servants are funny servants...

For example, a certain leopard man and Ishtar...

As no one answered, the atmosphere gradually became awkward. Ishtar, who felt uncomfortable, broke the silence: "You should say something! Sometimes silence is the cruelest thing."

Hearing this, Fang Rui agreed and said something to lighten the atmosphere: "As for the Bull of Heaven that you lost, we have a way to help you find it..."

"The Bull of Heaven?" Masuo tilted his head slightly to express doubt.

"Lost?!" Fujimaru Ritsuka was confused and shocked. Can such a big mythical beast be lost?

'You're not kidding? ! '

Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes showed such meaning, and he thought so in his heart at first, until she saw Ishtar's expression.

The panic was visible to the naked eye, and he responded without confidence: "Ahaha... What are you talking about? How could I lose the Bull of Heaven?! Don't be kidding..."

As he spoke, Ishtar's voice became lower and lower, and finally he lowered his head and sighed, scratched his hair a little frantically, and screamed: "Ah~ yes, I did lose the Bull of Heaven! Where are you? If you see it, tell me!"

"I can tell you, but you have to pay the price."

"No problem." Ishtar agreed readily. Such a cheerful look made people think that she would not abide by the agreement.

"Speak quickly! Where is the Bull of Heaven?" Ishtar urged.

"There's no rush. Let's go to Uruk first, and then I'll take you to find the Bull of Heaven. As for the price we need to pay, we'll discuss it later."

Ignoring Ishtar's urging, Fang Rui said to himself, "I'm used to saving a few tasks to complete together to save time."

Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka: "..." Is that so?

Recalling the situation when the doctor was "tied" to his desk by a pile of work, the two of them expressed doubts about Fang Rui's words.

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