"Ha~ I have a lot of money!" Gilgamesh smiled disdainfully at this.

"Yes..." Fang Rui nodded slightly in agreement, and then said, "But the training methods I mentioned can only be used by people in the future. After all, future magicians have a few more parts than people in today's era."

"Are there a few extra parts..." Hearing this, Gilgamesh nodded slightly as he grasped the key points. He did not continue to ask about this matter and turned to talk about other things.

"So...is there any other way? Suitable for ancient people."

"Is there a lot of pressure on the front line?" Fang Rui asked.

“It’s not big, but it will get bigger in the future!”

Gilgamesh did not hide anything and said straight to the point: "The message of Chaldea's arrival was already known to some people when you first entered this era. As for who I said, I believe you also understand it. As you enter this era, field……"

"What was already a stalemate will take a new turn and some guys will take action."

When Gilgamesh said this, the other servants and Fujimaru Ritsuka were also listening carefully. Of course, they did not forget to enjoy the delicious food.

"The main enemy of Uruk is the Goddess of Warcraft. She is the most enthusiastic among the three goddesses to attack Uruk. The other goddesses..."

As he spoke, Gilgamesh cast his eyes on Ishtar. At this time, Ishtar was holding a piece of steak and a glass of wine. He noticed that someone was looking at her, and immediately looked towards the source of his gaze, and met Gilgamesh. Look at each other for a while...


She looked a little excited, as if she wanted to say something, but with a piece of steak in her mouth, there was no way to speak clearly, just a bunch of messy noises.

"One is a shameful thing, and the other is a guy who has stayed at home and never moved. The harm is relatively small."

Gilgamesh paid no attention to what Ishtar wanted to say and showed a disgusted expression.

The expressions of the other servants were particularly subtle. When they first learned that the level BOSS was the three goddesses, the servants were either nervous or excited...

But after meeting Ishtar, the nervousness and excitement disappeared, which is indeed a funny act.

"Who are you calling a disgrace?" Ishtar screamed after devouring the steak in several mouthfuls.

He looked so angry that he felt like he was about to take action.

Ignoring the shouting Ishtar, Gilgamesh continued: "It is unknown whether the goddess of warcraft will personally go out, but the number of warcraft will definitely increase. After a long stalemate, Uruk's troops have already rare……"

"Even if there are many servants joining, but... the warcraft front is very long."

"Simple, I have other ways to solve it."

Fang Rui gave his own advice: "I have a Holy Grail that can be used to summon followers. I won't say too much. There is no problem with fourteen followers."

"It should be no problem for a total of twenty or thirty servants to defend a warcraft front, especially since Caster has the skills to build positions and is considered the best candidate to defend the city."

"You actually carry the Holy Grail with you?!" Gilgamesh was a little surprised.

He also has one Holy Grail, but it has been used to provide the followers he summoned and other facilities, and there is no extra magic power to summon more followers.

Since more servants can be summoned, one must think carefully about the candidate for summoning. There are prototypes of Noble Phantasms in his treasure house. Using this as a medium can increase the probability of specifically summoning a certain servant.

"As for the magician, I recommend Medea. Give her enough time to prepare. No monster can cross the monster line."

"In addition, Gilles de Rey is also very strong, but he has mental problems. If you want to summon him, you must summon Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc is also very strong and has group defense skills. Summoning her is not easy. deficit."

"Tamamo Mae is also a very powerful Caster, but there are some troubles in summoning, so I may not pay attention to you. Da Vinci is in Chaldea, and Solomon is not in the Seat of Heroes..."

Listening to Fang Rui's words, Gilgamesh's expression gradually changed. You are a magician who is easy to summon and powerful!

"Other servants, you can..."

Not paying attention to the change in Gilgamesh's demeanor, Fang Rui continued to make other suggestions.

At the end of the party, Gilgamesh left with many suggestions. Although many of the suggestions were useless, some were somewhat useful.

For example, you can summon a magician and use the magician's job skills to strengthen the defense and attack of the Warcraft front.


At the same time, the followers left one after another and lived in other areas.

"As for the training content, I will tell you the next morning. Now go and rest!"

With that said, Fang Rui walked along the stairs, arrived at the second floor, and entered his own room.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu looked at each other for a while. They had no idea of ​​taking a break for the time being. They were a little full after eating, and they were chatting...

Leah and Merlin were reminiscing about old times, talking nonsense, which made a certain King Arthur's blood pressure rise rapidly...

Medusa and Anna were still looking at each other in silence, no one knew what they were thinking.

Ishtar looked towards the second floor, his eyes resting on a certain door, still hesitant to speak.

A dreamless night, and the next morning.

After enjoying a rich breakfast, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not go to the construction site. After all, Gilgamesh had said last night that she could rest for a period of time, two days to be precise...

Although she doesn't think these two days can be regarded as rest at all.

"First is regular physical exercise, including ten kilometers of running, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred push-ups, one hundred squats...Then there is a bath in a special medicinal solution, which can relieve fatigue and quickly improve physical fitness... Finally, there is magic training..."

"Merlin, as a hybrid between a dream demon and a human, can impart knowledge to others in their dreams without affecting the quality of their sleep. I also have similar skills, so..."

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka's face looked a little ugly. Didn't he even have some rest time? !

"By the way, once you get used to the rhythm of life, you need to continue to perform the daily tasks assigned by Gilgamesh..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "..." 24 hours a day, with no rest time except eating.

Although some would like to add that "people have three urgent needs, it is also time to rest", but if you interrupt at this time, you may be bitten by someone who is emotionally unbalanced...

After a while, Fujimaru Ritsuka started running without bargaining...

Matthew and Fang Rui did not watch the show, but ran with her.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's physique can only be described as ordinary.

Therefore, before the basic exercise was over, she was already out of breath.

Mashu encouraged her with words, but Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't have the extra energy to reply.

At the same time, based on the information provided by Merlin, Gilgamesh compiled a list of followers. After all, Merlin came from the future and had excellent clairvoyance. He could see the present and knew the information about the followers relatively well.

In addition to some servants recommended by Fang Rui, Gilgamesh has made a decision in his mind.

He left the palace with Merlin and headed to Fang Rui's location to prepare for the heroic spirit summons.

By the time the two arrived at the training ground, Fujimaru Ritsuka had finished basic physical training and returned to his residence.

Therefore, the two set off again to where Fang Rui and others lived.

Opening the door, Fang Rui and Matthew were sitting at the dining table, holding a cup of tea and sipping...

There was no figure of Fujimaru Ritsuka in the house, but the reason why the two of them came here was not to find Fujimaru Ritsuka, so they did not ask about this matter.

"Welcome, would you like some tea?"

Looking at the two people pushing the door open, Fang Rui extended an invitation.

"Let's do business first!" Gilgamesh refused directly and slapped a slate on the table. "These are the selected summoning lists. I have also prepared the summoning medium. Where is your Holy Grail?"

"There is no need to summon a medium."

Thanks to the authority given by his own strength and restraint, Fang Rui can establish a connection with the Heroic Spirit Seat and accurately summon followers.

"Wait a moment, I'll go find Ritsuka, the Master needs her to be..."

With that said, Fang Rui arrived at the second floor and pushed the door open.

At this moment, Matthew seemed to have remembered something, turned around and stretched out his hand, as if wanting to stop Fang Rui: "Wait a minute..."

Before she could finish speaking, Fang Rui had already opened the door. Then Fang Rui outside the door and Fujimaru Ritsuka inside the door looked at each other for a while. Fang Rui said politely: "Sorry to bother you~"

Saying this, he quickly closed the door...

Chapter 331 Arriving at Eridu

"Wait a moment! She will be here soon..."

Sitting at the table, Fang Rui's expression remained calm. As a person who traveled between several worlds, he had quite a lot of experience. How could a small thing make him panic, or even reveal his emotions on the surface.

As for what he was thinking, no one knew.

Matthew's eyes were a little subtle, as if he was asking Fang Rui if he did it on purpose. After all, someone was taking a shower in the house, so knocking on the door and asking were necessary...

"Does it look good?" The unruly Merlin raised his eyebrows slightly and gently bumped Fang Rui's shoulder with his elbow.

A certain King Arthur's face suddenly darkened, and he grabbed Merlin by the collar and dragged him away...

If you can't speak, don't speak!

Gilgamesh looked normal. After all, he was a man who didn't feel the slightest sense of shame when he walked naked in the streets with people coming and going.

According to him, this king's body is so perfect that no part of it is invisible.

Like Merlin, Gilgamesh is different from ordinary people in some ways.

After a while, Fujimaru Ritsuka, wearing Uruk-style clothing, came out of the room and sat down next to Mashu, her face flushed.

After such strenuous exercise, the Chaldean uniform was soaked with sweat and could no longer be worn.

"Then...let's begin! Summoning of heroic spirits..."

Everyone had arrived, so Fang Rui didn't waste any further time. He placed the Holy Grail on the table, and the summoning array spread out in the open space next to the dining table. A bright light bloomed, and the servants appeared...

Fang Rui is responsible for summoning, Fujimaru Ritsuka is responsible for signing the contract, Gilgamesh is responsible for explaining the details, and the Holy Grail is responsible for supplying magic power...the division of labor is clear.


At the same time, in the lair of the Goddess of Warcraft, warcraft were born here one after another, and then ran to other areas.

Back here, Jin Gu looked indifferent and his eyes wandered, ignoring the unhatched monster eggs and the walls that looked like flesh and blood. He went deeper into the lair and came to the center of all abnormalities.

Winged snake, alienated goddess.

"Jin Gu, tell me about the intelligence you collected."

The light was dim, making it difficult to see clearly. Red light came from all directions, giving it a strange feeling. The sound of giant objects moving passed through the air, creating a terrifying atmosphere.

"Some people from Chaldea have joined Uruk. There is no change in the rain forest. There is no movement in the other one. As for Ishtar..."

After a pause, Jin Gu said: "...she has joined Uruk."

Although the entry of third-party forces is bound to bring about changes, is it a bit outrageous to abduct a goddess as soon as they enter? !

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