
Quetzal stepped forward and walked down the stone steps little by little, smiling slightly.

What an interesting combination!

"There are a lot of guests today! What do you want to do here?"

"Two things, the first is an invitation to join Uruk, and the second is Marduk's hand axe."

Fang Rui answered truthfully without any intention of beating around the bush.

"Hmm~ Is that so? There is no problem in agreeing to you, but there are preconditions..."

Quetzal spread his hands and smiled.

"It's very simple. Pass my trial..." Quetzal's body suddenly leaned forward, his face instantly became ferocious, his teeth were sharp, and he breathed out green poisonous mist.

In less than a second, Quetzal's face returned to a kind expression. He placed his hands beside his left shoulders, patted them gently, and said with a smile: "The person participating in the trial... is not you!"

"It's her!"

As he said that, Quetzal's eyes locked on Fujimaru Ritsuka.

After all, in Quetzal's opinion, Fang Rui's composition was not pure enough and he could not participate in the trial.

If Fang Rui knew what she was thinking, he would probably beat Quetzalcoatl and ask her to explain what impure ingredients meant...

Chapter 332 The final BOSS appears early

Quetzalcoatl is one of the supreme beings in Aztec mythology. She seems free and unrestrained and dresses like a dancer, but she is actually a kind and intellectual goddess.

He hates living sacrifice rituals, but loves human beings. He holds the power over life, harvest, culture, wind and rain. He once held power over the sun for a period of time and was known as the "Feathered Snake" and "Winged Snake". It's Quetzalcoatl.

During a certain summons, she witnessed Mexican wrestling with her own eyes, which left a deep impression on her, leading her to become addicted to wrestling (fighting)...

In her own words, "Yes, the body! You should try to avoid using weapons when fighting! It is most appropriate to use wrestling when negotiating!"

As for why she thinks so, it has to do with her own personality and preferences.

It's not an important matter, so there's no need to describe it in detail. Let's get back to the topic, about Fujimaru Ritsuka's trial...

It is the wrestling that Quetzalcoatl loves. There are no clear requirements, only one sentence: satisfy me!

How to satisfy Quetzalcoatl was something Fujimaru Ritsuka needed to think about.

Perhaps because he sensed something, Quetzal refused Fang Rui to participate in the wrestling trial. When he couldn't use his full strength, fighting Fang Rui was a very boring thing. It would be better not to fight...

Fang Rui had no opinion on this, but Fujimaru Ritsuka and others had many opinions. What did it mean to eliminate one's strongest combat power?

"I'll come back to you in an hour!"

With that said, Fang Rui moved towards where Marduk's hand ax was, and a word later came: "Come on~ I'll leave the task of conquering the goddess sister to you~"

It sounded like ordinary encouragement, but Fujimaru Ritsuka felt a little strange, as if there was something else hidden in the words.

Without giving Fujimaru Ritsuka a chance to ask, Fang Rui accelerated, disappeared from everyone's sight, and arrived next to Marduk's hand ax in an instant...

Although the name contains the word "hand axe", it is actually a giant ax as big as a mountain, and the previous owner was a giant...

It sounds like a giant, right?

Fang Rui was a little confused. He didn't know much about myths and stories.

Although I have learned about some mythological stories and mythical characters from animation, movies, games, etc., the information is quite fragmented...

He really didn't know who the previous owner of Marduk's hand ax was. He only knew that Marduk's hand ax had once wounded Tiamat, and it was a very powerful weapon...

When I saw it today, I found that the hand ax was indeed a powerful weapon, but trying to defeat Tiamat with it was undoubtedly a fantasy.

He looked back at the ax and turned to look at the wrestling between Fujimaru Ritsuka and Quetzal...

Under Fang Rui's training, Fujimaru Ritsuka has made significant progress. With the addition of enhanced magic, she and Quetzal have collided several times. Although each collision ended with Fujimaru Ritsuka being knocked away and Quetzal being knocked away. There was no reaction at all, but there was some surprise in her expression.

The wrestling (?) is still going on. After Fujimaru Ritsuka showed his strength, Quetzal's interest increased...

No matter how many times he was defeated by Quetzal, Fujimaru Ritsuka would regroup and charge again.

After the pleasant game, Quetzal was moved by Fujimaru Ritsuka's spirit of never escaping even in the face of a strong enemy. He decided to join Uruk and went to Uruk with the Leopard Man on a pterosaur. At the same time, a group of pterosaurs were transporting Mardu. Hand ax...

"Ride on a pterosaur? I've never thought of it before...it's such a novel experience."

The scarred Fujimaru Ritsuka was sitting on the back of the pterosaur. Although the injury looked serious, it was actually a very minor injury. Quetzal's attacks were serious, and at most he would hurt Fujimaru Ritsuka, but not What serious injuries will be left?

"Yeah." Mashu, who was supporting Fujimaru Ritsuka, agreed. The experience at the singularity was indeed interesting.

But...it's also quite dangerous.

Before the group of people arrived in Uruk, a war broke out on the Warcraft front, and the Warcraft began to attack the city...

Since the city wall has been transformed by magicians, the defense is very easy. More than half of the monsters that ran near the city wall were eliminated by the shock wave, and the remaining monsters were crushed by magic bullets launched by the magic array deployed in the air...

Under the attack of the two defense facilities, there were not many remaining monsters left. The magic array beside the city wall burst into light, and flames and thunder spewed out, destroying the remaining monsters.

Then convert its flesh and blood into magic power to reserve energy for the next attack.

At the same time, the soldiers on the city wall were observing the surroundings. Once they found a monster that broke through the three layers of defense, they would kill it with crossbow arrows.

"It's so easy!" one person exclaimed.

In the city defense situation some time ago, soldiers stood in front of the city wall, with some simple defense facilities acting as obstacles to block the charging monsters. When the monsters approached, a group of people cooperated to kill the monsters.

Neither efficiency nor safety can be compared with today's situation.

"Indeed," another agreed.

If it were in the past, if we encountered such ferocious monsters attacking the city, we would have suffered heavy casualties, not to mention destroying the city.

While the ordinary soldiers were talking about it, the servants were not idle. Medea was suspended in the air, checking the situation of the magic circle. If there was any problem, she would repair it as soon as possible.

Gil de Rey (Caster) is wearing simple armor, and his fish-like face is now more human-like. He is holding an evil book and looking at the group of monsters.

"Bring victory to the Saint!!!"

A voice full of fanaticism came from his mouth, and Joan of Arc was a little embarrassed. Why did Jill become so strange?

The flesh and blood that has not been absorbed by the magic circle is sucked of vitality and magic power by some kind of force. The fresh flesh and blood quickly withers, and monsters in the sea are born.

Waving their tentacles, the monsters in the sea made sharp screams and attacked the monsters. Every time a monster was killed, a new sea monster was born.

The rest of the servants... most of them have long-range attack skills, which are the result of deliberate selection by Fang Rui, Gilgamesh and Merlin. As for the servants who don't have long-range attack skills, such as a certain King Arthur...

It's not a big deal. As a very powerful servant, he is just a humanoid catapult that can throw some things into the group of monsters.

It was not a stone, but a bomb made using magic. It was very accurate to describe it as powerful. It could be said that it exploded into pieces.

With the joint efforts of a group of people and servants, the monsters were quickly eliminated, but the number of monsters was not seen to decrease...

It's hard to tell exactly how many monsters are gathered here.

Jin Gu watched the mountain peaks in the distance quietly. He had some understanding of Uruk's strength. There were quite a few new followers!

He had nothing to worry about. No matter how many followers Uruk added, there was no way he could defeat his mother.

Rather, the more powerful the Uruk is, the faster the mother wakes up. After all...

Jin Gu gathered his thoughts and turned to look elsewhere. Among the ruins of the city, the Goddess of Warcraft, who was as big as a mountain, swung her tail irritably.

These monsters were made one by one with her exclusive skills. Although they were mass-produced and did not require much effort, they were like cutting leeks, one after another, which was really annoying.

No longer watching the show, Gorgon moved towards the Warcraft front.

Seeing a huge monster appearing behind the group of monsters, many soldiers tightened their hearts and clenched their weapons, as if this could bring them a sense of security.

The reactions of the followers were mixed. Some of the followers moved their hands and feet as if they were ready for a big fight.

Some other servants didn't pay attention and continued their work. Fighting the BOSS was the task of the warrior, and the mage was responsible for assisting. It was a little easier.

After all, if you can fish, just touch it a little. As for the BOSS, leave it to the servants who are willing to fight!

Hercules jumped out of the city wall and smashed into the group of monsters like a falling rock. He crushed two monsters one by one with one kick. The force of the fall even triggered a shock wave, sending a dozen monsters flying within a ten-meter radius. .

The light of the sword flashed, and more than a dozen monsters were instantly killed by Hercules. Then he kicked the ground and rushed forward, like a speeding train, all the monsters blocking the road were crushed...

Karna jumped up, moved quickly in the air, and headed straight for the Goddess of Warcraft.

As the two demigod heroes began to charge, the rest of the servants also took action.

Cu Chulainn was the most irritable and directly released the Noble Phantasm. The magic spear traced a red trajectory in the air and stabbed straight into the chest of the Goddess of Warcraft.

With Tiamat's spiritual foundation, Gorgon did not inherit the outrageous defense or some special concepts and skills, but his overall strength was very strong.

In particular, Tiamat is known as the "Mother of All Things" and has a skill called "Self-Transformation" that can transform her own spiritual base.

The Goddess of Warcraft who inherited Tiamat's spiritual base has the same skill, but the level is much lower, but it is still very powerful... It is a pity that Gorgon did not use this skill, perhaps because he thought his body was perfect enough.

The magic spear arrived in an instant, and by the time Gorgon reacted, the magic spear had already penetrated her body, and blood spurted out from the open wound in her chest.

Gorgon did not stop moving forward. The size of the magic gun was like a toothpick to her. With her self-healing power, her heart, which was larger than a millstone, was pierced by the toothpick. It would heal soon. After all, the magic gun There is no limit to the ability to heal…

"Tsk!" Cú Chulainn exclaimed, jumped down from the city wall, and roamed among the monsters.

Liya is accumulating magic power and preparing to release the Noble Phantasm to give the Goddess of Warcraft a cruel blow. Joan of Arc is guarding Liya.

Gilles de Rey was guarding Joan of Arc, and under the protection of the two of them, Liya was not disturbed.

During this period, the remaining servants had arrived near the Goddess of Warcraft and launched a fierce attack...

After all, servants are heroes from all eras. There are some servants who cooperate with each other to defeat the Goddess of Warcraft. There are also servants who are somewhat competitive and want to defeat the Goddess of Warcraft before others...

Moreover, as top-level servants, Hercules and Karna are capable of wrestling with gods. The strength of their spiritual bases is infinitely close to that of gods, so there is no problem in fighting against gods.

A careless, not-too-strong god-level servant might even be killed by the two of them.

Under the attack of the two men, the Goddess of Warcraft was soon scarred.

Not to mention, the brilliance of the Holy Sword has begun to shine, and the magic reaction is rising as fast as a rocket takes off...

'Must run! '

Gorgon, who saw no hope of victory and even had a strong sense of crisis, immediately controlled the snake's hair to spit out magic beams in an attempt to force several followers to stay away from her.

Unfortunately, the mere magic beam was completely scratching damage to Hercules and the others. The Goddess of Warcraft, who was entangled by a group of followers and unable to escape, suddenly became angry.

As a Gorgon who can block Tiamat for a little while, when he explodes with all his strength, the damage caused is not small...

At the same time, all the Warcraft shifted their targets and rushed towards the Servants. Although the Warcraft could not cause much trouble to the Servants, they could hinder the Servants from continuing to besiege Gorgon.

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