If you think about it carefully, it would be better to deal with Odin as soon as possible. After the King of Bronze and Fire, the King of Earth and Mountain, and the White King are dealt with, some hybrid forces who think that the Dragon King is nothing more than a sure winner will show their fangs. .

Only when they stretch out their claws can their ambitions be discovered and they have enough excuses to solve them.

Otherwise, the process will be a lot of trouble...

Of course, it is Angers and his allies and followers who are responsible for dealing with those fools...

"Very well, I will give you the alchemical knowledge as soon as possible."


Hearing this, Fang Rui looked a little confused. There seemed to be something wrong with this sentence.

But Lu Mingze didn't give Fang Rui time to ask. After speaking, he left directly. I don't know if it was to look cool or for other reasons, but he still used the word spirit Time Zero, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"In such a hurry?"

After complaining, Fang Rui had no reason to stay here and turned around to leave.

Alchemy requires practice. He has not mastered alchemy for long now and is at the stage where he needs more practice, so...

Return to Bronze City and continue to practice alchemy. Even if you are discovered by Kassel Academy, it doesn't matter. You can pretend to be a dragon!

After all, dragons also have society, whether it is a normal visit or an abnormal visit, there are always visits.

So, is there a problem with finding other dragons in the palace of the Lord of Bronze and Fire?

Of course there is no problem!

Hybrids can enter the Bronze City, why can't dragons?

With this in mind, Fang Rui entered the Bronze City with great confidence and put aside some problems...

It doesn't matter, no need to pay attention!

Taking out the alchemy materials from the warehouse in Bronze City, Fang Rui started alchemy in the forge workshop...

While he was practicing diligently, enrollment at Kassel College was going very well.

As for the scene where Lu Mingfei was teased, the scene was not staged. After all, Chu Zihang and Old Tang acted together with Lu Mingfei.

In front of Chu Zihang and Old Tang, Zhao Menghua did not have the guts to bully Lu Mingfei.

To be precise, he even wanted to deny Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and Old Tang from entering the cinema.

Chu Zihang is a popular figure in Shilan Middle School, and he can be said to have countless fans. When he appeared, everyone's attention was taken away, and the confession activities prepared by Zhao Menghua also became... very low!

The main reason is that the audience's attention has been taken away by Chu Zihang and the very handsome Ronald Tang. Who pays attention to the confession!

Especially when two Plus versions are placed in front of the audience, one's strengths and weaknesses can be better seen through comparison.

Chen Wenwen, who discovered Zhao Menghua's shortcomings, struggled for a while and did not agree to his confession. As a result, Zhao Menghua's face turned dark and he was filled with anger.

But there were other people present, so he did not break out. After all, the fathers of Chu Zihang, Su Xiaoqiang and others were well-known entrepreneurs. Doing something in front of them would have a bad impact.

As for Lu Mingfei, he was still lovelorn.

With the encouragement of Old Tang and Chu Zihang, although he mustered up the courage to express his feelings, the outcome was predictable: he failed and was politely rejected.

Afterwards, he felt a little better when he saw that Zhao Menghua was also rejected.

After all, seeing someone who is as unlucky as yourself will make you feel better.

After the party, Lu Mingfei followed Chu Zihang to Kuimen.

Chu Zihang was on a mission, while Lu Mingfei was here to visit and play.

Old Tang did not go to Kuimen, but a group of strangers tried their best to break into his house, but he could not do it. He did not want to witness such a terrible thing.

So, he went to Tokyo, preparing to help his brother and let him hatch as soon as possible. After all, the future was not very stable, and it was not safe to carry him in a bone bottle.


After several teams from Kassel College gathered together, they immediately started working and sent people to dive for final confirmation...

The underwater instrument then penetrates the rock formation and reaches the bronze portal.

Using the blood of the "key" to open the door, the group entered the Bronze City.

"It's amazing!"

Ye Sheng murmured in a low voice. The scene in the Bronze City was reflected in his pupils. Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, layers of ripples were cast on an incredible bronze vessel. It was round and surrounded by a circle. The sharp structure is like a wolf's fang, like an ancient killing weapon.

When you see it for the first time, you can imagine that if it is thrown, it will roar and draw a weird arc, bite the enemy's neck and spin.

Shutoku Aki agreed upon hearing this and nodded silently.

Chu Zihang didn't say anything, his eyes wandered around, exploring the surroundings.

With the help of cameras, everyone in the cabin could also see the scene in the Bronze City, and everyone looked equally surprised.

"Incredible craftsmanship," Mance whispered.

"Indeed, I really want to get up close and personal." Guderian agreed, and then asked, "Can you bring it up?"

Hearing this, some people in the command room fell silent. Professor, you have forgotten the real thing!

Lu Mingfei cast a surprised look, feeling that Professor Guderian was a bit out of tune. A few minutes ago, Professor Mance was talking about blowing up the Bronze City, but now you are asking him to salvage antiques?

Ignoring Guderian's request, Mance continued to watch the live broadcast. The camera moved slowly. It was Ye Sheng swimming in the water with the camera. The group quickly reached the water.

Relying on the instruments carried, the oxygen content in Bronze City was analyzed in the command room. It can be said that it is very sufficient and fresh. It does not look like a secret room that has been closed for a long time, but a forest with rich oxygen content...

Chapter 340 Change Plan

"The oxygen content is so sufficient that you can persist for a long time, which is very helpful for exploring the Bronze City."

Guderian, who did not think carefully, smiled while stroking his hands. The joyful laughter echoed in the quiet command room, and then slowly dissipated...

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so serious?"

Guderian, who noticed the abnormality, looked at the serious-looking people and scratched his head in confusion.

Mance helplessly turned his head to look at Guderian, who didn't understand the situation at all, and warned: "Do you think a space that has been sealed for at least hundreds of years will have fresh air?"

"...What do you mean?" After Mance's reminder, Guderian had grasped the key point and his expression changed rapidly.

"It's what you think." Mance nodded gently and cast his serious eyes on the screen, "There are living creatures in the Bronze City..."

Bronze City is a castle belonging to the King of Bronze and Fire. If there are living creatures inside, there is no doubt that they are dragons... As for whether they are the King of Bronze and Fire or his subordinates, no one knows yet.

Lu Mingfei hesitated to speak. He wanted to say that since there was danger, why not retreat?

But when he saw the extremely serious expressions of Professor Mance and others, what he wanted to say was stuck in his throat and he did not say it out...

In the Bronze City, Chu Zihang and others knew the danger, but had no intention of retreating. They still moved forward with firm steps, showing the Bronze City to others bit by bit.

The second metal disc appears in the lens, its bronze teeth and the bronze teeth of the first metal disc bite together tightly, followed by the third, fourth... countless bronze disc cloths There is a huge bronze wall tens of meters high, and the center of each metal disk is nailed to the wall by an iron shaft...

Mance was stunned for a while and couldn't help but lower his head to look at his left wrist. On his wrist was an Omega Planet Ocean coaxial diving mechanical watch.

"...It looks like a watch movement that has been enlarged countless times." Chu Zihang's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Indeed." Ye Sheng agreed.

"It's an alchemy machine. We don't know what its purpose is yet." Mance said, "But based on its complexity, it won't be a simple thing."

Ye Sheng looked at the mechanical parts, stared at the thick patina, and asked: "It looks like it has been scrapped... Is it a mechanism set up by the King of Bronze and Fire to protect himself?"

"Don't be naive. This dragon prince's understanding of fire and metal is unparalleled. If he had set up the mechanism himself, there would be no problem of it becoming rusty and unusable." Mance explained in a low voice.

"Is this so..." Ye Sheng thought in his heart: the danger level is one point higher.

"Let's move on!" Chu Zihang looked away without any unnecessary emotional fluctuations. Instead of thinking so much, it was better to complete the task as soon as possible and leave the Bronze City.

"Okay." Ye Sheng gently touched the depth charge in the side pocket of the diving suit and explained softly, "I can feel that the position where the 'snake' is circling is very close to me~"

Later, he turned to Yaji and said, "You take photos and samples of the surroundings here. Chu Zihang and I will find the location of the 'snake'. If my guess is correct, it will be in the cave next door." , pay attention to check the life data of me and Chu Zihang, don’t worry if there is a problem, the first priority is to evacuate.”

Aki nodded gently, completely obeying the order. As for what she would do, it was another matter.

Ye Sheng raised his thumb and dived into the water with Chu Zihang. In this magnificent bronze city, there are caves one after another. Each cave is connected by a bronze tunnel. After being submerged by water, most of the tunnels are located in The location beneath the water's surface resembles a hive half submerged in water.

After the two left, Aki raised his head, illuminated the top with a strong flashlight, and looked up at the dome of the huge palace. Paintings full of complex and ancient patterns came into view. They were the scattered branches and leaves of a giant tree. Leaves and branches bend into unreadable characters.

"Longwen?" Yaji guessed, then held up a waterproof camera and started taking pictures. Complex patterns continued to come into view. The leaves gathered together looked like human faces, and when separated they looked like ancient characters. The vision gradually blurs, and the feeling of dizziness gradually intensifies...

"Aki, your heart is beating faster, are you okay?"

Selma, who was backing up Longwen's data, saw some fluctuations in Yaji's life data and immediately asked.

At the same time, other people in the command room looked at him one after another. Companions were more important than information.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy." Aki replied.

At the same time, Ye Sheng and Chu Zihang arrived in the space next door...

"no water?!"

Ye Sheng and Chu Zihang fell to the ground, looking at the clean and dry bronze floor in a daze. They turned and looked behind them. The water was blocked by an invisible barrier at the exit of the corridor...

And ahead...

It is a blazing flame that forms the shape of an oven.

The temperature in the room was very high, and Ye Sheng, who was wearing a diving suit, felt a little stuffy.


The sound of heavy treading on the ground from the side made Ye Sheng tremble in fright and almost crawled back to the ground again.

He raised his head in surprise and watched Chu Zihang rushing towards the illusory stove...

'Huh?Someone! '

Looking through the cracks of the swaying flames, he saw a humanoid creature wearing a bronze mask, its body covered with white bone spurs and dark gold bone layer, with folded wings behind it, and a slightly ferocious tail hanging down...

At first glance, it looks like a dragon man, but after a closer look, I find that it is indeed a dragon man.

'It can't be the King of Bronze and Fire, right? ! '

'Are junior fellow students so reckless? ! '

When Ye Sheng was stunned and Chu Zihang charged, others in the command room were also stunned. Although they were prepared and knew that there were dragons in the Bronze City, it was a completely different feeling when they actually encountered them.

Emotions such as shock and astonishment filled everyone's hearts, followed closely by nervousness...

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