"I think it's okay." Fang Rui still insisted, "Grindelwald is a very suitable candidate, and... releasing Grindelwald will be beneficial to the magic world."

"Today's magic world is like a pool of stagnant water. It has not changed much in decades. According to the speed of technological development, the probability of the magic world being discovered within ten years is [-]%."

"It's better to open a river, let the water flow again, and start looking for ways to coexist from now on, to avoid being suddenly discovered and scrambling to find solutions..."

"Speaking of which, there are some problems with the confidentiality law. Who was responsible for drafting it in the first place?"

Neither Dumbledore nor Nico Flamel said anything in response to Fang Rui's words.

Nico Flamel, who has watched the development of science and technology with his own eyes, is very clear about how fast the changes have been in the last century... If the current rate of progress is maintained, Nico Flamel can't really guess what the future will be like...

As for Dumbledore, he was also one of the people who had witnessed the changes with his own eyes, and he was willing to believe Fang Rui's words.

After all, Greenwald had similar worries back then, and then...

Stopping the memory, Dumbledore was silent for a moment and said: "Let me think about it..."

Such an important matter must be taken seriously.

"Think about it slowly..."

Fang Rui did not urge him.

He would suggest this mainly because he wanted to see if there would be sparks when magic and technology collide.

It is also to deepen the integration of the magic world and ordinary society. Unilateral hiding will not work in the future, and integration is the best way.

Of course, it’s not impossible to hide it. It will be easier to hide it with the assistance of relevant departments.

It's really interesting to see how it will develop...

With this in mind, Fang Rui left the principal's office and returned to the dormitory to study space magic.

Nico Flamel also did not stay long, by the way...

He was leaning towards Fang Rui's suggestion. Today's magical world is indeed boring.

He had learned about the rapidly developing technology, and had also thought about combining alchemy and technology...

It's a pity that it was not completely successful!When sophisticated technological creations encounter magic, various problems will occur, such as computers crashing...

As for the reason, it is that magic can interfere with the operation of electronic products.

More specifically, Nico Flamel did not study it, or did not study it.

After the two left, Dumbledore was silent for a while, decided to change his mood, and set out to find the Horcrux.

There are seven Horcruxes of Voldemort, namely Hufflepuff's golden cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, Slytherin's locket, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Tom Riddle's diary... and Harry Potter and Nagini.

Among them, Nagini is quite special. She is a blood-cursed orc. She met Tom Riddle very early, but she probably became a Horcrux relatively late.

According to the information provided by Fang Rui, Nagini should not have become Voldemort's Horcrux yet.

As for Marvolo Gaunt's ring, it is also somewhat special, inlaid with the Resurrection Stone.

'O resurrection stone! '

Dumbledore closed his eyes slightly, hiding his complicated emotions, and sighed softly...

Meanwhile, Voldemort is still on the run...

Voldemort was not at ease if he didn't run away further.

At first, he wanted to escape from the UK directly. Unfortunately, Quirrell's health was a little weak and he needed to recuperate for a while.

After thinking for a while, Voldemort changed his plan. After all, Quirrell still had a use (carrying the Mirror of Erised) and could not abandon it.

Therefore, he decided to find a safe place to rest for a while, make a "door key" while thinking about where to go to be safer.


In the evening, the chaos at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was reported in the newspaper...

The Daily Prophet described the chaos at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a very exaggerated tone, talking about what was destroyed and how many casualties it caused.

To put it simply, "you start with a picture, and the content is all edited."

It is precisely this that caused the Hogwarts dining hall to be flooded with letters and owls. The excited little wizards looked at the messy dining hall and suddenly lost their interest in eating and chatting...

It can be said that almost everyone is busy writing letters to their families to explain what happened at school.

The remaining people looked at the messy restaurant. Even if they wanted to eat, they had no appetite~

At the same time, many people were collecting relevant intelligence.

After all, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the only magic school in the UK. At the same time, Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard of the contemporary era, and his every move can attract the nerves of countless people.

In addition to the people involved in this incident, the people who are most concerned about this incident...are the practitioners related to potions.

It can be known from the photos of the Daily Prophet that during this chaos, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry obtained a large amount of magical animals and dark creature materials...

Whether it's refining magic potions or making alchemical items, it's all possible.

Once those materials flow into the market, they will definitely have an impact.

Even if it does not enter the market, it is still possible to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to discuss the purchase.

Therefore, a group of people flocked to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Professor McGonagall was responsible for receiving Fudge and Aurors who came to investigate the situation and explaining the situation.

Some of the students' parents were received by Professor Flitwick.

As for those who came to buy materials, Professor Snape and Professor Sprout were responsible for receiving them.

The rest of the people were just casual visitors and reporters who came to watch the show...

He was stopped outside the school by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. It was not until Fudge understood the situation that he was driven away...

Later, a statement would resolve the confusion.

It was only after Dumbledore had collected all the Horcruxes and returned to school that he learned of the farce.

In response, Dumbledore shook his head slowly and said nothing.

He found Fang Rui and Nico Flamel and placed all the Horcruxes on the table, except for Harry Potter and Nagini.

"What to do?" Dumbledore asked.

"Your efficiency is so high!" Fang Rui praised.

Then, he said: "Let's put it here first! It won't be too late to deal with it when you find Nagini."

"Harry..." Fang Rui answered before Dumbledore could finish, "Don't worry, I can separate the souls of Harry and Voldemort very easily."

After all, he has a lot of soul-related skills and is relatively proficient in them.

Even if something went wrong during the "surgery," he had a way to fix it.

Since there was no other reliable choice, Dumbledore chose to trust Fang Rui.

No longer dwelling on the matter, Dumbledore picked out Marvolo Gaunt's ring and put it aside.

"Let's talk about this... Resurrection Stone."

"I have investigated..." Nico Flamel said, "but I didn't get much useful information!"

"Although there are stories about the three sacred artifacts: the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone, but..."

Nico Flamel shook his head slowly: "But there are no stories about people who have never had their wishes come true..."

Dumbledore responded in silence, saying nothing, lowering his head to hide the look in his eyes.

Fang Rui stretched out his hand, pinched the ring with his index finger and thumb, raised it to his eyes, and looked at it carefully for a while.

"This stone can indeed connect to the underworld, but it is incomplete."

Hearing Fang Rui's words, Dumbledore and Nico Flamel turned their heads one after another, staring at Fang Rui, waiting for his next words...

"Souls that have entered the underworld are marked. The resurrection stone cannot break this connection. The connection between the souls who have returned to the living world and the underworld still exists..."

At this point, Fang Rui's tone paused: "Why does it feel similar to a Horcrux?"

Dumbledore and Nico Flamel were also a little surprised, but if they think about it carefully, the Resurrection Stone is much more advanced than the Horcrux...

It’s not similar either!

"Is there any way you can cut off contact?" Dumbledore asked.

"You need to try it." Fang Rui was not convinced.

Without understanding the situation, Fang Rui would not say anything in a positive tone.

On the other hand, Fang Rui is also interested in the underworld.

The simplest way to go to the underworld is to summon a soul and send it back.

Fang Rui can follow the soul and easily find the entrance to the underworld...

Want to try it?

Chapter 349 Unexpected Gains

Now that you have an idea, put it into action...

"Do you...do you have anyone you want to meet?"

Fang Rui tossed the ring and asked the two of them.

There is no doubt that……

Dumbledore and Nico Flamel both had people they wanted to meet, but Fang Rui's tone was a little... malicious?

The two looked at each other for a while and said in unison: "No need!"

"Is that so..." Fang Rui's tone contained a hint of imperceptible disappointment, and then he changed his tone, "Can I find someone else to cooperate with the test?"

"emmm..." The two of them didn't answer.

How to say~

This kind of thing...it's not easy to give an answer!

"If I stop you, will you stop the test?" Dumbledore asked.

"Probably... no." Fang Rui tilted his head and thought for a while before answering.

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