"Do you have any objections?" Hermione rolled her eyes and glanced at Ron.

"...No." Ron shrugged, looked away, and muttered something in a low voice.

On the side, students were shouting to participate in the competition. Most of them were junior students, but the senior students didn't say anything.

This was the scene Fang Rui saw when he came to the castle. A group of students were discussing the competition enthusiastically. Some of them were arrogant and talking about what they wanted to do, as if they had already won...

After listening for a while, Fang Rui twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, thinking that these people really knew how to think about winning before the competition even started.

Smiling in his mind, Fang Rui found Dumbledore and others, who were making test papers at this time.

"What are you doing?" Fang Rui looked at it for a while. It was clear what they were doing, but he didn't know the reason for doing so~

Professor McGonagall explained about the preliminaries. Fang Rui nodded clearly and asked, "So... what are you going to do in the actual battle? A direct duel?"

"Duel is also an option!"

Professor McGonagall said: "If there is no better option, a duel will be used."

"It's better to use obstacle marathon to screen." Thinking of what Makarov mentioned, Fang Rui suggested.

"Obstacle marathon is indeed possible." Professor McGonagall said thoughtfully.

"Professor Dumbledore, what do you think?"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to arrange the venue." Dumbledore naturally had no objection.

"Okay." Professor McGonagall agreed, and after the questions were finished, she went to set up the venue.

"Let me come too! I have some good ideas." Fang Rui said.


After a while, the two left the castle and came to the Black Lake.

"I think it requires a section of water. You can pass it easily by using certain magic spells. You can also pass it without learning the corresponding spells, but it is more difficult."

Fang Rui pointed at the black lake and expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, can I leave the layout of the waterway to you?" Although it was okay for her to arrange it herself, it would be better to leave it to Fang Rui.

"No problem, just leave it to me!" It was very easy for Fang Rui to arrange the track, so he gave the assurance.

"Leave the land and air tracks to me." Professor McGonagall said.

You can add a little Quidditch rules to the aerial track, and as for the land track, just set up some obstacles.

The two began to take action. Fang Rui raised his hand and waved, and an ice wall was generated, forming a racetrack in the water. Bubbles floated in and above the water, and there were strange light spots in the bubbles.

On land, Professor McGonagall used the Transfiguration Technique. An earth wall of less than one meter rose from the ground, forming a crooked track. There were obstacles one after another on the track, including ordinary rocks and bush obstacles, as well as those created by the Transfiguration Technique. The animal obstacles highlight a chaotic dance of demons.

As for the air, there are several ropes floating in the air, forming a simple track.

Other than that, there are just some floating balls and a few goals.

People nearby saw the track and began to prepare.

It’s easy to recognize that it’s a track, so it’s natural to start preparing. Since there is a track in the sky, most people are thinking about the flying props. Should they prepare them themselves or provide them from the school...

"It should be provided by the school! If it is prepared by the contestants, isn't it a competition for financial resources?"

"You're right, I thought so too."

"Hmph!" Some wealthy wizards snorted. If they prepared their own flying props, they would have an advantage.

The layout of the track was quickly completed. Professor McGonagall returned to the castle and announced: "Students who want to participate in the preliminaries, please go to the professor to register. The professor will count the places and then give the list to me."

After hearing this, all the students took action and went to the professors of their respective schools to sign up.

At the same time, guests from other worlds were looking around the track.

"It's very ordinary! It doesn't feel difficult." Someone said.

"How difficult can a game between minors be?" someone responded.

"I'm a little curious. I heard that the competition is held for five days, but this project doesn't look difficult. Can it last for one day?" Someone was confused.

"Unless there are many people participating..." someone answered.

"There are so many people, how should we open the market?" someone was thinking seriously.

"It looks very ordinary, not very interesting..."

Various reviews came out from different people, and overall, no one thought the game would be difficult.

"Speaking of which, where are we watching?" Someone looked around and didn't see the auditorium.

"It should be broadcast!" Some people speculated that it is normal for this kind of game to be broadcast.

"That's it." Others nodded in agreement and did not continue to dwell on the matter. Instead, they wandered around the track and looked at the track carefully.

There is nothing good to say about the air and land tracks, but there are some problems with the water track, and the style of painting is different...

"What are those light balls? I have a bad feeling." Some people thought of word magic and suspected that there was something wrong with the light balls.

"It should be a prop." Someone from modern society who knows about the game guessed so.

"Well, I also think it's a prop, but... I don't know how pitiful it will be."

Thinking of the props in the game, the corners of some people's mouths twitch, it should be different!Otherwise it would be too confusing!

"Props..." Although these people didn't say it clearly, others could already guess a little bit when they heard the word props.

"I feel like the game will be exciting." Some people raised their lips, feeling very happy.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Fang Rui arranged the track in the water, right?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?"

"Why don't we discuss it with him and add some of our ideas to the track."

"Good idea, I agree."

With that said, some people set off to look for Fang Rui, while others did not move and returned to their respective residences. Anyway, there would be a live broadcast then, so there was no need to stay here.

Of course, there are also some people who stay here. Watching it live and watching it live are two different feelings.

At this time, Fang Rui was beside the track, looking at the situation in the water and thinking about what to add.

"Mr. Fang Rui."

Hearing the sound, Fang Rui turned around and saw a group of people approaching.

"Is something wrong?" Fang Rui asked.

"Hey, we have some ideas..."

The group of people were chattering...

"How about adding a blister here? The contestants will be trapped in it and unable to move...for 1 minute?"

"One minute is too long, and the entire track is not too long, about ten seconds."

"You can add a spiral trap here, spinning in place for 15 seconds."

There are serious suggestions and there are unreasonable suggestions.

"Add a tentacle trap here, and anyone who falls in will be entangled in the tentacles."

"You can add one here..."

Before Fang Rui could respond, other people were already stopping the group.

"Don't make trouble, be serious, the people participating in the competition are still students."

"I will consider your suggestions, except for the inappropriate ones."

As Fang Rui said this, he threw out a few more light balls. Some of the suggestions given by these people were beyond his expectation, so he joined the track.

"Eh~" Some of the people who made the unseemly suggestions were a little disappointed.

The group of people chatted for a while, and then the track was set up. They left the place with Fang Rui and headed to the canteen.

As a visiting guest, you can call the house elf to order food by calling "house elf" in your temporary residence. However, some people like to gather together to eat, so a canteen was specially built.

The cafeteria and the tables, chairs and benches in the cafeteria are all made of transfiguration. Although there is a time limit, it is enough to cope with the competition for the past few days...

"What do you want to eat? Although Hogwarts does not have food from other worlds, the food in the local world is relatively complete."

Under Fang Rui's suggestion, Hogwarts has collected many recipes. Although it has not yet been fully mastered, there are indeed many Chinese recipes...

"I don't know much about food from other worlds, so I'll just follow your lead."

"Yes, yes, we trust your taste, so we will order with you."

"In that case..." Fang Rui counted the number of people, took out a book from the storage ring, and shouted: "House Elf."

"Mr. Fang Rui." With a "bang", a house elf appeared behind Fang Rui.

"Have a portion of all the dishes here." Fang Rui said as he handed the recipe to the house elf.


Chapter 409 Interesting Things

"Just give me a recipe..."

At the dining table, many people raised their eyebrows slightly: "Is it possible? It takes time to learn a dish!"

"House elves have very strong learning abilities. There will be no problem following the recipes. Don't worry."

Fang Rui explained, indicating to the others that there was no need to worry about this matter, and turned to talk about other things.

"Did anything interesting happen somewhere?"

Although I had been to other worlds some time ago, I was busy with business and had no free time to chat.

"Interesting things? There are many..." someone replied.

"If Mr. Fang Rui is interested, I can tell you." Seeing Fang Rui nod, another person began to tell, "The Kingdom of Fiore has been very lively recently. A powerful country from another continent has visited and is interested in establishing diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Fiore. ,But in fact……"

Speaking of this, someone raised his head slightly and said with some pride: "It is so that I can visit the Kingdom of Fiore through regular channels and visit Fairy Tail."

"The purpose is for the portal, right." Fang Rui easily guessed the reason.

There was a powerful country on another continent. Fang Rui could easily guess what country it was. After all, he and Zeref had met before.

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