As for the other person, an ordinary stranger named Zhang Jin...

Fang Rui said with certainty that he had never heard of this name and had no interest in finding this person.

Hearing this, Lu Huan interrupted: "Does what you said have anything to do with Lu Liang joining Quanxing?"

The other person was silent for a few seconds and then replied: "There is no direct relationship, but there is an indirect relationship."

"Perhaps it was because the atmosphere in the village had been too oppressive in recent months, so Lu Liang escaped. As for why he joined Quan Xing after escaping, it was probably because he had been under too strict control recently, which led to him being freed by Quan Xing. The slogan of freedom attracts..."

"And you also know that Lu Liang has not been very peaceful since he was a child, and he is very troublesome."

"So I wasn't too surprised when I heard the news that he had joined Quanxing..."

The corners of Lu Huan's mouth twitched slightly, showing a sour expression.

I always feel that the development of things is a bit magical. Because the family is very strict, I ran away from home, and then joined the famous evil sect Quan Xing. What the hell is this plot? !

Fang Rui on the side was stroking the side of his face. This plot sounds familiar~

Isn't it the plot of Miss Liu who runs away from home? !

Interesting, you two can form a runaway group...

With this in mind, Fang Rui looked at Lu Huan who hung up the phone and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chapter 75 Gong Qing’s Commission

"Find him, beat him up, and send him back to the village."

There was a smile on the corner of Lu Huan's mouth. He raised his right hand and suddenly closed his fingers together, as if there was a sound of the air being squeezed.

After living in Biyou Village for more than half a year, Lu Huan's three meals a day included spiritual plants and monster meat. His personal strength increased rapidly, and his body's energy level was quite sufficient.

It can be said with [-]% confidence that if Lu Liang meets Lu Huan, the winner will be determined within ten moves, and Lu Liang will definitely lose.

While speaking, Lu Huan looked at Fang Rui. The meaning in his eyes was very clear. "Help" was written in his left eye and "Business" was written in his right eye.

"no problem."

It was just a small matter. Fang Rui did not refuse and immediately edited a message and sent it to Shen Chong and Tu Junfang, asking them to seize Lu Liang and send him to Biyou Village.

If Lu Liang, Shen Chong and others were not familiar with each other, Shen Chong and others would not refuse to exchange Lu Liang for something useful.

If they are already familiar with each other, Shen Chong and others will truthfully tell Lu Liang the cause and effect, and then tie him to Biyou Village.

No matter what the process is, Lu Liang will eventually come to Biyou Village.

"It's done." Fang Rui made an OK gesture.

"Very good." Lu Huan exhaled slowly and made a "click" sound with his fingers. "I'm going to find someone to share my martial arts skills with. What about you?"


Fang Rui rubbed the side of his face, holding back the words "I want to watch a show". He thought carefully for a while and replied, "... Let's go sit down at Xia He's place for a while!"

After all, an old friend from the past was coming, so Fang Rui thought it was necessary to inform Xia He.

After half a year of development, Biyou Village has changed drastically again. The village has an antique flavor, but the degree of modernization is not low at all.

The village is surrounded by orchards and other fruit plantations all over the mountains. Xia He's residence is located on the edge of the peach grove. It is a Chinese-style bungalow that looks like a combination of ancient and modern styles.

At the edge of the peach blossom forest, looking at the pink petals dancing in the wind, Fang Rui murmured: "Since they became spiritual plants, the growth rate of these trees has become very rapid, and the flowering period has also changed accordingly. It has been almost half a year, and unexpectedly It hasn’t withered yet…”

After saying that, Fang Rui walked towards the Chinese-style bungalow, put his palm on the door and pushed forward slightly. The expected resistance did not appear, and he pushed the door open.

Fang Rui walked into the house and heard strange noises coming from the bedroom. He walked to the door and gently knocked on the door. The "dong-dong" knocking sound spread throughout the room.

In the bedroom, Xia He, who was watching Zhang Lingyu's daily life on the monitor, heard a knock on the door and turned to look at the door. Not many people dared to come to him. Who could it be?

Several images of characters appeared in his mind. Xia He, who was huddled on the sofa, slowly stretched his body, stepped on the ground with his long white legs, stood up slowly, stretched, and then walked towards the door with his slippers on.

Opening the door, the scene outside the door appeared in his field of vision. After seeing the person clearly, Xia He said with some surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Shen Chong will be here in a while. Do you want to see him?" Fang Rui asked straight to the point.

"He can come as soon as he comes. Does it have anything to do with me?" Xia He was wearing pajamas and his hair was messy, as if he had just woken up.

"If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be related, but it seems to be somewhat related."

"You said it, but you didn't say it." Xia He rolled his charming eyes and asked, "Is there anything else? If nothing else, just leave! I'm very busy."

"You said you were very busy..." Fang Rui's gaze bypassed Xia He and looked deeper into the bedroom. The light from the monitor illuminated an area.

"You mean watching Zhang Lingyu's live broadcast?"

Fang Rui's tone was subtle. In just half a year, Xia He went from a charming "bone scraper" to a nerd who used "television" to watch dramas.

Should this be said to be good?Or is it bad?

It should be considered "good"!

"So what?!" Hearing this, Xia He puffed up his chest confidently, not thinking there was any problem at all.

"As long as you're happy." Fang Rui said he had nothing to say.

As the saying goes, the two of them looked at each other for a while, and Xia He "invited" him out with a "friendly" attitude.

Standing in front of the Chinese-style bungalow, Fang Rui looked at the closed door speechlessly and muttered in a low voice: "I'm your landlord! At least be polite to me!"

With that said, Fang Rui turned and left.


In the distant city, Shen Chong lowered his head and looked at the screen of his phone, seeing the private message from Fang Rui.

"It's not a simple matter to capture Lu Liang and send him to Biyou Village!"

Since Lu Liang could be known to him, it was naturally because he had some tricks up his sleeve.

To be able to make a name for himself in a mixed world means that he is not an ordinary person.

"The Lu family...Minghun Technique or Ruyi Jin."

After holding his chin and thinking for a while, Shen Chong made his decision: "Let's go with Tu Junfang! It's not safe for me to go alone."

It is best to do things like arresting people at once, otherwise it will become very troublesome when the other party becomes wary.

With this in mind, Shen Chong dialed the phone and discussed a few words with Tu Junfang, and then the two reached an agreement and decided to cooperate.

Shen Chong was responsible for deceiving Lu Liang, and the two of them worked together to catch him.

The two people who already had a plan took action immediately, trying to get Lu Liang's contact information and make a phone call.

"Hey, is this Lu Liang?"

"No, it's me."

The voice on the other side of the phone was very familiar, which surprised Shen Chong. He held the phone to his ear and stared at it for a while to make sure that he had not entered the wrong number.

"Gong Qing, why is it you?!"

Shen Chong's tone was surprised, and he thought to himself: Could it be that the phone number I tried so hard to find was fake?Don't let me know who is lying to me, or else...

Gritting his teeth, Shen Chong heard the person on the other end of the phone say: "I heard about Lu Liang's name, so I came to see him. There is something I need him to do, and he agreed."

"By the way, are you interested in getting involved? There is a chance to know a very important secret."

After a brief moment of excitement, Shen Chong refused: "...No, no need."

If Fang Rui had not issued the order to capture Lu Liang, he would definitely have accepted Gong Qing's invitation.

Wait, it’s okay to accept it now!

Fang Rui just asked him to capture Lu Liang and send him to Biyou Village, and there was no time limit.

After Lu Liang completes Gong Qing's commission, it is also feasible to take him to Biyou Village.

Just do it!

I don’t know what the secret is at the acting master’s door, so I’m a little curious!

After gathering his thoughts, Shen Chong changed his words: "I thought about it for a while and decided to get involved."

"I knew you would agree." Gong Qing's tone was slightly cheerful.

Chapter 76 A sudden visitor

The dirt road in the forest that must be passed to Biyou Village is surrounded by leafy woods on both sides. Beams of sunlight shine through the layers of tree crowns into the woods, leaving mottled light spots on the ground covered with fallen leaves. Lush clumps of weeds grow on the roadside, swaying in the wind caused by the traffic.

In an ordinary van, the three people on leave looked at the scenery outside the window. As they gradually went deeper into the woods, the woods on both sides of the road became more and more lush, and thick branches grew towards the opposite side of the dirt road. It looks like hands stretching out one after another, as if they want to hold each other tightly, looking a bit like a corridor.

A few minutes later, the car drove out of the forest area and came to the flat rice field area. The golden rice was mixed with some green rice swaying in the wind, and waves swayed towards the mountains in the distance.

"It's such a nostalgic scene."

In the back seat of the van, a middle-aged man with a knife in his waist looked reminiscing, and a hint of softness appeared on his somewhat rough face. When he lived in the country, you could see golden waves in June and July... Seeing that When playing a scene, it can bring him pleasure and satisfaction.

"The clouds are shrouded..."

The other middle-aged man sitting in the passenger seat was looking to the other side. Opposite to the direction the rough-faced middle-aged man was looking, the scene in his field of vision was several hills shrouded in mist.

The sun was shining brightly at this time and the temperature was around 25°C. There shouldn't be such thick fog on the low hills.

“What a great environment!”

The young man in charge of driving reduced the speed of the vehicle and scanned the scenery on the left and right with curious eyes.

He lowered the glass window and took a deep breath of air. The air containing the aroma of fruit, rice, etc. penetrated into his nose, just like a thirsty person drinking a large glass of water, letting his fatigue disappear. After all, I feel refreshed.

'Something's not right! '

The young man frowned suddenly. He found that the disappearance of fatigue and the renewed energy were not his illusions, but real.

The other two people noticed the problem one after another, but they lacked understanding of the current situation and could not guess the specific cause, so a slightly wary look appeared on the three people's faces.

The cheerful atmosphere disappeared. The van drove into the open space at the entrance of the village in a silent atmosphere and parked next to other vehicles. The three people got out of the car one after another and stood in front of the village entrance sign, staring at the three characters on the sign. Typing: Biyou Village.

The young man's eyes wandered around the signboard for a while, but he didn't see the advertising flag that said "Welcome" or something like that.

Then he cast his sight further away, and an ancient but modern village appeared in his field of vision. There were many special buildings near the village, such as a nearly oval-shaped fighting arena, which was built against the mountain. A breeding farm with an upside-down two-way staircase, a bird's nest at the top of a certain hill...

"Bird's Nest..." The young man's expression was a little dull.

"The fighting arena..." The rugged middle-aged man touched the handle of the knife, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

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