Holoporoz disappeared from where he was in an instant, racing forward at a high speed. The strong wind stirred in the street, and the glass shattered instantly...

While the debris was flying, Fang Rui also accelerated to chase the monster. He did not retract his fist, but continued to punch forward.


A dull sound of blows spread throughout the city, and Holoporoz was punched away. He fell to the ground in a panic and rolled forward.

'My attack is not something you can dodge just by thinking about it. '

Fang Rui did not continue to attack, but stood there, observing the surrounding situation, looking for someone.

"Awesome!" Yaohui praised, "Zeta, can you run fast?"

"Emm...can't!" Zeta shook his head.

The skill of high-speed movement is difficult to learn, and he is very tired from learning other skills~

"Ouch~" Holopoloz turned over, got down on all fours, and stared at Fang Rui seriously.

The manic feeling diminished, replaced by the scent of hunting.

When Holoporoz entered hunting mode, the aura he showed was a completely different kind of beautiful feeling, with the ferocity of a beast...

"Come on!" Fang Rui raised his hand and waved a few times.

Fujimiya: Familiar movements...

"Ouch~" Holoporoz kicked his limbs hard, and in an instant he was in front of Fang Rui. He opened his bloody mouth and bit directly into Fang Rui's neck.

The common fighting methods of wild beasts are to bite with their mouths and tear with their claws...

"Bang——" In an instant, Fang Rui took a step back and at the same time threw an uppercut.

A precise hit on Holoporoz's chin sent him flying.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Rui jumped up and chased the monster that was knocked away. His shining fist hit the monster's body again and again.

With nowhere to draw strength in the air, Holoporoz was unable to dodge and could only withstand attacks one after another...

"A one-sided battle." Fujimiya commented calmly as he watched the live broadcast.

"I... seem to be able to do it." Already familiar with Diga's power, Dagu believed that he could also perform the operations on the screen.

'...In battle, I should use Tiga's power more skillfully. '

"...Why haven't the robots in the armory arrived on the battlefield yet?" I dreamed of another question.

He saw Jin Guqiao attack with his own eyes, but the monsters were almost defeated, but he did not see the robots arriving on the battlefield.

"The transportation speed is very slow, which is an obvious disadvantage." Fujimiya commented.

"It shouldn't be! Since robots have been used as a means of combat, why haven't we considered the issue of transportation?" I Meng couldn't understand this.

"Is there a possibility that Ultraman appeared very early and defeated monsters very quickly?"

Dagu reminded the two to look at the problem comprehensively and not to look at the problem one-sidedly.

"It seems... indeed." The two nodded slightly.

Chapter 500 Meeting

Before Jinguqiao reached the battlefield, the monster had already been defeated by Fang Rui. In his slightly vague memory, Holopolos had a special status in the legend, so Fang Rui did not solve it directly, but restrained it.

As Fang Rui possesses a large number of skills, he directly throws five skills to restrain the monster, preventing the monster from breaking free.

On the overpass in the distance, a parasitic alien who loves games looked at the two Ultramans and did not rush to strengthen the monsters.

Nexus' fame spread throughout the universe, and knowledgeable people knew him.

Celebolo is playing the game of civilization destruction in the universe. He is also a relatively famous person and knows more information. He knows the famous Nexus.

Since he knew how powerful the other party was, he naturally had no intention of provoking him.

"Troublesome." Celebolo commented.

After all, the monsters that Nexus defeated with his light skills would not even be left alive.

Light skills that directly decompose the target at the molecular level, destroying the bones and turning ashes into ashes.

For Celebolo, who needs the remains of monsters to make medals, that is quite...unfriendly!

Not paying attention to the sight in the distance, Fang Rui looked at Zeta and extended an invitation, "Would you like to chat? The location is the debris pile on the left side of the armory."

After saying that, Fang Rui took Horoporoz and left. While releasing the transformation, he used the light skill to shrink Holoporoz and turn him into the size of an ordinary wolf.

"How do you feel?" He threw Holopoloz on the grass and asked what I Meng and others thought.

"You are very powerful!" Da Gu's tone was full of sincerity. He went all out in every battle and was not as relaxed as Fang Rui.

"Actually, Tiga is also very powerful, but your current situation means that you are unable to fully utilize Tiga's strength and need to be trained."

Fang Rui briefly explained that Tiga's basic panel is relatively excellent and balanced in all aspects, and various skills can increase Tiga's combat power, make up for various shortcomings, and enhance its advantages.

"Really~" Dagu's expression was a little confused. Ever since he obtained the light of Tiga, Dagu had been in confusion, and his confusion did not disappear until the final battle...

But even though he was confused inside, he rushed to the battlefield without any hesitation.

"Yes, Tiga was an Ultra Warrior who was called the strongest warrior back then. The word 'strongest' has a very high value."

There was no detailed description of Diga's title, and Fang Rui's thoughts were in a daze for a moment. Diga had many titles, one of which was the strongest dark warrior.

We must know that Gatanje has always been on the earth, so does Tiga's title include Gatanje...

If so, it means that Diga was able to defeat Gatanjie alone back then, but humans gave up too quickly, leaving him with no reason to take action.

'I'm very curious. If you meet Diga himself in the future, you can ask about this matter. '

"The strongest..." Dagu's expression became more and more confused. He didn't know anything about Tiga's past, nor did he know anything about the super ancient giants. Even when he heard the word "strongest", he lacked a corresponding sense of reality.

Fujimiya and Gamu looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that someone who seemed to be kind could inherit such a powerful light.

"...What about us?" Wo Meng looked forward to it, "Do Gaia and Aguru have any powerful titles?"

"Yes, Gaia's title is 'The Unruly Son of the Earth', while Agur's title is 'Ocean Child'."

An ordinary sentence made the expressions of the two people freeze on their faces, and at the same time Dagu recovered from his daze, as if to say: You two are really good at playing!

"Is there something wrong?" My dream's tone was very stiff. The previous two titles were really shocking.

"That's right. Since you pick up more than ten meters of dirt every time you land, the ground shakes like an earthquake. You deserve the title of 'Earth Rebel'."

"More than ten meters..." Da Gu looked at me with a dull expression, full of astonishment.

Are you here to help, or are you here to cause harm?

"And when Fujimiya transformed a few times, the ocean scene was a bit grand, like a naughty child tossing around."

"That's... Haiyang's love for me!" Fujimiya's expression was also dull.

There is a saying, other people's titles are so handsome, but his title is so crotch-flattening...

Not to say the mentality collapsed, but the mentality exploded!

On the other side, after the monster was dealt with, Haruki and others set off back to the armory.

Fang Rui's invitation made Yao Hui confused as to why he was near the armory.

The childhood memories were taken away, and Yuhua's expression was also a little dazed.

After the information report was completed, Yaohui left the combat command room.

Jakula looked at his leaving back, rubbed his smooth side face, and said thoughtfully, "Something's not right, Yaohui is hiding something from me."

"Related to Nexus?"

From the previous battlefield live broadcast, Jakula clearly saw Nexus staring at Zeta for more than ten seconds.

Zeta is just an ordinary Ultraman, not very good-looking, and no one will stare at him for more than ten seconds, which means...

'It's sending a message. '

Jagula's tone was very affirmative, and then he smiled, so here's the question~

What is Nexus' message?

"It feels very interesting, let's go and check it out."

Saying this, Jagula skipped out of the command room with brisk steps.

On the edge of the armory, there is an open space where debris is piled.

"Will it be here?" Yaohui looked around and confirmed possible targets from the direction of the smoke.

"You..." Looking at the people sitting around the fire, Yaohui looked a little strange.

There was an acquaintance and three strangers.

So...who is Nexus?

'Zeta, can you tell? '

In response to Yaohui's inquiry, Zeta crossed his arms and said, "I think you have some misunderstandings about me. Detection has never been my strong point..."

'Don't use such a proud tone! Yaohui complained in his heart.

"Come, sit down." Fang Rui placed a horse in the open space next to the fire and invited Yao Hui, "Let me introduce you..."

"This is the Broken Horn Demon Dijia..." Fang Rui raised his bamboo chopsticks and pointed at Dagu.

"Broken Horn Madman?" Dagu looked confused. Why did he have so many nicknames?

"This is Gaia, who can freely change fat or thin." Then the chopsticks moved towards my dream.

"Fat or thin? Change?" My Meng's expression was equally dull. What was going on?

"This one is Ocean Roaring Agururu." The bamboo chopsticks moved again and pointed at Fujimiya.

"Roaring..." Fujimiya's face darkened, feeling that Fang Rui was implying something.

'It's Senior Diga, Senior Gaia and Agururu Qian! '

Zeta's surprised voice echoed in Yaohui's mind, and he had a feeling at this time, that is...

Could it be that the borrowed power will be perceived by me?Otherwise, why would the person who came be so lucky!

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