The harm caused by abundant evil creatures is quite serious. Tireless, tenacious, and irrational monsters, if there are only one or two, it is nothing, but once they appear in groups, the threat level increases proportionally...

In particular, the Fertile Star God has never stopped creating monsters. If the evil creatures of Fertile are not eradicated, civilized society will collapse.

Besides, there is no use in repenting. After all, after returning to his destiny, his consciousness will still act according to the rules of his destiny.

The Star God of Abundance shed tears of sadness. His past experiences made him feel sad, but he would not stop acting and would still continue...

For example, at this moment, when He saw a withered planet, he immediately threw out raindrops full of vitality. With his strength declining, a drop of dew could not restore life to the entire planet.

At the same time, the hunting star god saw the abundant power and reacted immediately, raised his bow and shot arrows towards the planet.

Pink arrows fell from the sky, covering the entire planet.

"Wow~~~" Aha made a surprised sound, and he was indeed having fun.

Fu Li recorded the scene, but the Guardian Star God showed no reaction. Instead, he was looking at other locations.

Behind it is a hard wall, which is somewhat similar to the protective wall he built. The left side is a space without any light. There are no obstacles and you can move forward. The situation on the right side is the same as the left side.

In front of it is a transparent wall. Attacks can penetrate through it, and sight can penetrate through it, but "people" cannot penetrate through it.

'Did the person behind the scenes do it deliberately? '

With this thought in mind, Cripper cast his gaze upwards. It could trap five Star Gods at once and cut off the connection between Fate and the Star Gods. It was hard for Cripper to imagine what the level of strength of the person behind the scenes was.

And why did the other party do this?At the same time, he was speculating on the purpose of those behind the scenes...

In Cripper's limited knowledge, the existence at the top of the star sea that he knew was the existence called "Star God".

There is a strength gap between the Star Gods. Their destiny is broader and the road ahead is farther, which means that the Star Gods are stronger.

But what level of power does it take to trap five star gods at once?Can the Star God do it?

Not paying attention to what the Star God was thinking, Fang Rui looked down from a high altitude. It was impossible to keep the Star God trapped forever. Not to mention the problems that the missing five Star Gods would bring, he himself had not been restraining the Star God here. , he had other things he wanted to do.

"Stop arguing and give me a tip."

After joining Shu and Hai's group chat, Fang Rui quickly interrupted while listening to the quarrel between the two beings.

After listening to Fang Rui's words, the trees and the sea didn't care. Their way of managing the world was to set assessments. After passing the assessment, they would let them develop as they pleased...

Interference will only occur unless there are important circumstances, otherwise it will not interfere with world development.

Of course, on the other hand, all the information in the world is recorded in the trees and the sea, so I can understand what Fang Rui said.

Shu: "Beat me?"

Hai: "I have no objection. Fate is disconnected. It's okay for you to beat them up, but try not to imprison them for too long. Otherwise, new Star Gods may appear in Destiny."

Fang Rui: "When you say 'too long', how much do you mean specifically?"

Hai: "emmm... It's hard to say clearly. It mainly depends on whether there is a match for the destiny. If there is a match, the candidate will be able to take over the moment the previous Star God disappears. If there is not..."

"It depends on when the suitable person appears."

Fang Rui: "It's like saying nothing. It's a completely random situation. How should I pay attention to it?"

"By the way, how did you two discuss it? Have you decided when to set off?"

The tree and the sea said in unison: "No."

Fang Rui was helpless and speechless: "...You are still so confident if you don't have it. Did you two do it on purpose?"

Sighing softly, Fang Rui continued, "Don't continue arguing. Why don't you cooperate first and move to a new location before continuing to argue?"

Tree and Sea: "..." Your way of breaking up the fight is a bit different~

To complain, Shu and Hai did not reject Fang Rui's suggestion. Their quarrel did last for a long time, and when they quarreled, the imaginary energy was also affected. They have been a little irritable recently, and the problems caused have far-reaching consequences. …

For example, when it comes to space jumps, under the influence of imaginary energy, many jumps fail and cannot be made. Many areas are separated from each other and cannot be connected temporarily.

Even communication equipment was affected, and the signal was sometimes good and sometimes bad.

"Okay!" After a while, the tree and the sea replied.

There is really no point in continuing to quarrel. It is more important to meet other worlds, learn from each other's strengths, and grow together.

Then, the trees and the sea began to move.

Fang Rui exited the group chat and returned to the small world. He looked at the several star gods in the world and fell into silence for an instant.

I have forgotten something!

"The solution to the problem has not been asked at all!"

Chapter 544 Cooperation

Joining the group chat again, Fang Rui asked for a solution.

Shu: "Generally speaking, Star Gods' daily actions are to fulfill their destiny. If they go straight to a certain place, there is no doubt that there is something attracting them."

"An item that attracts several Star Gods at once..."

Shu Hehai looked at Fang Rui and said at the same time, "You have more than one..."

"Therefore, the easiest way is to give them a beating and let them know your interests. Although the Star God is bound by his destiny, he still has the ability to think."

"It's just that the way of thinking is a bit paranoid." Fang Rui added, ending the question.

Looking at the Star Gods again, Lan and Yaoshi ignored them for the time being and let them continue playing while chatting with the other Star Gods first.

Fu Li is a recorder and will not participate in battles. Aha pursues fun and has a chance to get involved, especially since the other party is a complete fun person and has no credibility at all.

As for Creeper, he may help to stop the other star gods.

Therefore, Fang Rui decided to find Clipper.

"You are the one behind the scenes." Kripper looked at Fang Rui. In his field of vision, Fang Rui was like a collection of countless laws, an indescribable person of light, whose existence was even more outrageous than the Star God.

"That's right." Fang Rui's response was a little perfunctory, and he changed the topic directly in the next second, "I came to you because I have something to discuss with you. It's about hunting and fertility."

"If you release Patrol and Fenghao, they will definitely fight. I believe you must be very clear about how terrifying the battle between the Star Gods will be."

Creeper: "..." It's clear, quite clear.

Fights between star gods are not non-existent, but rather common.

The world is so vast, and there is always a problem with the destiny path opened up by one or several Star Gods.

Since there is a problem, the problem must be solved.

Since we want to solve the problem, we naturally adopt the simplest and fastest way to solve the root cause of the problem from the source...

Every battle between the Star Gods affects a very wide area.

"What are you going to do?" Cripper asked. As a star god, he can also prevent hunting and fertility.

The Fertility Star God's choice must be to refuse to fight. After leaving the current world, he will not be entangled with the Hunting Star God. He only needs to block the Hunting Star God for a while, and the Fertility Star God will disappear without a trace.

Don't underestimate the speed of Star God!

"It's impossible for us to follow them all the time, and it's not normal to persuade them to stop fighting."

Fang Rui said, "I will create a space. Once the Hunting Star God and the Harvest Star God meet, they will be driven into a special space. Inside, they can fight at will. Anyway, they will not threaten the real world. What do you think? how?"

Creeper asked: "Are you so sure that the world you created can withstand a battle between the Star Gods?"

To know that the Star God is capable of easily destroying galaxies, one must consider how the galaxies in the Iron Collapsing World are divided.

Different division rules represent different levels of strength.

No matter what level the Star Gods' overall strength is, the playground created by Fang Rui by borrowing the power of the trees and the sea is enough to suppress the Star Gods' strength and allow them to play as much as they want.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem, but the daily maintenance needs to be handled by you."

Even if the game field can resist the Star God's attacks, it will wear out after too many times.

As for adding the automatic repair function to special spaces, it is not necessary...

One thing to note in the Bengtie World is that a supercomputer can become a Star God. If too many skills are added to a special space, causing it to be upgraded to a Star God, there will be some trouble...

Star gods in space are quite troublesome no matter what their destiny is.

Therefore, creating a pure space arena and arranging a star god to maintain it is the best choice.

As for the candidate for maintenance, the most preferred choice is the Guardian Star God Kripper.

On the one hand, the way of thinking of the Guardian Star God is based on the survival of a civilized society and will not deliberately create problems.

If the maintenance personnel were replaced by the Pleasure Star God, He might deliberately guide the Hunting Star God and the Fertility Star God to meet, and deliberately stop maintaining the space to see what would happen after it is broken.

Fuli will record all changes, and may even stop maintaining the space in order to record information.

The other star gods also have their own problems and may use the space for personal use.

Even if it is for personal use, Fang Rui actually doesn't care too much. The space was created by him and serves as an arena for the hunting star gods and the abundant star gods. This is the first principle and cannot be changed.

If you dare to use it for personal use, you must be prepared. I don’t know when the Star God’s battlefield will come...

On the other hand, Clipper's ability is suitable for maintaining space. The power of preservation is good at defense and maintaining the existence of one thing.

"Okay." Creeper did not refuse, and moved the battlefield between the two Star Gods outside the boundaries of civilized society, which was in line with conservation.

"Aha discovered the fun, Aha wants to participate..." A loud voice suddenly came from the side.

Fang Rui and Creeper looked at the Happy Star God at the same time. Sooner or later, the Happy Star God would know about the arena, and having fun in the arena would also happen sooner or later...

"You came just in time. I have something to discuss with you. I've had enough fun~"

Fang Rui smiled, "By the way, if I lose the bet, this can be regarded as the 'fun' I gave you."

"No problem." Aha agreed readily. The fairy boat thing was a fun, but now half of the fun has been ruined by someone.

But things in His presence are even more interesting.

He had a hunch that what Fang Rui was about to say would definitely be interesting.

"It would be somewhat of a waste to open up the arena space only for hunting and fertile battles. After all, the number of times the two of them can meet is very few, so..."

Under the gazes of the two Star Gods, Fang Rui continued, "I have decided to open the arena to everyone, except for hunting and harvest time."

"Interesting, very interesting..." Aha's mask rotated at high speed. After hearing Fang Rui's words, a bunch of new fun appeared in Aha's mind.

Ready to move, can’t wait...

I’m talking about today’s Aha.

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