Chapter 562 Coincidence

"At least in a weird way, it meets the standards."

Sakata Gintoki struggled for a while, trying to prove that he was serious about his work.

"Okay, I'll spare you this once."

Thinking that "weird items" was indeed one of the screening criteria he proposed, Fang Rui didn't say anything more. He only warned Sakata Gintoki once and asked him to deal with the matter seriously.

"Okay." Sakata Gintoki nodded seriously, his face full of seriousness.

"Tell me! In addition to sending things, you should come to me for other things!"

Although it was a question, Fang Rui's tone was quite affirmative. The reason why Fang Rui had this idea was that there were so many people here. The trio from the Master House didn't need to say anything. They had a lot of free time. It was normal for them to come here. Yes, but...

Mr. Nishui Jiro is very busy. He can just leave the delivery matters to his subordinates. There is no need to handle it himself.

"I need your help." Nishui Jiro thought to himself for a while, and then explained, "Since Edo has become more and more chaotic recently, I want to transform Kabukicho to make it safer amid the chaos. ,but……"

After a pause, Jiro Chang's voice lowered a little, "There is a bit of a lack of funds."

"To put it simply, you came to me to borrow money, or to ask me to invest?"

Fang Rui briefly summarized it and then thought about it. The transformation of Kabukicho was reflected in the original plot. After the war broke out, Chunyu and armies from other planets arrived in Kabukicho one after another, and the entrances and exits of Kabukicho were blocked. Strong iron gates block the block, and the surrounding houses have also been roughly renovated...

Considering the approaching war, it was appropriate to renovate a street in Kabukicho, with Yoshihara as a refuge and Kabukicho as a battlefield.

It just so happens that the two areas are not too far apart...

"What do you think about connecting Kabukicho and Yoshiwara?"

Hearing Fang Rui's thoughts, Jiro Chang did not show any surprise, but asked very calmly, "Is it a connection above ground or underground..."

"It's all connected, what do you think?" Fang Rui asked.

Jiro thought for a while and gave his own opinion: "There are advantages and disadvantages."

"So, do you agree with the connection?" Fang Rui directly asked the other party if he agreed without asking what the benefits and disadvantages were.

"I agree." Jiro said.

"Yeah." Fang Rui nodded slightly, "Then who will be responsible for building the passage? Are you responsible, or is it someone else?"

"Leave it to me! I will arrange it." Chief Jiro took over the matter and successfully obtained financial support from Fang Rui.

Fengxian on the side looked at Fang Rui spending money like water, and was a little surprised. Fang Rui's behavior was beyond his comprehension. There was no pattern of spending money at all.

"By the way~" Not paying attention to Fengxian's gaze, Fang Rui turned to ask another question, "About the maker of the maid robot—Dr. Lin, have you invited me?"

"Yes, Mr. Gengai wrote a letter to the other party, and the other party agreed to come to Denshi Tavern at eight o'clock tomorrow night."

"So...this matter is also one of the reasons why you came to me."

Fang Rui looked at several people speechlessly. Can he tell everything at once?Don't be like a frog, poking and jumping, it's quite annoying.


'Why are your tone and expression so strange? Fang Rui looked at the guilty expressions of several people, squinted his eyes slightly, and complained in his heart, these people have forgotten, right?

It is indeed possible!

After continuing to talk for a while, Jiro Chang and others said goodbye and left. The Master House trio stayed here to accept Fang Rui's commission and join the construction team...

Fang Rui wandered around Yoshiwara, looking for areas that needed to be renovated. Fengxian followed him in a wheelchair, and Nichiwa introduced various areas of Yoshiwara.

Before Hinawa lost the ability to move, she wandered around Yoshihara. After she lost the ability to move, someone came to tell her about the various changes in Yoshihara.

What's more, if you look at Yoshiwara's sun disk from a high place every day, you can see parts of Yoshiwara, and you will naturally be familiar with Yoshiwara.

But the problem is...

There are currently few normal shops in Yoshiwara, most of which are X-fun shops and restaurants.

There is no need to say anything about the former, but the latter is the target of the three people's attention.

As a night rabbit, Night King Phoenix has a very good appetite. When conditions permit, it naturally has requirements for food. Therefore, the taste of Yoshihara's restaurants is relatively good.

"It smells interesting. I'll buy some to eat."

Saying this, Fang Rui turned his attention to Fengxian. He did not have the currency of the current world, and all the funds he had given him were gold.

Facing Fang Rui's gaze, Fengxian instantly understood what he meant, but Fengxian said she was helpless. As the former owner of Yoshihara, no matter what he did in Yoshihara, he did not need to spend money, so he did not have the habit of bringing money.

Then, the two people's eyes moved and fell on Rilun.

Nichi Lun: "..." What a... wonderful experience.

She, a poor person with no money, actually had to pay money to two rich people. It was really...

Not knowing how to evaluate it, Ni Lun adjusted his emotions for a while, took out his wallet, and then took out a 1 yuan note from it and handed it to Fengxian.

Part of the money Nilun now owns is a gift from Yue Yong, and part is the wealth accumulated by Haruta. As for her own money, there is no...

After all, she was once raised like a "canary" by Fengxian. She had no place to spend money and no way to make money.

Fengxian looked at the ordinary banknotes, then looked at Fang Rui, and read a few words from his eyes: Act quickly and buy food.

After a moment of silence, Fengxian walked towards the store and bought a few boxes of tricolor dumplings.

Handing one box to Fang Rui and the remaining boxes to Ri Lun, the group continued moving forward.

"Well, it's soft and chewy, and the taste is... average."

After hearing Fang Rui's comment, Rilun, who was also eating the three-colored dumplings, said, "I think it's quite delicious."

Saying that, Ri Lun picked up a bunch of three-color dumplings and handed it to Fengxian's mouth, "You can try it too."

His tone was casual, as if he was talking to the grandpa next door.

Hearing this, Fengxian glanced down and met the gaze cast by Ri Lun. Then he opened his mouth to bite a dumpling, tilted his head, pulled the dumpling off, swallowed it into his mouth, and slowly refused.

"To me, it's a bit sweet~"

"Emmm..." Fang Rui looked back and did not argue about this matter.

"As locals, do you two have any recommendations for Yoshiwara's specialties?"

“If I had to recommend something, I would recommend the chefs who were responsible for my diet.”

"I agree."

These two people did not wander around Yoshihara at all, and knew very little about Yoshihara.

"Forget it, I'll ask someone else."

For example, the Hyakuka Guards, whose job is to patrol Yoshiwara, should know Yoshihara very well.

Therefore, Fang Rui took out his cell phone and sent an email asking Yue Yong. He received a reply a minute later...

"The shops are a bit far apart."

After planning the route, Fang Rui led the two of them to set off. All they saw along the way were houses being renovated.

He said that he did not expect that there were so many houses in Yoshihara that needed to be renovated, but when he thought about it carefully, it made sense.

The bright sunshine was shining from above, and a few white clouds were floating in the clear blue sky. Fang Rui looked at the clear sky, and then looked at Fengxian...

Since overcoming the sun's weakness, Fengxian's favorite thing is to bask in the sun.

After a while, the three of them arrived at the first store. Looking at the half-destroyed store, Fang Rui was speechless.

"No, why was the restaurant demolished?!"

Fang Rui carefully recalled the decree he issued. It didn't seem to say that restaurants would be demolished. Although there were commercial zones, restaurants... whether they were placed in commercial areas or other areas, there was no problem at all.

"I heard it's going to be expanded!" A construction worker heard Fang Rui's question and answered out of kindness.

"Expansion?" Fang Rui thought thoughtfully, no wonder there were "ding-ding-dong-dong" sounds everywhere in Yoshihara.

Some of them are houses that need to be renovated due to the influence of government decrees, and the other part are residents who see cheap prices and want to take advantage of the opportunity.

"I hope not all the stores recommended by Yue Yong are undergoing expansion."

Fang Rui prayed like this, and then went to other shops with Feng Xian and Ri Lun. The scenery along the way did not change much, and they were all partially demolished houses.

"It seems that the discounts given by the construction company are really large."

Otherwise, how could there be so many people working together to renovate houses, but by taking so many orders at once, it is unlikely that the construction company would lose money, and would instead make a lot of money.

“Let’s go shopping in other neighborhoods!”

Seeing such a busy scene in Yoshihara, Fang Rui no longer had any intention of searching one by one, and said to the two of them, "By the way, we can see how Haruta is integrating in the school."

"Okay!" Nichiwa didn't refuse. It would be better to say that she really wanted to see what the school looked like and Haruta's situation in the school.

"I have no objection." Fengxian also did not refute.

So, the group left Yoshiwara and came to a street in Kabukicho.

After getting the funds from Fang Rui, Jiro Chief has not yet started the Kabukicho renovation plan. After all, the renovation of Kabukicho is a big project and cannot be completed easily, not to mention the Yoshiwara project, which has already involved all the construction companies he is familiar with. energy.

Considering that what he wanted to do was not safe to be handed over to a stranger, so he did not take action and only talked with the boss of the construction company he was familiar with to confirm the cooperation.

In short, nothing has changed in Kabukicho for the time being.

Walking along the street, after an unknown amount of time, the three of them arrived at a shop. It was a ramen shop with a somewhat domineering name, "Hokuto Shinken".

"Somewhat familiar."

After muttering, Fang Rui entered the store, followed closely by Feng Xian and Ri Lun.

The shop was empty, without a single customer. It was noon, so one could imagine that the business of the ramen shop was a bit poor.

But the location of the ramen shop is better, so there won't be no customers.

Fang Rui was not interested in delving into the reasons for the poor business. From the smell lingering in the store, he could tell that the ramen tasted pretty good.

He is here to eat, not to solve problems.

When he saw someone entering the store, the owner of the ramen shop, Nishiki Kazumatsu, immediately said, "Welcome, what would you like to eat?"

None of the three people responded to Jin Jisong, and they were looking at the situation in the store. Jin Jisong didn't say anything to this. It would be better to say that they were used to it, and no response was normal.

Sitting in front of the bar, Fang Rui looked at the menu and asked the other two people: "I want a bowl of special ramen, what do you want to eat?"

"I want a bowl of barbecued pork ramen." Hinawa said.

"One portion of all the dishes." Fengxian had no choice at all, the big eater was just willful.

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