"..." Frost Star could say anything, and gave Tallulah a look to let her experience it herself.

She is the leader of the Yeti Action Team and is not the person in charge of the Integrated Movement's money. How could she possibly know how much money the Integrated Movement has?

"Why are you asking other people? Aren't you the one in charge of money in the organization?" W frowned. Most cadres in the integration movement have no intention of managing money.

Therefore, the finances of the integration movement were managed by a group of people arranged by Tallulah, and she herself was responsible for the review.

Both Tallulah and Black Snake have enjoyed elite education, and some calculations are normal for them.

"I haven't looked at the ledger recently." Tallulah said expressionlessly. Recently, she was busy suppressing Chernobog and imagining what kind of wishes the competition prize "wishes" could fulfill. She had no spare time to care about other things.

"Really~" W heard this and did not continue to say anything. She was somewhat interested in the medicine to treat ore disease. Among the original research projects of the Tower of Babel, the medicine to treat ore disease was one of them.

"I asked about finance..." Mu Yan was once a mercenary and the leader of a team. After joining the integration movement, he still led the team and established a separate action team.

To maintain the operation of the team, part of it comes from the team's funds, and the other part comes from the materials provided by the integration movement.

Therefore, she has private money.

By the way, her team is full of infected people, and she wants to buy healing potions for everyone, so she counts all the currencies and valuable items in her team.

Afterwards, she approached the finance manager of the Integrated Movement and inquired about purchasing treatment potions.

Unfortunately, the financial situation of the integration movement is very tight. Under the circumstances of maintaining everyone's food and clothing, there is no money to buy medicine...

Hearing this, everyone looked at her.

"Without money, there is no way to squeeze out even if you squeeze."

Ni Yan said, "If we want to buy medicine, and it is enough medicine to supply everyone, we must find a way to make money..."

Everyone fell silent. There were very few ways for infected people to make money, and there were even fewer ways to make money quickly.

"Don't you have any money?" Pado's expression did not change. She often saw similar situations. Tallulah and others were ready to say something after hearing this, after all, they wanted to make the other party believe that they could get the money...

Perhaps it is a conditioned reflex formed by seeing certain people’s attitudes towards infected people...

However, before they could say anything, Paduo had already said: "Then you can try a plan that doesn't cost money."

"One plan is to be a person who tests medicines and technological products, which can ensure life safety. If you are an infected person, you will be rewarded with removing the source stones from your body. The other plan is to become an agent for treatment medicines. We will provide the production line and prescriptions. You You are responsible for the production. Except for the fixed quantity to be handed in every month, you can use the remaining potions for your own use or sell them to others."

After listening to Pado's explanation, Tallulah and others were stunned for a moment. The scene was completely opposite to what they expected.

First of all, what is surprising is that the other party actually launched a free plan. The first free plan did not feel very reliable. Although the other party guaranteed safety, there was a subtle atmosphere.

As for the second option, are you sure you are serious?

It's all about delivering medicine and money...

"What exactly is the second plan?" It is very dangerous to make generalizations, which will lead to bias or even completely opposite perceptions, so Tallulah wanted to ask in detail.

If the integration movement meets the conditions, there will be a way to obtain potions for all members...

The expressions of the others were unified and full of expectation.

"First of all, you have to make sure you have the funds to keep the factory running. Secondly, you have to sign a contract to make sure you won't run away after getting the production line. I hate chasing people..."

As a member of Yingjie, although Pado has always said that she is the weakest one, the actual situation is that she is very good at fighting...

No matter how weak she is, she is still known as "Ying Jie". In the world of Terra, she can compete head-on with the giant beasts. It can be said that few people are her opponents.

"Lastly, and most importantly, if you want to apply to become an agent, there will be a review, mainly to confirm your identity. If it is too bad, it will probably not be allowed."

"Bad..." Everyone's expressions froze instantly. If we want to talk about bad things, the integration movement is relatively bad.

The integration movement was a normal organization at the beginning, but since Tallulah's sanity was eroded by the black snake, it has gradually gone astray...

"Anyway, let's give it a try first!"

Tallulah took a deep breath. With hope in front of her, there was no reason to give up. She had to try it once.

No one else had any objections, Tallulah said, "How to handle the application procedures?"

"If the boss is not here, you need to fill in the form and wait for news. If the boss is here, I will tell the boss and he will interview you in person."

"You are lucky that the boss is in the company."

With that, Pado said, "Come in! I will take you to the lounge, and then the boss will come to you later."

While leading everyone to the lounge, Pado contacted Fang Rui using the communicator.

After receiving the news, Fang Rui looked at the interviewer, Tallulah, and suddenly smiled.

"It came so quickly? It's kind of interesting..."

Chapter 660 Cooperation

Tallulah and others did not wait in the lounge for too long. About 3 minutes later, the door of the lounge was pushed open and Fang Rui entered the room. Tallulah and others suddenly showed a strange expression.

It's an acquaintance...

At first, the group did not think in the direction of the boss of Zhuhuo Company, but then they thought of something and guessed Fang Rui's identity.

"First, let's talk about how you are going to deal with the residents of Chernobog."

Fang Rui did not talk about the agent, but asked about another thing. Although there were not as many residents in Chernobog as Longmen, they were still quite large. After all, it was a mobile city-state.

"If they want to stay, let them stay. If they don't want to, let them leave. I will give them severance pay."

Chernobog has been occupied by the Integration Movement, and the city-state's treasury is naturally owned by the Integration Movement.

Ursus is a political system of nobles and warlords, so the rulers of Chernobog are relatively wealthy.

"Yeah." Fang Rui nodded slightly when he heard this. With Ursus' policy on infected people, there should be relatively few residents staying in Chernobog. After all, some people earned a comfortable life by reporting infected people.

Now that they are allowed to live with infected people, these people will probably worry in their hearts that one day the infected people will break into their residence and beat and kick them...

It's even a slightly worse picture than imagined.

Therefore, these people do not have the courage to live in Chernobog, not to mention that infected people will explode when they are close to the limit. The explosive dust may cause non-infected people to suffer from mineral sickness. This is why infected people are so Not welcome.

"I think your severance package may not be enough..."

Fang Rui told the actual situation. Tallulah and others might have seized some property, but there would not be a few people who would leave Chernobog.

"Well, that's what I thought." Tallulah was well aware of the reputation of the Integration Movement, so she could guess what choices those people would make.

"But there is a factory that makes medicines for treating mineral sickness, and I am confident that some of them will stay."

"Yeah." Fang Rui didn't say anything after hearing this. He was silent for a while and said, "There are people in the integration movement, and you will definitely not be short of workers. With your reputation among the infected, the sales channel should be able to solve the problem, so the remaining The problem is that……"

"How are you going to convince me?"

"Although I think it's okay to give you agency, you have to give me a reason."

After all, you are here to "find a job", and I am the review party, so there must be the proper procedures.

Tallulah and others looked at each other for a while after hearing this, not knowing how to deal with Fang Rui's sudden turn of events...

Later, Tallulah said, "This land..."

"Stop!" Fang Rui shouted when he heard the beginning. This beginning gave him the illusion of Kelsey.

"Be more serious and don't imitate Kelsey."

'Kelsey, the name is a bit familiar. 'Muttering something in her heart, Tallulah returned to her normal tone, "I want to give the infected a way to survive. After the pharmaceutical factory is successful, I will open more factories and try my best to keep the infected alive..."

What was her first dream? Tallulah asked herself after she woke up.

But in the end she didn't come up with an answer. To this day, she just wants to give her companions who believe in her a stable life.

"That's good." Fang Rui checked Tallulah's consciousness. His clone was working stably, and Black Snake's consciousness had been cleaned up, so there was no need to worry about recurrence.

"I'll give you the agency right. Go to Pado and ask her to help you sign the contract and pay the cost of purchasing the production line."

"How much does it cost?" Tallulah reflexively covered her wallet. There was very little liquidity for the integration movement. If it was too expensive, it would be bad.

"It can be mortgaged without interest. It is impossible to give it to you for free."

After all, there is more than one agency for Integration Movement, and it would be unfair to others if they do not receive money from Integration Movement.

"We chose a mortgage," Tallulah said.

After the conversation ended, Fang Rui, Tallulah and others left the lounge one after another.

Talulah and others approached Pado to sign a contract. To be precise, it was a contract bound by contract rules. If they broke the contract, they would be punished accordingly.

Fang Rui went to Nian and Xi's room alone. The three of them discussed it and decided to wander around the slums, or development zones, for a while.

"Huh? What a strange house."

After people from other worlds poured into the development zone, the unused areas of the development zone gradually became strange...

For example, the core area of ​​the house in front of Fang Rui was an ordinary two-story building, but there were several strange rooms growing around it, making it look awkward...

In particular, the extra rooms look out of place. You can tell at a glance that they were added later, giving the impression that they have grown out.

"This kind of aesthetic... has a feeling of déjà vu." Fang Rui complained.

Nian and Xi looked surprised. It was the first time for them to see such a style of house, which had a messy beauty.

After hearing Fang Rui's words, the two of them suddenly looked surprised.

"you recognize?"

To be able to build Fang Rui like this and ensure that the house is stable and does not collapse is somewhat of a skill.

"It should be..." As he said this, Fang Rui's tone was not particularly sure. After all, there are a lot of weird houses in other worlds, not just the Weasley family...

For example, the Big Mom Pirates once occupied several islands. Some of the houses were made of snacks. In the ninja world, there are ninja beasts who carry houses on their backs...

The three of them looked at each other for a while, then Fang Rui came to the door and knocked gently...

After a while, the door opened.

A person appeared in front of him. Fang Rui had no impression of this person, but his red hair told everything...

Speaking of which, Fang Rui always felt that the red hair of the Weasley family was never bright enough and was far from the red hair he imagined.

Perhaps it's because his impression of red hair originally came from animation. The characters in the animation have brightly colored hair.

"Mr. Fang Rui!"

He did not recognize who this person was, but the other party had already recognized him, moved out of the way, and made an "invitation" gesture: "Please come in."

He said with an expectant look on his face.

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