Fang Rui said in his heart, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart. He was worried that the third young master would continue to cause trouble, so he immediately moved towards the location of the four guards, preparing to quickly resolve the battle with a sneak attack.

The third young master who was pretending to be "Fang Rui" had an unserious smile on his lips and said loudly: "Who am I, you ask? Haven't you been saying bad things about me before?!"

Fang Rui, who was already behind several cultivators, was preparing for a sneak attack: "..."

"What?! It's you!!!"

Hearing this, the four of them took a deep breath and leaned back to show respect.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a magic weapon without any hesitation. If nothing unexpected happens, it is a magic weapon for warning purposes.

Unfortunately, before the man could activate the magic weapon, a feeling of sleepiness suddenly came over him.

dong dong dong...

Four dull crashes sounded one after another, and the four people lay on the stone slab, snoring like thunder.

"Fang Rui" blinked a few times and praised, "Good news for insomniacs!"

Ignoring the third young master's nonsense, Fang Rui stared at him expressionlessly and said in a positive tone, "You did it on purpose."

"Yes, I did it on purpose." The third young master admitted frankly, without any intention of making excuses.

"Why?" Fang Rui asked.

"Fang Rui" thought for a moment, seemed to be making up a reason, and then replied: "I am attracting hatred on the surface, and you are working secretly, one in the dark, one in the dark, which can better ensure the success of the plan."

Regarding the third young master's answer, Fang Rui was silent for a while, and then said in a positive tone again: "I am very sure and sure, you must be deceiving me!"

"Ahaha... don't worry about those details, having fun is the most important thing!"

The third young master waved his hands a few times and abruptly changed the subject: "It's time for us to go in~"

Hearing this, Fang Rui did not continue to dwell on the matter, but turned his attention to the vermilion door.

"I hope you won't trick me!"

With that said, Fang Rui opened the door and walked in, remaining invisible and gathering his breath.

"Okay~ I didn't want to trick you!"

The third young master who said this was suddenly startled and touched the side of his face thoughtfully.

'It seems to have been tricked~'

'But...since Fang Rui didn't ask him to change his face, he probably doesn't care too much, so just keep using it! '

After convincing himself, the third young master swaggered into the headquarters of the Yiqi Dao Alliance.

Soon, sharp bells rang from all over the headquarters of the Yiqi Dao Alliance, and patrol teams flew into the sky one after another on magic weapons, looking for traces of the intruders.

People who had been sleeping in the bedroom woke up one after another, picked up their equipment and rushed out without even changing out of their pajamas.

“(⊙o⊙)Wow~ there are so many people!”

As if sighing, the third young master showed a bright smile, turned around and ran away, followed by a bunch of cultivators chasing him.

While he was walking a group of cultivators around the headquarters of the First Air Alliance, Fang Rui was hiding in a dark corner, staring at the warehouse a hundred meters away.

The warehouse of the Yiqi Dao League headquarters is used to store magic weapons, spiritual materials, talismans and other items. The shape looks similar to a regular pentahedron. The color scheme is simple black and white, with black tiles and white walls.

There are no windows on the wall, only a dark metal door on the front, and the door emits energy fluctuations, which can definitely be a magic weapon.

There are quite a few guards guarding the treasure house. A quick glance around the treasure house reveals that there are at least 20 of them...

Chapter 134

Hearing the words "Fang Rui, don't run away!", "Fang Rui, take my sword!", "Bold thief!" and other words coming from the distance, Fang Rui's expression turned dark.

Following the sound, the picture that appeared in the field of vision was an orange fire dragon soaring in the sky, roaring silently, illuminating an area brightly.

Blue thunder and lightning fell from the sky, shattering houses and floors with roaring sounds. The translucent wind blades rubbed against the air and made a sharp whistling sound. They hit the buildings like a downpour, emitting a bright magic weapon. Flying in the air, dragging out arcs of light, part of it turned into light rain and fell to the ground, causing damage to mortars, while the other part was suspended in the air, summoning attacks such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning...

Judging from the current situation, no matter what the final result of the capture of "Fang Rui" is, the headquarters of the First Air Alliance will definitely be rebuilt.

The attack of the group of cultivators was not so much directed at "Fang Rui" as it was directed at the building.

How do you describe the feeling...

Probably...I have a renovation plan worth 20 yuan·Husky is proud of it·JPG!

When that thought emerged, it spread uncontrollably, causing Fang Rui's expression to become a little weird. He could no longer look directly at the raging battlefield, and his thoughts always easily turned to "The cultivators of the First Qi Dao Alliance were seriously demolishing... "Home".

"I don't know if the third young master is having fun."

After muttering like this, Fang Rui gathered his thoughts and turned his attention to the treasure house again.

Although the third young master has attracted more than 80.00% of the attention in the Yiqi Dao Alliance headquarters, and with his own strength, he can play with those cultivators until their mana is exhausted, but the question is how long the third young master's playful mentality can last.

1 minute, 2 minutes... or more?

In order not to waste such a good opportunity, Fang Rui has decided to make a quick decision.

Without removing his invisibility, Fang Rui ran towards the treasure house at high speed. The movement caused by the high-speed movement immediately attracted the attention of the guards.

At this time, in a wartime state, the vigilance of the cultivators has been raised to the highest level. The slightest movement will attract attention, let alone such an obvious movement.

"Thunder is coming!"

"Flame calls!"


The guards immediately took countermeasures. A sword-shaped magic weapon swayed out white crescent-shaped sword energy, and carried out a saturation attack on the open space in front of the main entrance of the treasure house. The stone road was instantly destroyed, and gray sand was swept into the sky. .

Before the sand and dust spread, thunder and flames engulfed it completely like a rushing wave and surged farther away, destroying two or three rows of buildings before stopping.

"It's true that you are destroying the family!"

Words full of exclamations sounded behind several cultivators, who were suddenly startled. The first thought that came to their minds was to take out a magic weapon or talisman and attack behind them, while staying away from the original position.

Unfortunately, the reaction of a few people was a little slow. By the time they heard the sound, Fang Rui's attack had already landed on several people.

The effect of the sleep charm was still so great that several cultivators fell asleep instantly.

It's a pity that this method can only be used once, because the other cultivators have already used the energy fluctuations generated when using the talisman to lock Fang Rui's position. Even if Fang Rui is invisible and there seems to be nothing there, the cultivators' attacks are still there. swarms of people.

boom boom boom

The violent explosion caused the ground to shake slightly and the nearby buildings to shake slightly. The walls of the treasure house flashed with golden light, offsetting the damage caused by the violent explosion at the main entrance of the treasure house.

'Is it the effect of a magic weapon or talisman array? '

Fang Rui, who once again relied on earth escape to avoid the attack, stood on top of a building a hundred meters away and looked at the treasure house, guessing in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, he took action again.

Considering that the current group of cultivators were like firecrackers that could explode at a moment's notice, Fang Rui did not choose to attack at close range, but instead used a slightly farther attack method.

Hundreds of talismans fell on the cultivators like a heavy rain. Unfortunately, the flying speed of the talismans was too slow. Almost all the cultivators successfully escaped from the light rain, and only a few people were hit.

When many cultivators fled, Fang Rui followed them like a shadow, and every flash of his presence could make one fall into a deep sleep.

But those cultivators had no way to deal with Fang Rui, so they decided...


The special sound transmission magic weapon resounded through the night sky again, and a horn-like sound came from every Yiqi Dao Alliance cultivator.

The magic weapon used by the Yiqi Dao League to warn is a special sound transmission magic weapon. Within a certain range, once one magic weapon is blown, all other magic weapons will make a sound accordingly, and can guide the holder to find the original source of the signal.

The cultivators who were chasing "Fang Rui" were startled. They looked at their waists, arms and other places in surprise. They took out the alarm magic weapon and checked it. Some of them left, while the remaining ones continued to chase "Fang Rui".

"Fang Rui" who was being chased by everyone showed a thoughtful expression, looked at something, and said to himself: "Has Fang Rui been discovered? It's a little later than I expected. Since he has been exposed, Then...I don't need to continue playing games with a group of children..."

As he said that, "Fang Rui"'s figure suddenly disappeared and appeared among many cultivators like a teleport, followed by a series of high-frequency flashes that dazzled people's eyes. One cultivator after another was hit by "Fang Rui", Fainted and fell to the ground.

In just an instant, all the cultivators were knocked unconscious by "Fang Rui". Before falling to the ground, "Fang Rui" slowly raised his right hand, and a force acted on all the cultivators, making them suspended in mid-air. middle.

"The human cultivators of this generation are really weak. No one can block one of my moves."

Putting everyone on the ground, the third young master sounded slightly disgusted.

He cast his gaze towards the location of the treasure house and found that Fang Rui was using the same fighting method as him, moving to the rear of the enemy at high speed and knocking him out with one strike.

The only difference is that he can easily kill hundreds of people in one second, while Fang Rui can kill a few people in one second at most.

The difference in strength lies here!

Watching Fang Rui fighting with the others, the third young master rubbed the side of his face, showing an interesting expression.

The third young master was slightly surprised by the ability to turn void into a talisman.

"...Let's talk to him later!"

With such muttering, the third young master slowly flew towards Fang Rui's location, preparing to end the farce.

At the same time, Fang Rui looked at the group of cultivators flying over and responded with silence. After realizing that he could not knock out everyone present without causing any injuries, Fang Rui's heart gradually tilted towards evacuation.

Chapter 135 The strongest commission in the world

But before Fang Rui could put his idea into practice, another person rushed into the crowd and defeated everyone in an instant like a god descending from the earth. Only one or two people could barely block the blow.

Looking at the two "Fang Rui" who looked exactly the same but were far different in terms of strength, the current head of the Wang Quan family and the current head of the Dongfang family immediately understood that there was a big problem. But before they could continue to think about it, they heard "This There are still two good people in a generation." After that, he felt a pain in his neck and fell into a coma.

Dozens of powerful cultivators were easily dispatched by the third young master, sweeping away fallen leaves in the autumn wind, giving Fang Rui a glimpse of the strength that could reach the ceiling of his combat power.

'If I remember correctly, the third young master's current strength should be limited by an extraterrestrial spiritual treasure. '

'If ten out of ten are so strong, how strong would it have been in its heyday? ! '

The thought of sighing disappeared in an instant. Fang Rui looked at the little light man slowly floating towards him and asked directly: "Did you have fun?"

"Average." Xiao Guangren's tone was very flat, as if he didn't have enough fun.

"After so many years, this group of people has not only made no progress at all, but has even regressed!"

From the third young master's tone, Fang Rui seemed to hear a hint of hatred for iron, but he didn't know if it was an illusion.

As he walked towards the treasure house, Fang Rui said: "Normal, everything is normal. Regression is always easier than progress."

Looking at Fang Rui who was checking the treasure house door, although he couldn't see the change in the third young master's expression, he could detect the change in his mood from the change in his tone.

"Although what you said is true, why am I so unhappy?"

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