Could this factory be protected by gods?

Suddenly, the number of people who wanted to enter the TV factory through various channels was dozens or hundreds of times more than usual!

Now if Longfei TV Factory recruits more workers, it is estimated... that they can easily recruit tens of thousands of workers without paying any money!

After handling this trivial matter casually, Wang Aiguo used the power of the system to take back the small gift he had given to Silly Zhu!

The content of this gift is: Taste is reversed and confused!

This kind of confusion has had a disastrous impact on Shazhu in the past ten years!

Others only know that he has been in prison for more than ten years!

But in fact... Silly Zhu has been in prison for more than ten years!

Because of the disordered sense of taste, ordinary people's meals feel like freshly caught feces and urine to Silhouette!

And in the prison environment, it was impossible for him to cook the food himself, so he could only eat what he had.

For this reason, when Silhu first arrived at the prison, he lost dozens of pounds in just one month, which made the police guarding him think he had cancer.

Later, it was difficult to adapt, and I had to eat it for more than ten years...

On this day, Shazhu was frowning and picking his teeth in the restaurant where he worked.

He was very dissatisfied with the news at Longfei TV Factory!

Absolutely no expected effect!

Surprisingly... not a single worker died?

This made it impossible to realize the plan framed by Wang Aiguo.

It took a lot of effort to convince MCA to get the batch of dog meat for the factory, and then make the fresh mung bean soup by myself...

Could it be that what was said in that old book was false?

When Silly Zhu saw this statement before, he had done an experiment.

Add dog meat to mung bean soup and feed it to the dog. As a result, the dog died before nightfall.

So he was convinced of it!

And since no one knows about this combination, I can be exempted from liability.

But now it seems... Could it be that the experiment back then was just a coincidence?

Silly Zhu shook his head and began to prepare the ingredients for the evening.

He didn't know that his taste problem had been solved.

After he was released from prison, he quickly found a job with his superb cooking skills and made quite a lot of money.

It's just that...because of a strange disease in his taste system, if he wants to satisfy his customers, he must be deeply disgusted by the food he cooks!

But fortunately...after so many years, Silly Zhu has gotten used to it.

In the evening, many regular customers came to the hotel.

Silly Zhu cooked a few home-cooked dishes as usual and served them to Yun.


Before he could get close, someone kicked him and knocked the plate over in the corner!


"Looking for death?"

"What the hell are you bringing here! It stinks to me!!".

Chapter 157: He doesn’t want children, Silly Zhu beats Qin Huairu violently

Silly Pillar was fired!

He was completely confused!

Don't know where the problem lies...

Well-paying jobs are just gone.

Silly Zhu returned to the courtyard in despair and smelled the smell of cooking smoke coming from the neighboring houses. Only then did he realize that his strange taste reversal had been cured?


In other words, what I served today is...

No wonder he was beaten by the guests!

Silly Zhu was speechless. This strange disease had been lingering for more than ten years, and no matter how many doctors he saw, there was no solution.

It happened at this time, but it even caused me to lose my job!


During a private meeting with Qin Huairu at home, Shazhu said, "My strange disease has been cured! From now on, we can eat together again."


Qin Huairu was a little surprised and asked quickly: "Then can you get a salary increase? Didn't you say before that because of the disordered sense of taste, you could only adjust the taste before, but you should be able to perform better now?"

"Then...that's about it from now on."

Silly Zhu said awkwardly: "I need to adapt again, which takes time. Also...I have quit my job in the hotel today..."


170 Qin Huairu jumped out of his arms and said angrily: "Does that mean you have no money?"


Silly Zhu knew something was wrong, but he couldn't hide it.

"Then why don't you go find a job!"

When Qin Huairu saw that she couldn't suck blood, her face turned ugly and she mocked, "Why do you have the nerve to come home?"


Qin Huairu slammed the door and left.

A deep wry smile appeared on Silly Zhu's face. He had known that this woman was real, but... his body did not allow him to find another woman.

Basically, the current situation in which Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu get along is very similar to the practice called "pair eating" between eunuchs and maids in ancient Chinese palaces.

There is no such thing.

But you can always find some other substitutes, such as Mr. Jiao and the like.

It is said that the notorious [-]-year-old Wei Zhongxian was able to please the emperor's wet nurse because he had not cut off his hair completely and still had a piece of it left, and he eventually became rich because of it!

In this sense, Silly Zhu is actually not as good as Wei Zhongxian!

If it were a woman, he wouldn't have this condition.

But this woman will turn against anyone if she doesn’t have money!

Silly Zhu felt depressed.

Then I thought about it, since my taste reversal problem can be solved, then... that inhumane problem may not necessarily be a lifelong terminal illness, right?

I need to find a hospital!

A glimmer of hope arose in his heart. Silhu didn't have a job anyway, so he secretly found a hospital the next day, one far away from the courtyard, so that he wouldn't be discovered.

Blood draws, tests...

After a thorough examination, the doctor gave him the same conclusion as more than ten years ago!


Silly Zhu's hope was gone. He sighed and walked in the hospital corridor with a bitter look on his face.

His body is no longer as good as it was more than ten years ago. He is hunched over and looks like a little old man, even though he has just turned 40 years old.

Suddenly, a familiar voice floated into my ears.

Qin Huairu? !

Silly Zhu was stunned. At first he thought he heard it wrong, but when he stopped and listened a few more words, it turned out to be Qin Huairu's voice.

He quickly went to the door of the consulting room, followed a crack in the door, and looked inside.

"Doctor, we don't want this child anymore."

Qin Huairu said firmly to the doctor.

"Comrade Qin, you have to think clearly."

The doctor said very seriously: "This is no joke! In fact, we have spent a lot of effort cultivating test-tube babies. With your age and physical condition, it should be said that it is a success in medicine." A miracle!"

"If you give up this time, then I can tell you responsibly, maybe (dbde) you will never have another child in your life!"

Oh, I have no shortage of children...

Qin Huairu thought to herself, and then said firmly: "We don't want it anymore, we..."

"Fuck your farts!!!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, like thunder, shaking the entire floor of the hospital.

People followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man rushing into a certain clinic like a mad tiger!


Don't you want to call the doctor?

This kind of thing happens from time to time, because the patient's family members are dissatisfied with the treatment results and seek to vent their bad mood, which can easily cause serious harm to the doctor, and may even cause death.

The hospital doesn’t dare to neglect!

Several big men in charge of security rushed over immediately!

But when he opened the door, the scene inside was shocking.

The doctor in a white coat stood stunned by the wall, not daring to come near.

And that man, with his arms rounded, had already beaten the woman until her face was covered in blood!

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