Last time, Yan Bugui said, "How could this kid come up fishing?" Everyone believed him.

After all, I didn't see the details clearly, so what Yan Bugui said makes sense.

But today!

Wang Aiguo took his daughter and smashed this so-called truth to pieces!

Even Yan Bugui's face was torn off, thrown to the ground, and stepped on in the mud!Husband.

Chapter 74 The third uncle is dead!Silly Zhu was attacked when he was discharged from hospital

call out!



With the help of Wang Aiguo, Yueyue lifted the fishing rod one after another!

The big fish, as if it had found the Dragon King's Crystal Palace, jumped out of the water and was finally thrown into the huge plastic bucket by Wang Aiguo.

No wonder...

He wants to bring such a big bucket!

Oh my God... Could it be that he already knew that he could catch so many big fish?

This, is this still fishing?

Several old men kept rubbing their eyes, looking at Wang Aiguo, Yueyue, and even the calm water.

I suspect there are a few water ghosts hiding underneath who are responsible for hanging fish on the hooks.

"Daddy is great! Dad is great!"

Yueyue was so happy. She seemed to be able to lift big fish out of the water with the help of her father just by repeating that simple action.

Throw the fish into the bucket, add new bait, cast the hook, and then lift the rod...

It's as simple as "one, one, zero"!

Yueyue seemed to know that this was not her fault.

But, the father beside me is always the omnipotent father!


However, Yueyue knows what her father is capable of, but others don’t!

More than just stunned!

I'm so stupid!

Countless people began to stare at the bait Yueyue took out from an inconspicuous plastic bag.

What is this?

Could it be its role?

What recipe?

Why is it that when this fish sees this bait, it’s like a person seeing the golden elixir that brings the dead back to life?

Next, the climax occurs!

Yueyue was so excited that the familiar process actually took a wrong step.

Forgot to hang the bait...

Yueyue was so excited that she didn't notice.

She just threw the empty fishhook into the water.

Wang Aiguo noticed it, but didn't care.

Who said you have to ask for bait?

Leave you!

Mention the fishing rod!

A huge grass carp weighing more than ten kilograms bent Wang Aiguo's specially made fishing rod, which shows how powerful it is!

"She, she didn't put any bait at all!"

On the shore, an old man's almost desperate voice sounded.

It’s not because of the bait!

Then... what makes these big fish bite the hook even if they don't eat the bait?

This is simply a crazy mass suicide of fish!


Wang Aiguo looked at the sky and stopped when he saw it was good.

Now that I can go home, I can still make lunch in time without delaying anything.

As for the legend of this four-year-old kid catching a big fish, let it remain forever in this small river ditch destined to become famous.

Of course Wang Aiguo is not short of fish!

There is a vast blue sea in his system space!

This time I came here specifically to clear up Yueyue’s name!

The daughter of my king, Ai Guo, cannot be bullied by anyone!

The secret is actually not weird, and many old men guessed it right.

It’s the power of fishing bait!

Of course, for this operation, Wang Aiguo had already prepared fishing bait that had reached C-level reinforcement.

Just as those old fishing friends guessed, when this bait is thrown into the water, the temptation to fish is comparable to Taishang Laojun's Nine Turns Golden Pill!

Yueyue made a mistake?

It's ok!

Just like the gourd used by Taishang Laojun to hold elixirs, even if it is empty, the strong smell of golden elixirs can still make people pursue it crazily!


As soon as Wang Aiguo took his children away, the area beside the creek immediately boiled!

It's like water being boiled suddenly!

The crowds are huge!

What they are fighting for is the position left by Yueyue!

Anyone who fishes knows the so-called "making a nest".

It refers to using certain methods to allow fish to gather together, so that after forming a nest, fishing will be easier.

One morning!

How many big fish did that father and daughter catch?

Good guy!I'm afraid it's necessary to have twenty or thirty articles?

It seems that if the bucket had not been filled, this crazy fishing show would have continued.


Another hour or two passed until Wang Aiguo came home and had lunch.

The third uncle returned to the courtyard in a state of embarrassment.

The decorated.

After all, he still didn't believe that Yueyue could catch so many fish!

So he also participated in the action of robbing the nest, and then... Yan Bugui, who was thin and thin, failed to win and his arm was injured.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Yan Bugui ignored anyone saying hello.

With a livid face and a gloomy face, he went straight into his room and closed the door with a bang.

Now, I am even more shameless!

Losing your job would have been a joke.

Now, Wang Aiguo and Yueyue were slapped in the face like crazy.

That fish from a few days ago no longer needs proof.

It was fished by Yue Yue!

And what about Yan Bugui?As the third uncle in the yard, a group of elderly people are fighting for fish with a four-year-old child!

Logically speaking, you are the elder, so why not give up your child?

What's more, it was all Yueyue's credit!

You can catch a shit!

I have been fishing for more than ten years. Have you ever brought home anything weighing more than two kilograms?

After today, the third uncle, Yan Bugui, can be said to have a bruised nose, a swollen face, and a ruined reputation!

"Uncle San, it's useless..."

"No! I don't even dare to go fishing now that my job is gone."

"For a family of six, what to eat and drink is a big problem!"

"I'm afraid things are going to change in our courtyard house... The three uncles... are all... involved in big trouble!"

"Has it changed a long time ago?"

"Xu Damao got divorced and Silly Zhu was hospitalized! It seems that anyone who offended Wang Aiguo didn't end up well!"

"I won't mess with him! This guy is evil!"

"Hey! Is there still a stupid evil sect?"

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