When she noticed that Takuya Uehara was indeed looking at her, she immediately smiled and said, "Your eyes are not honest~"

"I was looking at the locker room."

"whispering sound."

Kawashima Ami was too lazy to say anything, turned and walked to the locker room.

But within 2 minutes, Uehara Takuya saw the other party coming back with a confused look on his face.

"They are not inside." Ami Kawashima said in a puzzled tone, "How come two such big living people suddenly disappeared?"

"Are you kidding?" Uehara Takuya was dubious. Considering that this woman had tried to trick him before, he naturally couldn't believe it completely.

Kawashima Ami understood his thoughts, took his arm angrily, and went straight to the door of the locker room.

The door opened with a bang, and it was indeed empty inside, not even a single person.

Uehara Takuya looked around in surprise: "Could they have gone out to buy drinks?"

"Impossible, Sena has already prepared drinks, just under the chair behind where we were just now."

Uehara Takuya turned to look in the direction of the exit. Because the top floor was reserved in advance by Kashiwazaki Tenma, no one would come to disturb him today.

"According to Sena's character, if she really wants to go out, she will definitely tell us in advance." Kawashima Ami said from the side.

Uehara Takuya nodded, turned around, and used the husky's sense of smell, and soon got results.

"I'll go over there and have a look."

He took the opportunity to say something to Kawashima Ami, used his sense of smell to identify the fragrance of Kashiwazaki Sena scattered in the air, and walked five or six meters until he stopped in front of the door of a small room.

The fragrance stops here, and it continues to exude the sweet fragrance of a girl.

There was a utility room sign hanging on the door. Takuya Uehara wondered why they came here. He took the door handle and turned it gently. The door was unlocked.

As soon as he opened the door, Uehara Takuya said helplessly: "I said you two didn't even say hello, and it hurt Kawashima and I..."

He was halfway through what he said, and then he couldn't continue.

Sena Kashiwazaki and Yuko Miura are indeed inside.

There was also a motorboat that could seat three people in front of them.

But that's not the point.

The point is that their swimsuits fell to the ground.

Moreover, Miura Yuko was still looking at Kashiwazaki Sena with envy at this moment.

The two girls also turned their heads in shock, just in time to meet Uehara Takuya's eyes.

Shock was written on each other's faces.

Then the air fell silent.

After two seconds like this, Uehara Takuya walked out silently and closed the door.

Kawashima Ami happened to walk over and asked, "Have you found them?"

"Found it, it's inside... Well, let's go to the swimming pool first."

"What are they doing?"

"They are... communicating with each other's friendship with their eyes, and it seems that it has entered a feverish stage."


Kawashima Ami was pushed away by Uehara Takuya with a head full of questions.

The two girls in the room only came to their senses now.

"That person just now was... Uehara!"

Miura Yuko's little face turned red quickly, her eyes were shy and panicked, and her voice trembled: "What should we do? He just saw us..."

Kashiwazaki Sena was also extremely embarrassed, but when she saw the other person's grievance and uneasiness about to cry, she carefully comforted him: "Maybe the light was too strong just now and Uehara didn't see clearly, so he left without saying a word. ."

"Idiot, what are you talking about? Uehara is not blind, how could he not see?" Miura Yuko scolded, angry and ashamed.

She hurriedly picked up her swimsuit and put it on, and said angrily: "It's all your fault. You insist on saying it's my turn."

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned red and she pretended to be calm: "Are you scared to tears? What's there to be afraid of? Uehara doesn't go around talking nonsense."

"I know he won't talk nonsense, but..."

Miura Yuiko bit her lip, when had she ever encountered such a thing?

Even though I have a crush on that boy, I don't even know his feelings yet, so I just want to be honest with him now.

And it's still one-sided.

How could she bear this?

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and put on her swimsuit, shyly murmuring: "Uehara is such a pervert, what's so good about Yuko..."

Miura Yuiko raised her head sharply, her eyes seemed to be able to kill people: "Is now the time to talk about this kind of thing?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was unconvinced: "Then what should we do? We can't find a way to see it back, right?"

Miura Yuko was shocked.

What kind of weird logic is this?

Shouldn't we be thinking about how we're going to face him next?

Kashiwazaki Sena was completely unable to resist the other person's eyes. She lowered her head guiltily and shyly, hugging the motorboat and whispering as she walked: "I'm going out anyway, and Uehara wants to teach me how to swim."

Miura Yuko was stunned and followed in a panic: "Wait for me."

If she was allowed to stay here alone again, she really didn't know how to face Takuya Uehara.

At least there is a fool accompanying him now. If the two of them join together to keep warm, their courage will also increase.

The two girls came to the swimming pool with nervous and shy expressions. Before they could think of how to speak, Uehara Takuya had already looked over.

With just an ordinary look, they felt their bodies freeze.

Uehara Takuya left the sun lounger, squinted his eyes, and said with an expression as if the sun was too dazzling: "What did you do inside just now? The sun is so strong in this weather, I could only see two blurry figures just now. inside."

Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko were stunned at the same time.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "We are preparing the motorboat."

Kawashima Ami looked at the two of them with suspicious eyes: "Really?"

Kashiwazaki Sena and the two nodded like chickens pecking at rice: "Really, really."

Kawashima Ami glanced at Uehara Takuya: "But when he closed the door just now, why did his expression look so strange?"

Sena Kashiwazaki and Yuko Miura turned into statues again.

Uehara Takuya turned around and looked at Kawashima Ami, and said solemnly: "Do I seem to have an expression now?"

Kawashima Ami pushed his face away in disgust: "You look like a fool now... Forget it, I'd better go swimming. Talking to you has already wasted a lot of my time."

Uehara Takuya gave Kashiwazaki Sena a look: "It's time to teach you how to swim."


Kashiwazaki Sena threw the motorboat into the swimming pool and followed Takuya Uehara into the water coyly.

When she came into the water, she asked shyly: "Uehara, did you actually see it?"

Chapter 093 Three harmonious and loving people

"If you don't bring it up now, I'll definitely forget about it."

Takuya Uehara looked at Kashiwazaki Sena, who was standing in the pool with red cheeks. The shyness in her eyes hadn't stopped since just now.

"Why should you forget?" Kashiwazaki Sena subconsciously spoke, then pursed her lips and whispered: "You can forget Yumiko, but you can't forget me."

"Ah, the more you keep talking, the faster I forget."

"Perverted Uehara!"

Uehara Takuya immediately smiled and said: "Very good, you look very energetic now, then we can get started."

Kashiwazaki Sena proudly hugged her chest: "Yumiko and I are different. She is too weak, and she just wants to wipe her tears every now and then."

From what standpoint do you say this?

Uehara Takuya glanced at her lightly and thought, aren't you a crybaby yourself?

But he was too lazy to expose the other party.

Of course, Takuya Uehara is not a professional when it comes to teaching.

But Kashiwazaki Sena's athletic talent is outrageously high.

Basically, as long as he did it once, the lively girl learned it in the blink of an eye.

Whether it was freestyle or other swimming styles, or diving and accelerating all at once, Kashiwazaki Sena didn't encounter any difficulties at all.

"It's very simple. I thought swimming would be difficult, but it turns out I was overthinking it." Kashiwazaki Sena brushed aside her wet bangs and smiled proudly.

"To be precise, your talent is too good." Uehara Takuya was not surprised at all.

Kashiwazaki Sena looked at him expectantly: "Then what else do you need to learn next? I feel that it only takes half an hour at most for me to participate in the swimming competition."

Uehara Takuya originally wanted to say that you have already finished learning, but when he saw Kashiwazaki Sena so swollen, he suddenly smiled and said: "There is indeed another ultimate move related to swimming."

"Ultimate move?" Kashiwazaki Sena perked up as soon as he heard it.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Yes, you have heard about the nickname of my underwater engine, right?"

"...You still take such an ugly nickname seriously?"

Uehara Takuya ignored the other party's complaints and said, "You watch it." Then he quickly dived into the water. The clear and transparent pool clearly reflected his figure moving at high speed underwater.

"So fast."

Kashiwazaki Sena opened her mouth wide in surprise. It wasn't until Takuya Uehara swam back quickly and surfaced that she said with great surprise: "I want to learn this!"

Not far away, Ami Kawashima and Yuko Miura were swimming for a while, and the two beautiful girls were already sitting on the shore chatting.

As the two chatted, their attention fell on Takuya Uehara and the others.

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