Then the four of them had lunch together, and Kashiwazaki Sena still asked the driver to take the others home.

Uehara Takuya completed his daily vocabulary memorization task on time, and then he could play games with confidence for an afternoon.

The time to log in to Yukino's account in the evening was the same as before. In order to avoid accidents, he specially took the time to come here.

However, an accident happened.

This time Yukino did not take a shower, but stood in the bedroom.

It's just this stance that's a little weird.

Takuya Uehara didn't even have to lower his head to see that Yukino was still bending over, with her left leg on the floor and her right leg raised on the sofa.

On the raised right leg, a stocking hung on the calf.

It was obvious that Yukino was wearing stockings.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Uehara Takuya coughed and took the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Don't you know how to see with your eyes?" Yukino asked shyly.

She had originally guessed whether the other party would come over today, so she put on stockings to give him a surprise.

But she didn't expect that netizens would come to her while she was half-dressed.

This has gone from surprise to shock.

"I'm looking at it with my eyes, um...your legs are indeed beautiful." Uehara Takuya didn't seem to feel embarrassed.

"It's useless even if you praise me now!"

"Then do you want me to help you put on the stockings? It looks weird to just wear one stocking."

"……up to you"

Yukino said dullly.

She could also clearly see that the leg wearing stockings was in sharp contrast to the other leg that was not wearing any.

Her skin was already fair and tender, and the restraints of the black gauze stockings seemed to wrap a new layer of attractive skin on her left leg.

With the foil, it made her left leg look whiter than usual.

Yukino waited shyly for a while and found that Takuya Uehara still didn't move. She couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you move?"

"Uh, I'm hesitating." Uehara Takuya said in a strange tone.

"Hesitating for what?"

"I am controlling your body now. If I put on the remaining stockings, am I considered a crossdresser?"


Yukino was almost knocked down by his question.

But soon she sneered: "You once again refreshed your stupid image in my heart."

"So Yukino-sensei has always been keeping me in mind?"

"Is this what you originally focused on?"

Yukino was so embarrassed. She felt that her state was getting more and more strange, and she quickly said: "You put it on first, I will go out later."

After hearing what she said, Uehara Takuya put on the remaining stockings without any pretense.

Her legs were spread out with black stockings, and her originally fair and rosy skin was also covered. When she stood, the straight and slender curves of her legs were many times more attractive than usual.

"Sure enough, black stockings are very suitable for you." Uehara Takuya couldn't help but sigh.

Xueno knew that he was praising her, and she felt ashamed and happy in her heart, but she pretended to be calm: "Aren't you always curious about what I look like wearing stockings? Now you are satisfied, pervert."

"Yes, yes, even if you call me a pervert, I will admit it."

"Please note that I am not scolding you, but stating the facts."

The two bickered for a while as usual, and Uehara Takuya finally remembered what Yukino had just said: "Are you going out later? Is it Miss Haruno asking you out again?"

"It can be understood that way, but Kawashima also sent me a message just now, inviting me to karaoke, so it should be Kawashima's suggestion this time. As for my sister, she probably just mentioned it to me casually." Yukino analyzed got the correct answer.

"I see." Uehara Takuya didn't even know this happened.

Xueno suddenly let out a clear laugh: "I think you came at the right time today."

Takuya Uehara answered tentatively: "Is it because Haruno has never seen you wearing black stockings before, will you be shocked by this?"

"...Do you only pay attention to black silk stockings?"

Yukino couldn't catch her breath, and after a long while she said angrily: "I mean, you can compete with my sister again. Your performance was pretty good last time."

"Ha, if possible, I don't really want to face Miss Haruno." Uehara Takuya sighed.

Yukino could understand this sentence and said with a smile: "She is indeed difficult to deal with, but if you have a shameless character like yours, I think you shouldn't have too much pressure."

"That doesn't sound like you're complimenting me..."

"No, I'm just praising you. In today's society, being shameless is a very useful skill, and I'm very optimistic about you."

"Since you said you would help me, then we should be asked to join forces."

Yukino was startled, and her voice softened: "I will help you."

Then she remembered other things, and her tone became proud: "I have been working hard to learn Chinese these days, and now my level is very good."

"I can already hear the fighting spirit in your voice. Unfortunately, this little time is not enough."

"Then you can give me a test now." Yukino likes challenges, especially when facing people she cares about.

"You asked for this." Uehara Takuya smiled.

Yukino snorted arrogantly, she didn't think she would lose.

Uehara Takuya knew that she was very confident, so he immediately said: "Then let me make a simple one first. A Bangguo man chose a loan because he was short of money. What kind of loan did he borrow?"

He made a point of saying it in both languages.

Yukino fell into deep thought.

She understands the literal meaning. She has really been studying hard these days and knows that Chinese is very suitable for puns.

So she could guess that the answer to this question was definitely not the name of a serious loan.

She thought for nearly a minute, but still couldn't think of a suitable answer, and sighed: "You tell me the answer."

Uehara Takuya smiled and said, "It's called Gao Lidai."

After that, he explained it thoughtfully.

Yukino was silent for a few seconds and said coldly: "You are so boring."

"Hey, it's obviously you who asked me to give the question."

Of course Yukino refused to admit defeat: "Then you keep coming."

"Okay... It is said on the Internet that after death, people will walk across the Naihe Bridge. If someone is particularly wicked, he will walk across the Naihe Bridge and then cross the river to demolish the bridge, so that the people in front of him will be helpless."

"Excuse me, how should I understand this passage?"

After Uehara Takuya finished speaking, Yukino's pressure doubled.

However, she still keenly captured the key point: "Is it the same type of text gag as the death row prisoner last time?"


Yukino started thinking again.

But as she thought about it, she noticed that her vision was moving downwards.

Finally it fell on her long legs wearing black stockings.

Yukino: "?"

Chapter 095

"Are my feet nice?"

Yukino stopped thinking about the question and asked with a half-smile.

She didn't wait for Uehara Takuya to quibble, and said, "If you dare to say such strange things as wanting to lick my feet, I will definitely teach you a profound lesson."

"Your words sound familiar..." Uehara Takuya thought of Kashiwazaki Sena.

"You went to the Internet to read those weird knowledge again?"

"That's not it."

"Oh~ It seems you took the initiative to find out?"

Yukino instantly turned on the laning mode.

"Actually, I just looked at it a few more times." Uehara Takuya's face was not red and his heart was not beating.

He was still a little surprised.

Because the stockings Yukino bought were of good quality, even though they were covered with a layer of black stockings, he could still vaguely see the soles of her feet, which were as pink as Yukino's palms.

Takuya Uehara calmed down and said sincerely: "I am controlling your body now. I promise not to do anything unnecessary without your permission."

Yukino was stunned, and her tone became strange: "In other words, if I agree, or if you meet me in person, you will do those... shameless things to me?"

"I don't think I said that."

"Oh, what a pervert!"

Yukino let out a mocking laugh.

But the next second, she heard Uehara Takuya gently ask: "Do you want to meet offline?"

She was immediately stunned.

The term "offline meeting" is generally used by netizens.

Yukino has been in contact with him for so long, and the way they get along is indeed very similar to online dating, but not so virtual.

Now that the other party asked such a direct question, she was confused for a moment.

"If you don't speak, I can understand that you are acquiescing."

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