"Turning the Wheel of Fortune" by Izumi Sakai.

Takuya Uehara stood up and took the microphone. He knew this song very well.

"Are you interested in detective comics?" Yukino asked with interest.

It happened that Kashiwazaki Sena was also looking at this: "Did Yukinoshita like this song?"

Yang Nao raised his head with surprised eyes, and when he saw his sister singing skillfully, there was another question mark in her heart.

"It seems like my sister has really changed a lot..."

Yang Nao didn't know how she felt now.

My sister has made good friends and has even been influenced by her friends to make changes. This should be a good thing.

But when she thought that she, as a sister, might know less and less about her sister in the future, she felt strange.

Yukino's singing voice is faultless, and Takuya Uehara knows this song by heart.

The two came together for a collaboration without warning.

At the end of the song, the scoring system on the machine gave a good score of 98 points.

"Hey, you're one point higher than me?" Miura Yuko looked at the score unhappily.

Kashiwazaki Sena smiled confidently: "Of course you have to leave it to me to break records."

Miura Yuko's firepower suddenly shifted: "Do you think it's possible? Just a fool, how can it be possible?"

Kashiwazaki Sena turned her head and opened her mouth.

She didn't make a sound, but the meaning of her mouth shape was: You have small breasts, don't talk!

Miura Yumi's face turned red with anger.

Great boobs!

She gripped the drink angrily, and veins broke out on the back of her hand due to the excessive exertion on her slender fingers.

As soon as Uehara Takuya sat down, Harano came over.

"It seems that you are also attracted by my singing?" Uehara Takuya preemptively struck.

Yangno was startled, and smiled wildly: "The narcissistic Yukino is also very cute."

Yukino said anxiously in shame: "You idiot, don't ruin my reputation!"

Takuya Uehara pretended not to hear, and picked up a piece of fruit by himself: "If it wasn't for my singing, then why did you come here? You know, you have been staying there since you came in."

"After all, Sena and I had a good chat, and the child is very cute." Harano commented.

"Is your word [cute] a compliment?"

"Yes, although she is clumsy sometimes, Sena is even cuter at that time."

Yangno said, showing another smile: "Of course, in my heart, Yukino will always be the cutest."

"Quickly confront her!" Xueno's fighting spirit came to him.

This sentence translates to: Uehara, bite her!

Uehara Takuya didn't rush to speak, because he knew that Harano in this state was very difficult to deal with.

Mere gags can no longer do anything to her.

But Yangno didn't think so much at all. She held her chin in one hand and her beautiful eyes looked hazy and charming under the light of the box: "If I didn't know that someone influenced you, I'm afraid I would have thought that you had met a god and begged him to change. It's your temper."

"What a pity, I'm an atheist." Uehara Takuya shook his head.

So he often shouts: Atheists will never lose sight of God!

"Oh~ So you changed your mind and admitted that you were changed by your friend?" Yangno asked with a smile.

"Is this weird?" Uehara Takuya looked puzzled, "A person like you who has both sides should be very aware of similar situations, right?"

"Of course I know, but I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to my sister."

"Are you cursing me for not being able to make friends in my life?" Uehara Takuya counterattacked.

"How could it be? I would rather you be happy in this life and not have any sadness or pain surrounding you."

As Yangno spoke, his voice became inexplicably gentle: "Because I know very well that if a person often feels sorry for himself, when he hears a chicken soup for the soul or a sad love song, he will always think that the whole world is against him. …”

She paused and her smile seemed to become more gentle: "I don't want you to become that person."

Uehara Takuya wondered: "It's not even night yet, why are you depressed?"

Yangno didn't understand what he said, but she didn't care: "I plan to find a time to meet with Uehara Takuya, what do you think?"

"No!" Yukino said loudly.

Uehara Takuya repeated: "I don't want you to go find him."

Yangno's beautiful eyes lit up, as if she had discovered something interesting: "Why?"

"Because she has no good intentions." Yukino snorted coldly.

Uehara Takuya continued to repeat: "Because you are a bad woman."

Yukino couldn't hold it back and complained: "I've tolerated you for a long time, you idiot, can you please stop misinterpreting my meaning?"

I'm clearly demonstrating my enterprise-level understanding.

Uehara Takuya said he was right.

"The more you say that, the more I want to find him. What should I do?" Yangno smiled without hiding it at all.

Judging from her tone, it seemed as if she would rush to Uehara Takuya's house the next second.

Yukino muttered with anger and embarrassment: "Normally, what she said means that she may not take action in the near future, and she just wants to make me angry out of pure bad taste. But you also said that today she is more effective than usual. Strong, so I can’t be sure whether she is telling the truth or a lie.”

What you said is all nonsense.

Uehara Takuya sighed with emotion.

The party didn't end until 08:30.

If it weren't for the fact that several girls were underage, Yangno would probably have played with her until after ten o'clock.

After everyone went home, Uehara Takuya also ended the experience.

But just as he stood up and took a drink of water, his phone vibrated.

It was a text message from an unknown number with no note.

The content is very simple, just the address.

"Did she get my contact information from Sena?"

Uehara Takuya didn't find it strange at all.

When he arrived at the place in the text message, there was already a familiar figure standing under the bright streetlight in front of him.

The cool evening breeze ruffled her hair, seeming to remind her that there was an intruder in her field of vision.

"As expected, it's you, Takuya Uehara." There was no trace of surprise on Yukino's face, only a slight smile hanging on her lips.

"Sure enough, you have guessed it a long time ago." Uehara Takuya was also not surprised.

Yukino said nothing more, looking at the boy walking towards her.

He was dressed simply, a white shirt paired with dark casual trousers that is very common online. The collar of the shirt had a few buttons unbuttoned, and his collarbone was not so obvious in the night.

Just as he walked this way, when his figure passed through the neon signboards carefully designed by the store on the roadside, the gorgeous lights gently slapped on his face, and the straight bridge of his nose and a pair of The little girl's very lethal eyes were clearly illuminated.

Did this idiot get the script for an idol drama right after he was born?

Yukino muttered silently in his heart.

When she came to her senses, Takuya Uehara was already standing in front of her.

"Do you need me to formally introduce myself?" His smile looked good under the street lights.

Eyes crossed.

Yukino blushed slightly.

The temperature on the little face is obviously rising.

She thought it was caused by the bright moonlight, not her shyness.

But Mr. Moon in the night sky doesn't think so.

Chapter 097 When your eyes are narrowed and you smile

Netizens showed up.

This term is very common in modern society.

Even Yukino, who has never made friends online, understands the meaning of this word.

Just like I am standing in front of him now.

The two people saw each other clearly.

"Would you like to introduce yourself? That's an interesting suggestion."

Yukino didn't want him to notice her inner shyness, so she held down her hair that was messed up by the evening breeze and smiled calmly: "Just like how you introduced yourself?"

"I didn't say my name that time. Strictly speaking, it's not official, right?" Uehara Takuya recalled the scene at that time.

Yukino nodded: "That's right, at least at that time I didn't know that you actually had perverted traits. If I could have discovered it as early as possible, I might have restricted the time you can come to me."

"So I have to be lucky?"

"You can think so."

Yukino said, the smile on her face softened a lot.

Every time I chat with him, I always feel relaxed.

Although sometimes this guy likes to make himself angry.

Yukino cursed a few words, hugged her chest in a serious manner, raised her chin, her jewel-like eyes filled with interest: "Then, let me see your more formal self-introduction."

Uehara Takuya was startled: "Are you serious?"

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