Uehara Takuya is still looking at the penguins: "If you take the initiative to say hello to the curator now, he will definitely let you in."

Yukino shook his head and said, "No, I'm not that interested in penguins now."

Because you are not in it.

This is her subtext.

The two watched the penguins quietly for a while. When they left the aquarium, Yukino looked back at the brightly lit venue: "Besides parrots, have you ever thought about controlling any other animals?"

“Do killer whales count?”

Uehara Takuya gave an answer that surprised the girl.

"Marine life? Are you interested in the deep sea?" Yukino instinctively thought about whether there was any way for her to go to sea with him.

But the next second she woke up with a start.

Since when did I always like to be by his side?

Yukino couldn't give an answer at all.

"I'm just interested because I've never personally understood the life of a killer whale." Uehara Takuya didn't hide it, talking about his previous fantasy, "I've seen many videos of killer whales teaching sharks lessons online before, and then They always appear as ferocious beasts in horror and disaster movies."

Yukino understood: "You also want to teach a lesson to the vicious-looking shark?"

"No, I want to go to the deep sea to see if there are big pineapples there." Uehara Takuya replied.

Yukino looked at him with disgust: "SpongeBob is fake."

Uehara Takuya laughed and said, "You also see this?"

Yukino was flustered by his laughter: "Of course I have heard of such a famous work."

"No, you've obviously seen it, just admit it quickly."

"You speak so childishly, are you a primary school student!"

The way the two get along has become the same as usual.

When they came to the intersection, Yukino knew that she had changed back. She hesitated and asked the question in her heart: "Why don't you call me Yukino-sensei?"

"Because I feel that the name Yukino is not as alienating as Yukino-sensei." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

Xueno looked at his beautiful eyes and had a lot of thoughts for a while.

She recalled the time when Takuya Uehara suddenly thanked her very formally.

She didn't ask much that day.

But she was always smart and could guess that Takuya Uehara must have thought of something not very good.

So she chose to treat it gently.

【I found my own star. 】

This voice seemed to echo in my heart again.

Yukino didn't say anything to him, turned around and left.

Under Uehara Takuya's surprised gaze, she stopped after walking a few meters, turned back, with her little hands behind her back, a smile quietly appeared between her eyebrows: "Before I agree to you calling my name, are you sure you don't want to give me a formal self-introduction?" ?"

Her hands were clasped behind her back, pinching together nervously, waiting for his answer.

Uehara Takuya laughed.

"My name is Uehara Takuya. I am 17 years old. I can count my friends on one hand. My goal in life is to get into a good university."

Hearing his voice, Yukino tilted her head: "It's finally more valuable than the original goal."

"Yukino." He called again.

Yukino's cheeks were flushed and she looked at him with bright eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Can I see your legs?"


Chapter 098 A Sunday called a date is actually a battle

Before the two separated, they still added each other as friends using line.

However, Yukino obviously didn't use this software at ordinary times. After the two became friends, it was Uehara Takuya who helped her download an emoticon pack.

[This expression is quite interesting. 】

The message from Yukino was accompanied by a blushing panda expression.

Uehara Takuya: [Actually, I originally wanted to help you download cat emoticons. 】

Yukino: [I think pandas are great, especially this one, which looks as stupid as you. 】

Below is a panda doing a handstand and smiling silly.

"You are usually cool and cold, but you post such cute expressions on the Internet. Should this be considered a childish innocence, or a girlishness?"

Uehara Takuya and Yukino chatted for a while and turned off the phone screen.

When he closed his eyes and rested, Yukino was still holding the phone, looking at it with one expression after another, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth also became higher.

"So cute," she murmured.

The next day was the weekend, and Uehara Takuya completed his daily study tasks as usual and prepared to play games at home for a day.

As for today's life experience, he hasn't thought about his goals yet.

Even if I want to go to Yukino's place, it must be after dinner.

After all, he didn't know what Yukino would do during the holiday.

Just when he had just selected the game and was about to start, his phone rang.

It was a call from Ami Kawashima.

"Uehara, are you up? The weather today is perfect for going out and playing. You should be free, right?"

Kawashima Ami didn't beat around the bush and made the theme clear as soon as she opened her mouth.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the game that was about to start: "I have something very important to do today."

"whats the matter?"

"Isn't it important to clear the newly purchased game?"

"I guessed you would say that."

After saying this, the phone was hung up.

Uehara Takuya was just wondering when the doorbell rang outside.

isn't it?

Uehara Takuya came to the door in surprise. As soon as he opened the door, Kawashima Ami, wearing a sky blue suspender skirt, appeared in front of him.

"Are you surprised?" Her smile instantly bloomed.

"It's a little more frightening..." Uehara Takuya looked outside and saw no one else.

Kawashima Ami asked with a smile: "Who are you looking for? Sena or Yuko? I'm afraid you will be disappointed, I didn't call them."

Uehara Takuya stepped aside and let her in: "So you came here to see me. Is there something wrong?"

Kawashima Ami walked up to him and stood in front of him. The smile in the corner of her eyes was very clear: "Of course it's a date. A girl like me takes the initiative to go on a date with you. Aren't you happy?"

"I remember telling you that if it weren't for the restless heart of adolescence, I would prefer to play with boys."

Kawashima Ami chuckled: "Liar, if you really think so, then you won't have no friends in school."

Then, without waiting for Takuya Uehara to speak, she took the initiative to bend down and help take out the shoes: "Hurry up and change your shoes, our date is about to begin."

Originally, Uehara Takuya was still confused, but seeing the girl's impatient look, he thought of something instead.

He put on his shoes slowly, held the key and asked, "What is the reward?"

Kawashima Ami was stunned and chuckled: "I really can't hide anything from you."

After saying that, she gave Uehara Takuya a seductive wink.

However, Uehara Takuya didn't accept the call at all: "If you come to me on your own initiative, there must be something wrong."

"How much did you guess?" Kawashima Ami walked out, saw him locking the door, and then stepped forward again.

Uehara Takuya sniffed the familiar fragrance on her body and said calmly: "Only part of it. Because you are not the kind of person who would date someone of the opposite sex, but you came here in such a hurry today, so there is only one possibility left... …”

As he spoke, he reached out and touched Kawashima Ami's forehead, pushing the latter away: "Did Ms. Harano contact you? Or, did you take the initiative to contact her?"

Kawashima Ami finally showed a surprised look on her face: "You actually guessed it. I thought you just said it casually."

"It's not difficult to guess. You were surprised at my calm attitude when facing Miss Yangno. In fact, from that time on, I have been guessing when you are going to come to your door."

Kawashima Ami didn't mind the secret being exposed at all, and smiled again: "You are indeed the man I chose."

"This sounds very ambiguous."

Kawashima Ami smiled and moved forward again. At the same time, he raised his fair arm and put it on Uehara Takuya's shoulder.

At such a close distance, the fragrance on her body became stronger, and she could clearly see the other person's face in her eyes.

Her red lips were slightly opened, and her voice suddenly became sweet: "If you are willing to help, then no matter what request you make, I will agree..."

The corners of her mouth rose at the same time, and her eyes seemed to become blurred: "I mean, any request is fine~"

Uehara Takuya looked expectant: "Is it okay to perform a performance of breaking a big stone in the chest?"


Kawashima Ami retreated with a dark face.

But soon she laughed out loud: "It's an answer that really suits your style. Every time I chat with you, I always feel like I need to prepare a life-saving pill."

"How can it be that exaggerated? Besides, I just want to see a talent show." Uehara Takuya followed her on the street and asked casually: "Where is Ms. Harano?"

"It's not far away. If she is a punctual person, she should have arrived early." Kawashima Ami said, with fighting spirit in her eyes, "Just like you said, I took the initiative to contact you. Hers, she agreed happily."

"Nonsense, if I had the chance to fry fish and enjoy it, if it were me, I would agree."

"Eh? Uehara doesn't think so highly of yourself? You know, I came to you specifically for help." Kawashima Ami pretended to be surprised.

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