Uehara Takuya answered truthfully: "Kawashima wants to go to the haunted house and experience it."

Yangno glanced at the smiling Kawashima Ami and guessed what it was in an instant. She nodded with a smile: "Okay, I haven't been to a haunted house for a long time. I just want to experience it and see if the current haunted house has changed. It’s more fun.”

Seeing her decisive agreement, Kawashima Ami's smile froze slightly, wondering if Uehara and Yukino were right, and her idea was stupid?

Along the way, Ami Kawashima's face looked uncertain. Just a look from Yango made her start thinking wildly.

Watching this scene, Uehara Takuya couldn't help but sigh, with your little fighting power, how can you fight with others?

The watchtowers in Yangnai are impregnable.

At this time, Yangno came close to him, and the delicious fragrance from her body continued to float: "Uehara, you are a boy who has three beautiful girls accompanying you on the weekend. Are you particularly happy now?"

"Of course I'm happy. If you play the game with me at home, I'll be even happier." Uehara Takuya nodded calmly.

Yangno pursed her lips and smiled: "So you were called out by Xiaoyami and the others while playing games? This feeling of being randomly disturbed is indeed very bad."

"Sowing discord?" Yukino interrupted abruptly.

Yangno looked at her sister with a smile: "I don't even bother to use such despicable methods. I think Uehara will definitely understand."

Uehara Takuya continued to nod: "That's right, Miss Haruno always values ​​tormenting others in a fair and just manner, and never uses dirty tricks."

Yukino quickly understood, raised her chin and smiled: "That's true, but sister, you should pay more attention to your image. If you are single and so close to a boy on the street, you can easily be misunderstood."

Yang Nai looked at the two of them and suddenly smiled: "You two have a good understanding. It seems that my previous guess was right. Your relationship is much better than I thought..."

After a pause, she looked at Uehara Takuya meaningfully: "Especially the handsome Uehara, you have deeply influenced my sister. When she chats with me now, she occasionally imitates your way of speaking."

Uehara Takuya responded calmly: "This is a normal situation. There is a saying on the Internet that is right, when you stare into the abyss..."

"The abyss will also stare at you?" Yangno has obviously heard this.

Uehara Takuya said seriously: "No, the abyss will give people a very uncomfortable feeling, so after staring at it, I will find a way to cover the abyss, so that the abyss will have no place to redress."

Finally, he specially switched to Chinese.

Yang Nai looked confused when he heard this.

However, Yukino chuckled softly from the side: "You are making boring Chinese jokes again."

She happened to learn these words recently.

"You are obviously laughing, how can you call it boring?"

"I was laughing at you for being stupid." The smile on Yukino's face widened.

Yangno watched her sister and other boys talking to each other. The two of them were chatting in perfect harmony, as if they had forgotten about themselves.

She let go of Uehara Takuya's shoulders and smiled at her sister: "It seems that your relationship is really good."

Yukino smiled lightly: "This kind of thing has nothing to do with you."

"So you can understand the Chinese jokes he said, and it's because of his influence that you specifically learn Chinese?" Yang Nai guessed a lot of things.

Yukino didn't answer, and looked away with a calm expression.

She is pretending to be superior.

Because she suddenly discovered that even if Kawashima Ami was not here today, with the tacit understanding between herself and Uehara Takuya, even if she couldn't make Harino feel frustrated, she could at least make him a little unhappy.

Yangno didn't care about her sister's indifference, but kept smiling: "Hey, Uehara, how about I learn Chinese from you in the future? If you are willing to teach me, then I can also transform into the magical girl you like~"

Yukino's eyes darkened, what kind of magical girl were they talking about?Why do I have no idea?

Yangno had already secretly looked into her sister's eyes, and her voice became even sweeter: "As long as you agree, Uehara, I can even put on a magical girl's dress. You will like it even more, right?"

Uehara Takuya looked at Yukino and said: "But... Yukino can also become a magical girl. I want to be friends with magical girls, and you are not the only one. Miura and Sena, who have excellent academic performance, can also do it. ."

What is the relationship between magical girls and learning?

Yukino knew that Taku Uehara was also giving her hints, but she couldn't think of the answer for a while.

"Really, you are so heartless Uehara for casually rejecting the beautiful girl's invitation." Yangno looked at him deliberately and sadly.

"Going from cute to heartless so quickly? Should I praise you for being so rich in adjectives?"

"If you praise me, I will be happy. If you don't praise me, then I will hate you." Yangno said and puffed up her cheeks unhappily.

"That's enough!" Xueno couldn't help it anymore and shouted coldly: "You don't care about your face at all when you act cute in front of boys?"

"Ara~ Yukino is jealous."

"I didn't!" Xueno blushed.

Uehara Takuya quietly looked away.

He has worked very hard to adapt to the support position, but Yukino's output has not kept up.

As soon as Haruno started taunting, Yukino went up...

"Have you finished talking?" Kawashima Ami said at the right time, "We have also arrived at the haunted house, who is going to buy the tickets?"

"I'll do it." Yangno took the initiative to take out her small wallet, and before leaving, she gave Takuya Uehara a wink, "A beautiful big sister should take care of a handsome little brother."

Uehara Takuya said with a dark face, "Very good, has my title changed again?"

Kawashima Ami looked at Yukino with a teasing smile: "You guys had a great time chatting just now. I've been listening for a long time. It's a pity that Yukinoshita you didn't seize the opportunity in the end and wasted Uehara's efforts."

Yukino also understood this time. With a cold face, she turned to stare at Yangno's beautiful figure: "I was careless. Of course, that woman is indeed very cunning. She will always use some embarrassing topics as a charge. The horn.”

"That makes sense. We should be more prepared in this regard." Kawashima Ami agreed.

Uehara Takuya said hesitantly: "Is there a possibility that she never charged from the beginning to the end?"

He felt that Yangno was just playing, and the two girls were just scraping.

Yukino and Kawashima Ami were stunned at the same time, their expressions turned ugly.

"You mean she was just playing?" Kawashima Ami was a little unbelievable.

Uehara Takuya said with a headache: "I told you that your fighting power is not enough..."

Before he finished speaking, he could already feel Yukino's cold and unyielding eyes.

"Forget it, whatever you want."

Uehara Takuya decided not to say anything.

After all, as the saying goes, it's hard to persuade a small-chested Yukino with good words.

When Yangno came back after buying the tickets, he had two small flashlights in his hand, which were obviously given by the staff of the haunted house.

"It's all done, let's go in." Yangno looked impatient, and those who didn't know thought she was the one who suggested today's haunted house tour.

Yukino and Kawashima Ami exchanged a look and entered a state of combat readiness at the same time.

Takuya Uehara took advantage of the situation and caught the flashlight handed to him, thinking that he didn't need this thing. The night vision ability of cats is excellent enough.

However, the lion's skills also have disadvantages, that is, when playing a haunted house or an escape room game, his well-developed sense of smell, vision, and hearing make him lose the atmosphere and fun all of a sudden.

As soon as the four of them walked into the door of the haunted house, the light quickly dimmed. After walking forward for a while, they realized that this haunted house had a campus theme.

Like most haunted houses, if there is no flashlight, the place will be almost completely dark, which will fill the atmosphere with the dark surroundings.

Kawashima Ami looked at the wooden doors one after another around her, and sweat began to appear on her forehead: "Are we going in?"

Yukino has already followed Uehara Takuya, not leaving even an inch.

Even though there seemed to be no change in her cold little face, Uehara Takuya could hear her breathing gradually becoming more rapid since she walked in.

"You can go into any room, right? If you don't want to get into trouble, just choose the third room." Uehara Takuya gave a hint.

Because he keenly heard breathing sounds behind the first two doors.

"Why the third one? Have you been here before, Uehara?" Yangno raised the flashlight and looked back.

Yukino and Kawashima Ami also looked over in confusion.

"No, it's just a random choice. Anyway, it's one of three, so just pick one."

"Then listen to you."

Kawashima Ami made a decision. At this moment, she had already forgotten that she was here to punish Harano.

She grasped the doorknob with her sweaty palms, gritted her teeth and turned it. The moment the door opened, she let out a panicked scream.

The scream frightened Yukino, and she unconsciously squeezed closer to Uehara Takuya.

The girl's soft body was completely close to her, bringing with her warm body temperature and that familiar intoxicating fragrance.

Uehara Takuya looked at the two people who were frightened in a funny way, then looked at Harano who was snickering, and said helplessly: "Stop screaming, that's a dummy."

What caused Ami Kawashima to scream was indeed a mannequin similar to the one in the window of a clothing store.

It's just that this dummy is wearing a teacher's uniform, and you can "look at each other" at close range as soon as you open the door, which is really exciting.

"What, it turns out to be a dummy..."

Kawashima Ami quickly wiped the sweat from her forehead, pretending to be calm and looked back at Harano: "Are you scared?"

Yangno's smile was so gentle: "Yes, sister, I was so scared that I laughed out loud."


Seeing Kawashima Ami deflated, Yangno squinted at Yukino, who was clinging to Uehara Takuya, and joked: "No wonder people often bring girls over. A place with a good atmosphere like a haunted house is very suitable for getting closer." What’s the distance between men and women?”

Yukino's face turned red, and just when she was about to stand upright, Takuya Uehara grabbed her hand.

Her body suddenly stiffened.

Especially when she saw a flash of surprise in Yangno's eyes, followed by an interesting smile, she blushed and looked away, her eyes wandering wildly, as if she could escape at any moment.

"If you're scared, don't be brave." She heard Takuya Uehara say this.

Just as Yukino was about to retort, Uehara Takuya held her warm little hand tightly.

She was silent no more.

It turns out this is what it feels like to be held by a boy.

Yukino's heartbeat quickened.

Uehara Takuya saw Yangno still staring here and smiled angrily: "Are you here to find excitement in the haunted house, or are you responsible for supervising me?"

"I can have both, can't I?"


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