"Do you want to continue playing?" Yangno handed over the flashlight.

Kawashima Ami's unfazed look made her no longer interested in tormenting him.

"Play, of course you have to play, we spent money!" Uehara Takuya said solemnly.

Kawashima Ami glared over: "Please be a human being, haven't you seen me trembling with fear?"

Obviously, she has completely forgotten her plan to deal with Yangno...

Yukino coughed slightly, she was a little embarrassed.

She was obviously scared, but with Takuya Uehara by her side and helping to make jokes, her mood was very stable now.

It doesn’t look like a girl who has experienced a haunted house at all.

"Then let's just walk around. If Yami-chan is too scared, we'll go back." Yangno put away her suspicion.

Kawashima Ami did not refuse this proposal.

But soon she regretted it.

When the four of them passed a classroom design room, three figures in student uniforms and masks inside all turned around. She screamed and hugged Harino on the spot.

As for Yukino, she had already hugged Uehara Takuya's arm tightly.

When being chased by the staff, Uehara Takuya had to hold her slender waist because of her chaotic pace.

It feels soft, delicate and light. Obviously, this is the most attractive thing about Yukino.

When they came out of the haunted house, both Ami Kawashima and Yukino had conspicuous blushes on their faces. The former was scared, and the latter was embarrassed and afraid.

"Where should we go next?" Yangno held her phone in her hands and seemed to be thinking enthusiastically, "Do you want to go ride a roller coaster?"

"I won't go." Xueno refused without hesitation.

She still remembers being teased by her sister as a child, so much so that she was afraid to ride roller coasters ever since.

Yangno's eyes were full of smiles: "I knew you would refuse, so a ferris wheel that's not scary is fine, right?"

Yukino did not refuse this time.

As for Kawashima Ami.

She is still immersed in the embarrassing and frightening memory of the haunted house, and is too embarrassed to say anything.

Of course Takuya Uehara would not object.

Because he knows that his objection will be ineffective.

After buying the tickets, Harano took the initiative to drag Kawashima Ami along, and Yukino automatically formed a team with Uehara Takuya.

After two groups of people got on the Ferris wheel in batches, Yangno looked at the girl next to him who still looked unhappy, and joked: "You haven't come out yet, have you? If you have left a psychological shadow from now on, I will feel guilty."

"Of course I won't!" Kawashima Ami took a deep breath.

Only now did she remember that she came out today to torture Yangno...

Yangno stopped looking at her, turned her head and looked into the distance, and said in a soft voice, "What do you think of Yukino and Uehara?"

Kawashima Ami was startled and hesitated: "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"It doesn't matter in any way, as long as you answer."

"I don't even know what you're asking, so how can I answer it?"

"Oh~ Is it because I don't know, or because I don't want to answer?"

Listening to Yangno's slightly teasing voice, Kawashima Ami fell silent.

Yang Nao continued to look into the distance and chuckled: "Actually, you can give up, because I know you have no chance."

Kawashima Ami unconsciously raised her fingers: "What do you mean? Are you starting to look down on me again?"

"With your intelligence, you should be able to understand."

"Sorry, I really didn't understand."

"What, you still don't want to tell the truth." Yangno turned her head and winked cutely, "If you have a dispute with Yukino because of this, I will definitely protect my sister instead of treating her fairly."

Kawashima Ami subconsciously bit her lip and looked away: "Whatever you want, I don't understand what you said anyway."

Yangno seemed to say casually: "The two of them are quite a match, right?"

Kawashima Ami's whole mood was sour.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya and Yukino were both looking at the sky.

After all, standing on the ground and looking at the sky are two different feelings than sitting on a Ferris wheel and looking at the sky.

Yukino noticed Uehara Takuya's relaxed mood from the corner of his eye and asked, "You seem to be in a good mood?"

"Yeah, I played and drank, and no matter what I did, I didn't have to pay for it myself. Of course I was in a good mood." Uehara Takuya said with a smile.

Yukino chuckled: "That's all you have to do to make a difference?"

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "Of course not, I still regret today."

Yukino's curiosity was aroused: "What regret?"

Uehara Takuya looked down at her fair, straight legs: "You are not wearing black stockings."


Yukino was obviously choked.

After a while, she sneered with a cold face: "You are indeed a pervert. You express such dangerous thoughts so easily."

But the next second, her cheeks turned a light blush, and she used her hands to support the seat, and her white and tender legs rested on Uehara Takuya's calves.

Under the astonished gaze of the other party, Yukino blushed and turned her head, snorting: "Just think of it as your reward for protecting me in the haunted house. Don't you want to see it? I can agree to show it to you, but you can't do it. Anything weird..."

Before she finished speaking, her voice got stuck.

Because she saw Uehara Takuya holding her calf.

As soon as I took it, the soft and jade-like skin became clear to the touch.

"I like this reward very much." Yukino heard him say with a smile.

Yukino's eyelashes fluttered nervously and shyly, and her delicate and small ears were also filled with layers of blush little by little.

His palms were very warm and he just held them without any other action.

Even so, Yukino felt her heartbeat speed up.

"Remember to put on stockings next time." He spoke again.

Yukino looked at the horizon shyly and hummed quietly like a mosquito.

Chapter 101 Yangno is very suitable to be the sixth child

Ever since Yukino and Uehara Takuya officially met, she has become even more convinced that the other person is a pervert.

Of course, she also knew that she didn't hate the other party's "perversion".

Because he loves his legs.

Being watched by her close friend with such emotion, Yukino was actually happy in her heart.

But naturally you can't say this kind of thing.

After playing the Ferris wheel, Yukino and Kawashima Ami lost interest in other facilities in the amusement park, even if Harano wanted to suggest other things to do.

Finally the four found a restaurant.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

As soon as Yukino left, Kawashima Ami suddenly stood up with an apologetic smile: "I want to go to the bathroom too."

Yangono held her cheeks and her eyes flickered for a few times. It wasn't until the two girls disappeared that she looked at Uehara Takuya: "How does it feel to ride the Ferris wheel with Yukino?"

"Very good." Uehara Takuya didn't look guilty at all.

Yang Nao seemed to be thinking with envy: "That's great. If I took the initiative to invite Yukino, she would never agree."

"Stop lying. If you sincerely invite Yukino, she will definitely not refuse."

Yangno's beautiful face leaned forward: "Oh? It sounds like you know my sister better than me?"

"It's not a question of understanding, but... forget it, anyway, you know it in your heart. If I tell you this, you will only get caught up in the rhythm." Uehara Takuya shut up at the right time.

"You are getting more and more fun."

Yangno smiled happily, straightened her back again, and stared at Uehara Takuya with her watery eyes: "I never want her to settle for the status quo, even if she is really cute in her usual appearance."

"Hasn't she changed now?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"Yes, she has changed, she has become cuter."

Yang Nao said with a faint tone: "Unfortunately, while she has become cuter, she has also become more unfamiliar to me."

"Doesn't this just prove that your sister is unqualified?"

Yangno was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "I didn't expect you to suddenly seize the opportunity to attack... Well, you are quite smart."

Immediately she blinked her eyes, a seductive color appeared, and her red lips opened and closed, revealing the fragrance: "Have you changed your mind about what I told you before? If you agree, I can wear it. I’ll put on a magical girl’s dress and go on a date with you.”

"What a great proposal." Uehara Takuya said with emotion.

As soon as Yangno heard what he said, she knew she had been rejected, and returned to her usual charming look: "My lovely Uehara, will you drink with me tonight?"

"Please note that I am not an adult. If you say such things now, you are breaking the law." Uehara Takuya transformed into Teacher Luo.

Yangno pursed her lips and chuckled: "I just asked you to drink with me. I didn't say that you must drink. You can drink juice when the time comes. As long as you can accompany me."

"Just like drinking tea with the elders?"

Yangno seemed to have heard something interesting and smiled a little more: "This metaphor is very interesting, but young people nowadays really don't like drinking tea very much."

Takuya Uehara really wanted to tell her that only children talk about drinking tea, and adults only use it for supplies.

But this sentence is strange.

Yangno held the cup and his eyes fell on the ice water swaying in the cup: "Actually, after I met you, I knew that you are a boy who also likes to look at beautiful women."

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