"It's really shameless. It suits your style very well."

Yukino dropped these words and walked into the kitchen with the ingredients.

Before the door closed, her sweet voice sounded at the same time: "You can use the TV as you like."

There was a soft bang and the kitchen door was closed.

Yukino, who was originally confident and had a victorious smile, was now flushed with embarrassment and her eyes were as warm as water.

"I'm such a fool, I actually wore stockings to show him just for the sake of a verbal dispute..."

Yukino covered her forehead. She didn't know whether this feeling of embarrassment was because of her own failure or because of the surprise in Takuya Uehara's eyes just now.

She lowered her head subconsciously and looked at her long, shapely legs.

A red-faced thought suddenly popped into my mind: Will he come over and hold my leg like he is sitting on a Ferris wheel?

Then, she thought of something even more embarrassing.

"My friendship with him seems to have deteriorated..."

Chapter 102 Games

After Yukino came out of the kitchen, her state was obviously not right.

Uehara Takuya didn't pay much attention to it at first. It wasn't until the two of them finished their meal and Yukino's face occasionally looked wrong when he spoke that he realized that the other party was probably thinking about something in the kitchen.

He couldn't find the answer yet.

Although the relationship between the two is good, he is not willing to stay in the girl's home all the time.

But as Uehara Takuya left, Yukino hurriedly closed the door and came to the balcony. Looking at the figure getting further and further away, the blush on her face spread again.

The speculation about the "deterioration of friendship" in the kitchen has always worried her.

And now, she was almost certain that this was the truth.

"What should I do next?"

Yukino bit her lip, her eyes flickering, and a bold idea gradually emerged in her heart.

Find a way to make him fall in love with me!

She was completely caught in the whirlpool of shyness and excitement unique to a young girl, unable to extricate herself.

the other side.

It wasn't too late for Uehara Takuya to get home, so he chose to log in to Macaw's account and prepare to gain more experience.

But as soon as he went online, he found that he was not in the familiar girl's bedroom, nor the luxurious living room of the Kashiwazaki family.

The surrounding items were clearly placed in a private office.

Uehara Takuya was not locked in a cage and was jumping back and forth on the table. The legs of a bird can actually walk quite fast, especially since it is very easy to accelerate.

In addition, the parrot's body is light and compact, and its agility is not lacking.

Just as Uehara Takuya was jumping back and forth happily, the door was pushed open with a click, revealing Kashiwazaki Tenma and another middle-aged man.

Under Uehara Takuya's confused gaze, Kashiwazaki Tenma came to sit next to him with a calm expression.

The middle-aged man had surprise on his face, looked at Uehara Takuya with envy and said, "In other words, your macaw is special?"

"That's right, I've had people investigate specifically and found that other macaws can't dance, let alone write. This means that the parrot I chose is probably the smartest one in the world." Kashiwazaki Tenma said solemnly. road.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the other party, why are you pretending to be serious?

He had already figured out the true nature of Kashiwazaki Tenma, and he probably tried his best to hide his joy at this time.

"That's great." The friend sighed with emotion and regret, "Originally, after I saw your parrot, I planned to ask someone to buy one and train it, but now it seems there is no need for that."

A smile finally appeared on Kashiwazaki Tenma's face: "Maybe I can help you pick one, because I also picked this smart parrot in my family. Maybe I am good at this."

Why did you still blow it while you were talking?

Uehara Takuya was just thinking about whether to cause trouble when his cell phone rang quickly.

As soon as Kashiwazaki Tenma picked up the phone, his expression changed. He apologized to his friend and hurried out to answer the phone.

Uehara Takuya took the opportunity to follow.

He followed the other party to a quiet corner. As the call was connected, with his developed hearing, he heard Kashiwazaki Sena's voice from the other end of the phone.

"Dad, did you take my parrot out to show off?"

"How is that possible? It's just that my friend is very interested in dancing parrots. He specifically begged me several times, so I reluctantly agreed to his request."

Uehara Takuya could clearly see Kashiwazaki Tenma's old face turning red.

A scornful father who lies to his daughter in order to satisfy his desire to show off...

"Is that so? Then bring it back quickly. Mr. Parrot must be hungry after not eating for so long."

"Don't worry, I've prepared food."

"I don't care, Dad, you secretly took away my parrot without my consent. This is very rude!"

When Kashiwazaki Tenma hung up the phone, he muttered very tiredly: "Really, I just brought Mr. Parrot out for a look."

"Liar." Uehara Takuya opened his mouth.

Kashiwazaki Pegasus was startled, and when he turned around, he discovered the macaw standing at his feet.

He coughed a few times in embarrassment: "Who taught you the word [liar]? Sena? You can't say this kind of thing casually."

"Super liar?" Uehara Takuya tilted his head.

Kashiwazaki Tenma: "..."

His plan to show off was aborted.

As an old father who doted on his daughter, Kashiwazaki Hoshina called him specially. He immediately said goodbye to his friend and sent Takuya Uehara home smoothly.

As soon as he entered this luxurious castle, Uehara Takuya spread his wings and flew in with his already proficient skills.

He went straight to Kashiwazaki Sena's door on the second floor, used his strong beak to turn the door handle, and tried to open the door.

But he heard the click of the door lock.

"Why are you still locking the door?"

Uehara Takuya fell to the ground in confusion. Wasn't Kashiwazaki Sena urging her father just a second ago?

Seeing that there was no movement inside, he had no choice but to peck at the door with his beak, and the sounds of "tuk-tuk-tuk" sounded one after another.

This time there were footsteps coming from inside, but the person who opened the door was not Kashiwazaki Sena.

"Huh? Was it Mr. Parrot knocking on the door just now?"

Yuigahama Yui's beautiful eyes lit up, and she happily picked up Takuya Uehara and put her on her shoulders.

Why is she here?

Uehara Takuya became even more puzzled.

"Hurry up and close the door, Yui!" Kashiwazaki Sena's urging voice came from the room, sounding a little nervous.

Yuigahama Yui's cheeks suddenly turned red, she closed the door, locked it again, and then brought Uehara Takuya into the house.

Takuya Uehara finally saw clearly what Kashiwazaki Sena was doing.

The blond girl was wearing a baggy nightgown, holding a game controller with a rosy face, and was staring at the screen intently at the moment.

Even though she was wearing headphones and no game sound was leaked, Uehara Takuya could still tell from the game screen that this was a not-so-serious game...

Kashiwazaki Sena played very immersedly.

She didn't even look back. The suspender on the left side of her nightgown had already slipped off, revealing her round and white shoulders.

What an old man with huge slippery shoulders.

"Sena, Mr. Parrot is back."

Yuigahama Yui said as she sat aside. She had obviously just taken a shower. Her usual buns were scattered, her smooth hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her body was filled with the fragrance of a girl mixed with shower gel.

"is it?"

Kashiwazaki Sena looked back at Uehara Takuya and continued to stare at the screen.

Not long after, an excited smile appeared on her face: "Nana-chan is still so cute."

Yuigahama Yui peeked at the game screen. After watching it for a while, her little face became more and more rosy, and her voice became much softer: "Um...Sena, do you still want to play the game?"

Kashiwazaki Sena turned around again, and she hung her headphones around her neck: "Because Nana-chan has been waiting for me all day, didn't we agree that I would go shopping with you during the day, and you would play games with me at night..."

As she spoke, she murmured dissatisfiedly, "But Yui, you didn't even play with me, you just stayed in a daze beside me."

Yuigahama Yui looked embarrassed: "Because this kind of game... I can't accept it."

Unexpectedly, when Kashiwazaki Sena heard this, she said happily and excitedly: "I was like this at first, but then I started playing, and I realized that the characters in these games are very cute."

Then she got up and came over, pushed Yuigahama Yui to sit down in front of the screen, and handed the headset and controller to the other party: "I will help you open a new gear, and then let me teach you. I promise that it will take up to 3 minutes. You You will fall in love with this game.”

"No more..." Yuigahama Yui was so embarrassed.

At least she wasn't in a daze all the time. She understood what kind of game this was before.

Anyway, those flashing game scenes made this adolescent girl feel very shy.

"Don't refuse, it's really fun~" Kashiwazaki Sena saw that her refusal was not firm, and her smile became even brighter.

Uehara Takuya calmly watched the two girls pushing and shoving, and he probably understood why Yuigahama Yui was here.

No wonder Kashiwazaki Sena didn't contact him during the day. The two girls must have been out playing all day.

After the last incident, he knew that in Kashiwazaki Sena's heart, Yuigahama Yui was a very worthy friend.

He is also an excellent tool man...

In the end, Yuigahama Yui half-heartedly opened a new archive.

Takuya Uehara could tell that she was really embarrassed, but as she had never been exposed to this type of game, she actually felt a sense of anticipation and excitement in her heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have refused so weakly just now.

"Choose the third option here, and you can attack the cute white-haired female character..." Kashiwazaki Sena acted as a dog-headed strategist beside him.

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