Uehara Takuya said in a very solemn tone: "If Yukino hears this, she will beat you to death."

Yangno was startled, then burst into laughter: "So you can also make such cute threats?"

Uehara Takuya and Aoyama Nanami both had stern expressions on their faces, thinking how cute is this?

After a brief contact with Harano, Aoyama Nanami already believed most of what Takuya Uehara said before.

She didn’t know the Chinese saying “Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts.”

But she knows how to see with her eyes and listen with her ears.

The temperament and confidence that Yangno showed from the beginning to the end was something she could only look up to.

And every word and every look in the other party's eyes were openly and secretly at war with Uehara Takuya, and she saw it.

This kind-hearted girl secretly gave Uehara Takuya a wishing look, and she said goodbye decisively, pretending to be busy.

Maybe her IQ is not as good as Yono, but her sense of danger is still quite keen.

"Look, she was scared away by you." Uehara Takuya looked at the girl's figure and sighed.

"I think if you had just cooperated with me, she might have stayed and made friends with me." Yangno stretched out and gave Uehara Takuya a charming smile.

"That's not necessarily true. I'm not an idiot. How can I not see the true nature of the devil in you?"

"The Great Demon King? Are you the warrior who challenges the Demon King?" Yangno found this title very interesting.

"No, Yukino is the warrior, and I am just an NPC."

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Yangno found a seat to sit down and ordered dishes skillfully.

Apparently she was dining here again today.

Uehara Takuya was still very surprised by Harano's sudden visit.

Because Yukino just reminded herself that "Yangno may come to you in the near future."

I didn't expect this woman to come so quickly.

When the store was not so busy, Yangno held up her chin and looked at her target with beautiful eyes.

After 10 minutes, Uehara Takuya came to her and said, "I'm here to accompany you."

Yang Na couldn't help laughing: "How do you know what I want to say?"

She didn't wait for Uehara Takuya to answer, and said in an ambiguous tone: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot, you not only understand Yukino, but you also understand me."

"I never said this, please don't frame me."

Yangno didn't care about his reaction at all, and smiled to herself: "What do you think the identity of sister represents?"

Uehara Takuya shook his head.

Yang Nai smiled slightly: "The so-called sister is to take good care of my sister, so I came to this world early."

Uehara Takuya said tentatively: "I thought you wanted to say that my sister exists to bully my younger brothers and sisters."

"That's an answer that suits your style. Fortunately, you don't have a sister."

"If I had a younger sister, I would definitely let her work hard to learn free fighting."

Yang Nai became a little interested: "Then what?"


Uehara Takuya deliberately prolonged his voice and moved his gaze downwards, landing on her round thighs tightly wrapped in trousers.

Yangno smiled charmingly and took the initiative to straighten her legs to better show him the lines of her legs.

Uehara Takuya stared at her legs fiercely: "I'll let her pull the rubber band out of your pants and make it into a slingshot to break the glass in your house!"


Yangno lazily took his legs back, shook his head and laughed: "I shouldn't have expectations for you."

After a while, Uehara Takuya was about to get off work and go to Yukino's side to report, but found that Harano, who had paid early, was waiting at the door.

"Don't tell me, you want me to send you back." Uehara Takuya preemptively struck.

"Hey, do you finally have thoughts about me?" Yangno smiled charmingly, "I was still thinking before, what should I do if you like me? You can't let me tell Yukino Are you sorry?"

"That's really a pity. I'm afraid even if you are the only woman left in the world, we won't have that fate." Uehara Takuya's attitude was sincere.

Yangno was not angry at all, but stared at him with shining eyes: "Can you really do what you say?"

"Of course." Uehara Takuya replied firmly.

Yangno withdrew his gaze and looked at the people walking on the street casually. He seemed to be murmuring, and seemed to be telling Takuya Uehara on purpose: "Only after hearing your answer, I realized that I have a terrible day."

Uehara Takuya stared at her pretty profile with strange eyes, thinking that "terrible" could have another meaning if it were said in Chinese.

"Goodbye then, lovely Uehara, I won't let you take me home today..."

Yangno said and took two steps forward, then suddenly turned around and smiled cutely: "After all, you made an appointment with my sister."

Uehara Takuya was stunned on the spot.

He didn't come back to his senses until the other party's figure disappeared.

"Has she contacted Yukino?"

Uehara Takuya thinks this is very likely.

With Yono's character who likes to use clichés, if Yukino isn't careful, she might actually fall into the trap.

"Compared to Yukino who charges bravely on the surface, Haruno is more like a female knight with unparalleled power."

Uehara Takuya calmed down and sighed silently.

I don’t know which brave man will be able to take action in the future to bring the female knight Yangno home.

It's also possible that Yangno rode him home...

On the way to Yukino's apartment, Uehara Takuya saw a group of stray dogs quarreling.

Both sides barked for a long time, baring their teeth and grinning, but no dog dared to start a group fight.

Uehara Takuya originally just took a casual look, but when he looked away, he spotted a familiar husky among the dogs.

"Isn't this Yamei's meat bun?"

Just when he was surprised, the husky happened to look over.

When it saw Takuya Uehara's face clearly, it was stunned for a moment, then happily ran over on four legs.

Under the confused gaze of a group of stray dogs, the husky stood up and hugged Takuya Uehara's thigh, then turned around and yelled viciously at the group of dogs.

The meaning is obvious: My eldest brother is here, you have the guts to come over!

Chapter 114 NO.18 Technician Uehara Takuya

As soon as Takuya Uehara saw the intact leash around the husky's neck, he knew that it had sneaked out on its own again.

Well, this is also a habitual offender.

Especially when the husky is hugging his thigh, looking like a dog trying to dominate others, it makes him feel happy no matter how he looks at it.

Uehara Takuya rubbed the dog's head twice, took out his phone to take a photo of it, and sent it to Kawashima Ami: [Your dog is fighting in a group outside, please catch it back quickly. 】

After doing all this, Uehara Takuya put away his mobile phone and used the lion's coercion to scare away the group of stray dogs.

The husky didn't seem to be frightened. Instead, he waggled his tail at him excitedly, lay down and exposed his belly, showing his trust.

Uehara Taku didn't pay any attention to this arrogant person, and raised his hand to tie the rope to the telephone pole. Just as Ami Kawashima responded, he left with peace of mind.

"Why are you here so late?"

Uehara Takuya arrived at Yukino's apartment successfully and pressed the doorbell. The girl who had already changed into home clothes appeared in front of her.

"I have a part-time job today, and then I watched a dog fight on the road..."

Takuya Uehara glanced at Yukino's legs, which were tightly wrapped in black stockings under her skirt, and gave a decisive review, "Another pair of stockings I have never seen before. They look better in texture than the previous two."

"If it wasn't to prepare a thank you gift for a pervert like you, how could I go out of my way to buy something like this?" Yukino turned away as she spoke, not letting him see her expression.

Just after he had changed into slippers, Yukino led him to the living room and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet, because I know you will definitely prepare my share." Uehara Takuya smiled.

Yukino looked a little embarrassed and snorted: "You are really stupid. If I didn't prepare dinner for you in advance, then you would have to go hungry."

"But you wouldn't do that." Uehara Takuya leaned against the sofa comfortably.

Yukino's cheeks turned red. She felt that her rhythm was completely controlled by the other person. She was surprised that she didn't feel any rejection.

You must know that similar situations have happened before, but every time she would fight back with all her strength, trying to seize the rhythm of the conversation.

【When did you become like this? 】

Yukino walked into the kitchen with an uneasy expression.

Footsteps came from behind, accompanied by someone's muttering: "It's not my style to eat and drink for free, so let me help."

When she turned around, she saw Takuya Uehara looking at the ingredients with a "sure enough" expression: "It seems you haven't eaten yet."

"It's also not my style to eat without the guests before they arrive." Yukino responded with his own words.

Uehara Takuya didn't mind at all: "Then let me help you. Anyway, I have made a lot of progress under your guidance."

Yukino was startled, then a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes: "You want me to test your results? Then I agree."

As the saying goes, if men and women match each other, cooking will not be tiring.

Especially the two have a good understanding.

The two of them finished the meal easily, and Yukino walked in front carrying the dishes. Her legs, tightly wrapped in transparent black stockings as thin as cicada wings, swayed with her light waist.

The skirt was not long, and did not even reach the knee, so Takuya Uehara inadvertently discovered that the lace pattern on the upper edge of the stockings could be vaguely seen on the girl's round thighs.

"So it's this style of stockings?" Uehara Takuya was shocked.

This kind of stockings can really highlight a woman's charm. If they are worn by Haruno or Kashiwazaki Sena, they will have a very matching and charming look.

Now that Yukino is wearing this style of stockings, and the calm look on her pretty little face, there is a very different kind of contrasting beauty.

To put it simply, it is more attractive to lsp.

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