He ignored the confused seal and chose a new target. This time he was prepared and jumped into the water first.

The seal with the entry "Live and Die Together" did not enter the water.

Because it is relying on the new shared power to fight with its love rival.

When Uehara Takuya was about to end this experience, he found that compared to the last scene where all the seals were exhausted and "lying flat", this time it was much more chaotic.

Because the seals are busy fighting over their wives.

The seal group is polygamous, and male seals will fight with love rivals for new wives.

The female seal will become the wife of the victor after the battle.

The thoughts of the seals selected by Uehara Takuya are pure and simple: to use this new power to build a large harem for themselves.

Referred to as Tata Kai.

Always on.

However, due to sharing, when a seal's physical energy is exhausted, Uehara Taku will also choose a new target.

This also resulted in the male seal who used his new strength to defeat his love rival and win his new wife one second, but withered away the next second.

Then the withered male seal was defeated by other love rivals.

so cycle.

So the female seals who were being fought over stood on the shore in great confusion. They had forgotten that the male seal was their husband.

It seems that at a glance, those withered male seals are all his husbands?

Takuya Uehara expressed his admiration for the courage of the male seals.

After admiring him, he continued to write entries.

At the end of this experience, Uehara Takuya was very satisfied to take back control of his body.

This time, the seals used the skills they had acquired to show courage that was unimaginable before.

So Uehara Takuya decided that they could all become members of the SEAL team in the future.

Of course, this SEAL team was something he thought of on the spur of the moment...

The next morning he came to school as usual. Whether in the playground or in the classroom, he received a lot of surprised looks.

Obviously, the story of him overthrowing the Kendo Club by himself yesterday has spread widely.

There were also several male students in the class who had chatted with him several times, and they came up to him to ask for details.

The conversation is basically as follows.

"Uehara, did you really defeat all the main players in the Kendo Club by yourself?"

"Not all, because I didn't stay in the kendo club for long and I left shortly after."

"In other words, these news are true? It's really amazing. We haven't heard about you practicing kendo. Do you secretly train at home?"

"Yes, I have a unique secret, which is to swing vigorously according to the movements of my arms and legs, while shouting "Retreat, retreat, retreat"."


After satisfying the curiosity of the students, Shizuka Hiratsuka came to the classroom and started the small class meeting this morning.

He didn't know if it was Uehara Takuya's illusion, but he always felt that Hiratsuka Shizuka would often peek at him. His eyes were very complicated, containing at least five kinds of emotions.

So much so that by noon, Takuya Uehara didn't even understand what Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to do.

"Could it be that after I came home yesterday, she and Kawashima Ami talked a lot about me?"

Uehara Takuya thought about it and only came up with this reason.

When school was over, he was stopped by Miura Yuko.

What surprised him was that the other party came alone this time, and Kawashima Ami, who usually hung out with this girl, was nowhere to be seen.

"Uehara, please accompany me to the health room. I accidentally sprained my foot just now."

As Miura Yuiko spoke, she raised her hand with a reddish face and pointed at the ankle bound by white stockings.

"But the way you walk doesn't look like you were twisted." Uehara Takuya expressed doubts.

Miura Yuko blushed and hummed: "That's because the twist is not serious. Do you want me to become a lame?"

"You're very good at this trick of knocking people off. Who did you learn it from?"

"Of course I figured it out myself."

Miura Yuko smiled proudly.

Her walking posture was indeed a little staggering. According to Takuya Uehara's observation and experience, this was not a sprain, but probably an accidental touch on the ankle somewhere.

Miura Yuiko did not take the initiative to come over, nor did she let Uehara Takuya help her. It seemed that it was not only the girl's pride that was causing trouble, but also her reserve.

Uehara Takuya happened to be in no hurry to go back and accompanied her to the health room, but did not see Chizuru Tachibana.

The whole room was quiet, not even a soul was around.

"Tachibana-sensei isn't here?"

Uehara Takuya instinctively turned to look out the door, and said to Miura Yuko: "I'll go ask Hiratsuka-sensei. She is the only acquaintance of Tachibana-sensei at school. Maybe the two of them are together."

He was about to leave, but unexpectedly Miura Yuko's voice sounded behind him: "Yami and Sena both told me that you are very interested in girls' feet."

Uehara Takuya paused and turned around in confusion.

The tall blond girl was sitting on the edge of the bed with her lips pursed and her eyes shy.

She didn't even dare to look at Uehara Takuya, her eyes looked around in panic.

Under the influence of shyness, her body temperature gradually increased, and her originally fair cheeks were stained with a delicate blush, which looked particularly alluring in the sunlight coming in through the window.

Uehara Takuya had already noticed something was wrong at this moment: "Is your foot injury fake?"

"of course it's true."

Miura Yuko didn't like the feeling of being suspected of lying, especially in front of him.

The girl directly raised her right leg, pointed to the ankle and said, "My foot was indeed rubbed. I checked just now and there was redness and swelling in that area."

Uehara Takuya became more and more suspicious: "Since you didn't lie, why did you ask that suddenly?"

"Because of curiosity..."

Miura Yuko spoke decisively.

But then she couldn't resist Uehara Takuya's eyes, turned her head in embarrassment and muttered: "Okay, I'm not just curious, the most important thing is that I want to ask you for confirmation."

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Then I can answer you, I really don't have any perverted habits in that area."

"Liar." Miura Yuko curled her lips and said unhappily: "If you really don't have that kind of hobby, then why do both Ami and Sena mention this?"

The more she talked, the more excited she became: "Especially Sena, when she mentioned this to me, she had [guilty conscience] written all over her face, which means you must have this kind of hobby!"

Uehara Takuya couldn't complain.

He could imagine the expression on Kashiwazaki Sena's face when she said these words.

"Forget it, I've been called a pervert many times anyway, and I'm almost used to it." Uehara Takuya smiled helplessly.

Then he changed his tone and stared at the blushing girl: "But now I have more and more doubts in my heart. Since you have a foot injury, why don't you let me go to Mr. Tachibana to help you deal with the wound?"

Because I asked my friends to help Tachibana-sensei go away.

Miura Yuiko lowered her head guiltily to prevent him from seeing her expression and avoid exposing her secrets.

"There's no need to go to Tachibana-sensei. It's just a small wound anyway. Can you help me...take care of it?"

By the time she said the last sentence, if the room hadn't been so quiet, Uehara Takuya almost didn't hear her voice.

"You're getting more suspicious," he commented.

Miura Yuiko remained silent, of course she knew that she was suspicious now.

But the more this happens, the less she can be timid.

Because she came to school early this morning, her friends and classmates who were not very close to each other were all talking about Takuya Uehara and Yukino.

This topic is even hotter than Takuya Uehara challenging the kendo club alone.

It's not that she didn't know about it.

After all, when she and Yukino went to dinner yesterday, they had a brief chat.

What really made her angry and unwilling was that when her classmates mentioned these two people, their tone and expression were too ambiguous.

Her EQ and IQ are indeed not as good as Kawashima Ami, but she is not a fool.

When she recalled, Uehara Takuya was specially called by Yukino to cause trouble in the kendo club, and now the whole school thought the two of them were a couple.

This has clearly proven one thing.

Everything is that Yukinoshita's conspiracy.

The more Yuko Miura thinks about it, the angrier she becomes. Yukinoshita, you are so despicable!

How can such a thing be done?

If he lost in a fair competition, he might still be convinced.

So when she thought of Kashiwazaki Sena's mention of "Uehara Takuya's hobbies", driven by her unwillingness, she decided to let go of her reserve.

No one has ever stipulated that blondes can only be losers.

Miura Yuiko took a deep breath, bravely ignored Takuya Uehara's suspicious eyes, and stretched out her slender leg to him: "It's just a minor injury, can't you help me deal with it?"

"It's okay, but I want to know what you did."

Uehara Takuya also spoke from his heart.

Miura Yuko's current appearance is too suspicious, but he has received too little information and cannot speculate on the other party's thoughts for the time being.

"Thank you then." The girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Uehara Takuya moved a chair and sat in front of her and said, "Take off your socks first."

"Take it off for me..." Miura Yuiko said in a low voice with a blushing face.

"Your suspicious demeanor has aroused my curiosity quite a bit."

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