Those scenes are simply embarrassing.

When she discovered this, she didn't even need to check the handheld device to conclude that it was definitely filled with masterpieces not suitable for children.

"So today's theme is "Take Sena away quickly"?" Uehara Takuya thought of a comic.

Yukino hummed: "That's it. Although I can come forward in person, I doubt she will cry if I tell her."

Yuigahama Yui and Uehara Takuya cast surprised looks at the same time.

Yukino felt uncomfortable being looked at and frowned: "What do you mean by your eyes?"

Yuigahama Yui pretended to be cute and tried to pass the test.

Uehara Takuya was simple and direct: "It turns out that Sena has a lot of weight in your heart, otherwise you would have solved this trivial matter yourself."

Yukino stared at him in shame, didn't this man know how to be more tactful?

Uehara Takuya shot back with his eyes: I've already kissed you, how can I be tactful?

Yukino's face turned red and she was defeated.

She looked away nervously: "I'll leave this matter to you. Please communicate with her as soon as possible and let her pack her things and leave the service department."

Although she used "please", there was obviously a rude attitude in her words.

Uehara Takuya nodded, which was a very typical imperative sentence.

Just like "Pull it out quickly", this is also a prayer for shit.

Seeing his reaction, Yukino hurriedly left.

Not far away, there was a student looking at us with a gossipy look on his face, and he said softly, "Yukishita really came to look for Uehara."

Uehara Takuya, while relying on his super hearing, asked Yuigahama Yui: "Should we continue the topic just now?"

"No need..."

Yuigahama Yui smiled and waved her hands, that kind of conversation was interrupted, and continuing the conversation would only make her even more embarrassed.

But when the two were about to go back, she suddenly asked quickly: "Last time Sena invited me to her home, did she just treat me as a tool?"

Have you finally figured it out?

Uehara Takuya looked back with a smile: "There is indeed a part of it."

Yuigahama Yui suddenly felt depressed.

Then he added: "But she really thinks you can be her good friend, um, the kind of person you can have a heart-to-heart with."

Yuigahama Yui's eyes lit up again: "The kind that is a good best friend?"

Uehara Takuya said solemnly: "No, he is a super best friend tool man."

"Then what's the point of adding a [Super]? Isn't this still a tool man!"

Chapter 128

When school was over, Takuya Uehara had just stepped into the door of the service department when he saw Kashiwazaki Sena sitting inside.

The girl was engrossed in playing the handheld device, her ears already covered with headphones, and she obviously couldn't hear anything going on outside.

This is probably the legendary "immersive r18 experience".

Uehara Takuya came up behind her, and a blushing girl's face on the phone came into view.

"Hey hey..."

He could still hear the giggle coming from Kashiwazaki Sena's mouth.

From this angle, the blonde girl's expression looks like she is smiling...

Uehara Takuya raised his hand and gently pressed her head, and she suddenly woke up and turned around.

When she saw the person standing behind her clearly, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes filled with annoyance: "How come you don't make any sound when you walk? I thought it was that annoying Yukinoshita here."

"Of course there was sound when I walked, but you didn't hear it because you were wearing headphones..."

Uehara Takuya said, his face became weird: "But you call her [Nasty Yukinoshita], then why do you still run to the service department? Where did she go?"

"Because I have nowhere to go." Kashiwazaki Sena pouted aggrievedly, "You don't want to go home with me. It's pointless for me to go back alone, so I might as well pass the time here."

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh when he heard this: "How come I have to go home with you again?"

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned red and she looked away guiltily: "My father really wants to meet you..."

Takuya Uehara interrupted expressionlessly: "You used this excuse last time. Don't you know that you can't use the same move twice against the Saints?"

"You're not a Saint. Even if you are, you're still a perverted Saint." Kashiwazaki Sena said cheerfully.

Then she remembered something, took Uehara Takuya's hand and invited: "It happened that Yukinoshita was called away, let's play games together."

"Who called her away?"

"It seems to be Tachibana-sensei... No, it's Hiratsuka-sensei. The two of them happen to be together."

Uehara Takuya nodded, it was normal for Hiratsuka Shizuka to find Yukino.

He did not pick up the handheld device handed over by Kashiwazaki Sena, but reminded: "Yukino came here specifically to tell me today that if you continue to play this kind of game in the service department, she might be angry."

"I am also a member of the service department now, so what's wrong with me playing a handheld device here? She usually reads alone in the corner." Kashiwazaki Sena said confidently.

"Reading a book and playing that kind of game are completely different things..."

Before Uehara Takuya could finish his words, footsteps came from outside the door.

Before he even looked back, Yukino's cold voice came in: "It's interesting that you still dare to quibble. Your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

As Yukino walked into the service department, two more figures followed behind her.

They were Kawashima Ami and Yuigahama Yui. When the latter saw Kashiwazaki Sena's handheld device, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red.

Kashiwazaki Sena snorted, raised her chest and put her hands on her hips: "Why do you say that to me under Yukinoshita?"

"Are you qualified for the position of Minister of the Service Department?" Yukino also glanced at the screen on the handheld device while speaking, and his eyes suddenly became embarrassed.

She also glared at Takuya Uehara, as if asking: Are you playing with her?

Uehara Takuya showed his hands innocently, he hadn't played this kind of game for a long time.

"Even if you are a minister, you cannot abuse your power." Kashiwazaki Sena also learned to be reasonable.

Yukino raised an eyebrow and smiled unexpectedly: "You seem to have made preparations in advance?"

"Yeah, are you scared?" Kashiwazaki Sena raised her chin proudly.

Yukino quickly suppressed her smile: "Of course I won't use my power arbitrarily, but now that you have joined the service department, you have to pay attention to other people's feelings."

After a pause, she reached out and passed Kawashima Ami and the two of them: "You play this kind of game in the club, haven't you thought that everyone will be uncomfortable because of it?"

Yuigahama Yui blushed and lowered her head with a guilty conscience. After being played with by Kashiwazaki Sena once, she was actually quite interested...

Kawashima Ami stared at the handheld device curiously, but unfortunately the game did not continue to run. She could only see a dialogue that said "Ya Zhi Die, it's going to be weird."

"Of course I have thought about it." Kashiwazaki Sena was still very loud.

Yukino sneered: "Since you have thought about it, why are you still here playing games that are inappropriate for children?"

"Because I want you to join together! Besides, this is not an unhealthy game, it is a pure love series."

"What a shameless statement." Yukino mocked, "You said this is a pure love game, then do you dare to read out the content in front of all of us?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Uehara Takuya scratched his head, why did he feel that this scene was so familiar?

Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena didn't accept the move at all: "Yukishita, you idiot, do you think I'm stupid? If I really read it out, you will definitely laugh at me."

Yukino chuckled: "When you call others stupid, don't you feel like you are killing relatives out of justice?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned for a second before she understood the meaning of these words, and her face suddenly turned red: "You idiot Yukinoshita, I curse you that nothing good will happen to you from tomorrow on."

"Seeing you in the service department every day already shows that I have been cursed for a long time." Yukino didn't break the defense at all.


Kashiwazaki Sena found that she couldn't argue, so she could only look at Takuya Uehara aggrievedly: "Uehara, help me scold her!"

"Have you had enough quarreling?" Uehara Takuya looked at the two of them calmly, and raised his finger to Kawashima Ami, who was eating melon happily next to him, "As a minister and a member, we openly quarreled in the club, and other members watched. When you arrive, how will you behave?"

Kashiwazaki Sena opened her mouth in surprise: "Why don't you help me?"

Yukino glanced at him lightly: "You haven't joined the service department, so in what capacity are you saying this now?"

Uehara Takuya said confidently: "I intervened as the No. 18 technician."

Xue Nai: "..."

Now the other three people cast curious looks, obviously they also wanted to know what Technician No. 18 was about.

Yukino's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly turned her head away and snorted: "I won't argue with this idiot today, but if she dares to play that kind of game in the service department again, I will never let her go!"

"It seems true, who is afraid of whom?" Kashiwazaki Sena, who had just been defeated, now has fighting spirit again.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

This is her life creed.

Kashiwazaki Sena finally put the handheld device back into her backpack, but judging from her unconvinced expression, her current thinking should be: I may be wrong this time, but I will dare next time.

After the four girls sat down, Uehara Taku was not in a hurry to leave. He moved a chair and sat next to him.

Yukino rolled her eyes at him a little shyly, thinking to herself that this guy really doesn't know what to do, he's the No. 18 technician, that's his own shameful experience, okay?

At any rate, I took the initiative to let him play with my legs that time, but he actually dared to contradict me with that matter.

Kashiwazaki Sena raised her head in a disgraceful manner, and thought feebly: "Can we just sit here and kill time like fools?"

Yuigahama Yui thought along the way: "Then do you want to find something to do?"

"I have no objection." Ami Kawashima raised her hand with a smile, and her peripheral vision fell on Takuya Uehara.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm not from the service department." He said that he was just a passerby.

Kawashima Ami did not answer, but turned to look at Yukino: "What do you think, Mr. Minister?"

"Don't talk to me with such a sinister attitude." Yukino couldn't understand the other party's tone and said lightly: "You can do whatever you want, even go home."

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