"No, I'm just curious."

Kawashima Ami's eyes were shining: "You guys rarely ask for news at school, right? Because I have a lot of friends at school. I accidentally heard about Qingshan classmate last time, and then I had a crush on her. Interested."

"Reason?" Yukino asked simply.

"I found out a lot of amazing news." Kawashima Ami said, deliberately lowering her voice and appearing mysterious.

Seeing that everyone except Uehara Takuya looked curious, she smiled with satisfaction: "Aoyama-san not only has a part-time job, but in addition to the part-time job in that restaurant, she also goes back to other places to make money."

"So hard?" Miura Yuko was shocked.

Yukino had some admiration, but didn't show it on her face: "I guess it's because her family background is a bit difficult, so she needs to work so hard. But as a student, she puts too much energy on making money, and her grades may be lowered. problem appear."

"On the contrary."

Kawashima Ami raised a white finger, met Yukino's gaze and said with a smile: "Her grades are very good."

Yukino was finally moved: "In other words, she arranged her time reasonably and allocated all her energy, thereby giving up her rest time?"


After receiving Kawashima Ami's affirmative reply, Yukino couldn't help but sigh softly: "What a respectable person."

Kashiwazaki Sena also looked impressed.

Although she has never experienced the tiring feeling of working multiple jobs, she is not the kind of delicate young lady who keeps her fingers crossed.

Besides, she has excellent athletic talent and considerable strength. She often helps Kawashima Ami move things, so she naturally understands what hard work means.

"Such a person is indeed very powerful." Miura Yoshiko held her chopsticks, "I have heard of her name in school before, because some people laughed at her Kansai accent."

"They are just a bunch of boring trash who think they are noble." Yukino commented with a sneer.

This time Miura Yuko did not sing the opposite, but nodded seriously: "I think so too."

"What about Uehara?" Kawashima Ami looked at him with a smile, "Everyone has given their thoughts, are you sure you want to remain silent?"

Uehara Takuya looked suspicious: "Compared with this, I care more about whether the fact that you mentioned that girl specifically means that you and her have become good friends."

"This is inevitable." Kawashima Ami is a little proud. When it comes to dealing with interpersonal relationships, except for the difficult Yukinoshita sisters, others have no difficulty for her.

Even Hiratsuka Shizuka, who saw through her true nature at first glance, has now become her best friend.

Only when she talked to Hiratsuka Shizuka about blind dates and gave her advice, the other party would not be depressed, but would listen to her with interest.

This is her uniqueness.

"In that case, don't you have anything to say next?" Uehara Takuya suddenly asked.

Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko turned their heads in confusion. They obviously didn't understand why Takuya Uehara suddenly asked the question.

Yukino was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and glanced at him lightly: "Should I say something with emotion now, you have a very deep understanding of Kawashima-san?"

Kawashima Ami's eyes lit up, but she pursed her lips and refused to speak.

Uehara Takuya confessed honestly: "I just made inferences based on her personality. With Kawashima-san's temperament, she will not mention an outsider's name casually."

Kawashima Ami raised her cell phone: "Yes, Nanami works too hard and gives up her rest time. She often skips meals at noon and relies on willpower to survive."

Yukino completely understood the meaning of Takuya Uehara's question: "I see, so you told us about Aoyama-san just to let everyone have a good impression of her. In this way, you invite her over as a friend. Everyone can accept her kindly during meals.”

"You are indeed my favorite opponent." Kawashima Ami did not deny it.

Yukino didn't feel happy.

Because Uehara Takuya guessed this faster than himself.

She couldn't help but think of her sister.

If that woman was here, she should be able to synchronize the frequency with Uehara Takuya.

[Is this the gap? 】

Yukino bit her lip. Every time she thought of this kind of thing, she still felt unwilling.

"Then call Aoyama-san over." Kashiwazaki Sena said very generously, and put down her chopsticks specifically, "The lunch box Stella prepared for me is very rich, and I have another pair of clean chopsticks here."

Miura Yuiko crossed her arms and said with reserve and girlish arrogance: "For Yami's sake, I allow you to bring an outsider here."

"Thank you everyone~" Kawashima Ami smiled brightly and looked at Yukino.

"I have no objection." After Yukino heard about Qingshan Nanami, she had a very good impression of that girl, and of course she couldn't object.

Kawashima Ami looked at Uehara Takuya again, but before the latter could say anything, she quickly looked away: "Oh, your opinion is not important."


Uehara Takuya smiled casually, this woman was really petty.

She just guessed her intention, which made her previous conversation less mysterious, and she kept it in mind.

"I'm texting her right now... Oops, my phone's battery is only 63%."

Kawashima Ami looked very nervous.

Yukino and Kashiwazaki Sena were both puzzled.

Isn’t 63% battery sufficient?

But Miura Yuko solemnly said: "Then you should turn on the power saving mode when you are not using it. As long as the power of my mobile phone is less than 80%, then I will want to charge it."

Kawashima Ami sent a message: "I am almost the same."

"Wait, are you serious?"

Yukino couldn't listen anymore.

She found the conversation between the two difficult to understand.

60% battery is not enough?

Want to charge when the battery is less than 90%?

For Yukino, the biggest use of her mobile phone is to send those cute emoticons to Takuya Uehara.

As for the power issue, she really didn't care about it.

Kashiwazaki Sena also looked confused.

She didn't even have a mobile phone before she met Uehara Takuya.

They are the kind of people who pretend to be arrogant and express that they don't like mobile phones because they have no friends and are worried about being laughed at by others because their address book is empty.

"This is an idea that most young people have now." Uehara Takuya interrupted.

Yukino frowned tightly: "You too?"

"Yes, but I am more exaggerated than them..." Uehara Takuya smiled awkwardly, "As long as the phone is not fully charged, my first thought is to charge it."

"You are indeed outrageous." Yukino said she couldn't understand.

Kawashima Ami was very happy: "It seems that the three of us have more common topics... Oh, Yui should be like this too, I will ask her later."

"Me, and me!" Kashiwazaki Sena quickly raised her hands and told lies with her eyes open, "Actually, I'm usually like this too."

Yukino stared at her expressionlessly, thinking to herself, do you dare to be any more fake in your acting skills?

Uehara Takuya suppressed a smile: "You always want to charge your phone too?"

Kashiwazaki Sena raised her chest and raised her head, looking very proud: "No! I will carry two power banks with me, so that I can ensure that my mobile phone has a place to charge at any time."

Kawashima Ami and Miura Yuko exclaimed: "Sure enough, you are the more outrageous!"

Not long after, Aoyama Nanami, wearing a ponytail, ran over.

As the young and beautiful figure approached, Kawashima Ami immediately stood up and waved enthusiastically: "Come here, Nanami-chan."

"I told you not to call me such a cute name..."

Qingshan Qihai was a little embarrassed.

But when she saw everyone eating lunch, she was obviously stunned.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone. Uehara Takuya and Yukino reacted quickly, and they immediately guessed that the reason why Kawashima Ami called each other over was definitely not a topic like "eating together to enhance feelings".

Because Kawashima Ami said before, this girl who dares to endure hardships and works hard is usually hungry at noon.With the former's high emotional intelligence, it is naturally impossible for him to do such things to embarrass others.

"Well, you are eating..." Nanami Aoyama hurriedly forced out a smile and prepared to leave.

Her stomach had been growling on the way over.

"Yes, you can eat with us too." Kawashima Ami quickly answered and gave Uehara Takuya a hidden look.

She suspected that Yukino was unlikely to cooperate with her, so she decided to find another helper.

Uehara Takuya did not disappoint her. He stood up and said hello with a smile: "Aoyama-san, you haven't eaten yet, right? Let's get together."


Before Nanami Aoyama finished speaking, Kawashima Ami pointed to Kashiwazaki Sena behind her: "This is Kashiwazaki Sena, you must know her. Her lunch was very rich today, and I ate a lot of snacks after class. Now Our bellies are still full, are you sure you don’t want to come and help us share the burden?”

Kashiwazaki Sena has the aura of a rich man: "Yes, Aoyama-san, you can come over and eat together. Even if you want to make yourself fat and in vain, there is no pressure on me."

"Baibai, Fatty...can't you think of a better word?" Yukino sighed.

She glanced at Nanami Aoyama, who was still struggling, and thought that she still had to take action on her own.

So she said directly: "I heard that Qingshan classmate has been working hard to make money part-time. So what are your goals after you make money?"

Aoyama Nanami was still hesitating how to refuse. When she heard the word [goal], she immediately said with fighting spirit: "I want to become a voice actor."

"Voice actor? It sounds like a very interesting profession, because this profession allows you to experience characters from various works, and each character has a different story." Yukino's brain was spinning rapidly.

"Yes, yes." Nanami Aoyama was a little excited, "Is Yukinoshita-san also interested in voice actors?"

"I wasn't interested before." Yukino doesn't like to lie, "But after I learned that you dreamed of becoming a voice actor, now I finally have some interest."


Aoyama Nanami's face turned red. It was a great honor for her to be recognized by the most famous genius girl in the school.

Seeing that the time had come, Yukino raised his hand and motioned for her to sit down: "Then let's talk while eating."

"Ah? I've actually already eaten..." Nanami Aoyama hesitated and waved her hands.

"Then we can sit down and have something to eat together. By the way, we can talk about voice actors."

"I... ok."

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