The two of them fought habitually for a while. Yukino saw that he had calmed down and seemed to be muttering as he walked beside her: "I really don't think there is anything outstanding about me. To say that there is something in me that is worthy of her attention, it's probably I'm just a little noisy, right?"

Yukino was still thinking about what he meant, but suddenly she saw him smiling at her and said: "If she feels that life is too lonely and boring, then I can really add some excitement to her."

Xueno finally stopped sullen, walked briskly, and looked at him with watery eyes: "Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, I'm so afraid that my legs are weak. I need you to hold me." Uehara Takuya seemed to be complaining.

Yukino blushed, and a shy smile broke out on her delicate and beautiful cheeks.

She shyly stretched out her hand and said in an almost inaudible voice: "I give you my hand."

Uehara Takuya took it.

The grip was tight.

Chapter 158 Coquetry

After the two talked, Yukino's mood improved significantly.

At least I won't be as worried as I was just now.

"Why did you choose Yuigahama?"

When they were about to arrive at Yukino's apartment, the girl with a peaceful smile asked Uehara Takuya.

Turning her head, she did not hide the confusion in her eyes. It seemed that this problem had been bothering her for a while.

"Everything was an accident." Uehara Takuya spread his hands, "You don't have to think about anything else. If I really want to learn something, wouldn't it be great to have you as a teacher to teach me?"

There was a proud smile on Yukino's lips: "You finally told the truth."

Then her voice became softer: "But Yuigahama is very curious. Judging from her behavior at noon today, she must be determined to investigate your identity."

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "I know, unless you ran to report it, there is no way she would guess that it was me."

"I don't have a mean habit of snitching."

Yukino crossed her arms, thinking who do you look down on.

"By the way, did Sena invite you this afternoon?" Uehara Takuya thought of another thing.

Unexpectedly, the smile on Yukino's face suddenly became intriguing: "Of course she invited me. If I guessed correctly, she must have invited you, and Kawashima and the others, right?"

Uehara Takuya smiled: "I really can't hide it from you."

Yukino snorted softly: "I have known her for such a long time, why don't I understand her? She specially invited me to her home, didn't she just want to..."

As she spoke, her little face turned slightly rosy and she sneered: "Who does she think she is going to face?"

"Oh, this arrogant expression is good." Uehara Takuya gave a thumbs up.

Yukino resisted the urge to scold him and said calmly: "I also wanted to save face for her, so I declined her invitation."

"Refuse?" Uehara Takuya was startled, this was beyond his expectation.

Yukino's tone was still calm: "Because I know what she wants to do. With her little ability, if she really dares to come to trouble me, she will be the only one who gets stripped naked."

Uehara Takuya coughed for a while, he thought the same thing.

Yukino guessed his thoughts and glanced at him lightly: "Although I and Kashiwazaki Sena don't get along, I know that she is just a spoiled child after all. So she is almost reaching adulthood, but she still maintains That innocence..."

Speaking of this, her mood was slightly complicated.

In fact, she quite envied Kashiwazaki Sena's character.

If there hadn't been the last dance incident, her feelings towards Kashiwazaki Sena would have been the same as before, and she wouldn't have cared too much about what the other person thought.

But at the dance, that fool secretly gave up the opportunity even though he knew he would feel uncomfortable.

This made Yukino very uncomfortable.

Not just angry, but more of not knowing how to face that idiot.

"Is this Yukino's unique gentle way?" Uehara Takuya sighed beside him.

Yukino blushed when she heard this, and quickly turned her head and snorted: "Stop saying such meaningless words, I don't need you, a scumbag, to praise me."

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right." Uehara Takuya admitted with a smile.

Yukino pouted, every time she said that to him, he was never angry.

Just like just now, he completely ignored Yangno's thoughts and took him away directly.

If you pamper me like this, I will become weird...

The more Yukino thought about it, the hotter her cheeks became.

"Can you do me a favor?"

At this time, Uehara Takuya's voice sounded.

Xueno raised her head, holding back the shyness in her heart, and met his eyes: "Okay."

Those watery eyes that held the shyness unique to a girl, that look, and that posture, made Uehara Takuya almost think that the drama of a promise in the TV series was about to take place.

Fortunately, he stopped in time and said: "The people in the school who have the best relationship with Yuigahama are probably you and Sena. If my thinking is correct, she should come to you for help in the next few days."

Yukino looked at him doubtfully: "So?"


Uehara Takuya's expression seemed to be suppressing a smile: "If you don't mind it, when she tries to find out the news, you can try to use a guessing tone to describe my identity as mysterious as possible. It is best to extend it to the topic of aliens. .”

Yukino was angry and amused when she heard this: "Are you bored? Besides, I don't want to lie to my friends."

"It's not a lie, it's just a guess." Uehara Takuya winked.

Yukino stared at him helplessly: "Is this kind of thing so fun?"

"It's interesting to think about it, because I've told her that I actually come from the M78 Nebula, but she doesn't fully believe it yet."


Yukino said coldly, turned around and left.

Just when her figure walked into the apartment, Uehara Takuya received the message from her.

[I can’t guarantee that she will believe what I say. 】

Seeing this news, Uehara Takuya laughed.

"You may say you are disgusted, but your body is still very honest."

Uehara Takuya replied with an OK emoticon and left with peace of mind.

The idea of ​​teasing Yuigahama Yui by pretending to be an alien was something he suddenly thought of.

The girl had made it clear that she wanted to check her out. Maybe when he went over to teach her how to cook, he might even use a particularly lame excuse to get information.

Although Uehara Takuya was sure that the other party would not be able to guess, when he thought about having to face a sneaky girl every day, he always felt that his style of painting became strange.

If Yukino is secretly helping to guide her, as long as Yuigahama Yui really believes that she is an alien, a lot of unnecessary troubles will be reduced.

When he arrived at the store, Kashiwazaki Hoshina was already sitting inside chatting with Nanami Aoyama.

Today's business is not very good, otherwise the working emperor, who has always been diligent, would not be fishing during working hours.


Kashiwazaki Sena smiled when she saw Takuya Uehara. She left her friends beside her and ran over happily.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Looking at her purely happy smile, Uehara Takuya's voice couldn't help but become gentle.

"Of course, I came here just after school." Kashiwazaki Sena muttered beside him, "Stella didn't know where she went. Fortunately, Aoyama-san chatted with me, otherwise I would have been bored to death. "

"Miss Stella is here too?"

Kashiwazaki Sena nodded: "She wanted to take me home, but she just said she wanted to visit the barbecue restaurant, and she hasn't come back until now."

Uehara Takuya was immediately happy. It seemed that the housekeeper was very enthusiastic about street food.

While he was doing business in the store, Kashiwazaki Sena was sitting there with her chin propped up, her beautiful eyes blinking without looking away from him at all.

Such a scene was noticed by many customers in the store, and they felt a little envious of this kind of relationship between boys and girls.

The store manager also took advantage of the gap to express emotion to Takuya Uehara: "You are now more and more like the [heartthrob] I was when I was young."

"Mr. Store Manager, can we stop bragging?"

"Hey, what do you know?"

The store manager coquettishly touched the few remaining hairs on his head, with a sigh on his face: "You must know that when you reach middle age, you have no choice but to do so, right? Time is the cruelest weapon in the world. I think I looked like Takuya Kimura back then. It’s almost like I was defeated by time.”

Or Kimura Takuya?

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

He was ashamed of himself for being so shameless.

If Kimura Takuya grew up like you, Kudo Shizuka would probably pack up her things overnight, buy station tickets and run away.

Aoyama Nanami covered her lips and snickered. Her thoughts were similar to Uehara Takuya's.

Both of them felt that this was the worst time Kimura Takuya had been hacked.

Just like some bullshit readers who always call themselves [XX Daniel Wu] and [XX Peng Yuyan].

You obviously look like Takeshi Koo, why do you lie to others and say you are Daniel Wu?

The bald store manager was still bragging, and Stella, who had a keen interest in street food, just walked in.

Originally, this store was headed by Uehara Takuya, and most of the customers it attracted were female white-collar workers in uniforms.

Although they are basically ordinary people, there are occasionally a few white-collar ladies with good looks and figures.

There are often beauties in uniforms appearing in a store, so male customers will also be attracted to them.

But the group of female white-collar workers dining in the store today were unlucky.

With the arrival of the glamorous housekeeper, their charm was completely crushed.

This woman is as exquisite and beautiful as ever, whether in makeup or clothing.

She seems to be very fond of gray stockings. Every time Takuya Uehara sees her, her long legs with high heels are always hidden by the stockings.If you don't look down carefully, you won't be able to see the little feet in the stockings. In fact, they are coated with a layer of carmine red nail polish, making the row of round and lovely toes even more attractive.

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