Stella paused, turned her head and winked at him with a charming smile: "Don't just stare at me."

Uehara Takuya looked away expressionlessly.

He knew that if he didn't do this, the other party would definitely bring up the pregnancy again.

Stella had expected this, and still stared at his face: "Why don't you go over and discuss it with them?"

"There should be no room for me for the time being." Uehara Takuya smiled and pointed over there.

"That's true, then I can chat with you." Stella said, her well-maintained hands folded neatly in front of her lower abdomen, and her shapely calves bound by gray stockings pressed together tightly. With this posture, she could no longer Not a single gap can be seen.

With a polite smile on her face, she asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Uehara Takuya was speechless: "Even if you really want to chat with me, there's no need to act so serious, right?"

"Oh, I'll be more casual then."

So Stella changed her smile to a charming one: "So, what do you want to talk about? I have stayed at Kashiwazaki's house for so many years, and I have received a pretty good education since childhood. No matter what topic you want to talk about, I can probably satisfy you."

"Really?" Uehara Takuya's eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing his excited look, Stella blushed inexplicably, held her face in one hand, and said with a mixture of embarrassment and anger: "If it is a shameful topic, then I may not be able to accompany him."

Uehara Takuya knew that she was having an old habit, so he pretended not to hear: "I want to talk about mathematics."


The beautiful housekeeper was obviously stunned for a moment.

Uehara Takuya said to himself: "As we all know, the degree of a circle is 360 degrees, the degree of a right angle is 90 degrees, and a square has four right angles. Multiply 90 degrees of a right angle by four, which is exactly equal to 360 degrees. This Does it mean that a circle is actually equal to a square?”

Stella looked at him blankly.

After five seconds, she tilted her head cutely: "How long have you been having this symptom? Do you need me to help you find a psychiatrist?"

Uehara Takuya pondered: "You are the first person who would think of hiring a psychiatrist when chatting with me."

"It shows that I'm a very dedicated steward."

"I see."

The two stopped talking, but Stella laughed softly: "No wonder Sena always says at home that you sometimes speak very abnormally, and now I finally see it."

"So how do you feel? Do you think you can get along with me?" Uehara Takuya looked very expectant.

Stella smiled slightly: "Your strange thinking reminds me of an equally strange joke."

Takuya Uehara was very supportive: "Let's talk and listen."

Stella looked down at the tea cup in her hand: "Some people say that if the cannibals in the movie really existed, then when they eat a very lonely person, will they be engraved in the other person's bones and loneliness? Where are the sad tears?”

Uehara Takuya hesitated and said: "Obviously this is a scary-sounding hell joke, why would anyone think of such a question that can sublimate the theme?"

Stella seemed not to hear, and said softly: "I think if cannibals really exist, even if they feel something, I'm afraid they will still cry and eat three big bowls."

Uehara Takuya was in awe: "This seems that our brain waves can match."

"Really?" Stella responded with a smile.

As for whether she can understand what Takuya Uehara is referring to, only she knows.

Takuya Uehara felt that he might have found someone of the same kind.

Judging from what the other party said just now, he felt that he and Stella might have something in common.

Just like Yangno, he can always adapt to his own ideas easily and draw inferences from one example to another.

Uehara Takuya was chatting happily, but the girls suddenly started arguing.

"Do you dare to be more stupid? You actually want to use me as an experimental target. Do you think I will agree?"

Miura Yuko stood up with an expression of shame and anger, glaring hard at Kashiwazaki Sena.

"It's not the target of the experiment, I just want you to be a model." Kashiwazaki Sena followed and stood up, looking very confident.

"Then why didn't you choose Yamei? Yamei had worked part-time as a model before, so if you find her, she is your professional counterpart."

"Because your figure is the worst among the four of us."

"You are bullshitting!"

Miura Yuiko clenched her fists angrily.

Her current expression is exactly like the "Song of Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind" written by Du Fu - the house is broken.

Uehara Takuya couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked over and asked, "How come we got into such a quarrel when everything was just fine?"

When Kashiwazaki Sena saw him coming, she immediately said aggrievedly: "Because none of us have any shooting experience, I hope that Yumeko will be a model for us and let us take pictures of her first, so that everyone can slowly learn to take pictures. Skill."

Takuya Uehara felt that the matter was not that simple, but he still had to be the peacemaker: "Okay, we'll talk about the model later, but what you just said [the figure is the worst], I think it's very bad for you to say that."

"I won't say anything anymore." Kashiwazaki Sena pinched her fingers and shook her body slightly.

Miura Yuko became angrier as she watched. This guy was definitely pretending to be cute, right?

Who taught this trick?

She subconsciously glared at Kawashima Ami.

Kawashima Ami was stunned for a few seconds, recalling it in confusion for a few seconds, and then started laughing.

Well, this is indeed what I taught myself, and there is no way to wash it off.

Uehara Takuya clapped his hands at this time, attracting the attention of the four girls: "So, you plan to shoot your friends first to slowly improve your skills before officially shooting your own short film?"

"Yes." Kashiwazaki Sena nodded vigorously, "We have just discussed it. We only need to choose one person to be the model and the others will be responsible for the shooting."

"Then why is Miura angry?" Uehara Takuya pointed directly at the center of the problem.

The strange thing is that Miura Yuko, who was so arrogant just now, is blushing and silent now.

He could only look at Kawashima Ami.

The other party's smile was also mixed with shyness: "Don't look at me, that's Xinai's suggestion, just ask her."

So Uehara Takuya looked at the cute blond girl next to him.

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and said hesitantly: "I hope the model can take off his clothes."

Uehara Takuya frowned: "I would like to ask, what you want to it serious?"

Why do you need to take off your clothes all of a sudden?

"Of course it's serious!" Kashiwazaki Sena shouted with a red face.

"Then why do you need to take off your clothes?" Uehara Takuya questioned.

"Because I saw a lot of debates about [art] on the Internet, and I thought that Yumiko had such a good figure, she would definitely be able to show off her art." Kashiwazaki Sena opened her eyes and told lies.

Miura Yumi's chest kept rising and falling with anger: "Now you're praising me for having a good figure? That's not what you said just now."

"I just said the wrong thing!"

"Do you think I believe it? Stupid Sena."

"Yumiko, you are an antimony!"

Seeing that they were arguing again, Uehara Takuya simply grabbed Kashiwazaki Sena and dragged her away while giving Yuigahama Yui a look.

The enthusiastic dumpling girl understood and stood up, then stretched out her hand to drag Miura Yuiko away.

Peace finally returned to the living room again.

Takuya Uehara returned to his seat with a tired face, and Stella filled the cup of tea very considerately: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard... No, you are the housekeeper. Why were you just watching from the side?" He reacted immediately.

Stella held her chin and smiled sweetly: "Because you handled it very well, I don't have to do anything."

"I think you are just being lazy." Uehara Takuya complained softly.

Stella kept a smile on her face: "Do you still want to make some excessive demands on me?"

Uehara Takuya was about to refuse, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of her legs, which had always been kept together, suddenly spread apart.


He squirted out all the tea in his mouthful.

But Stella stood up with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I'm wearing safety pants."

"Can you say this kind of thing casually?" Uehara Takuya couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Why not?" the other party asked, winking playfully.

Taku Uehara was at a loss for words, half lying on the seat tiredly.

It turns out that I just thought that the housekeeper was of the same kind.

It is indeed true.

She is really difficult.

Chapter 160: Teach the apprentice and starve the master to death

This brief confrontation with Stella allowed Uehara Takuya to regain the feeling of being devastated by Harno.

But this feeling is not nostalgic.

Stella didn't stay in the living room for too long. After drinking two cups of tea, she got up and twisted her waist to go upstairs. It seemed that she was going to decorate the guest room.


Kashiwazaki Sena trotted over sneakily at this moment. She even looked behind her with a guilty conscience to make sure no one was following her. Then she blushed and said, "You will go to my room in 10 minutes."

"Why 10 minutes?"

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh when he saw it. The other party's sly look made it clear that he wanted to be alone with him, but was afraid of being caught by others.

"Because 10 minutes is enough for me to deal with them." Although Kashiwazaki Sena felt guilty, she was still confident when she said this, "When I send Yumiko and the others away, you can play games with me."

After saying that, she ran away.

Uehara Takuya didn't even have time to ask the other party whether the game he was referring to was the console game that the girl had collected for many years, or a real-life game.

But thinking about it carefully, he felt that there might be both situations.

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