She was so close that every time she spoke a word, you could see her pink little tongue.

Uehara Takuya didn't know how to fight back for a while.

Yukino seemed to be her courage buff.

As long as Yukino's name is mentioned, her fighting spirit will rise.

It might be jealousy, it might be unwillingness, all kinds of emotions were mixed together, which made her want to be impulsive and willful.

And her approach is simple and direct.

It means tying A, tying A, and then tying A again.

If you don't use your skills, I'll fight you.

I don't believe you can handle it!

Miura Yuko stared directly into his eyes, and the two of them could see each other in their eyes.

This was the first time she had done something so bold.

There was fear and nervousness in my heart.

But it's more exciting...

In someone's words: I'm so high now.

"Can you answer me? Uehara-san?"

Miura Yuko spoke out again, approaching victory step by step.

"If you are willing to let go of me..."

"You could obviously push me away, but you didn't."

Miura Yuko interrupted him, even though she was nervous, she still smiled proudly: "In a sense, my legs are not inferior to Yukinoshita, and may even be better. "

Uehara Takuya was wondering why she said this, but he heard her continue laughing and said: "Because you were tried out by me just now. A perverted bastard like you, you must have very high requirements for girls' leg shape. And you You didn't dislike my legs before, which means that in your heart, I may be better than Yukinoshita."

"Actually, you are very nervous now..." Uehara Takuya saw through her heart.

"Yes, I am indeed nervous, but when I think of Yukinoshita, I feel uncomfortable... Yami said at the beginning that Sena is different from us, but I didn't understand what she meant at the time. "

As she spoke, impulsive fire seemed to ignite in her eyes: "Later I understood that what she meant was that she likes to think too much, and I like to retreat. But Sena is different, she does whatever she thinks of... "

Uehara Takuya had a bad feeling in his heart: "So what do you want to do?"

"I think……"

A shy smile broke out on her face.

But he soon became firm again.

"Bite you to death, you philandering bastard!"

The moment the girl cursed with all her strength.

She really bit Uehara Takuya's lip.

Not a kiss.

Instead, open your mouth and bite.

Chapter 162 Contest

"So, can any of you explain to me what is going on?"

Kawashima Ami crossed her arms and did not hide the interrogating aura on her body. Her eyes kept looking back and forth at the two people in front of her.

Miura Yuiko lowered her head, her cheeks were red, and she didn't dare to say a word.

If she just said that the temperature of the computer was too high, causing Master Lu to smoke inside the computer.

Well now, she has successfully cooled down.

The consequence of cooling down was that when she recalled the things she had done, she was so ashamed that she wished she could dig up the ground and bury herself.

What made her even more embarrassed was that after she and Uehara Takuya separated, Kawashima Ami came in.

Not even a little buffer time was given to her.

So she became the ostrich that she is now.

"We just had a harmonious exchange." Finally, Takuya Uehara spoke up.

"Communication? How do you communicate?" Kawashima Ami's eyes were filled with curiosity.

When she said this, her eyes deliberately stayed on Uehara Takuya's lips.

Because there are obvious tooth marks there.

There was no bleeding, no wounds, but the marks were too obvious.

Uehara Takuya touched his mouth: "It was a normal way of communicating, but then I lost my balance and accidentally hit my mouth."

"Oh~ When you say that, my curiosity is aroused."

Kawashima Ami leaned back on the seat with a smile, and glanced at her friend who was still embarrassed: "What on earth could make such an obvious mark on your mouth?"

"Is it obvious?" Uehara Takuya pretended to be stupid.

Ami Kawashima snorted hard: "Yes, it's very obvious. And my brain is telling me that these are marks of being gnawed by teeth, referred to as tooth marks."

"Why can't it be a fall mark?" Uehara Takuya started to argue.

Kawashima Ami didn't accept the move at all. It wasn't the first day she met this guy.

So she chose her best friend who had a worse psychological quality and asked: "Yomiko, do you think what I said is right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right." Uehara Takuya nodded vigorously.

Kawashima Ami's eyelids twitched and she ignored him: "Yumiko, it's useless for me to pretend to be mute."

Takuya Uehara continued: "It's really not good to pretend to be mute. It would be rude not to answer other people's questions, so I suggest you just pretend to be dead."


Kawashima Ami couldn't help it this time, and glared angrily and funny: "Can you shut up?"

"That won't work. If I shut up now, no one will want to chat with you. Wouldn't that be embarrassing for you?" Uehara Takuya said seriously.

Kawashima Ami rolled her eyes and covered her forehead feebly: "Listening to what you said, I feel like my blood pressure is getting higher and higher now."

"Then let me buy you some medicine online?" Uehara Takuya asked hesitantly.

Just when Ami Kawashima was about to yell at him, the parrot that was jumping up and down on the shelf suddenly opened its mouth and shouted: "Bite, they are biting!"

The three people in the room were stunned at the same time.

The next second, the three of them quickly turned to look at the active parrot.

Being watched by three pairs of eyes, the macaw was not timid. Instead, it shouted louder: "Fries, I want French fries!"

The room fell silent again.

Miura Yuiko was still blushing, thinking that she might have lost all her face today, and that she might not be able to hold her head up in front of her friends in the future, and would be led by her for the rest of her life.

Uehara Takuya was thinking deeply, who taught the parrot so many weird things?

Kashiwazaki Tenma, who was drinking and eating outside, sneezed.

"Well, it seems that the truth has been revealed." Kawashima Ami concluded.

Miura Yuiko lowered her head and said hesitantly: "Yami, you don't want to do this..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Kawashima Ami knew what she wanted to say.

Miura Yuiko suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head, and showed a grateful smile.

But before she could say thank you, she heard Ami Kawashima smile and say: "But my curiosity has been aroused, and I can't hold it down at all now. I just have time now, so I want to know the inside story, the detailed inside story. "

At the end, she emphasized it again.

This time Miura Yuiko learned the essence of what Uehara Takuya said, and she stopped pretending to be an ostrich.

He turned around and flopped down on the sofa, burying his rosy face in it.

Changed to pretending to be dead.

Watching this scene, Kawashima Ami couldn't laugh or cry.

But then, she looked at Uehara Takuya with complicated eyes, and sighed: "You two... forget it, this is your own private matter, and I am not qualified to take care of it."

"No, Yami, you are my good friend." Miura Yuiko looked up in a hurry. She thought the other party was angry.

Kawashima Ami responded with a bright smile: "Don't worry, I'm not so petty. I just think your behavior... well, what will Sena think if you do this?"

"Who called me?" Suddenly a little head poked in from the door.

It was Kashiwazaki Sena.

Kawashima Ami's smile froze in fear.

Miura Yuko even rolled off the sofa.

Uehara Takuya turned his head silently, not to look at this horrific scene.

"Why are you even there?" Kashiwazaki Sena's eyes fell on him, with a look of surprise on her face, "I thought only Ami and Yumeko were in my room."

Before Uehara Takuya could answer, Yuigahama Yui also walked in from the outside. She also had a surprised face: "Why are everyone here?"

"Sena has already asked this question." Uehara Takuya replied.

Kashiwazaki Sena didn't seem to care about this kind of thing. She waved to Uehara Takuya excitedly: "Takuya, please go out first. We have some private topics to talk about."

"Private topic?"

Such a word popped out of Kashiwazaki Sena's mouth, let alone saying it, which is quite curious.

But Uehara Taku didn't ask any more questions, nodded and went out.

He closed the door by the way.

As soon as he left, Kashiwazaki Sena strode forward and came to stand in front of Miura Yuko.

Being stared at by the other party, Miura Yuko felt even more guilty.

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