Miura Yuko's eyes lit up: "When a person encounters a supernatural event not long after being exposed to ghost stories, it is indeed easy to break the other person's psychological defense."

"Interesting." Yangno agreed.

"It's boring." Yukino was completely uninterested.

She knew Uehara Takuya too well.

There is no way that guy could be frightened by supernatural events.

But now everyone is in high spirits, even Kashiwazaki Sena is moved.

A group of girls who were full of fun started their second card game.

Losers emerge quickly.

But what surprised everyone was that the loser this time was Stella.

"Looks like I'm going to pretend to be a ghost?"

Stella didn’t have much unexpected emotion on her face, but was as calm as usual.

Although Kawashima Ami was a little surprised, she decided to proceed as planned.

"Hurry up, let's turn off the switch now!"

Several girls followed Stella.

Yukino was still sitting there without moving.

Yangno stood up and asked her, "Don't you want to go to the theater?"

"I already know the ending, why should I waste time anymore?" Yukino refused, knowing that Takuya Uehara would not be scared.

[Even if that guy really sees the female ghost, he will probably just laugh and shout: As long as you are brave, female ghosts can also take maternity leave. 】

Yukino thought with a slight blush.

Yangno, who had already stood up, raised the corners of his mouth with a meaningful smile: "That's right."

There was one more thing she didn't say.

She knew that Stella lost on purpose.

She was also the only one present who saw through it.

Before Stella set off, Kawashima Ami also suggested that she put makeup on her. It would be better to make her face whiter, so that it would be scary to look at her at night.

But Stella smiled and took out a makeup box from her bag: "I'm prepared too."

"That's great, Miss Stella!" Kawashima Ami felt that she and the other party were in perfect harmony.

"Do you need our help with makeup?" Miura Yuko was eager to try it. She had never done such a novel thing before.

Kashiwazaki Sena was also staring at Stella’s face.

"No, I'll just go inside and get ready. When I send you a message, you can turn off the power switch." Stella said calmly.

"Then it's settled!"

As Stella went upstairs, Yangno suddenly said: "In order to ensure that the plan can proceed smoothly, I will go to the second floor to take charge of sentry. If Uehara notices, I will tell you on my mobile phone."

She also left after speaking.

Kawashima Ami looked at the other party's back with suspicious eyes: "Why does Sister Haruno look so interested?"

"It should be because she wants to seduce Takuya!" Kashiwazaki Sena said unhappily.


Kawashima Ami and Miura Yuko looked at each other and smiled, not believing it at all.

Stella was indeed putting on makeup when she returned to the house.

But she didn't paint her face pale.

Instead, she sat in front of the dressing table and arranged her short hair. She put on a pair of earrings and looked in the mirror to make sure that the hair on her forehead was not messed up before she nodded with satisfaction.

Then she took out a scented lipstick from her bag and dyed her lips a bright color.

"I'm really looking forward to your reaction."

Stella looked at her slim and beautiful self in the mirror, chuckled, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to Kawashima Ami.

With a bang, the lights in the entire villa went out, plunging into darkness.

Uehara Takuya, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, looked up in confusion: "Did the circuit trip?"

With his night vision, he didn't care whether the room was dark or not.

But it’s quite annoying if the circuit breaker trips while taking a shower.

He hurriedly put on a bath towel and was about to go downstairs to check the electric switch when footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

It was a sound that was deliberately suppressed by someone's pace. It was very soft, but he could still catch it.

In the quiet darkness, any sound of movement will be infinitely amplified.

In particular, Takuya Uehara's hearing has been enhanced by abilities.

He simply retreated to the bathroom, opened the door a crack, and prepared to see who was coming.

With a soft creaking sound, the door was opened.

He saw Stella with exquisite makeup and a purple nightgown.

He suddenly recalled the unusual behavior of the housekeeper during the day.

[Is she here to attack me at night? 】

Uehara Takuya was thinking when he suddenly heard the second footsteps outside the door.

It is also a very deliberately hidden pace.

Who is this?

Chapter 189 Come Prepared

If Stella, who had specially put on makeup at night, suddenly appeared, it would have surprised Takuya Uehara.

Then the second footsteps outside the door made him alert.

From his point of view, he had to doubt Stella’s purpose of coming here.

Especially the other party's strange behavior during the daytime filming.

Is the second person outside another helper?

Under Uehara Takuya's puzzled gaze, Stella actually took out a mini flashlight.

This is prepared!

As the light of the flashlight appeared in the room, the most conspicuous place in the darkness became the position where Stella stood.

She held the flashlight and looked around, walking slowly, obviously looking for Uehara Takuya.

This scene has quite a feeling of "walking alone in a dark alley".

Seeing this, Uehara Takuya coughed deliberately in the bathroom.

Stella, who heard the sound, quickly looked towards the bathroom.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are in a horror game. You accidentally made a noise and attracted the eyes of the life-threatening female ghost.

"Uehara, are you taking a shower?" Stella was the first to speak out.

"Why did you come in?" Uehara Takuya pretended to be surprised, while using a complaining tone, "I was halfway through washing and the lights in the room suddenly went out. I suspect there is something wrong with the electric switch."

"Maybe, but I have asked Miss Yukinoshita and the others to check the switch." Stella said calmly.

You are talking nonsense!

Takuya Uehara couldn't tell that she was lying.

You must know that the door is not closed now. If Yukino and the others are really downstairs, they will make some noise anyway.

But the whole villa is now as quiet as a long-abandoned house.

"Are you dressed?" Stella changed the subject abruptly.

"Of course I wore it."

After Uehara Takuya finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

But Stella stared straight at the bathrobe on his body, her red lips slightly opened, as if she wanted to say something.

But Uehara Takuya spoke first: "You said Yukino and the others went to check the electric switch?"

Stella still stared at him and said nothing.

Uehara Takuya was horrified by her burning gaze.

It always felt like she would pounce on me the next second.

So Takuya Uehara decisively looked away and said, "It's been so long and there's not a single sound outside. Is it possible that they can't handle it? I'd better go and take a look."

While talking, Uehara Takuya pretended to be fine and walked out.

Stella suddenly took a step across, just blocking his way.

Uehara Takuya raised his head and saw her beautiful face decorated with makeup.

Especially at night, she only wore a loose nightgown, revealing her round white shoulders and delicate collarbones. The air was mixed with her charming fragrance, which seemed to be captivating and hard to extricate herself from.

"Are you okay?" Uehara Takuya tried his best to keep his tone calm.

Stella showed a very charming smile: "Do you want to come and play with me?"

"Playing against each other?" Uehara Takuya was startled. He really didn't expect such a sentence to come out of the other party's mouth.

Stella nodded lightly: "According to the plan of those girls, our scenes are expected to be filmed in two days. We just happened to have read the script, so why not do the scene now so that we can give it to you then?" It’s a surprise for them.”

Uehara Takuya looked at her strangely.

He didn't know if Yukino and the others would be surprised.

But now he was really shocked.

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