
After Yukino finished speaking, she looked away, too lazy to speak again.

Because she knew very well that when the boy next to her acted stupidly, she could not talk to him under any circumstances.

Otherwise, you will definitely be at a disadvantage in the end and be led by the other party.

It's also possible that he was walking by the skirt.

The two chatted without saying a word for a while, and just as Yukino expected, Kashiwazaki Sena sneaked over again during the period, and she just happened to catch her.

"Damn Yukinoshita, you are just a stupid and annoying vixen!"

Kashiwazaki Sena ran away aggrieved and angry.

"Ha." Xueno responded with a sneer, his combat power is really weak.

After being caught by himself, Kashiwazaki Sena's combat effectiveness was not even as good as that of [merely Miura].

After being caught twice in a row, Yukino knew that Kashiwazaki Sena would definitely not dare to come over.

She was about to go back to rest when she saw Uehara Takuya's cell phone vibrating.

"That guy again?" Yukino asked Kashiwazaki Sena.

"No, it's Mr. Hiratsuka." Uehara Takuya waved his hand.


Yukino paused, she didn't want to leave for the time being.

But she was embarrassed to stay and listen to the phone call.

Uehara Takuya noticed her expression and smiled: "You can listen if you want to, it's not a very important thing anyway."

Yukino's cheeks were slightly red. He had said so, so he should listen to it openly.

When Uehara Takuya answered the call, Hiratsuka Shizu's voice on the other end of the phone could be clearly heard in the quiet room.

Just the first words the other party spoke almost made Yukino stop.

"Pangolin, how is the situation over there?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice sounded solemn.

Uehara Takuya himself was stunned for a moment.

The codename he gave himself during the day was purely casual.

Unexpectedly, Hiratsuka Shizu actually remembered it.

Well, this beautiful teacher also has a childlike innocence...

He looked at Yukino with a sneer, and sure enough, the girl next to him had an expression that "shocked my mother for a whole year."

However, it was not convenient for him to explain at the moment, so he responded: "James Bond, everything is normal here."

"James Bond, pangolin..." Yukino muttered faintly, wondering how you managed to merge Eastern and Western styles?

"Normal? You mean, [Cat] didn't come to you today?" Shizuka Hiratsuka asked suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, whose codename is [Cat] again?" Uehara Takuya felt that he needed to figure out the situation.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you, this is Yangno's code name, because Yukino is her sister, and that child happens to like cats, so in accordance with our agent style, I took this code name... What do you think, do you listen? Does it sound cool?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice sounded like she was asking for credit, which was quite arrogant.

Uehara Takuya noticed something was wrong with Yukino's eyes.

Because it's easy to guess.

Since Yangono is [Cat] and Yukino is her sister, then the code name is obviously [Kitten].

Uehara Takuya felt that Yukino definitely didn't like the prefix "small".

Yukino stared at his face with strange eyes, you guys are having a great time!

Faced with this look, he could only pretend not to see it and coughed: "I see, but I don't think the code name [Cat] is suitable for Yangno. She should be called [Fox]."

"That makes sense, then [Fox] really didn't touch you?" Hiratsuka Shizuka adapted very quickly. In a sense, this woman still has an innocent childlike heart.

"Yes, but not much contact, because she has met an opponent, so her energy is basically focused on that person now." Uehara Takuya recalled the previous conversation between Stella and Harano.

"Who? Yukino? Or Ami?"

"Stella, the housekeeper of the Kashiwazaki family."

"Her? This is troublesome, because I'm not familiar with her, and I don't have a clue at the moment."

Hiratsuka Shizu didn't chat for too long. She must have been sleepy, as she yawned while talking.

After hanging up the phone, Uehara Takuya and Yukino looked at each other, and the room fell into an awkward silence for no reason.

In the end, Takuya Uehara smiled dryly and said, "What's wrong?"

Yukino looked at him expressionlessly: "I remembered a saying I learned tonight."

"Do you still know what to say?" Uehara Takuya's surprised face was exaggerated.

Yukino ignored him and continued: "That saying is called a toad pretending to be a little frog - an ugly flower that comes to play with."

Uehara Takuya put on a serious face: "I want to declare that I am not ugly."

"Yes, you look a lot like a toad, and you are also very good at playing tricks. Are these two things true?"

"...I don't look like a toad."

Yukino stood up and couldn't help but smile on his face: "I didn't expect you and Hiratsuka-sensei to be teaming up to deal with my sister?"

"It doesn't count as a confrontation, but joining forces is true." Uehara Takuya corrected.

"That's pretty much the same meaning."

After Yukino finished speaking, he was about to leave when Takuya Uehara's voice came from behind him: "Are you going back now?"

"Otherwise?" Xueno turned back in confusion.

"I just don't feel sleepy now, let's chat." Uehara Takuya invited.

A hint of shyness flashed in Yukino's eyes, and she pretended to be calm: "It's already very late."

"I can tell you a few bedtime stories."

"You still do this?"

"Of course, I can also turn us into the protagonists of a bedtime story."

"You can shut up, bastard... Hey, don't take off your clothes!"

The door was locked.

Silent all night.

Thanks to Uehara Takuya, Yukino didn't talk to him the whole morning the next day.

Every time the two of them made eye contact, she would stare in shame and anger, conveying her thoughts with her eyes: Bastard!

Takuya Uehara didn't mind at all.

Since today was the day when Kawashima Ami's husky was filming a commercial, everyone except Stella and Harano who were not interested and left, planned to go there and have a look.

Except Takuya Uehara.

Because when everyone separated, Xue Naite gave him a look with a straight face.

Uehara Takuya understood instantly.

So when he met everyone again, he had turned into that little white cat.

"Why did Inujiro run out again?" Miura Yuko was still very interested in the white cat. Even though she was surprised, she was the first to rush forward and pick it up.

Yukino clenched her fists. Damn it, she was just a step too slow.

No one had any objection to Inujiro's arrival, even the husky barked in welcome.

Of course, in Takuya Uehara's view, Husky probably wanted to torment him.

So he took advantage of the husky to get close to him while he was having fun, raised his hand and punched meow, and at the same time barked at the stunned husky to show his shock.

Chapter 192 Dog Actor, Cat Director

The husky received a meow punch from Uehara Takuya and stood there in a daze, tilting its head as if thinking about something.

If it were another dog encountering this situation, he would either run away with a howl or show his teeth and assume an attack posture.

But this husky’s brain circuit is different.

Especially since it was taught by Takuya Uehara.

Last time it didn't even pay attention to the lion's intimidation, but now it just received a punch from the cat, which it said was a trivial matter.

So it happily rushed up to Hara Takuya and waggled its tail. From time to time, it would stand up with its hind legs and try to pull the opponent away.

Miura Yuiko was not as afraid of dogs as Yukino, so she smiled and rubbed the husky's head: "Don't be ridiculous, you have a mission today."


The husky didn't care at all and continued to exchange words with Uehara Takuya, gesturing for him to come down and play with him.

Fortunately, Ami Kawashima came over right after chatting with the staff.

As soon as she appeared, the husky immediately sat on the ground obediently.

After all, the dog has stayed at home for so many days. In its heart, Ami Kawashima will always be the boss.

"Yami, do you know the content of the shooting?" Kashiwazaki Sena immediately came over. She was indeed interested in smart cats and dogs, but she wanted to know more about the shooting situation.

Ami Kawashima smiled and nodded: "The director made it clear, it's quite simple. Just put the meat in several brands of dog food, choose the one provided by the sponsor, and then show the meat bun's ability. That’s it.”

"It means... as long as you eat their dog food, even a husky can become obedient?" Kashiwazaki Sena whispered for a while, "Isn't this false propaganda?"

Yukino, who had been trying to play with the cat but failed, heard this and said helplessly: "Did you understand it wrong? Kawashima-san said, it's just that you need to show the husky's ability, it's not what you guessed."

Then she added: "Of course, after the commercial is aired, there will definitely be no shortage of similar comments."

Uehara Takuya lay lazily in Miura Yuko's arms and said nothing.

He just came here to eat melon today. Although he was not hugged by Yukino, the girl's embrace was still very warm.

Still soft.

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