"Uehara is not an outsider," Tachibana Chizuru corrected.

"But he's a man."

"We can pass him off as a woman."

"What are you kidding?"

"Then don't treat him as a human being?"

"What are you kidding!"

Takuya Uehara became more and more uncomfortable as he listened. Seeing that the two of them continued to discuss, he was about to jump out of the human species. He quickly interrupted: "Okay, Mr. Hiratsuka, didn't you ask me to discuss Stella's matter? "

"Oh yes, it's all your fault that I forgot about the real thing." Shizuka Hiratsuka rubbed her face in embarrassment, and then asked: "Then what you said before is true? Stella can really be with Is the yang [-]-[-] open?"

Uehara Takuya said firmly: "I may not be able to determine what will happen in the future, but judging from the current situation, it is absolutely true."

Then he told Stella that she knew that Yangno was following her, and that the latter easily lured Yangno out.

Hiratsuka Shizuka's beautiful eyes lit up: "So, maybe I can find a chance to talk to Stella?"

Uehara Takuya looked suspicious: "What do you want to do?"

"Being friends with her, of course."

The more Shizuka Hiratsuka thought about it, the more he thought there was something wrong. Finally, he smiled happily and said: "The two of us were already working together, and Stella suddenly had a confrontation with Harano yesterday, so she can be considered a member of our team. Isn't this right? It means that the three of us are actually very powerful together?"

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh when he heard this: "I have to correct you on one thing. Only Miss Stella and I were the ones who contributed yesterday. Mr. Hiratsuka, you just gave yourself a code name of [James Bond]. Other than that, Otherwise, you will have no other contribution."

Hiratsuka Shizu's face darkened and he stopped talking.

But she was obviously interested in the proposal just now.

So much so that after she finished her meal, she left in a hurry without even saying hello.

"Why is she leaving in such a hurry?" Tachibana Chizuru didn't even finish her lunch.

Uehara Takuya looked at the empty door: "If nothing else happens, she should have an accident."

Chizuru Tachibana tilted her head, looking quite cute.

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "To put it simply, she may want to create an unexpected encounter so that she can successfully chat with Stella."

Chapter 195 Both of them are acting

"Causing accidents? Xiaojing seems to be an activist."

There was still no other emotion in Tachibana Chizuru's voice, which was cold and indifferent.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have the kind of mechanical voice in the movie, she could really cosplay a robot.

After eating the bento, Shizuka Hiratsuka hadn't come back yet, and Takuya Uehara guessed that she had gone to find someone to ask for Stella's contact information.

As for whom?

That is of course Kashiwazaki Sena.

As soon as he returned to the classroom, Miura Yuko came over and invited him to play with him after school.

He didn't refuse this time because he had refused too many times before. On the other hand, he just had nothing to do tonight.

Yukino must be going to Qingshan Nanami, and according to her temperament, she will probably not call him this time.

The reason is nothing more than: turning into a white cat and flirting with Nanami Aoyama behind my back!

Uehara Takuya felt funny when he thought about what Yukino said.

He just acted as a cat to protect the flowers once, and didn't cause any trouble at all. In the end, he was still suspected by Yukino.

If nothing else goes wrong, Yukino will probably inquire about the situation with Nanami Aoyama tonight. With the latter's vigilance, it won't take long for Yukino to find out the details.

"Uehara, haven't you joined the club yet?" When get out of class was over, several boys sitting next to him were chatting, and the topic turned to him.

Among them is the cross-dressing boss named Fujiwara.

"Not yet. I think it's quite easy not to join a club now. At least I don't have to go out to participate in club activities on weekends." Uehara Takuya said with a casual smile.

"That's because you haven't found the club you like. Recently, the dance club is looking for people everywhere. I took the time to take a look yesterday. There are many beautiful girls there, and they dress very well when dancing." A wearing The boy with round glasses chuckled.

"Is it true? I also saw the news that the dance club is recruiting people, but I haven't had time to see it yet."

"I would like to join the Kendo Club, but since what Uehara-san did, the recruitment standards of the Kendo Club have been raised..."

Listening to the conversation of several people in his ear, Uehara Takuya asked a little puzzled: "What does the recruitment of the kendo club have to do with me?"

The person who spoke before sighed: "Did you say this to the master of the Kendo Club: "Human beings have limits"?

"I did say that." Uehara Takuya admitted.

"It's your fault for saying this." The other person said with a helpless expression, "Although I know this is a line in "JoJo", but you single-handedly overturned the entire kendo club, which has caused their recruitment threshold to be raised. And that phrase [human beings have limits] has become their cheering slogan now.”


Uehara Takuya was filled with dark thoughts.

He subconsciously imagined a group of students wearing Kendo club uniforms shouting in unison: "Human beings have limits, so I won't be a human anymore."

Immediately, goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Just thinking about that scene, it is really a shell checking out - a clam can't live anymore.

"Speaking of which, are any of you interested in the Comic Expo on Saturday? We can form a team and go there together."

"Still forming a team? Do you think we are playing a game?"

"Haha, I heard Miura-san say last time that life is actually a game called Earth OL. If you make friends, it means you choose to form a team to pass the copy of [Life]."

Uehara Takuya listened silently, thinking to himself, isn’t this what I said? It turns out that Yumeko really remembered it?

After school, Uehara Takuya finally met Hiratsuka Shizuka at school.

The woman was chewing her toothpick and was leaning on the corridor to play with her mobile phone attentively. Her slender fingers were tapping slowly on the screen of the mobile phone. Judging from the movement, she should be sending a message.

Uehara Takuya went over and said hello: "Teacher Hiratsuka, is he sending a message to Stella?"

"How do you know...Oh, your mind works very fast. It's normal to guess." Shizuka Hiratsuka put down her phone and sounded very happy, "I got Stella's contact information from Sena. Yes, she is quite polite, she feels like a young lady in a movie with a talent for etiquette."

Takuya Uehara reminded: "Don't forget, she is a woman who is evenly matched with Harano."

Hiratsuka Shizu was stunned for a moment and said awkwardly: "I almost forgot about this matter. You are right, I can't be fooled by her appearance."

Then she smiled at Hara Takuya: "I think the three of us can join forces as planned."

"What plan?" Uehara Takuya was confused.

Shizuka Hiratsuka lowered his voice: "As I said at noon, the three of us can form a team to deal with Yangno."

Uehara Takuya laughed and said, "Yano is your good friend."

"I know, I don't really want to deal with Harano, I just want her to..." Shizuka Hiratsuka hesitated, and kept glancing at Takuya Uehara as he spoke.

Takuya Uehara understood what she meant and looked helpless: "I remember I said before that Ms. Harano probably doesn't like me. She must have other ideas."

"Although what you said makes sense, I still want to give it a try."

Hiratsuka Shizuka stretched, stood generously next to Uehara Takuya and said with a smile: "Whether it is as a friend or in other capacities, I don't want to see the two sisters maintain the bad relationship they have now."

Uehara Takuya pondered: "If you really want to ease the relationship between Yukino and the others, you must first let Harino learn how to be a mute."

"Mute?" Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't understand for a while.

Uehara Takuya asked: "Don't Hiratsuka-sensei think that Miss Haruno is actually very suitable for becoming a good friend when she doesn't talk?"

Hiratsuka Shizu was choked by this answer, coughing and laughing at the same time: "What kind of weird theory are you talking about? If Yangno doesn't speak, is she still Yangno?"

She laughed for a while, then thought about another friend, and her tone became more serious: "By the way, you and Tachibana have a good relationship?"

Uehara Takuya looked at her doubtfully.

Hiratsuka Shizu looked hesitant: "Tachibana has often mentioned you to me recently...well, how should I put it? It seems that besides me, you are the most important person in her heart."

"Mr. Hiratsuka, don't you want to ask me to change her temper again?" Uehara Takuya guessed her thoughts.

Hiratsuka looked around guiltily: "Don't worry, I will help you too."

Uehara Takuya's face was expressionless: "I remember the previous few times when Yukino and I were trying to figure out a solution, you were always fishing next to us."

"No way? I'm also thinking of a solution, okay?" Hiratsuka Shizuka retorted with a red face.

"Then you figured it out?"


Shizuka Hiratsuka has no confidence again.

But the way she changed from a strong rebuttal to a guilty and embarrassed look was quite cute.

"That kid Yukino didn't think of a better way, so I had to come to you." Shizuka Hiratsuka beeped softly.

"I have no choice at the moment." Uehara Takuya shook his head.

If he really had a way, he would have said it long ago, why hide it.

"It just so happens that school is out now. I'll treat you to dinner and we'll chat while eating." Hiratsuka Shizu thought of an idea.

Uehara Takuya said in disbelief: "You are still exploiting child labor after school? James Bond, your bottom line really surprises me... Uh-huh."

Before he could finish his words, Hiratsuka Shizuka covered his mouth again.

The woman looked ashamed and said shamefully: "I've already told you not to shout this code name in school. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Why are you embarrassed?" Uehara Takuya broke away from her warm palm and took a breath, "Teacher Hiratsuka told me about the second line in "The Prince of Tennis", but now you can't stand up to a mere agent nickname. Living?"

"Do you believe I'll beat you up?"

"It would be great if it could really fly."

The two of them were talking to each other, and Hiratsuka Shizuka's arms were wrapped around his neck at some point, and her blushing and shameful cheeks were also very close.

As a result, Uehara Takuya could smell the fragrance in her hair.

"It's too close." Uehara Takuya warned.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned for a moment, then laughed and let go: "Are you shy? I really didn't see it. So you also have a shy side?"

Uehara Takuya looked at her with a bewildered look, thinking that if other women encountered the situation just now, they might blush and change the subject.

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