This time he shouted three times in one go.

Pedestrians around him stopped unconsciously and looked at this side with expressions that looked like they had seen a ghost.

Kashiwazaki Sena faced the shocked looks of passers-by and smiled happily.

Stella in the car on the roadside was stunned and chuckled: "Two silly kids."

Uehara Takuya's psychological quality has always been good.

Even though there were so many eyes staring around him, he could still pretend to be calm and carry Kashiwazaki Sena on his back to the car.

But before he got out of the car, Stella in the front seat smiled and said: "I saw Uehara's performance just now, well, I am willing to give full marks."

"Really? I also want to give full marks." Kashiwazaki Sena was obviously shy, but the smile on her face was not missing.

Then Stella glanced at Uehara Takuya who was silent: "Don't go down, Sena definitely wants you to go back together."

"How can I..."

Kashiwazaki Sena shyly whispered, and kept stealing glances at Uehara Takuya.

"That's disturbing."

Uehara Takuya closed the car door and sat back quietly.

Stella started the car and said with a slight regret: "It's a pity that you bought a lot of food just now, otherwise we could still have a drink."

Kashiwazaki Sena looked hesitant: "I don't know how to drink. Do I want to learn?"

Stella smiled deliberately and nodded: “You can learn it too.”

"Let's forget it." Uehara Takuya said decisively, "It's okay if you encouraged me to drink. Now you are encouraging Sena. This has violated your duty as the butler of the Kashiwazaki family, right?"

In other words, it's like cooking in the toilet - not doing your job properly.

"I was just joking."

Stella smiled disapprovingly, and then murmured: "But I still want to find someone to have a drink with."

"You can ask dad to drink with you." Kashiwazaki Sena offered help.

"The boss isn't going home today...Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, he took the parrot out again."

"I knew he coveted my parrot!"

Kashiwazaki Sena muttered depressedly.

She also has a headache for her father who always likes to show off.

As long as you don't pay attention, the macaw that likes whole French fries will be taken out.

Arriving at Kashiwazaki's house, Stella quickly entered the role of housekeeper.

Not only did she prepare a new bathrobe for Takuya Uehara immediately, but she also arranged the washing tools and guest room.

When she works hard, her efficiency is surprisingly high.

Kashiwazaki Sena went back to the room to take a shower first. Stella didn't seem to be in a hurry. She was still wearing her uniform skirt and her sexy legs wrapped in gray stockings were placed together regularly, leaving no gaps under the table.

She held the tea cup and blew on it, and said softly: "Sena is always very happy when she is with you. This is something that has never happened to her in school before."

Uehara Takuya was aroused by her words, and while recalling, he smiled and said: "She really didn't know how to deal with interpersonal relationships before. She clearly longed to make friends in her heart, but when the words came to her mouth, they would have another meaning."

"Actually, this is our dereliction of duty." Stella said.

Uehara Takuya stared at the steaming tea: "But now she has made friends, and there are more than one."

"That's because of you." Stella got the point across.

Uehara Takuya was still stunned for a moment: "Have you also investigated me like the Yukinoshita family?"

"No, if the boss doesn't give me an order, I won't do anything rude at will." Stella shook her head, her smile unchanged, "But Sena can't hide secrets from me. She met her in school Anyone who encounters something unhappy will always tell me."

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Stella seemed not to notice and continued: "You know? Sena always only tells me happy things. If she is wronged at school, she never I will take the initiative to speak out, but I will secretly wipe my tears at home."

Stella's eyes stared straight at Takuya Uehara: "If I hadn't asked specifically and tried to find a way to appease her, she would probably have to hide her grievances for the rest of her life."

Uehara Takuya always felt that there was something in her words, but he couldn't figure it out for the time being, so he could only choose to remain silent.

"I remember someone said that cherry blossoms are cruel. The more pain of others buried in the soil, the more wanton and bold it will bloom." Stella took a shallow sip of tea and smiled at Takuya Uehara. “The education I received made me understand from a long time ago that we should not just look at problems at their superficial level.”

Uehara Takuya responded cooperatively: "So?"

Stella did not answer in a hurry, but stared at him for a few seconds, smiled and said: "So if you didn't know Miss Yukinoshita at the beginning, you should be married to Sena now, right?"

"How is that possible? We are still students..." Uehara Takuya knew that was not what she really wanted to say, but he pretended not to notice.

"makes sense."

Stella should also understand this.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and neither mentioned the matter again.

She quickly changed the topic: "Actually, I really want to ask Sena what it's like to have a boyfriend."

Uehara Takuya was silent for a while and said in a strange tone: "Is this the reason why you caused trouble at the beach last time?"

"It's a bit rude to talk about making trouble. To be precise, I'm just curious." Stella responded calmly.

Uehara Takuya sincerely suggested: "If you really want to find a boyfriend, it's impossible to find him based on your conditions."

"I already talked about this topic last time, and I haven't found anything that makes me willing to do it yet..." Stella stopped deliberately, her eyes meaningful.

Uehara Takuya moved his eyes away consciously. He knew that the other party wanted to say "pregnant" in the end.

"Sena should have finished taking a shower. No one will disturb you tonight, so you can spend it however you want." Stella said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen with the cup in hand.

Uehara Takuya looked at her beautiful back, wondering if this woman wanted to take a peek again, right?

It turns out that Stella does know Kashiwazaki Sena very well.

A few minutes after she finished speaking, a girl's energetic voice came from upstairs.

When Takuya Uehara came over and the two sat down in the room, there was a sweet smell everywhere around them.

A girl who has just taken a bath always smells soft and fragrant. Her cheeks are rosy and delicate due to the heat, and her eyes are occasionally filled with a touching mist.

She just sat next to Uehara Takuya, bending down, rummaging in the drawer, muttering: "I remember putting that box of games in the drawer, why can't I find it?"

"You want to invite me to play games?" Uehara Takuya said.

"Yeah, don't you want to play? Then we can watch TV." Kashiwazaki Sena raised his head.

Uehara Takuya sighed. She obviously wanted to play a game, but in the end, she was willing to accommodate him just because she asked casually.

This is really...

Uehara Takuya calmed down and vaguely understood the meaning of Stella's previous words, "No one will disturb you tonight."

The other party knows the girl in front of him far better than he does.

Even though the two of them didn't chat much on the way back, Stella still guessed what Kashiwazaki Sena was thinking.

That's why she took the initiative to ask Uehara Takuya to stay.

When she got here, she didn't mention the topic of "overnight stay" anymore, but acted as a housekeeper to sort out the guest rooms and cleaning supplies.

Everything was arranged properly.

"Watching TV seems to be boring." Uehara Takuya looked around, and suddenly remembered what the girl in front of him once said, "I remember when you were in the service department last time, you said you wanted to dance for me?"


Kashiwazaki Sena was startled, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she quickly stood up: "Do you want to watch it now? But I just finished taking a shower and don't want to change clothes."

"Teach me." Takuya Uehara stood up and extended his hand to her, "Just like that dance, you teach me how to dance."


Kashiwazaki Sena happily agreed.

She didn't want to refuse.

Now she has washed herself and smells good, and no one comes to disturb her.

She also wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and lean into his arms.

The melodious music sounded, and when Takuya Uehara put his arm around her waist, she immediately put aside the matter of teaching dance.

Obviously the best thing to do at this time is to kiss.

The girl thought shyly.

Chapter 199

The bright lights illuminated the two of them brilliantly from above, inadvertently and quietly dispelling the darkness in the room. The streets outside were still busy, but it had nothing to do with this room.

Kashiwazaki Sena was only wearing that light blue gauze nightgown, and the sweet smell of the girl's body was constantly surrounding her, scurrying lively in the air.

The room was warm and fragrant, and the soft music lingered in their hearts. Uehara Takuya put his arms around her small and light waist, smelled the girl's delicious milk fragrance, and looked at her face that was flushed with shyness. Cute little face.

The dance teaching mentioned earlier seems to no longer exist for the two of them.

Kashiwazaki Sena didn't teach, and Uehara Taku didn't take the initiative to learn. He just moved his steps to the sound of music. There was no elegance and beauty in dance, but only the intimacy between lovers.

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and hugged his neck. She felt that her body had no strength and she might become a weak girl who couldn't even twist the cap of a drink bottle.

Occasionally she would muster up the courage to look at Uehara Takuya, but as he watched, she began to blush and be shy again, her whole body felt soft and hot, and she had no strength left to lean against him.

The two of them were close to each other at a close distance, and Kashiwazaki Sena could feel his warm breath, which would hit her forehead from time to time.

In this kind of night with no one to disturb her, Kashiwazaki Sena's heart was beating fast, and she always felt that some of the thoughts in her heart were about to pop up.

The kind that can't be suppressed at all.

Until she looked at Uehara Takuya again, her eyes were hazy, and she slowly opened her red lips: "It seems that I haven't taught you to dance yet..."

"It seems that there is no need for it now." Uehara Takuya lowered his head, and the hand holding her waist suddenly became stronger. Amidst the girl's cute exclamation, he carried her to the sofa in a princess hug.

Kashiwazaki Sena's cheeks were hot, but she couldn't help but feel happy in her heart.

But now that she was completely sitting in Uehara Takuya's arms, she really had no strength at all this time, and even her voice was soft and small: "Don't you want to jump?"

"I don't want to dance anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uehara Takuya kissed the girl's lips.

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