"I finally understand now that the purpose of you calling me out is to be the tool responsible for sending you home." Uehara Takuya teased from the side.

Hiratsuka Shizuka chuckled, her cheeks gradually turning rosy due to the alcohol: "Because you are more reliable."

"You must have said this to Haruno, and maybe Tachibana-sensei." Uehara Takuya exposed her lie.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was embarrassed to answer the question this time, because the other party's guess was quite accurate.

But she also told the truth, she really trusted Uehara Takuya.

Although she was more curious about how the other party convinced Yukino.

Let’s not mention the last time the two of them asked for leave together.

As for Yukino's extraordinary selfie this time, she couldn't even figure out the reason for it.

With Yukino's temperament, it would be amazing if she could post an ordinary selfie.

But that photo just now...

Shizuka Hiratsuka remembered what Takuya Uehara had just said, "If you are interested, you can also try taking selfies in this posture." She immediately glared at him in embarrassment.

Takuya Uehara just felt confused: "Have I done anything harmful to God again?"

"So you know yourself so clearly? It's beyond my expectation."

Hiratsuka Shizuka dropped this sentence casually, and she was not polite. She raised her arm towards Uehara Takuya: "Help me, I seem to have drank too much."

"If you're not a good drinker, drink less." Uehara Takuya muttered, but still helped to support him, "Do you need me to take you home now?"

"No, I'm going to Tachibana's house to rest tonight. It's closer there."


The two of them just walked on the night-shrouded street. Not long after Hiratsuka Shizuka left the store, her steps became even more chaotic.

Once alcohol is on your mind, if you don't control your emotions all the time, you will be affected by alcohol and become excited.

This is the situation for Shizuka Hiratsuka now.

As she walked, most of her body weight leaned towards Uehara Takuya.

The problem was that she didn't seem to realize this yet. She laughed from time to time along the way, as if she thought of something fun, but when Uehara Takuya asked, she fell silent.

"Drunk women are scary." Uehara Takuya muttered secretly.

Hiratsuka Shizu also heard it and looked at him with disgust: "I'm not drunk, I'm just a little dizzy. I'll wake up after I go back and lie down for a while."

"Come on, in your current state, I guess you only need to lie down for 5 minutes before you fall asleep."

"You don't believe me? Then do you want me to prove it to you now?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's mood became much more exciting.

Uehara Takuya was calm: "Oh, how do you want to prove it? Are you lying on the road now? If you are seen by an acquaintance, your reputation may become black history."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was startled, then looked away guiltily and hummed: "Since you also know that I still have a reputation, you should respect me a little more."

"I already respect you very much, but you don't see it."

"He talks nonsense."

Hiratsuka Shizu pouted.

After a while, she chuckled again, as if talking to herself: "Although the words you sometimes say sound like you have suffered from cerebral thrombosis for ten years, I am still very happy to chat with you."

"The adjective "cerebral thrombosis" is too much, and it's from ten years ago..." Takuya Uehara complained.

"Ha, because you are indeed very annoying. I don't know how Yukino can stand you, especially since she doesn't have a gentle temperament."

"Probably because she is also quite irritating when talking. Once we are combined, we can be both negative and positive."

Hiratsuka Shizu's face froze, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

But she didn't dare to speak out.

Because she herself wasn't sure whether the "combination" mentioned by Takuya Uehara was just a casual comment, or whether it meant something else.

[Maybe I drank too much and my mind was messed up. 】

Hiratsuka quietly made an excuse and decided not to answer the call.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Harano hasn't contacted me recently." Uehara Takuya said a topic that interested her.

Her expression immediately became solemn. Even though she was still drunk in her eyes, she still said seriously: "I suspect she is planning something secretly."

"Even so, there's nothing we can do against her." Uehara Takuya revealed the cruel truth.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was suddenly a little discouraged, more depressed.

The other party was right, there was really nothing she could do against Yangno.

"I feel so uncomfortable talking to you." She rolled her eyes angrily.

Uehara Takuya's face was dark, you were saying you were happy chatting with me a second ago, and now you are hurting me again?

After I cross the river and demolish the bridge, I will at least use the Naihe Bridge to replace it. It would be better for you to just steal all the bridges.

Arriving at the door of Chizuru Tachibana's apartment smoothly, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't call anyone to open the door. She muttered vaguely: "I have the key, so I don't need to disturb her. What if she falls asleep?"

"Where is the key?" Uehara Takuya saw the look on her face and knew he had to open the door himself.

"Inside the pocket."


Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment and looked at the skirt she was wearing carefully, but there was no trace of pockets at all.

"Yes, it's in the pocket. Please open the door for me." Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded.

Uehara Takuya was about to say where there were pockets, when suddenly he noticed Hiratsuka Shizuka's women's shirt inside.

Shirts usually do have pockets on the chest.

But it's not convenient for him to reach out now.

Because he wanted to get the key, he had to help Hiratsuka Shizuka unbutton his small coat.

"Why don't you take action?" Hiratsuka waited for a long time and found that he didn't move. She couldn't help opening her drunken eyes and looked over curiously.

Uehara Takuya helped her lean against the wall, raised his hand to hold her blushing cheek, and said angrily: "Please wake up, if you put your keys in your shirt pocket, do you think it is convenient for me to take it with my hands?"

"Why is it inconvenient..."

Fortunately, she was not completely drunk. When she looked down, she realized what the problem was.

She looked at Uehara Takuya holding her face again, and immediately slapped his arm away in embarrassment: "I'll take it myself, and you put your hand back."

"Are you awake?" Uehara Takuya put down his arms.

Hiratsuka Shizuo laughed a few times. She also knew that it was the influence of alcohol that made her thinking slow.

She couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, she reacted quickly. If she really let this guy put his hand in, she would be embarrassed to see others.

After opening the door, Uehara Takuya helped Hiratsuka Shizuka change her shoes and was about to leave. As soon as he let go, the older woman leaned against the wall with a thud, and even tended to slide down and up.

"so troublesome."

Uehara Takuya smiled helplessly, and could only reach out to support her arm, while he found a pair of slippers to wear, and helped her walk to the living room.

As for Hiratsuka Shizu's high heels, she could only change them herself.

As soon as he came to the living room, Uehara Takuya saw Tachibana Chizuru sitting on the sofa.

"You are..."

Tachibana Chizuru turned around when she heard the noise. Before she could finish her words, she saw Shizuka Hiratsuka who was blushing and smelling of alcohol, and she understood immediately.

"Xiao Jing drank again? Then leave it to me."

She got up and helped Shizuka Hiratsuka back into the house.

Uehara Takuya could still hear Shizuka Hiratsuka's muttering in the living room, and she was completely drunk. Although she could barely maintain normal thinking, she obviously couldn't avoid the dizziness and slowness caused by alcohol.

Tachibana Chizuru came out again, and she didn't give Uehara Takuya a chance to speak. She said, "Sit down and have a cup of tea. I just have a few videotapes to give to you."

"What video tape?" Uehara Takuya hesitated for a second, then sat down.

"Videos related to pets." Chizuru Tachibana held her cheeks and said in a calm voice, "You and Yukino helped me, and Sena and the others also respected me very much and did not reject me, so I also want to help you. Do something."

Takuya Uehara originally wanted to say that with Yukino's serious nature, she should have studied various video tapes before filming.

But then he thought about it, this was Chizuru Tachibana's good intention, so he didn't say anything out loud.

"It just so happens that it's not too late now. I can study the pet short films made by others with you." Tachibana Chizuru suggested.


Uehara Takuya did not refuse.

But he didn't dare to look at the other party.

Because Tachibana Chizuru was wearing a very cool nightgown.

From the first moment he walked into the living room, he noticed that the fabric of this skirt was very thin.

Most women only wear this style of skirt before going to bed.

Because this type of skirt is too thin, it is easy for the clothes underneath to stand out.

Once it is strangled, it will not only affect the beauty of the entire skirt, but also make the person involved feel embarrassed.

So Tachibana Chizuru is obviously not wearing anything...

"Video tape? Who's talking about video tape?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was lying on the bed in the room, struggled to get up. She looked at the dazzling light above her head and was stunned for more than ten seconds, and finally remembered what happened just now.

"What video tape are they two talking about? It can't be..."

Hiratsuka Shizu's expression suddenly changed.

She remembered very clearly that Tachibana Chizuru had gotten a few of those videos from nowhere two days ago, and even asked her to watch two of them together.

The other party also said nicely: "Everyone will be looking for a man in the future, so it's not a bad thing to learn in advance."

Since we were all women and good friends, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't think much about it at the time, but looking back on it afterwards, she always felt embarrassed.

"Then the videotape they are watching now..."

Shizuka Hiratsuka bit her lip, forced herself to hold on to her groggy brain, and staggered to the door.

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