Xiaoguang, who was in her arms, meowed twice at Takuya Uehara, obviously asking for credit. He thought he had completed the task.

"Why didn't she speak?" Mashiro Shiina was obviously also curious by Yukino's words.

Uehara Takuya shook his head, he couldn't figure out what Yukino was thinking now.

After a while, with Nanami Aoyama coming back, the atmosphere of harmony and friendship was restored in the house.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

Until Uehara Takuya ended this experience, he didn't see any useful information from Yukino's face.

"Seven seas."

Shiina Mashiro felt that she had regained control of her body and shouted softly.


Nanami Aoyama, who had cake stuffed in his mouth, blinked in confusion.

"I can take a shower myself." Shiina Mashiro's tone was calm and seemed a little serious.

"Really? It would be great if you could really do it." Qingshan Nanami smiled and didn't take it to heart.

Yukino stared at Shiina Mashiro's face for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled: "The tone of your words is different."

The other person turned to look at her, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Yukino didn't say much and continued to chat with Nanami Aoyama about the pet short film.

Just when she was going to the bathroom, she picked up her phone, flipped through someone's profile picture, and edited the message to send.

"He used his super powers to hook up with other girls behind my back."

Yukino snorted coldly.

She is a girl she has never seen before.

And so cute...

Yukino clenched her fists unconsciously. Before this, she and Shiina Mashiro had never met before.

But just now through the changes in Qingshan Nanami's expression and the brief chat between the two, she keenly discovered something.

The reason Nanami Aoyama was surprised and surprised was entirely because the girl named Mashiro Shiina seemed different from before.

Realizing this, Yukino began to secretly observe the girl's emotional changes.

Sure enough, she found something fishy.

She naturally thought about Yuigahama Yui.

Combining the two, she already had a guess in her mind.

Less than a minute later, she received a reply from Takuya Uehara.

[Isn’t it?Do you recognize this? 】

There is also a cat's surprised face at the bottom.

The corners of Yukino's mouth curled up slightly, then she reacted and put on a straight face again.

I am angry now.

The kind that can't be coaxed well.

So she edited the message: [I will settle the score with you tomorrow, you philandering bastard Uehara. 】

She put away her phone, straightened her expression in the mirror, and left the bathroom as if nothing was wrong.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya was holding his mobile phone and thinking deeply.

At the same time, he was also recalling where he had exposed himself.

"It shouldn't be a problem with Qingshan, right?"

Uehara Takuya thought of Nanami Aoyama.

The working emperor's mood changes today can be described as rich.

If Yukino deliberately observes these things, then she may indeed figure them out.

"I just don't know what method she used to settle accounts..."

Uehara Takuya glanced at the messages on his phone.

At night, Stella called him.

By the time he changed his clothes and went out, the housekeeper had already parked the car in front of the apartment.

"I have to trouble you to be the driver again." Uehara Takuya got into the car.

"I'm just doing things according to the eldest lady's instructions." Stella responded gently and fastened her seat belt.

Uehara Takuya stared at her profile: "We are so familiar, so you don't need to say this to deal with me, right?"

"Then what should I say?" Stella did not look back and drove the car steadily, but with an obvious smile in her voice, "Should I be more intimate with you? Then I'm worried that you won't be able to stand it."

Takuya Uehara felt there was something wrong with what she said.

And the problem is not small.

However, in order to prevent the topic from being distorted, he decisively did not answer the question.

Stella didn’t seem to care, and just chatted with him about other things.

When she arrived at her destination, she took advantage of Takuya Uehara to get out of the car and said abruptly: "The boss won't be going home tonight."

Uehara Takuya paused. He turned his head in surprise. Before he could ask, Stella chuckled: "Do you need me to be more clear?"

"For example?" Uehara Takuya asked tentatively.

"No one will bother you tonight." Stella gave the last answer.

Uehara Takuya understood on the spot.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is this also the steward's responsibility?"

"No, this is Stella's responsibility." Stella smiled charmingly.

Uehara Takuya smiled awkwardly.

Stella and Kashiwazaki Sena have such a close relationship and are a family. Now the housekeeper is going to have an internal struggle?

If it counts, wouldn't it just turn into a fight between two hedgehog cat authors - roommates fighting each other (pigeons).

To be on the safe side, he didn't ask any more about it.

Naturally, Kashiwazaki Sena welcomed his arrival.

Especially when Kashiwazaki Tenma didn't take her parrot...

The macaw that was destined to have sex with French fries was standing on the girl's shoulder, quietly and not talking nonsense.

Stella also stepped into her role as a housekeeper. After putting all the dishes on the table, she stepped back with a professional smile on her face.

After dinner, Kashiwazaki Sena took him to the second floor.

But the macaw was forgotten by the girl.

"Give me some French fries!" the parrot jumped on the table.

Stella touched its head gently: "You can go to sleep in my room today and don't disturb them."


"No fries, just chicken nuggets."

Stella responded with a smile, raised her head, and landed on the second floor with her beautiful eyes twinkling.

At this moment, Kashiwazaki Sena was walking around with Uehara Takuya.

"Did you know? He was always upset about the time you defeated Dad in kendo. I even saw him secretly come here to practice more."

Kashiwazaki Sena kept mumbling beside Uehara Takuya. When talking about her father's embarrassing things, she was actually very happy.

"You are truly a filial daughter." Takuya Uehara commented.

Naturally, Kashiwazaki Sena didn't understand, but she didn't care. She continued to hold her arm and said, "I talked to Yami on the phone this afternoon. She has already warmed up her short video account, saying that it will pave the way for our pet short film. .”

"Oh? It sounds like she is planning to gain a group of fans again?" Takuya Uehara couldn't help but laugh, "If this continues, she may really become a big internet celebrity in the future."

"Maybe, anyway, I don't care much about this kind of thing..."

Kashiwazaki Sena paused and smiled sheepishly: "Of course, I still want to see the comments from netizens."

"What should I do if someone scolds me?" Uehara Takuya asked.

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned, she seemed not to have thought about this problem.

Then she put her hands on her hips angrily: "Of course I'm scolding them!"

"Okay, when the time comes, call me and I will fight alongside you."

"Then it's settled!"

Kashiwazaki Sena happily agreed.

The two looked at the night view of the castle, and Takuya Uehara couldn't help but sigh: "No matter how many times I come here, it still makes me feel dreamy."

"Is it because this place is too big?" Kashiwazaki Sena pouted nonchalantly, "I prefer a smaller house."

"I like it better here."


"Because if we change places, I probably won't be able to watch the night view with you like we are now, right?" Uehara Takuya said sincerely.

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and glanced shyly at his face: "You like this very much?"

Uehara Takuya admitted: "Yes, no one would dislike a girl who is as attractive as a swan, right?"

Kashiwazaki Sena blinked and said a little playfully: "But when Stella was learning Chinese with me recently, she told me that those who want to eat swans are toads, so..."

She chuckled to herself: "Takuya, have you admitted that you are a toad?"

Uehara Takuya smiled and pinched her smooth little face: "Unfortunately, I haven't eaten it yet, so it doesn't count as a toad."

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