"Then have you found it?" There were circles of delicate water in her eyes, as if she was expecting.

"Yeah, I found it."

Uehara Takuya kissed her white and tender forehead.

Kashiwazaki Sena closed her eyes sweetly, raised her soft arms, and hugged his neck.

The next moment, Uehara Takuya carefully kissed the girl's lips.

Her eyelashes trembled, like a firefly lost in the forest desperately fluttering its wings.The blush on her face seemed to have taken away the sunset in the sky tonight and spread it quietly on her face, forming such a lovely and beautiful cheek.

Uehara Takuya finally realized something was wrong.

Stella was obviously so concerned about Kashiwazaki Sena, but she didn't come over just now, and instead let herself come in to see the situation.

Obviously, she should know about this.

And even the phrase "Why did Sena take so long to take a shower?" was something she came up with on her own initiative.

Just to attract your own attention.

After a long time, the two parted lips.

Kashiwazaki Sena looked at him shyly, obviously almost hiding herself shyly, but the girl couldn't help but muster up her courage.

Because she knows he likes to look at her.

Whether it's her neck as white as fine porcelain, or her soft golden hair with a full fragrance, or her eyes with a hint of sweetness and shame.

Everything about her was sending that signal to him.

Just when Uehara Takuya was holding her face, his movements gentle and not daring to use any strength, she suddenly blinked her eyes and asked in a low voice: "Have you and Yukinoshita... ever had anything like that happen?"

Uehara Takuya's expression froze.

But Kashiwazaki Sena smiled brightly: "It doesn't matter, it's better if you have experience, so you won't hurt me..."

At the end of the sentence, there was mist in her eyes.

She was obviously smiling, but her voice revealed a slight tremor.

"Feel sorry."

Seeing her like this, Uehara Takuya felt even more guilty.

She definitely cares.

No, it should be said that she would care, it is a normal thing.

Especially since she and Yukino had been arguing for such a long time.

She will definitely feel disappointed now.

"No need to apologize. I like Hara Takuya. You also said that you will always follow Sena-sama..."

"So, you can kiss me now."

After finishing speaking, Kashiwazaki Sena closed her eyes again.

She seemed to know that Taku Uehara was also feeling guilty, so she took the initiative to stand on tiptoes and brought her soft lips up.

After that, the bathroom door was closed.


In the lobby on the first floor, Stella, who had originally agreed to send the parrot back to her room, was still sitting here at the moment.

She held a fig and looked quietly at the macaws eating happily.

After a while, she seemed to feel something, raised her head and looked at the room with the closed door on the second floor.

At this time, there was the sound of a car engine outside. She put down her things, straightened her clothes and stood up.

Sure enough, the person who came was Kashiwazaki Tenma.

"Why are you back so early today?" Stella said with a familiar smile.

Kashiwazaki Tenma was a little puzzled: "I remember I told you that I have nothing to do at night and will be back soon."

Stella smiled and said: "What I mean is, boss, you can actually stay up all night. To put it simply, you can play whatever you want outside tonight."

With Kashiwazaki's confused expression, he was pushed out by Stella.

He couldn't help shouting: "I want to go home and rest."

"No, you don't want to." Stella responded with a smile.

Chapter 218 It’s really just a little bit close

When a ray of golden sunlight shines through the closed curtains in the morning, as if it wants to get into the house through the gaps in the curtains, it means that everyone's weekend has officially begun.

In the dimly lit bedroom, Kashiwazaki Sena hid under the covers with her cheeks red, her eyes full of shame blinking, and finally she mustered up the courage to glance aside.

Then comes the second look.

third eye.

Seeing that Takuya Uehara hadn't woken up yet, she sighed.

Just recalling the embarrassing scene last night, she wanted to hide her head under the quilt again.

Fortunately, Uehara Takuya still had his eyes closed, which gave her some courage to face it.

Just like a singer named Liang sang: Love really requires courage to face the six-eyed flying fish~

"It still hurts a little."

Kashiwazaki Sena murmured softly, glanced at the already lit outside, and hesitated whether to wake up Takuya Uehara.

Because in a little while, it’s time to have breakfast.

She knew that her father was always punctual for meals, and Stella, as a conscientious housekeeper, was also punctual.

If I were still lying on the bed with him, what would I do if Stella or my father found out?

Kashiwazaki Sena thought with a red face.

The eyes of the newly awakened girl were still filled with residual sleepiness. The blush that spread on her fair face was soft and charming. The shoulders that were accidentally exposed from the quilt were round and tender, exuding like suet in this morning. halo.

Her slender, white arm was still resting on Uehara Takuya's chest.

This made her somewhat shy.

Because when she woke up, she found that she was like a koala, completely attached to the other person.

The only thing that made her happy was that she didn't drool.

Otherwise, my image of a cute and beautiful girl will be destroyed.

"What are you struggling with?"

At this moment, the voice of Takuya Uehara suddenly came to her ears.

She was startled and turned around quickly to see that the other party had opened his eyes.

"Are you awake too?" Kashiwazaki Sena wanted to get under the covers again.

Uehara Takuya smiled and raised his hand, stroking her warm little face: "You turn over and get in again. Of course I can hear such a loud noise."

"Impossible! It's impossible for people to hear what's going on around them when they're asleep." The shy girl tried to make excuses for herself.

"So I'm not an ordinary person. That's right, right?"

"Yes, you are not an ordinary person, you are a toad..."

Kashiwazaki Sena thought of the "swan and toad" the two of them talked about yesterday, and she snickered happily.

"If I am really a toad, and your beautiful white swan is lying in my arms at this moment, doesn't this prove that I am a very capable toad?" Uehara Takuya analyzed carefully.

"You have a thick skin."

Kashiwazaki Hoshina looked at him shyly.

But as she looked at it, she couldn't help but feel a look of joy in her eyes.

"Hey, Takuya, I'm yours."

"Well, you are mine." Uehara Takuya was also looking at her.

Kashiwazaki Sena felt sweet and shy. She looked at Uehara Takuya for a few seconds and found that she was blushing fiercely. But she couldn't bear to throw away this sweet atmosphere, so she let out a few sweet humming sounds from her nose, turning her blushing face away. His little face was pressed against the other person's chest.

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh: "Are you acting like a baby?"

"I do not have!"

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and retorted loudly.

She is a very outstanding and confident girl.

Yes, the strong female type.

How could it be necessary to act coquettishly?

So she hummed twice more, her voice still soft.

"Are you a little pig? Why are you humming all the time?" Uehara Takuya joked.

"Have you ever seen a pig as cute as me?" Kashiwazaki Sena raised her head shyly.

Uehara Takuya held her face and pretended to look at her for a while: "I have never seen such a cute little pig."

Just as Kashiwazaki Sena was about to be happy, her bright red face suddenly froze, and she pouted unhappily: "I'm not a pig!"

"Well, you're not."

Uehara Takuya nodded pretending to be serious.

Kashiwazaki Hoshina was so embarrassed that she simply took her arms out from the quilt and hugged his neck forcefully.

Her eyelashes trembled, and her eyes were bright.

Then he put his lips on it.

After they separated, she smiled and said, "Can I announce loudly now that Takuya Uehara was fucked by a pig?"

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth and wanted to ask, aren't you still scolding yourself?

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