But now she doesn't want to worry about it so much.

I'm tired of being a loser.

Why can't you let me steal your home?

Chapter 231: Shushu, I hate thieves the most.

It was close to six o'clock when Takuya Uehara returned home.

His mind is still buzzing and a little confused, but fortunately he can maintain normal thinking.

Kawashima Ami's actions tonight indeed exceeded his expectations.

At first, he was just preparing to be the peacemaker because of the conflict between Kashiwazaki Sena and the other party.If you can't resolve the conflict right away, you can at least try it out so that you can get closer to the two in the future.

However, Kawashima Ami didn't give him a chance at all.

Not to mention it was a test, she was like a berserker with a courage (alcohol) buff, charging towards her with a roar and a big move.

If he is caught off guard, he will naturally be defeated by her.

He still remembered the complicated look Kawashima Ami gave him when he was sent to the door.

There is shyness, but more nervousness and guilt.

Apparently she was panicking herself.

"So, drinking alcohol is harmful to health."

Uehara Takuya finally concluded.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do now, he conveniently clicked on the system panel of experiencing life, and paused briefly when his eyes passed over [Shiina Mashiro]'s name.

"At this point in time, she is either eating or taking a shower, or she may be in a daze at home without wearing underwear."

Uehara Takuya hesitated for a while, but decided to open a new file called "Inhuman".

Yukino didn't call him, so he had no interest in controlling the kitten named Inujiro.

After adjusting the experience time to four hours, he began this inhuman experience.

The first thing that caught the eye was a clean desk with a large cage next to it.

The cage was complete with food and water, as well as some pet toys that Uehara Takuya couldn't name.

He glanced at the black pen holder placed on the corner of the table and immediately realized that he was not that big.

Looking down, the short forelimbs quickly came into view.

There are five toes in total.

But his hind limbs only have four toes.

The room was quiet, and there was no one to help him determine the current situation.

So he decided to go to the mirror to find out.

But when he tried to move his body, he found that he could not move forward with his hind legs. After he lay down on all fours, jumping was much more efficient than walking.

"It's jumping around, very small, with different numbers of toes on its forelimbs and hind legs, and a tail behind it..."

Uehara Takuya already knew the answer.


That is what everyone often calls "My Neighbor Totoro".

He successfully came to the mirror, and the figure reflected inside was exactly as he had guessed.

I did become a Totoro this time.

But it has a long tail, and its body is smaller than the short-tailed chinchillas in the videos online.

He measured it in the mirror and found that the body length was about 20 centimeters.

This is the smallest animal he has ever experienced.

"This thing looks really cute."

Takuya Uehara moved his forelimbs in front of the mirror, his long ears drooping, much like a rabbit with a long tail.

The skill that popped up this time was [Bounce].

He remembered that Totoro's teeth were also quite sharp, but this skill was repeated with cats, so maybe it didn't appear this time.

Uehara Takuya tentatively opened his mouth to make a sound, and a burst of "gurgling" popped out of his mouth.

At the same time, there was also cooing in my mind.

Every time Takuya Uehara cooed, the chinchilla cooed too.

For a while, there was a lot of cooing in the house.

"This voice... It seems that I and those up owners will definitely get along. Everyone is just Gugu."

Takuya Uehara jumped to the ground. After adapting to this new body, he found that he could also use Totoro to fly over walls...

"Such a cute Shushu, if Yukino sees it, he will definitely not be able to help but touch it with his hands."

Uehara Takuya thought for a while, jumped on the desk again, and easily opened the window with the power of a lion.

He wanted to perform a leap of faith on the windowsill, but for the sake of Totoro's safety, he decided to stick to the stairs.

Xiaoyu once told us from real experience that walking up stairs is actually very fast.

Arriving on the street, Uehara Takuya determined the location of Yukino's apartment, ignored the exclamations of passers-by around him, and ran away in a bound.

"Where is Kawaii~"

Such sounds kept ringing in Uehara Takuya's ears. Almost every young woman would make such a sound when seeing him.

It's as if this is Totoro's passive skill.

However, Takuya Uehara thinks the short-tailed chinchilla is cuter.

Because when the long-tailed chinchilla is lying down, it looks a bit like a squirrel.

"Oh, it's Totoro."

Just as Uehara Takuya passed a fork in the road, a very familiar voice sounded in his ears.

It's soft and doesn't sound like there's much emotion.

Uehara Takuya turned around sharply, and it turned out to be Shiina Mashiro.

The girl had already changed out of her uniform and was wearing a light green blouse and a rose-red skirt, which just covered her round thighs.

[Wait a minute, how could she go out on the street alone? 】

As soon as Uehara Takuya's doubts emerged, he caught a glimpse of Nanami Aoyama walking out of the opposite store from the corner of his eye.

"Sorry to keep you waiting... Hey, Totoro?"

Qingshan Nanami also noticed the small figure on the ground.

"Yes, it's Totoro." Mashiro Shiina nodded and suddenly looked behind Takuya Uehara.

Nanami Aoyama knelt down by her skirt and asked Uehara Takuya with bright eyes: "Did Mr. Totoro go shopping alone? Where is your master?"

Do you think I can speak human language?

Uehara Takuya just wanted to laugh.

Now I can only coo.

Shushu, I can’t speak human language at all.

"Mashiro, what are you looking at?" Aoyama Nanami was about to start masturbating the rat when she suddenly saw Shiina Mashiro staring straight behind her.

"That person." Shiina Mashiro pointed.

Uehara Takuya and Aoyama Nanami turned around at the same time. There was a man wearing a mask standing at the door of the clothing store over there. When they looked over, the other man happened to look over as well.

When their eyes met, the masked man immediately lowered his head and stared at his cell phone instead.

"Is he someone you know?" Nanami Aoyama didn't feel anything was wrong.

Shiina Mashiro shook his head: "He has been staring here just now."

"Ah? Are you waiting for someone?"

"do not know."

Uehara Takuya was also looking at the masked man.

During this period, the other party glanced at me twice more, and quickly looked away each time. This behavior was suspicious.

Uehara Takuya raised his forelimbs and scratched his mouth. Since the other party didn't know Shiina Mashiro and the others, he kept staring at him.

You can't be tempted by the rat, right?

Uehara Takuya turned around and looked at the cute figure reflected in the shopping mall window.

He ran out alone. Before Shiina Mashiro appeared, there was no one else around him.

If the other party wants to steal Totoro because of this, it is not impossible.

At this time, Aoyama Nanami picked him up and put him in his arms: "Why is this Totoro not moving? Could it be heatstroke?"

Uehara Takuya had an inexplicable creepy feeling.

It was as if Huanong somewhere far away had issued a call of the times to him.

But fortunately, Qingshan Nanami will not show a sad smile, let alone drool when she fails to live up to expectations.

"Aren't Nanami busy now?" Mashiro Shiina was also looking at Takuya Uehara.

Qingshan Nanami said happily: "Yes, I got off work early today. Besides, I also promised to go shopping with you. I can't break the promise, right?"

Shiina Mashiro pointed to the hem of her skirt: "I can buy things by myself. You know, I wore underwear before going out today."

"...Do these two things have anything to do with each other?"

Aoyama Nanami said what Uehara Takuya wanted to say.

The girl's face turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly covered Shiina Mashiro's mouth.

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