Tachibana Chizuru didn't pay attention to the conversation between Yukino and Totoro. After all, communicating with small animals is something that almost every pet owner can do.

She had also chatted with the mice in the experiment before, but the content was relatively concise and sweet, basically saying things like "I'm sending you on your way, rest in peace, and don't be a mouse in the next life."

Yukino and Tachibana Chizuru were just chatting in the living room. Although in most cases, what she said was specifically meant for Uehara Takuya to hear, but the atmosphere was still harmonious.

Until Hiratsuka Shizuka walked out of the bathroom laughing, followed by Kashiwazaki Sena who was blushing.

The girl's aggrieved look, where she dared to be angry but dared not speak out, was so cute no matter how she looked at it.

"Xiao Jing, are you bullying Sena?" Chizuru Tachibana cast an indifferent look in confusion.

Before Hiratsuka Shizu could say anything, Kashiwazaki Sena ran over aggrievedly and threw herself into the arms of Tachibana Chizuru.

"Teacher Hiratsuka is a bully. She insists on dragging me into a comparison, but I even told her not to compare..."

Listening to Kashiwazaki Sena's accusation, Hiratsuka Shizu stood there awkwardly and said with a smile: "I was also on a whim, because as you know Tachibana, Sena's figure is too well developed."

"Is this the reason why you touched an underage girl?" Chizuru Tachibana stared at her.

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled awkwardly and did not dare to say anything.

Yukino's breathing became inexplicably rapid at the side.

Of course Uehara Takuya could feel that he was in her arms.

Just by the constant rise and fall of her chest and belly, you could tell that her mood was indeed not as calm as it seemed.

Tachibana Chizuru touched Kashiwazaki Sena's head, her movements were very gentle, her eyes were very cold, and her words were even more emotionless: "Then who of you two wins?"

Hiratsuka Shizu and Yukino were stunned at the same time.

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth and stared at Tachibana Chizuru in surprise, thinking, are you serious?

Even a man with a clear mind like me would never think of such a problem. How did you do it?

"Of course it is me!"

Who knew there was a person with a weirder train of thought than Tachibana Chizuru.

Kashiwazaki Sena swept away her previous aggrieved look and raised her hands shyly and proudly: "I won, Hiratsuka-sensei lost."

Tachibana Chizuru was stunned for a moment, as if wondering: "Isn't that right? I remember Xiaojing also has real qualities..."

"Are you still going to continue this boring topic?" Yukino finally spoke.

Her words immediately attracted the attention of three people and one mouse in the living room.

And her face was not afraid of looking at the three of them, and she said coldly: "How did you manage to talk about such a boring and private matter so calmly? And that idiot over there, why are you so proud? Don’t you understand that you were bullied by Hiratsuka-sensei?”

Kashiwazaki Sena blinked her eyes blankly: "But... I won."

"...You are indeed an idiot."

Yukino felt like a lump was stuck in her throat.

She thought that if she had not been a good tutor, she would have grabbed your collars and given each of you a big pussy to serve!

Uehara Takuya stretched out his small paw and patted the back of Yukino's hand, signaling her to calm down.

The anger on Yukino's face froze, and she snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if Sena is stupid, why would Hiratsuka-sensei follow suit? How did you come up with such a stupid thing like a competition?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka coughed lightly: "I also had a sudden idea..."

Why don't you go to heaven on a whim?

Yukino picked up Takuya Uehara and stood up expressionlessly: "I'm going home first. Today's dinner was delicious. Thank you for your hospitality."

She left very simply.

As Yukino's figure disappeared, the living room suddenly became quiet.

Kashiwazaki Sena and Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Chapter 237 Me too

"Hahaha, that idiot Yukinoshita is so shy!"

Kashiwazaki Sena laughed so hard that she fell down.

Ever since Yukino adapted to using her breasts as a breakthrough, it had been a long time since she had won a battle between the two.

This is a very rare victory.

So Kashiwazaki Sena smiled arrogantly.

"Don't say that, Yukino probably just feels uncomfortable." Hiratsuka Shizuka suppressed a smile, "But Yukino looked very cute just now. I haven't seen her show that expression for a long time."

Only Tachibana Chizuru held Kashiwazaki Sena blankly, and after a while she asked softly: "Is this kind of joke funny?"

"You must not learn it!"

Hiratsuka Shizu's vigilance quickly became full.

She was afraid that Tachibana Chizuru would learn this kind of joke and tell it to herself every day.

Wouldn't that make me suffer even more?

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't dare to think too much, and she was also afraid that Chizuru Tachibana would think too much.

She quickly pulled Kashiwazaki Sena to dry her hair. When the girl became as cute as usual, she smiled and waved: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

"Eh? No need, I can ask Stella to come over..."

"There's no need to bother people every time. Besides, teacher, I own a car, and it's a handsome supercar~"


The two came to the parking lot together, and sure enough, as Hiratsuka Shizuka said, she had a very handsome sports car.

After she fastened her seat belt, her long hair rippled in the evening breeze, and then she put on her sunglasses and started lighting up. The movements were done in one go, and she was indescribably handsome.

Kashiwazaki Sena's eyes sparkled when she saw it: "Teacher Hiratsuka is very handsome."

"Really? Some kids in school would praise me like that, and I'm quite happy..." As he spoke, the smile on Hiratsuka Shizu's face disappeared.

An idea suddenly came to her mind.

Is it really because of my "too much boyfriend power" that I have no luck with the opposite sex at all?

She subconsciously recalled that, except for Uehara Takuya, a guy with a strange personality, everyone who was close to her seemed to be girls?

Thinking of this, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but have a layer of gloom in her eyes.

She carefully peeked at Kashiwazaki Sena, and the longing in the girl's eyes was still very clear.

This look of adoration made her heart sink.

Am I destined to only be able to attract girls in this life and be completely cut off from marriage?

Hiratsuka Shizu's heart was roaring.

Her sexual orientation is normal and of course it is impossible to find a girlfriend.

In the early years, she even thought that she must dress beautifully on her wedding day.

At this time, I heard Kashiwazaki Sena's praise: "Hiratsuka-sensei is really handsome. If you were a boy, maybe Takuya wouldn't be your opponent... Hey, Hiratsuka-sensei, what's wrong with you? Your Why does your face look so ugly?"

"No, I'm smiling, didn't you see?" Hiratsuka Shizuka forced a smile.

My heart is crying.

It is crying.

Hiratsuka Shizu thought depressedly.

[Would you like to call Yangno out for a drink later?Or just call that guy Uehara out. Who asked him to let me go? 】

Hiratsuka Shizu thought this might be a good idea.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya sent Yukino home as Totoro.

Before the door closed, Yukino said with a faint smile on her hands, "It's a pity that you are Totoro now. Even if I would like to invite you in for a cup of coffee, you can't do it."

Takuya Uehara quickly raised his little paw, indicating that the No. 18 technician could call the clock at any time.

"Please remember, Totoro cannot be sour." Yukino smiled brightly.

Uehara Takuya was about to go home.

But Yukino said slowly: "I'm very tired today and I need to rest. If you want to disturb my rest, I might be angry."

After saying that, the door was closed.

Uehara Takuya stood on the lawn of his apartment in a daze.

The first half of Yukino's words just aroused his thoughts, but the second half directly poured cold water on him.

His current mood is similar to that of the guy who said, "I just picked up the new car."

After this experience ended, Uehara Takuya picked up his phone and checked for missed calls.

To his surprise, Shizuka Hiratsuka actually called again a minute ago.

He dialed tentatively and was quickly connected.

"Uehara, come out and drink with me!" This was Hiratsuka Shizuka's first sentence.

"Sorry, I won't accept customers today." Uehara Takuya hung up the phone decisively.

Taking care of a drunken older woman or something like that is too much work.

Whoever goes is stupid.

Hiratsuka Shizuka on the other end looked at the phone in confusion, then turned to look at Harano sitting opposite: "Have you contacted him in private?"

"No." Yang Nai was slightly surprised, then laughed, "He rejected you?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked confused: "What did he say [no customers will be accepted today]? This child is probably sick again."

"What I mean by not accepting guests today is that he will be free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Yang Nai said casually.

When Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at him in surprise, Yangno was already tasting the food seriously.

Arrived at school the next day.

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