Judging from the tacit understanding between this guy and me, he is probably thinking the same thing as me now.

So Yukino blushed quietly and turned her head with a smile on her face.

Then she saw Takuya Uehara staring at the long legs under her skirt...

The eyes seemed to be moving vaguely upward.

Probably trying to move it under the skirt.

With a snap, a burst of foamy water flew towards Uehara Takuya.

"what are you doing?"

"Sorry, I did it on purpose." Yukino calmly put down her arm.

"Do you want to have a water fight in the kitchen?" Uehara Takuya wiped off the foam on his face and put on a fighting expression, "Then I, Uehara Takuya, have decided to challenge."

Xueno suddenly panicked: "Hey, don't mess around..."

Suddenly there was a ping-pong-pong-pong sound in the kitchen, causing Yangno and the three people in the living room to look up in surprise.

Until Takuya Uehara came out first in embarrassment with wet hair.

Kashiwazaki Sena immediately said: "What's going on? Did Yukinoshita bully you...Eh? Yukinoshita, why is your face as red as a tomato?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw Yukino coming out of the kitchen for the second time with a rosy face.

"Go and ask him."

Yukino dropped this sentence and glared hard at Takuya Uehara.

This bastard talked about a water fight, but ended up kissing me.

Yukino felt her face burning hot.

What really made her ashamed was that when she was kissed by Takuya Uehara, she clearly felt his hand falling on her thigh, but she didn't resist.

This bastard who has done all the bad things has taken advantage of him!

"It looks like there just was a huge fight in the kitchen."

Yangono's face looked like she was watching a good show, and she smiled teasingly: "Uehara, are you secretly spying on Yukino? Otherwise, why would she be blushing so hard?"

"You can shut up!" Yukino didn't dare to let Uehara Takuya answer the question.

If this guy really gave some clues, he would have no choice but to pack up and move today.

However, her guilty reaction had already given Yangno the answer.

Kawashima Ami sat with complicated eyes, and she also guessed something.

Only Kashiwazaki Sena is still clamoring for a duel with Yukino.

"Okay, okay, let's continue talking about the post-production of cute pet videos." Yangno decisively helped Uehara Takuya and the others out of trouble.

"Weren't we talking about turtles just now?" Kashiwazaki Sena looked surprised.

"Oh, I forgot, I'm really sorry." Yangno apologized consciously.

"Turtle?" Uehara Takuya came over.

Kashiwazaki Sena pointed at the two turtles swimming in the water, and said with a smile: "I always feel that their heads are different in size, but Yami insists on saying that she has carefully observed them, and they are definitely the same."

"So you're just arguing about such a boring thing?" Yukino showed a look of disdain appropriately.

Kashiwazaki Sena immediately shouted: "Your face is as red as a monkey's butt, so stop talking!"

Xue Nai: "..."

Takuya Uehara did not participate in the discussion.

Because his current expression is... hard to describe.

He thought there was nothing wrong with his ears.

So what Kashiwazaki Sena just said is: She and Kawashima Ami were arguing about the size of the two turtles' heads?

Darling, this is no fun to talk about.

"What's going on with Uehara's expression? Do you have different ideas?" Yangno obviously planned to drag Uehara Takuya into trouble. He opened his mouth and attracted the attention of the other three girls.

Kashiwazaki Sena became excited: "Takuya, you have the same idea as me, right? I just said that Ami's eyes are wrong. The sizes of these two turtles are obviously different."

Kawashima Ami said helplessly: "How is it possible? I bought this with my own hands, and I asked the shop owner before buying it that they were born on the same day."

"Being born on the same day does not mean that the growth rate is the same. One of them may have taken away the nutrients of others. This kind of thing often happens in animal groups, don't you know, Yami?" Kashiwazaki Sena retorted confidently.

Kawashima Ami opened her mouth, not knowing how to continue the argument, because the other party was talking about animal instincts and habits.

In terms of performance, she is indeed not as good as Kashiwazaki Sena.

But she would be a little unhappy if she just admitted that her observations were wrong.

After she and Uehara Takuya made out that night, in order to restore herself to her usual state, she chose to go shopping.

After walking around the night market for a while, she thought that she currently only had a husky as a pet, and she was alone at home every day. It was really too deserted and pitiful.

As soon as she got excited, she picked out a pair of little turtles.

After buying it and setting it up at home, she was quite satisfied. At least she now had pairs of "family members" at home.

Now that Kashiwazaki Sena is questioning her observations, she is somewhat unconvinced.

"So, Uehara, what do you think?"

Yukino originally had no interest in such boring things.

But seeing Takuya Uehara being dragged into the water, she decided to watch the show for fun.

Who told that bastard to forcefully kiss her despite her objections?

Chapter 246 Yukino: Yangno, you are going too far!

Now all the pressure is on Uehara Takuya's side.

At least that's what Yukino thought.

However, the person involved was very calm at the moment: "Don't drag me into this, I'm not interested in turtles."

"I know you're not interested, but that's not important." Kashiwazaki Sena spoke first.

Then came Kawashima Ami: "Yes, we just want you to be the referee."

"Why don't you find Yukino?" Uehara Takuya had a headache.

The two girls turned to look at Yukino at the same time, who smiled contemptuously: "They don't dare."

Kashiwazaki Sena was furious on the spot: "Let's duel, Yukinoshita!"

Kawashima Ami sighed and looked helpless: "You saw it, right? With Yukinoshita-san's attitude, how can we be willing to find her as a referee?"

"What about Miss Haruno?" Uehara Takuya didn't give up.

Yangno pointed to her delicate face with a smile: "I can be the referee, but as long as Yukino says anything, I will also say it."

"It's so dishonest to blow the whistle so openly."

"I can't help it, I'm just a bad woman."

Yangno generously showed her beautiful smile to Uehara Takuya.

Hara Takuya was stunned when she heard her words, because the title "bad woman" was something he had teased with Yukino in private before.

Yukino blushed and turned her head away. It was indeed when she was in the store that she said this title on impulse.

At this time, Kashiwazaki Sena put her little head in front of Uehara Takuya and shouted: "Yami just said that these two turtles are now her family. We happen to be good friends, so the little turtle is also Takuya's family."

"My family is not a turtle..."

"Then you want to be Little Turtle's big brother?"

"Even if you ask me to be your uncle, I won't agree."

Uehara Takuya was made to laugh by Kashiwazaki Sena's tenacity.

Obviously there was no need to be firm about this kind of thing, but she was so determined that she would never give up until the truth was investigated.

Kawashima Ami was also fanning the flames: "As a friend, Uehara is not even willing to help with this small favor?"

"Why are you here to join in the fun?" Uehara Takuya asked, dumbfounded.

Kawashima Ami pointed to the two turtles in the water: "Sena is right about what she said. Since they have entered my house and I am responsible for taking care of them, these two little turtles are my family."

Kashiwazaki Sena nodded: "Yes, yes, they are Yami's family, that is, our family. Takuya, you don't care about your family at all now. They will definitely lack physical and mental health when they grow up in the future."

Where is this going?

Uehara Takuya wanted to complain, but there were so many flaws that he didn't even know where to start.

Seeing his troubled expression and not knowing what to do, Yukino slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

"How could you be happy to see him being tortured?" Yangno came over with a gossipy look.

"Stay away from me, I don't want to talk to you." Yukino quickly stopped smiling and consciously moved her body to the other side.

Seeing this, Yangno didn't mind. He held up his chin and looked at the three people who were still arguing. He deliberately said in a pitiful tone: "Uehara is alone this time. I feel a little pitiful for him."

"Then why don't you just go and help him?" Yukino asked.

Yang Nao smiled: "Coincidentally, I also like to see his pitiful image."

I just knew it was.

Yukino pouted.

Her excitement around Uehara Takuya was purely due to his previous bold behavior towards her in the kitchen, so she would not help him now.

As for Yang Na, she just wants to watch the excitement and wants to eat melon habitually.

"Yami, do you have a tape measure at home? Anyway, we can't convince each other for a while, so you bring the tape measure and I will measure them in front of everyone, so that you will believe what I say. "

Kashiwazaki Sena decided to let Uehara Takuya go for the time being. Rather than letting the latter help, it would be better to find out the real answer now.

"Okay." Kawashima Ami immediately went to the house to get tools.

Uehara Takuya quietly retreated to the back.

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