His expression actually gave Yumeko some confidence, and she immediately raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Uehara, are you scared?"

"It has nothing to do with whether I'm afraid or not. I just don't have that kind of hobby." Uehara Takuya denied decisively.

"Do you really don't want to, or do you dare not?"

Yumiko felt something burning inside her body.

Not only was it burning her shame, it was also burning her reason.

She also specifically pointed to the direction of the empty door with her eyes, and the look in her eyes meant nothing: "There is no one else here now~"

"You use this to test the cadres?"

"Just tell me whether you dare?"

"Thank you, I won't lick it."

Uehara Takuya waved his hand and politely refused.

Yumiko felt that the balance of victory had tilted in her favor. She put on her shoes slowly, with a proud smile on her bright red face: "You want to change the subject?"

After saying that, she deliberately moved the foot without socks forward.

Uehara Takuya glanced at her little white legs and said calmly: "Don't do this with me. If you want to lick it yourself, don't pull me."

Yumiko's smile froze, and she roared in anger and embarrassment: "I'm not as perverted as you!"

She was obviously really shy, even her white neck was covered with a light pink color at the moment.

"Okay, I'm a pervert."

Takuya Uehara seemed to admit it, and then asked casually: "You want to wait for Tachibana-sensei to come back?"

Regarding his retreat, Yumiko snorted softly: "Of course, I promised Yukinoshita that I will take care of this matter."

"Tachibana-sensei is not that easy to handle..."

"It depends on who is going to do it. I think I can do it."

"Okay, very confident."

Uehara Takuya didn't understand where Yumeko got her confidence.

Maybe it's because of the rivalry with Yukino.

It may also be the competitiveness of adolescent girls.

But seeing how motivated she was to fight, Takuya Uehara decided that he would have to help later.

"Hey, pervert Uehara, did you go well spreading the news in school today?"

Perhaps out of boredom, Yumeko moved a chair and sat down, raising her slender calf on the other leg and looking for a random topic.

"It went very smoothly." Uehara Takuya answered honestly.

"It went well for me too."

Speaking of this, the corners of Yumeko's mouth turned up, and the pride in her eyebrows almost overflowed: "I am quite popular in school. At least my classmates are willing to believe what I say."

"It's [popularity], not [popularity], right?" Uehara Takuya revealed with a smile.

Yumiko's character is also problematic. She is strong and proud on the surface, but gentle on the inside, and she is extremely feminine.

If she meets students with low emotional intelligence, it is easy for her to cause misunderstandings because of her superficial strength.

"That's not the point!"

Yumiko's face turned red, and she stared in embarrassment. With the blush that had not faded from her fair little face, she looked very pleasant.

Uehara Takuya stopped teasing her and took the initiative to answer: "You don't have to worry about me. Although I don't have many friends in school, I was once famous."

"Are you referring to the time when you bullied your classmates on the football field?" Yumeko immediately shot back.

"We are all of the same age, and I didn't cheat. Can this be considered bullying?"

"Relying on your own strength to bully weak football fans, isn't this the same as the fish frying behavior in the game?"

"Hey, do you still understand this?"

Uehara Takuya was shocked.

But she does have a point.

As the saying goes, you fry the fish, I fry the fish, and the bronze becomes the king in an instant.

He thought that maybe just because of his style of painting [Oku Tsubasa], he could inspire the fighting spirit of his classmates.

This is not just his imagination.

Because in the afternoon when he was responsible for spreading the news, he went to the Kendo Club.

He had just entered the gate when he saw the members of the kendo club, neatly dressed in protective gear and with friendly eyes, holding their wooden swords high and advancing in unison, shouting in unison: "Retreat, retreat, retreat."

Uehara Takuya simply slipped away.

This thing is indeed what he said casually.

But he didn't expect that someone would actually take it seriously.

"Perverted Uehara."

Yumiko's voice interrupted his thoughts.

When he came back to his senses, he saw the girl in front of him looking at him with a mixture of shame and anger, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you interested in girls' feet?"

Uehara Takuya was startled: "Why are you mentioning this again?"

"Isn't it because your [prestige] has spread widely? Not only Yami, Sena, but also that hateful Yukinoshita, I have tried it, and I have gained something."

"You even tested Yukino?"

"Of course." Yumeko raised her chin proudly.

But her pride didn't last long. Takuya Uehara's words confused her: "Do you really want others to lick your feet?"

"Nonsense! I have never thought about it that way. At most, I just fantasized about you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yumeko was stunned.

Uehara Takuya stared at her with a strange expression and said nothing.

This time, Yumeko didn't have the mentality to break the pot and was unable to break it, so she immediately turned her head shyly.

Uehara Takuya smiled and moved a chair, sat down next to her, and asked: "This kind of thinking is wrong, do you know?"

"It's all your fault...ah, what are you doing?"

Yumiko suddenly exclaimed, someone had reached out and held her calf.

His fingers were still rubbing the warm and elastic calf.


Yumiko blushed and cursed, but did not struggle and let him go.

After a while, she saw that the other party had no intention of letting go, so she endured the shame and whispered: "Stop touching her, it will be rude to touch her again."

"Are you starting to have sexual feelings?" Uehara Takuya joked.

This was originally just a joke, but Yumeko blinked her eyes shyly, her lips were moist, and she opened and closed slightly without making any sound.

But her eyes are very seductive.

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

Was he actually right?

So should I rush, or should I not rush?

At this moment, Yumeko's voice suddenly sounded: "If you don't let go, I will bite you."

"Uh...you mean bite me like last time?"

"Yes, I am very fierce."

"How fierce?"

"More fierce than a tiger, I will bite your lip to bleed."

"Can you be gentler then?"


Yumiko didn't get a chance to show how fierce she really was.

Because she had already been kissed by Uehara Takuya.

As the so-called strike first is the strongest.

And Yumeko's reaction was just as he expected. The girl closed her eyes cutely and didn't dare to open her mouth to bite him.

The fragrant hair accidentally brushed against his face, tickling him.

It turns out that she is still very gentle.

"Perverted Uehara."

After they separated, Yumeko blushed and arranged her hair, and cursed in an aggravated tone.

"If I don't refute this time, it won't be the same next time." Uehara Takuya took advantage and behaved.

Just when Yumeko was still about to speak, footsteps sounded outside.

Her expression changed and she tried to get up in a panic. Uehara Takuya stretched out his hand to hold her and smiled: "Don't act like a thief. We are obviously just communicating verbally."

The girl rolled her eyes hard at him.

Her eyes were charming and shy, yet slightly sultry.

Soon Tachibana Chizuru in a white coat walked in.

When she saw an additional Uehara Takuya here, she tilted her head in obvious confusion: "Why is Uehara here too?"

"Her and I have the same purpose." Uehara Takuya pointed at Yuiko who was still nervous beside him.

Tachibana Chizuru said, "Then you come home with me."


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