The female tourist earlier stared directly at Uehara Takuya's face, she still didn't seem to believe it.

"Of course, why should I lie to you? My Chinese level is so high, can't you tell? I actually understand all the jokes and jokes on the Chinese Internet." Uehara Takuya smiled and nodded.

The female tourist's eyes brightened a lot: "Then you really can't take us with you? How much remuneration will those two girls give you? I'm willing to pay double... no, three times!"

She said holding up three fingers.

"It seems that I have met a rich woman." Uehara Takuya joked with a smile.

In order to prevent the other party from continuing to chat on this topic, he pretended to point casually at the dazed Yuiko next to him and said: "Since you have come to the pet store, you must be interested in pets, right? She is very knowledgeable about local culture and pets. Very understanding.”

The female tourist asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Didn't you say she was a Maozi? Do young ladies in Russia also know about Neon's dog breed?"

"So you're here to see the dogs?"

Uehara Takuya pretended to be surprised at first, then smiled and said: "Although she is of mixed race, her Japanese level is very good, just a little bit behind me."

Yumiko didn't understand a word, but she could tell from the actions and eyes of Takuya Uehara and others that these two groups of people were talking about herself.

So she used what she had learned all her life, put on a smile and stumbled and said: "Howl~"

The four tourists were stunned again: "I didn't hear the Russians' iconic tongue flick at all."

"Is there a possibility that she grew up in Neon?"

"But no matter what, her mixed-race characteristics are too inconspicuous, right?"

The four exchanged a few words briefly and immediately smiled at Yumiko: "Hold on to you."

Yumeko looked happy: "Do you know Japanese?"

The smiles of the four people were slightly stiff, this sentence was too much for them.

For most Chinese people, even those who like to watch TV dramas and island romance movies, unless they are determined to learn a foreign language, they only know a few sentences in Japanese.

Because Mr. Ao and Mr. Hatano's lines are limited, there are only a few high-pitched lines in the entire movie.

As for animations and movies, Chinese audiences are probably more familiar with Konger culture.

After all, the Two-dimensional area is known as the "Ghost Material Area".

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two parties was awkward, Uehara Takuya immediately stepped forward to act as a translator.

With him here, the two groups of people can communicate normally.

But when Chinese tourists ask about Yumiko's mixed race, Uehara Takuya always smiles and translates: "They are praising you for being beautiful."

Yumeko happily lifted her hair from her ears and accepted the compliment generously: "Thank you."

So the four people became confused again.

They can still understand the words "thank you".

Yumiko's reaction was natural, and her happiness was obviously not fake, but this answer did not match their question.

They soon understood that the problem must lie with Uehara Takuya.

The four of them looked at Uehara Takuya with suspicion, muttering to themselves: This young translator seems to have very poor professional skills.

"You seem to be having a great time chatting?" Kawashima Ami walked over holding two dog toys.

"Have you picked it out?" Uehara Takuya took a look at the toy. The price on the label was not low. He would definitely not have paid for it.

"It's almost done, but I also plan to buy a new vest for Roubao." Kawashima Ami was very excited.

"Then I want to buy it too." Yumiko hummed a few times with a proud look on her face, "My fruit tea has reached the age of buying toys."

Only then did Uehara Takuya remember that the stray dog ​​he had picked up was now living in Yumeko's house.

"Does Mr. Uehara know much about dogs?"

The female tourist also noticed the pet toy in Kawashima Ami's hand, and she immediately became interested: "Then can you help me talk to the shop owner and ask her to help introduce Akita dogs?"

"You want to buy an Akita? This is a large dog. If it gets awkward when you take it for a walk outside, you won't be able to take it home alone." Uehara Takuya kindly reminded.

"Huh? So exaggerated?" The female tourist was a little confused. She obviously didn't know much about the situation of dogs.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Akita is indeed a working dog, but that doesn't mean they don't like to make noises. Although they are not as flashy as huskies, with Akita's size, it will be very troublesome for you, a girl, to take care of them."

The female tourist exchanged a few glances with her companions, and she asked humbly: "Then if I want to buy a companion dog after returning to China, what should I choose?"

"Actually, the Chinese Garden Dog is quite suitable. Try to choose one that is slightly smaller. Although they are called native dogs, they are loyal and can look after the house. The most important thing is that they are not troublesome to take care of." Uehara Takuya Give your own recommendations.

"You actually know the word [local dog]?" The four of them were stunned.

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "Not only do I know about native dogs, I also know that the word native dogs over there nowadays is basically used to curse people or make fun of oneself."

"Awesome, brother, this is the first time I have seen a translator who understands the culture of other countries so well." Peng Yuyan from Guangxi praised.

Uehara Takuya made a heavy expression again: "That's why I said that the translation work here is too involved..."

The two parties chatted happily, and the cheerful tones of the four tourists reached the ears of Kawashima Ami not far away.

"Isn't that guy Uehara trying to flirt with girls?"

Yumiko's eyes were very wary, and she kept touching Kawashima Ami with her elbow while speaking, signaling her best friend to give her some advice.

Kawashima Ami seemed very calm: "I guess he just enjoyed the conversation."

"Really?" Yumiko still didn't quite believe it, and whispered quietly: "Forget it, because they just complimented me on my beauty, I won't go through with it."

"They praised you? Who did you listen to?" Kawashima Ami turned her head in surprise and put down the dog bowl in her hand.

Yumiko raised her chin slightly proudly: "Of course Uehara helped translate. It's not like you don't know that I can't understand Chinese."

Kawashima Ami said softly: "Then you can go to Uehara to settle the score later."

"……What's the meaning?"

"Does he have a kind personality to help you translate compliments? I guess he must be talking bad about you, and he is worried about being discovered by you, so he just translates it randomly. As long as you are happy, you will not doubt whether he is lying."

Yumeko was stunned.

Not to mention, she thinks Kawashima Ami's words are quite reasonable.

She looked back on the days when Uehara Takuya was in school, and she could talk nonsense with classmates she didn't know well.

She hesitated for a moment: "Could it be... that he was really speaking ill of me?"

Kawashima Ami said lightly: "When I was choosing toys just now, I saw him talking to those people and secretly referring to us. So I guess it was from that time that he was talking about us. Bad words."

"What?" Yumiko clenched her fists angrily.

Then she noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but ask: "Wait a minute, since you already have this suspicion, why don't you look angry at all?"

"Why should I be angry? It's still growing tonight. I can settle the score with him slowly." Kawashima Ami smiled meaningfully.

Yumiko suddenly realized: "So you are the real Lao Yinbi."

Over there, Takuya Uehara was helping four tourists learn about dogs. The door of the pet shop just happened to be pushed open, and a beautiful woman hurriedly walked in.

She was also holding a small dog wearing a patterned short-sleeved shirt in her arms. She was walking in a hurry and looked very anxious.

Uehara Takuya didn't even look back until he heard the beautiful woman calling the shop owner anxiously: "Miss store manager, please check for me. Is my Sabre allergic? I bought the pet from you yesterday. Ever since I put a T-shirt on it, something has always been wrong with it.”

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled, this voice was...

"Aunt Yuigahama?" Kawashima Ami and Yumeko turned their heads in surprise.

"Huh? It's you... Uehara, are you here?"

Yuigahama's mother has good observation skills and captured the three people in an instant.

Uehara Takuya went over to say hello. Looking at the dog squirming restlessly in the arms of this beautiful woman, he couldn't help but ask: "Is it sick?"

"I don't know. After I put this dress on it, it became like this..." Yuigahama's mother was also confused.

"Is it really an allergy?" Kawashima Ami and Yumeko also came over.

The four tourists stood quietly eating melon.

Although they can't understand Japanese, they can still understand it by observing other people's expressions and movements.

The store manager also came over to check the dog at this time. Uehara Takuya listened carefully for a while and found that there was anxiety and anger in Sabre's bark.

While screaming, it struggled in Yuigahama's mother's arms, turning back to bite her body from time to time.

Takuya Uehara figured it out: "It probably doesn't like this dress."


Several people present were stunned for a moment.

Uehara Takuya stretched out his hands to signal, and Yuigahama's mother didn't hesitate and handed Sabre over directly.

He took advantage of the situation and hugged the dog, helped him take off his clothes for inspection, and said with a smile: "The size of this clothes is a bit tight. If it were me wearing clothes that are too small, I would feel uncomfortable, let alone in this place. A very sensitive animal."

Sabre seemed to be verifying what Takuya Uehara said. As soon as he took off his clothes, he barked happily twice and tried to stick out his tongue to lick the latter's face.

"You are not allowed to be a bitch." Uehara Takuya reminded seriously.


Sabre didn't understand what he meant, but the aura of intimidation and intimidation towards animals was still there. The dog didn't dare to move at all, and could only purr in aggrieved manner.

"It seems that it is indeed a problem with the clothes." Kawashima Ami also understood now.

Yumiko suddenly interrupted: "Uehara, why do I feel like you understand small animals very well? They seem to especially like to communicate with you, as if... you can understand their language."

You unintentionally told an incredible truth, sister.

Uehara Takuya smiled enigmatically: "Maybe it's because I'm a natural animal trainer, right?"

"whispering sound."

These words directly earned Yumeko's disdainful eye roll.

The four tourists also knew that the matter was over, and couldn't help but gather together and whisper.

"It looks like Mr. Translator helped solve it."

"Have all the translators in Neon become so involved? Not only do they need to accompany them as wine tour guides, but they also have to help take care of pets?"

"Translation is really hard work."

The dog's problem was solved, and Yuigahama's mother also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, Uehara."

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