The rescue operation of the staff was very efficient. Soon there was a huge clear water gush from above, and the lions immediately roared and retreated.

Uehara Takuya was also sprayed with water. He was not in a hurry, but bit the back of the neck of the shivering little kid who was living in the spray, picked it up and walked away calmly.

It was only now that the little girl burst into tears.

The people with all the tools quickly rescued the little girl with ropes, while the lions looked at Uehara Takuya in confusion, asking clearly: What were you doing just now?

Hara Taku couldn't explain this kind of thing, and he couldn't tell the lions that if you attack the little girl, your lion lives will be at stake.


The little kid next to him stood up again and shouted excitedly.

Uehara Takuya looked at it with relief. Its courage just now was indeed worthy of admiration.

So Uehara Takuya touched its head as a reward.


The little cub screamed even more happily.

Chapter 051 Banana King may reappear

After such an incident, the lionesses were no longer interested in inviting the lion king to rank.

Instead, they came close to Uehara Takuya and purred non-stop, obviously curious.

Even if everyone has a good relationship, you can't be the Riddle Lion.

In response to their questions, Uehara Takuya sincerely invited them, walked to the tree and opened his mouth, indicating that everyone could continue to chew the tree together.

His invitation only received a response from the cub, and the lions lay down decisively. This time, even the other cubs were not interested in following him to chew the tree.

Uehara Taku could only sigh at this. Adult lions are just fishing. How can you little lions sleep?

While Uehara Takuya was obsessed with gaining experience, the panic in the crowd above him had faded.

Only this time, more and more people began to gather in the Lion Park because they also heard what happened just now.

"A lioness bravely confronted the lions to protect a little girl who accidentally fell into the lion park?"

The belatedly arrived director stared at everyone with a look that said, "Do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

"To be precise, there are two lions." The man holding the SLR camera was very excited. "The little lion that was eating the tree also participated."

"Really? I don't believe it." The principal shook his head quickly.

However, someone filmed it with a mobile phone.

When the director watched the video evidence, his originally calm mind suddenly became as hot as boiling water.

"If this is true, then our zoo may have found a treasure."

The principal adjusted his glasses, the lenses seemed to reflect in the sunlight.

The staff on the side understood and asked in a low voice: "Are you referring to the recent uproar at the Penguin Pavilion?"

"That's right." The director said with a confident smile, "Their Penguin Pavilion can dominate the headlines, why can't we?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, thinking that penguins would not attack humans for no reason, even if you went to the penguin house and snatched away their fish, it would be no problem.

But the pride of lions...

At least so far, no one has any unthinkable thoughts.

The little girl who was rescued just now stopped crying. She kept waving to the lions with her red eyes.

When Takuya Uehara looked over, the little girl bowed and shouted loudly: "Thank you, Sister Lion!"

You are welcome.

If possible, I hope you can call me brother lion...

Uehara Takuya flicked his tail casually in response.

He also figured out the whole thing. It was just a careless mother who let her child sit on the railing, but accidentally let the child fall.

After today's experience, the first thing he did when he returned to his body was to check his teeth in the mirror.

It has not become sharp and narrow, just like before.

Sure enough, those strange thoughts of his did not appear.

He came to the kitchen and took a pair of chopsticks and bit them in his mouth.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the chopsticks broke.

"The bite force has definitely increased, as well as the strength and physical agility of my hands and feet. I can clearly feel the changes."

Uehara Takuya shook his fist.

He inexplicably thought of the saying that has been circulating on the Internet for a long time: Have you seen it, this is the power of bears!

But he also knew that there was still a long way to go before he was as powerful as the bear.

Bear's paw, bear's paw, refers to a slap that can turn you into bear food.

The night passed without incident.

Today is Sunday, no school.

If he had joined a club, he would definitely be attending club activities today.

Fortunately he was alone.

He read books all morning, and in the afternoon he went to work part-time in the store as usual.

Coincidentally, he met Nanami Aoyama on the road who was also heading to the store.

"What a coincidence, Uehara-san."

The two briefly exchanged greetings, and Uehara Takuya randomly found a few topics to avoid the awkward atmosphere of silence.

"Uehara-san, do you know about dog agility competitions?"

Nanami Aoyama mentioned a topic he was familiar with.

I saw the ponytail girl saying with some longing: "This competition has been held for many years. I heard that No. 1 can get a lot of expensive dog daily necessities and dog food, as well as some discount coupons. If there is a cat The competition would be great..."

It turns out that the competition has now started to be promoted?

Uehara Takuya said he couldn't wait to do something.

Isn’t it fun to defeat the excellent hunting dogs and win No. 1 with the Husky’s smart eyes?

Aoyama Nanami was still immersed in her own thoughts, but Uehara Takuya stopped unconsciously.

Because he saw a conspicuous plume of smoke in front of him.

And it happens to be the store where I work part-time.

"Aoyama-san, do you know cats very well?" Uehara Takuya looked forward and asked suddenly.

Nanami Aoyama smiled sheepishly: "I should understand quite well."

“Do cats smoke?”

"Eh? How can a cat smoke?"

"If the orange cat the store manager has doesn't know how to smoke, then there's a fire in the store."


Aoyama Nanami turned her head sharply. When she saw the billowing smoke caused by the fire, she was so frightened that she froze.

The fire brigade rushed to the scene.

Takuya Uehara saw his store manager among the crowd of onlookers.

There is no way, just because the other party's almost bare head is the most conspicuous presence no matter where he stands.

The two walked over to the store manager and asked a few concerned questions, and then they realized that a colleague accidentally caused the fire.

Fortunately, the fire was put out by the fire brigade before it became bigger.

"Please wait a few days before coming back. I will inform you. I will definitely not be able to continue opening the store recently."

After receiving a helpless smile from the store manager, Uehara Takuya nodded and went home.

"Originally, I was thinking of going to see Yukino-sensei at night, but I don't have to wait so long today."

After returning home, Uehara Takuya directly logged into Yukino's account.

"Why did you come so early today?"

As soon as he came over, Yukino made a sound in surprise.

"Well, then I'll try to come a little later next time?"

"...Do you think that's what I mean?"

Yukino responded and continued: "By the way, have you watched the news today?"

"I've just seen some." Taku Uehara didn't lie either.

He originally planned to see if there was any news about lions when he got up in the morning, but penguins were so popular that news about lions couldn't dominate the headlines, so he had to go to a special section to read them.

“The penguin dance is a hit.”

Yukino simply revealed a message: "I also learned about it from Yuigahama. Nowadays, people imitating penguin dance steps are everywhere on short video platforms, and the people imitating them all wear red headscarves."

There seemed to be a smile in her voice when she said this.

Uehara Takuya was silent for a while and asked tentatively: "Are there any Westerners involved?"

Yukino didn't quite understand why he asked this, but she still said: "Of course, I just went to watch it on YouTube. In just a few days, the number of views on the video of the penguin dance has exceeded 2000 million."

Takuya Uehara suddenly felt that he might have a chance to see Mr. Banana reappear...

Chapter 052 All stars are warm

While taking a break, Uehara Takuya glanced at the open desktop computer next to him and asked, "Can I use the computer?"


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