Then she said calmly: "Please help me climb the tree."

Uehara Takuya jumped into the tree without saying a word.

"As expected!" The breeder said excitedly with the meat on his face shaking.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's face darkened. Is this bastard trying to trick me again?

She reluctantly smiled at the keeper: "It's just a coincidence."

After saying that, she put the phone into her bag.

Uehara Takuya imitated her movements, bending his forelimbs and hanging to his side.

The breeder's eyes lit up again.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was angry and helpless: "If you have the guts, give me a rap!"


Uehara Takuya screamed rhythmically.

Hiratsuka Shizuo: "..."

The breeder was so excited that he was speechless.

[This bastard, I don’t want the title of Beast Whisperer! 】

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't dare to stay any longer, so she immediately rubbed oil on her soles and ran away, pretending not to hear the keeper's cry behind her.

"Why are you leaving now? I still want to ask her for advice."

The keeper looked away in disappointment.

When he saw Uehara Takuya jumping to the ground, he couldn't help but raise his hands on a whim: "Stand up."

Uehara Takuya didn't even bother to look at him.

The breeder's glass heart was shattered on the spot and he left disheartened.

During the following period, Uehara Takuya did not see Shizuka Hiratsuka again. He guessed that the woman felt too ashamed and embarrassed, so she simply took Kawashima Ami and the others away.

Before ending the experience, he went to scare the noisy cheetahs next door.

He didn't care whether the snow leopard was willing to communicate or not, so he patiently shouted a few times to express that he would come again next time.

Chapter 343 Dating

One o'clock on Sunday afternoon.

In a restaurant, Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka sat opposite each other, and the other pair of figures were the Yukinoshita sisters.

Yangno was naturally responsible for this sudden meeting during the holidays.

"So, why did you ask us out specifically?"

Yukino picked up the iced juice in front of her, but did not drink it in a hurry. Instead, she looked at Hiratsuka Shizu with doubtful eyes: "And Mr. Hiratsuka, why are you hanging out with my sister again?"

"Mixed together or something..." Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't help laughing.

Yang Nai didn't mind her sister's impolite words at all, but chuckled happily: "Strictly speaking, today's date was actually proposed by Xiaojing."

"Teacher Hiratsuka?" Yukino was startled.

"A date?" This is what Uehara Takuya is concerned about.

Then he received a double gaze from the Yukinoshita sisters.

It's just that Yang is smiling gently, and Yukino is sneering cruelly.

Uehara Takuya decisively shut up and pretended to be dumb.

Hiratsuka Shizu was so cowardly that he wanted to laugh, even though she knew that the other person was pretending.

She immediately cleared her throat: "I met that superpower again yesterday."


The Yukinoshita sisters all responded, but their response was extremely cold.

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked left and right and found that no one was cheering, which was a bit embarrassing.

Uehara Takuya felt that Hiratsuka could not be left alone, so he imitated the surprised sounds of girls in anime: "Eh? Isn't it? It's really scary."

The eyes staring at him turned into three pairs...

"Okay okay, I'll shut up."

Uehara Takuya consciously held up the juice and said that he would not interrupt again.

Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled angrily and said, "You still dare to jump around like this in front of Yangno. Are you not afraid of her anymore?"

"Why does Xiaojing's words make me sound like a ferocious beast?" Yang Nai suddenly turned his head, smiled, pinched the straw, and stirred up and down in the drink liquid in the cup.

Hara Takuya also saw this scene.

At first he didn't care.

Until he found that Yangno was chatting with Hiratsuka Shizuka, and gave him an ambiguous smile very covertly.

Then when he looked at Yangono's movements of shaking the straw, he suddenly felt that the color seemed wrong.

"So, Mr. Hiratsuka saw him at the zoo?"

After Hiratsuka Shizu briefly described it, Yukino spoke first.

She didn't go to see Uehara Takuya either. Anyway, the latter always liked being a stranger, and she had long been used to it.

But the snow leopard, a super-good-looking big cat...

Yukino bit her lip.

Not to mention, she was really tempted.

If lions and tigers are handsome, then snow leopards are simply beautiful.

There always seems to be a "ragdoll among leopards" feeling.

"Yes, even though I went to the zoo with Sena and the others, I am the only one who knows the inside story." Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded and admitted.

Yangno held up her chin and asked with interest, "Then what did you talk to him about?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Shizuka Hiratsuka glared angrily: "To sum up, that guy is very... annoying!"

Hearing these words, the hearts of the Yukinoshita sisters froze.

The two of them glanced at Uehara Takuya from the corner of their eyes.

Someone who was drinking a drink felt his scalp numb and an inexplicable chill on his back.

Fortunately, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't let the Yukinoshita sisters have any weird thoughts. She went on to add: "I originally thought that the snow leopard was so beautiful, so I asked him to cooperate with the pose so that I could take a few photos as a souvenir."

"But he made trouble, right?" Yukino knew Uehara Takuya too well.

"Yes, that guy is not just a nuisance. He shamelessly used the body of an animal to pose a particularly shameful posture towards me..."

Hiratsuka Shizuka rambled, clenched the water glass tightly, and emphasized her tone: "That's because he was a snow leopard at the time, and I couldn't go in, otherwise I would definitely blow his head off."

Yukino suddenly smiled: "If such a day comes, I will look forward to it."

Yang Nai also covered his mouth and chuckled: "Me too, and I am also willing to help you beat him together."

"They are indeed good sisters!" Shizuka Hiratsuka chuckled, feeling much better.

At this time, Uehara Takuya interrupted: "Why not blow his leopard head off?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka said calmly: "I'm not stupid, how could I go out and challenge the snow leopard?"

"Then why is it a dog head?" Uehara Takuya asked again.

Hiratsuka Shizuka clenched her white fist and shook it, smiling confidently: "I can still beat a dog."

"... well-founded and convincing."

Yang Nao showed an expectant smile: "If Xiaojing really wants to stage a scene of beating a dog in the street, then you will definitely make the headlines the next day."

Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes: "You sound like you care about me, but why do you have that expectant expression?"

"Because I'm just looking forward to it~"

"I knew...forget it, I was just talking anyway." Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly paused and laughed, "Besides, he is a person with super powers. If he really wants to take action, how can I possibly beat him? ?”

Yukino said abruptly: "What if he doesn't dare to attack you?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked puzzled when he heard this: "Why doesn't he dare? I'm not familiar with him. You know, we only met once. That time he didn't even show up, but chose to meet me as a cat. .”

"That's not necessarily true~"

Yangno deliberately prolonged her voice. She didn't look at Uehara Takuya, but every word she said was directed at someone: "That guy is very affectionate. Xiaojing, you are so beautiful, maybe you have fallen in love with him a long time ago." Hit list].”

"Hit list?"

"Yes, it means he wants to win your heart."

Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't laugh or cry: "You are really..."

Seeing that he was being smeared, Uehara Takuya had to stand up and interrupt everyone: "The word assassination list is too ugly, how about calling him the heart arsonist?"

"It sounds very romantic..." Yukino seemed to agree.

Just when Uehara Takuya wanted to nod, Yukino's tone changed and suddenly turned cold: "Is it possible that that guy has been determined to get this title since he got super powers, so he goes around flirting with girls?"

Can this also open my group?

Uehara Takuya was shocked.

"It makes sense." Yangno nodded in agreement, "In that case, I will also prepare a bottle of anti-wolf spray on me in the future, so that I can guard against that guy."

Shizuka Hiratsuka covered her forehead and sighed softly: "Are you two getting more and more outrageous with your talk? Obviously that guy hasn't even revealed his true identity. You guys are just throwing dirty water on others by talking about this."

Then, she raised her head suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on her beautiful face: "Do you already know his identity?"

Yukino and Yangno looked at each other, the former shook his head in disgust, while the latter laughed and said: "Xiaojing, your acting skills are really bad... How can anyone be so anxious to say what's on their mind in a probing way? from?"

Hiratsuka Shizu's face turned red, and he was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Yangno was right, she was testing in the first place.

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