But the moment she lowered her head, her delicate face slowly turned red, and her eyes became charming.

[Did she do it on purpose? 】

This idea came to Uehara Takuya's mind.

But Chizuru Tachibana didn't give the two of them a chance to speak. Just like koalas, they hung on Takuya Uehara and continued to visit the haunted house.

Yukino always felt that the postures of the two people next to her were a bit dazzling.

But every time she met a staff member pretending to be a ghost, Tachibana Chizuru would always shout "I'm scared" without emotion, and then she would hug him tighter.

And in the midst of this continuous fright, Yukino no longer had the thought to pay attention to other people.

Because she held Takuya Uehara's hand tightly and didn't dare to let go.

Until the three of them arrived at a room whose setting was obviously that of a morgue.

"Where is the ghost pretender hiding this time?"

Yukino gritted her teeth, tried her best to control her emotions, and asked gently in Takuya Uehara's ear.

She actually didn't quite understand why the other party could detect where the staff was hiding every time, but she was glad that the other party had such an ability.

Otherwise, she might be so frightened that she loses her composure.

At this moment, Yukino heard Takuya Uehara say: "At your feet."

"What's the meaning……"

Before Yukino finished speaking, she noticed a figure lying not far behind Takuya Uehara from the corner of her eye.

When the other person raised his head, the bloody mask filled her sight.

Yukino's face turned pale on the spot.

Chapter 352 I leave my Yui to you.

The three Uehara Takuyas came out of the haunted house with different expressions.

Tachibana Chizuru was looking around, and took out a small mirror from her bag to check her own image. Except that her face was a little red, she couldn't see anything.

Yukino was still frightened by the haunted house experience just now.

Although it was quite exciting, she would find it more interesting if she didn't participate but watched others being scared in the haunted house.

As the students came out one after another, Uehara Takuya approached Naito and asked in a low voice: "Has your relationship with Amano made any progress? This haunted house is quite scary. As long as you are willing to work hard, you should be able to find an opportunity to protect her."

Unexpectedly, Naito's face turned pale and he gasped: "Stop talking, I'm almost scared to death myself, how can I have time to protect others?"

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

Two girls happened to be walking next to them. Their expressions were very frightened, but they were still in the mood to joke: "Naito is less courageous than us. When we saw a ghost in the morgue just now, he was the first to run away." .”

Naito smiled awkwardly, but still said harshly: "I was bringing you reinforcements, because I can't handle this situation alone."

"Then can you explain why you were frightened back by another staff member pretending to be a ghost not long after you went out?" The girl asked with a smile on her soul.

Naito became even more embarrassed, lowering his head and hesitating: "Because that guy is more scary."

Uehara Takuya sighed, with your courage, where did you get the confidence to protect others before?

As a friend, he couldn't help in this kind of matter, so he could only pat Naito on the shoulder to comfort him.

As everyone arrived, Tachibana Chizuru suggested that she treat them to dinner, and everyone except Uehara Takuya and Yukino agreed.

"I have to help Yuigahama make up lessons." This was Uehara Takuya's answer.

Yukino said calmly: "I want to go home for dinner. If Mr. Tachibana is willing to visit my home, I will still be happy to cook a meal for you."

She actually wanted to find an opportunity to return the AA money to the other party.

Naturally, Tachibana Chizuru couldn't agree. As a teacher, she had to take care of other students.

After the group separated, Uehara Takuya was responsible for sending Yukino home.

"Don't you think Tachibana-sensei's behavior in the haunted house just now was strange?"

Yukino showed doubts in her eyes while recalling her previous experience in the haunted house.

"Are you suspecting that she might not be scared?" Uehara Takuya asked with a smile.

"Not a doubt, but an affirmation."

Yukino said, looking over, with a firm tone: "I'm sure she was definitely not scared, but her face was so red at the time and she looked particularly nervous, so I didn't make a direct judgment at that time. "

"Is there a possibility that she is shy?" Uehara Takuya gave the answer.

Yukino was startled and smiled disdainfully: "Will she be shy?"

"Uh, what's that expression of yours?"

"I don't mean any disrespect to Tachibana-sensei, but with her robot-like personality, how could she be shy?"

"But I think that's it."

"Is it?"

Yukino didn't believe what Uehara Takuya said at all.

When the two separated, Yukino suddenly pulled him and told him: "Yuigahama is my friend, and she is also a very good girl."

Uehara Takuya laughed dumbly: "Don't worry, I have promised you that I will never flirt with her."

Yukino's expression softened.

But Uehara Takuya's voice sounded again: "If she wants to tease me, what should I do? You also know that I am very popular with girls."

Yukino's tone was indifferent: "Then you can rest assured. Yuigahama is a sober-minded girl. Besides, she should also know something about you. As long as she doesn't have a brain disorder, it is impossible for her to be tempted by you."

"Although this sounds reasonable, I always feel like you are cursing me in a roundabout way."

"Do you still need to beat around the bush when I scold you?"

"……makes sense."

When Takuya Uehara walked away, Yukino did not rush home. Instead, she took out her phone and looked up her address book, her eyes resting on the number marked [Sister].

"What is she planning? Why did she suddenly disappear again recently?"

Yukino muttered to himself with a solemn expression.

Last time Yangno spent an honest and obedient night at her house, the other party didn't even make fun of her.

Because of this, Yukino became suspicious.

Recently, Yangno never appeared again and had no contact with her.

This made her feel even more strange.

"She can't really go to confront Stella, right?"

Yukino thought of a possibility.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya has arrived at Yuigahama's house.

The person who opened the door was of course the beautiful woman who liked to act cute.

Yuigahama's mother dressed a little differently today than usual. In the past, she would always choose long-sleeved and trousers that were more mature or old-fashioned, but today she changed her outfit.

Her upper body was an orange short-sleeved top with a small star pattern printed on the folds of the collar. The cute ruffled sleeves were curled up, revealing the white skin of her arms.This kind of short-sleeved style is not her usual loose style, but has a slim-fitting feel, which makes her already plump bust more conspicuous at this moment.

The other party's pair of well-proportioned and slender legs were looming in the gray stockings. The knee-length skirt could not completely hide the beauty of her legs. The half of the calf exposed to the air was white, tender and soft, not to mention the round heels exposed outside the slippers, and the seemingly swaying The cardamom-colored toes with neatly placed little pearls.

"From today on, my Yui will be entrusted to you~"

Yuigahama's mother led Uehara Takuya to the living room, the smile on her face was as warm as usual.


Yuigahama Yui, who was waiting in the living room, turned red, stood up in embarrassment and shouted: "Is there any ambiguity in what you said?"

Yuigahama's mother looked over in surprise: "Really? Since Uehara is responsible for your studies, of course I have to hand you over to him."

"But you can't describe it this way..."

"Oh, this kind of detail is not important. What is important is that my Yui is so cute when she is shy."

"The two sentences you said are completely unrelated, okay?"

Yuigahama Yui blushed and was angry.

Takuya Uehara pretended not to hear and said, "Then let's start now?"

Yuigahama's mother was the first to agree. She also added: "Uehara hasn't had dinner yet, right? Then I'll go out to buy groceries first."

After saying that, she twisted her waist and walked away with a smile.

Yuigahama Yui covered her face helplessly: "It's hard for me to have such a mother in the stall."

Uehara Takuya only found it funny: "Obviously Yami and the others are very envious of you for having such a gentle mother, but why are you not happy about it yourself?"

"Because they haven't lived with my mother." Yuigahama Yui muttered.

You must know that the last time mother and daughter took a bath together, Yuigahama's mother pinched her for a long time on the grounds that she "wanted to help Yui grow up quickly."

This also caused the young girl who had just started to fall in love not to sleep well that night.

When she got up the next day, she had to run to the bathroom with a blushing face to change her underwear.

"By the way Uehara, where should we take tutoring?"

At this time, Yuigahama Yui seemed to have thought of something, her eyes evasive.

Uehara Takuya guessed what she was thinking and said with a smile: "Just in the living room. I can't rush into a girl's bedroom for the first time to help you with tutoring, right?"

Yuigahama Yui's face turned slightly red and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really embarrassed to invite boys to her bedroom.

But she didn't know that Takuya Uehara had been to her small bedroom several times.

It was just that she entered with her body.

"Based on my current time, I can spare about two hours a day to help you with tutoring. If it's a weekend, it will take a little more time... Since your foundation is not very solid, we have to start from scratch, otherwise your grades will not be good by then. If I get promoted, Yukino will definitely scold me."

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