"Hey, what do you mean life is at stake? Don't scare me."

"Isn't [giving birth to a child] a matter of life and death? After all, it is also a life."

"So the content of your usual chats is always so exciting? If I had known, I would have installed a bug in your phone."

Listening to Uehara Takuya's joke, Stella took her hand back with a smile, then unbuttoned her collar, and said softly: "If you want to install a bug, I suggest you hang it on my underwear. It’s safer this way.”

"...Are you serious?"

"Are you not serious?"

Looking at Stella's smiling face, Uehara Takuya surrendered.

The other party knew that she was joking, but she still said it in a convincing way. If she took up the topic, her style would definitely become strange.


At this time, Stella seemed to have remembered something, and looked at Takuya Uehara with interest and said: "When people are nervous or excited, their heartbeat will speed up, and even at certain times, the heartbeat frequency will reach a scary level. .”

Uehara Takuya was confused: "So?"

Stella squinted her eyes: "I just mentioned Miss Yangno's name, did your heart beat faster? Otherwise, why would you ask me so quickly?"

"I was just curious..." Uehara Takuya felt like laughing.

Stella showed a look of disbelief: "Really? But I still think that you should have been in close contact with Miss Yangno recently. Maybe you are still planning something."

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "We did have contact, but the plan... I'm afraid only she knows about it."

"I want to listen to your heartbeat and hear you say this again, so that I can be sure whether you are lying." Stella is very practical.

Uehara Takuya waved his hand indifferently: "Okay, anyway, what I said is the truth."

Stella said at this time: "I don't like to do unfair things, so you are also qualified to listen to my heartbeat, so that whenever someone lies, we can all detect it at the first time."

"Interesting, then come on."

Uehara Takuya smiled, this suggestion was indeed quite interesting.

Because he also wants to know whether a housekeeper with a high level of professionalism like Stella would have her heart beat faster like ordinary people when she lies?

But then he thought of a question: "But having said that, although I am very interested in your proposal, how can we carefully hear each other's heartbeat?"

"It's simple..."

Stella said, a beautiful blush actually appeared on her face.

I saw her holding Uehara Takuya's right hand and slowly placing it on her chest.

Uehara Takuya raised a question mark at that time.

"How is it? Do you hear clearly?" Stella held his wrist tightly.

"It's very clear, but don't you think this scene is too strange? You must know that this is someone else's balcony."

Uehara Takuya put his hand down smoothly. Even if the housekeeper held her tightly, he could still break free easily.

"Don't Uehara like this?" Seeing Uehara Takuya letting go so quickly, she couldn't help but ask.

"This has nothing to do with whether you like it or not, but... others will see it here."

"But I just observed carefully, no one is on the balconies of other residents."

"But you can't guarantee that someone won't suddenly run out."

"Then we can turn around and face them so they can't see our faces."

Stella's words fell into the ears of Uehara Takuya, and they were completely the whispers of the devil.

And it's a whisper full of temptation and encouragement.

So he immediately said: "Turn around? That's a very good suggestion. Now please turn around."

Stella did as she was told.

But as soon as she turned around, she felt a slap on her butt.


A soft hum escaped her lips unconsciously, and a layer of mist gradually appeared in her originally clear eyes.

"What does it mean?"

There was no unhappy look on her face, but she turned back in confusion.

"It's punishment." Uehara Takuya reminded.

Stella was very smart and understood the other party’s meaning instantly.

There seemed to be more mist in her eyes, and she whispered softly: "Is it a new role-playing game?"


"Then the role Uehara plays this time is..."

"Your master."

Stella's eyelashes trembled slightly, her breathing was a little quickened, and the blush spread quietly on her face: "Then I am the weak maid who made a mistake?"

"Huh? I was going to say that you were the butler who made a mistake, but a maid is also quite suitable."


She stared intensely into Takuya Uehara's eyes and asked tremblingly: "When do we start?"

There seemed to be little flames burning in her eyes.

It seems that everything can be burned away in the next second.

Uehara Takuya did not avoid her gaze: "I thought you would ask me if this was a joke."

"Even if you said it was a joke, I would pretend not to hear it." Stella smiled softly, she was very honest now, "Because I was excited."

Uehara Takuya was about to answer when he caught the sound of footsteps approaching him.

He glanced at Stella smoothly, and the latter reacted very quickly and immediately adjusted her collar and hair.

The next moment, Yuigahama's mother came over carrying snacks.

"Why did you come here? Come and try the cake I made, Miss Stella."

Yuigahama's mother apparently found out Stella's name from Kashiwazaki Sena.

"Thank you."

Stella thanked her softly and took the cake from the other party.

But she didn't eat it. Instead, she handed it to Uehara Takuya: "You can eat it first. It smells delicious. I guess the cake must taste particularly good."

As soon as Uehara Takuya took the cake, he felt his finger being touched lightly.

But Stella seemed to know nothing, took another piece of cake and tasted it in small bites.

This scene was seen by Yuigahama's mother. She blinked slightly in surprise, then quickly turned her back and said with a smile: "Then I will put the plate here, so that if you want to eat, you don't have to go there." living room."

After saying that, she put down the plate and left.

Only now did Takuya Uehara ask: "What did you just say..."

He was sure that Stella’s little move just now was intentional.

"I did that on purpose."

Sure enough, Stella's answer was the same as he guessed.

I saw the housekeeper smiling brightly: "That lady seemed to be very gossipy, so I satisfied her gossiping heart. This can be regarded as helping others."

"What kind of help is this?"

Chapter 356: A world in which only one is injured is achieved

Stella and Kashiwazaki Sena were naturally left to have dinner together.

Yuigahama's mother's cooking skills are so good that even Uehara Takuya has to admit her defeat. It's not an exaggeration to call her a "top housewife".

But when he thought that this beautiful woman had a heart for pursuing fashion, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Kashiwazaki Sena's tutoring for Yuigahama Yui failed, and now Takuya Uehara has to finish it.

Although Kashiwazaki Sena's grades are very good, having good grades and being able to teach are two different things.

This is like when Jordan taught you to play basketball, he told you very calmly: "Aren't there just three people guarding you? What's there to be afraid of? Just jump up hard and wait for the opponent to land, so no one can interfere with you." His shooting vision."

That's what Kashiwazaki Sena did.

Poor Yuigahama Yui was so dizzy after the class that she couldn't remember anything except the words "It's very simple" that the other party kept repeating.

After dinner, Stella ignored Yuigahama's mother's dissuasion and took the initiative to help clear the table.

This is the kind of work she does at Kashiwazaki's house, and her hands and feet are naturally nimble.

The two women were washing dishes in a pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen, while Uehara Takuya and the other three continued to make up lessons in the living room.

"Why doesn't Yui always understand when I lecture her?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was a little aggrieved, but she obviously did it very seriously.

However, Yuigahama Yui had completely different reactions in front of her and in front of Uehara Takuya.

"Because your topic is too vague. To give you the simplest example, you got stuck while playing the game..." Uehara Takuya replied in his busy schedule.

"I won't get stuck." Kashiwazaki Sena raised her chest confidently.

Uehara Takuya coughed: "I know, I'm just giving an example."

"Oh, then go on." Kashiwazaki Sena looked at him eagerly.

Seeing the other person's expectant and curious look, Uehara Takuya was reluctant to tell the truth.

So he changed his tone: "To put it simply, you are a genius girl, and it is difficult for ordinary people to follow your ideas."

"That's it!" Kashiwazaki Sena smiled happily.

Yuigahama Yui kept a dark face and said nothing. After doing this for a long time, you are still talking bad about me?

A world where only oneself is hurt is achieved.

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