
It is also possible that Kawashima Ami will choose to let go from the beginning.

After all, she is not the kind of girl who cares about the outcome of cards.

Moreover, her emotional intelligence is enough to support her in dealing with ordinary female high school students.

Thinking of this, Yukino rubbed his eyebrows and said in an embarrassed tone: "I made a mistake. I should have thought more about it just now."

Uehara Takuya looked like he wanted to laugh: "There's no need to put on such a serious expression, right?"

"You do not understand."

Yukino stared at him solemnly and put the book aside: "That guy likes to show off to me. Once Kawashima really lets go, then tonight I..."

As she spoke, her face became extremely gloomy: "I'm afraid I will receive a steady stream of voice messages and videos from her tonight with a showy face."

Uehara Takuya was startled. Not to mention, this possibility is indeed not small.

"I'm starting to get angry now when I think that she would do this." Yukino stood up after saying that.

Uehara Takuya was startled: "What are you going to do?"

Yukino said extremely seriously: "I have to call Kawashima. If she dares to betray her, I will never let her go."

Takuya Uehara applauded enthusiastically: "Yukino looks really majestic now."

Chapter 359 Heroes

After Takuya Uehara left the service department, he went directly to work part-time in the store.

Nanami Aoyama, a diligent girl, still came early.

The two nodded and said hello to each other, and then started their busy day.

After finally getting through the peak period of dinner time, after the store became quiet, Uehara Takuya saw a male colleague in the store talking and laughing next to Nanami Aoyama. However, the smile on the working emperor's face was a bit forced.

Takuya Uehara thought this scene was very interesting. The male colleague obviously had a crush on Nanami Aoyama, but he didn’t seem to have very good eyesight. The girls didn’t want to talk anymore, but he was still talking to himself. .

After all, not everyone is as precocious and emotionally intelligent as Ami Kawashima.

Uehara Takuya murmured in his heart, raised his hand and said to Aoyama Nanami: "Aoyama-san, I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Ah? No problem!"

Nanami Aoyama was overjoyed. She greeted the male colleague politely and hurried towards Takuya Uehara.

"What does Uehara-san want from me?"

“How does it feel to be hit on by a coworker?”

As soon as Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, Nanami Aoyama smiled helplessly: "It's not bad."

"Is it really okay?"

"Okay, I'm a little troubled..."

Aoyama Nanami looked around, and when she saw that no one was paying attention to her side, she whispered: "Hasebe-senpai is still very nice, but he especially likes to tell some messy jokes, which can easily make people feel embarrassed, but he I didn’t notice it myself.”

"There's no way he can help it. He finally met a cute girl, so naturally he can't help but express his affection for her."

"Cuteness and all, Uehara, you always praise Sena like this, right?" Aoyama Nanami smiled implicitly.

Since the two became acquainted, when she heard Takuya Uehara compliment or tease her, she would not be embarrassed and blush like when she was praised by a stranger. Instead, she could calmly fight back.

"You mean Sena? She doesn't need me to praise her, because she is very cute." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

"If Yukinoshita-san hears this, you will definitely be in trouble." Aoyama Nanami snickered.

The two chatted casually for a few words. Nanami Aoyama couldn't hold it back in the end and brought up the topic of superpowers: "By the way, Sena just sent a message in the group, saying that in a few days, when everyone is free, we will go to the zoo together. investigation."

"I already know about this."

"Really? Then..."

Nanami Aoyama hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Yugishoshita-kun said last time that the person with super powers is probably waiting for us to find out the truth. What do you think of this kind of thing?"

"I think the possibility is not small." Uehara Takuya put on a thinking expression, "You have also said that that guy has never covered up, which shows that he never cares about such a trivial matter. And now you are treating him He has a strong interest in it, and if he knew about it, he would definitely be looking forward to it."


"Because you are still working so hard to investigate despite insufficient information, this will make that guy feel that if you really find out the truth, you should have a special sense of accomplishment."

Nanami Aoyama was confused when he heard this: "Based on what you mean, does he still consider our feelings?"

"I'm just guessing, you can just listen to it."

"Is that so..."

Aoyama Nanami nodded thoughtfully, she actually listened to Uehara Takuya's words.

Yukino, a girl recognized by the school as a genius, said this before, and now her only familiar friend of the opposite sex also said the same.

She also began to think that this idea might be true.

Suddenly, she raised her head and smiled playfully at Uehara Takuya: "Speaking of which, you just helped me out on purpose, right?"

"Really? I'm just bored and want to find someone to chat with." Uehara Takuya looked confused.

Aoyama Nanami was not deceived, but instead smiled more on her face: "Uehara-san is indeed a good person, but I will not date you~"

"Ah, after hearing what you said, I suddenly began to regret helping you."

"Really? But now it's too late for you to regret it."

Aoyama Nanami smiled. After all, the two had known each other for such a long time, and she had heard about Uehara Takuya's relationship with other girls.

Being kind and upright, she certainly won't dictate other people's lives.

She is also willing to become friends with Takuya Uehara.

As for taking this relationship further, that's impossible.

So she just said what was on her mind in a joking tone.

She believed that Takuya Uehara could understand her thoughts.

"That good-looking guy over there, please bring me a glass of iced apple juice~"

At this moment, a sweet female voice came from behind the two of them.

Uehara Takuya turned around in surprise. The owner of this voice was indeed Harano.

She was standing next to the seat next to the door. Her short hair was fresh and natural, and her plump face had a faint blush, probably caused by walking too hastily.

She was wearing a white tunic today. Her slender waist was tightly tied up with ribbons, making her look even more delicate and light. The curves on her chest that were enough to crush her younger sister fell down to reveal her slender and well-proportioned legs wrapped in dark blue jeans. The pink and translucent insteps exposed by the black high-heeled shoes seemed to show off to everyone that her skin was as smooth as milk.

"Sister Haruno." Aoyama Nanami greeted in surprise. She still had a good impression of this beautiful sister.

Especially when she knew that the other person was the sister of Yukino, whom she admired, she became even more fond of her.

"Long time no see. Xiao Nanami is getting cuter and cuter. No wonder this guy Uehara doesn't even show up during working hours. Instead, he keeps chatting with you." Haruno joked.

Nanami Aoyama blushed immediately this time. She couldn't be as calm when facing Harano as she was when facing Takuya Uehara.

"Why are you here?" Uehara Takuya walked over with the juice and put it down, and asked.

"Have I not sent you a message before?" Yang Nai asked with a smile.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "That's right, I should have guessed it."

Yangno held the straw and took a sip, her pretty lips decorated with lipstick slightly opened and closed: "The person who sent me the message just now is Sena, right?"

"Yukino is right. You are too difficult to deal with. You can guess the truth at once. How can you let others play with it?"

"If you think playing games with me is too difficult, then you can choose to play something else."

"for example?"

"for example……"

Yang Nao's red lips were slightly raised, and there was a hint of charm in her lazy expression: "You can play with me."

Uehara Takuya staggered.

Before he could say anything, Miss Yangno took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and took a picture of his face.

Then his cell phone rang.

Uehara Takuya picked it up and took a look. What Yangno sent was a photo of himself and a line of text.

[I saw a boy in a store who particularly matched my aesthetics. What should I do to capture his heart? 】

She held her face leisurely and generously met the helpless look cast by Takuya Uehara, with a satisfied and elegant smile: "What should I do? Can you give me some advice, hero?"

This cry of hero almost made Takuya Uehara's bones brittle.

She is really good at it!

Chapter 360

The scene of Harano teasing Takuya Uehara was naturally seen by Nanami Aoyama.

But she only glanced at it a few times, and then stopped looking there.

To her, Taku Uehara is also a friend who has helped her, and Yangno is an enthusiastic big sister who has helped her. No matter what the relationship between the two is, she will not talk too much.

And she has no habit of speaking ill of others behind their backs.

Perhaps it was because Yangno saw through this that she acted so unscrupulously in front of Nanami Aoyama.

"Oh, Xiao Nanhai seems to have heard our conversation, what should we do?"

Yangno had already noticed Nanami Aoyama who was not far away and pretended not to see anything.

She covered her mouth and smiled softly, her beautiful eyes twinkling as she stared into Takuya Uehara's eyes.

"...You meant to let her hear it, right?" Uehara Takuya was a little speechless. Only you can pretend to be innocent at this time.

"Uehara is wrong. What I just said to you was a very personal whisper. How could I hope that others would hear it?"

"Sister Yangno, actually you really don't have to pretend to be cute."


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