The team's voice suddenly fell into silence.

Just when Yangno and Stella looked at him curiously, the voices of the two teammates sounded again.

Only this time, they completely exploded.

"It's actually a voice changer!"

"I just said, how can there be female players in this game? Obviously this is a large-scale dating game for men, so there can't be a girl with a sweet voice!"

"Brother, how much did you pay for this voice changer? The effect is surprisingly good. Can you give me one too?"

Amidst the chaos, Takuya Uehara took the initiative to add them as friends and then quit the game.

"Hahahaha, are all male players so interesting? They actually think it's a voice changer..."

Yang Nao laughed and fell down on the side, his chest rising and falling, looking like a trembling flower.

Takuya Uehara explained with a smile: "Because there are very few female players in this game, maybe out of a hundred players, only one is a girl."

"It might also be a voice changer." Yangno laughed.

Uehara Takuya shrugged, that was indeed the case.

"Uehara, do we still want to play?" Stella looked at him expectantly.

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled: "You still want to play?"

"Yes." Stella nodded vigorously, her eyes shining, "Let me communicate with my teammates this time. I already know how to encourage my teammates."

Uehara Takuya was a little amused: "You've been doing this for a long time, you just became interested in this matter, right?"


Stella admitted generously.

Then she glanced at Yangno, who was still smiling, as if casually, and said lightly: "My voice is no worse than Miss Yangno."

Yangono's laughter stopped immediately.

Her face was now covered with a lovely blush from laughing too hard just now.

She propped herself up on the sofa, with a smile on her crimson face: "So Miss Stella is also so competitive? This reminds me of my sister."

"Miss Yukinoshita Yukino? She is indeed very competitive." Stella responded perfunctorily and continued to look at Uehara Takuya.

"Okay, let's have another round."

To prevent them from starting to quarrel again, Takuya Uehara decisively invited Stella to start a new game.

But this time, Stella actually fulfilled her promise and proved that she is a woman of her word.

Before the game officially started, she turned on the microphone to communicate: "Moxi Moxi, can you hear me?"

Uehara Takuya suddenly became excited.

Goosebumps appeared.

As for why he had such a big reaction, it was because...

The housekeeper picked it up!

She actually opened the folder.

That soft and cute voice always has a "here comes the little flying stick" flavor.

Unfortunately, my teammates really do this.

"There are girls, there are girls!"

"It seems that I am still a neon girl, but now I declare that I am the sniper god of this game!"

The game hasn't even started yet, but the two teammates are already fighting hard, and their fighting spirit has increased without limit.

And they still speak Chinese.

Uehara Takuya is not surprised at all. This game is not very popular in Neon, but he and Stella drive the accelerator to match passers-by, and they will definitely be able to match Chinese players.

"What are they talking about? Are they speaking Chinese?" Stella blinked doubtfully. Although she had studied Chinese with Kashiwazaki Sena in private, her progress was not very fast.

"Yes, it's Chinese. They are praising you. Let me communicate with them."

Uehara Takuya immediately cleared his throat and spoke fluent Chinese: "Good brothers, if you win this game, I will send you my sister's black silk photos."

"Oh shit, there are also big brothers from China?"

"Are you an international student? It doesn't matter what you have in black stockings. What's important is that I think your brother is worthy of a close friendship. From now on, we are half-brothers!"

Uehara Takuya suppressed a smile and replied: "No problem, good brother."

What he said did not sound guilty at all.

Because he has no sister at all.

As for what he said about "my sister's black silk photos", how the two teammates would understand it is none of his business.

The four of them entered the game with plenty of fighting spirit and won this game without any surprise.

Uehara Takuya added them as friends and pulled Stella to continue matching.

After playing for more than an hour, the two of them typed as soon as they entered the game: "Please turn on the microphone to communicate."

When the teammates turned on the mic, Stella brand soft clips were officially launched.

Uehara Takuya's opponents experienced high intensity for more than an hour.

"Have you had enough fun?" Yangno looked at Stella with a half-smile.

She was obviously asking Uehara Takuya, but her eyes were looking at someone else.

"That's enough." Stella replied simply, "Speaking of which, do you feel bored after watching the TV series alone for so long?"

"A little, but I still have a lot of time today, so I'm not in a hurry."

"What a coincidence, that's what I thought too."

"Then should we go to the bathroom together?"


The two women just chatted with each other, completely ignoring Takuya Uehara.

"They won't run to the bathroom to fight, right?"

Uehara Takuya, who had been stable for more than an hour, couldn't help but start to worry.

Fortunately, what he worried about didn't happen.

The two of them were just chatting in the bathroom. There was no battle, and there was no fight.

"Miss Harano must have plans tonight, right?"

Stella turned on the faucet in front of the mirror and squeezed out the hand sanitizer leisurely.

Yang Nao smiled and nodded: "Yes, I had other plans, but it was a pity that you ruined them."

"That's really my honor." Stella did not hide her aggression at all.

Yangno took out a paper towel and wiped the water drops on the back of his hands, and chuckled: "But as the housekeeper of the Kashiwazaki family, you definitely can't stay out overnight."

"Not necessarily."

"No, I'm sure you won't ask for leave."

Yangno said, turning his head and meeting Stella's calm gaze: "Because as long as you are willing to go home early, I can tell you a secret."

Stella was startled, and her eyes changed subtly: "You specifically said this, which means that the [secret] in your mouth should be something that I am very interested in."

"That's right." Yangno suddenly looked at himself in the mirror with a warm smile: "Does Miss Stella believe that there are people with super powers in this world?"


Stella showed a stunned expression for the first time in front of Yangno.

"Yes, it's super power, and I know a lot of secrets. If you are willing to make a deal with me, then you can get a secret about super powers from me." Yangno nodded.

Stella fell silent immediately.

She's actually not interested in superpowers.

But Yang Nai deliberately mentioned this at this time, it must be something she cares about particularly.

She would not think that the other party would be so bored that he would fabricate a lie about being a superpower to deceive her.

Because this kind of lie that can be easily exposed is not Yangno’s style at all.

After a few seconds, Stella suddenly asked: "If I go home early, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I will continue my date with Uehara." Yangno replied with a smile.

"That's all?"

"Otherwise? What do you think I will do?"

Stella became quiet again.

She always felt that Yangno was not telling the truth.

But she couldn't guess the other party's specific arrangements for the time being.

This feeling of being completely in the dark made her a little uncomfortable.

More of a reluctance.

Especially when she saw the smile in Yangno's eyes, she became even more unhappy.

Thinking of this, Stella turned off the faucet, with a cold smile on her lips: "Does Miss Haruno know what I call Uehara in private?"

Yang Nao's expression remained unchanged: "What's your name?"

Stella suddenly showed a shy expression, lowered her head, and said coyly: "I call him Master."


Yang Nai was stunned on the spot.

Stella’s mood improved a lot.

He finally got a win back.

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