For Ms. Xing Maer, who was extremely confident and felt that she was invincible, making her so scared that she could not move was even more uncomfortable than killing her.

However, no matter how uncomfortable and angry Xing was at this time, she found that her body was still extremely stiff.

Damn, damn it!

Why in the end!

His eyes were as calm as a dead person, but after seeing him put his palms together, I actually felt a kind of... from this man...

——Terrifying madness?

What on earth is he doing? Even the Honkai energy emitted should not be enough to deal with these Titans.

Damn it, I was so frightened by this guy's momentum that I forgot about the gap between us and the enemy? !

"Go! Give me all!"

After finally regaining control of his body at this time, Xing angrily directed the Titan to rush towards Lin Yu who closed his eyes.

"Kill this idiot first!"

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people."

Lin Yu, who had completed the layout at this time, suddenly opened his eyes and uttered an inexplicable word.

"Namo Amitabha."

They were supposed to be words full of Zen, but when these words came out of Lin Yu's mouth, the other three people present took a step back unconsciously.

"Taixu. Endless... Ksitigarbha sword!"

After spitting out the name calmly, Lin Yu relied on the characteristics of the Ksitigarbha sword to directly manipulate the Honkai energy he had released before.

And the next moment...

——Countless energy blades formed from Honkai energy appeared on the battlefield, instantly swamping the huge bodies of the Titan mechas.


Chapter 1. Buddha saves the destined person

Endless Ksitigarbha sword, this was a short-lived move in the Hong Kong comic "God of War" series.

This move itself is a powerful move created by the lunar warrior god "Ksitigarbha", and this powerful move was later called "the divine skill of protecting the country" by other lunar warrior gods.

However, despite its reputation as a magical skill to protect the country, the reason why this move was known to others in the moon in history was not because it resisted any external enemies, but because...

——The Ksitigarbha monk who originally studied this martial art, after trying to persuade other villains in the same country to no avail, chose to melt gold into a liquid, use the liquid as a medium, and combine it with the powerful power of the world view [Magnetic Field Rotation] ], slaughtering tens of millions of villains in his eyes within a few months.

Therefore, Lin Yu, who launched this move at this time, would naturally have a 'sense of evil' that made others feel scared.

After all, this is a terrifying move used for massacre.

As for now, when countless energy blades began to slash towards those Titans, Lin Yu began to take steps and kept walking forward.

The endless Ksitigarbha sword launched by Lin Yu at this time was not actually a pure magnetic field martial arts move, but a move he improved after combining the Taixu sword energy taught to him by Fu Hua.

Fu Hua did not teach Lin Yu the two elements of mind and soul in Taixu sword energy because of two reasons: lack of time and Lin Yu's lack of control key.

But while omitting these two Yun, Fu Hua had already taught Lin Yu the cultivation methods of Shen Yun.

Although Fu Hua specifically emphasized that Lin Yu must not take the initiative to practice the Shen Yun before Lin Yu completes the most basic cultivation of the Heart Yun and the Form Yun. Lin Yu did do so, but not taking the initiative to practice does not mean that he must be thorough. Give up the study of the divine aggregates.

It has been less than ten days since Lin Yu learned Taixu Sword Qi until now.

To be honest, let alone the Divine Aggregate, his progress in the cultivation of the two aggregates of mind and form is not very fast.

After all, he is not a genius. He cannot easily complete these moves and state of mind cultivation on his own after someone introduces him to the door.

The problem is that Lin Yu failed to master the mind and body aggregates, but he has special skills that can replace these two aggregates.

Heart Yun and Xing Yun, to put it bluntly, are the 'realm' and 'moves' in Taixu Sword Qi. In terms of realm, Lin Yu can rely on Mingjing Zhishui to support himself, but in terms of moves, the Endless Ji Zang Sword is undoubtedly It is not inferior to, and in some aspects has even surpassed the powerful moves of Xingyun General Outline.

The essence of the Taixu Sword God is to train the mind and body to allow the human body to control more Honkai energy, thereby using the Taixu Sword God.

But now, after combining the two skills of Ming Jing Zhishui and Endless Jizo Sword, Lin Yu, who released a large amount of Honkai energy, has reached the threshold of Shen Yun by relying on this tricky method.

Objectively speaking, the 'Taixu. Endless Ksitigarbha Sword' he used at this time was far inferior to even the beggar's version of the Taixu Divine Sword.

But - using this trick to deal with these Titan mechas is enough.

After the Honkai energy blade easily cut through the surrounding mecha, the energy intensity was weakened.

And when she saw that those energy blades were no longer as sharp as before after their power was consumed, Xing Maer, who was already frightened, finally breathed a sigh of relief after regaining consciousness.

The ten Titans at the front of the Titan brigade had been cut into pieces by the advancing Lin Yu.

But those energy blades are obviously no longer able to pierce other Titan mechas after being weakened.

And—this idiot is still moving forward.

Humph, was he afraid that he would die too slowly, so he chose such a foolhardy move?

Xing Maer, who had originally planned to rush out and teach the opponent a lesson, suddenly froze after picking up the weapon.

The previous energy blades had indeed exhausted their power and could only cause some damage to the following Titans.

But the problem is that Lin Yu's endless Ksitigarbha sword did not end because the energy blade ran out of energy.

When the Ksitigarbha monk activated the Endless Ksitigarbha sword, he used gold that had been melted into liquid as the medium for the sharp blade.

At this time, Lin Yu, who had completed the combination of Ming Jing Zhishui's moves, could naturally do what Ksitigarbha Monk did back then.

From the beginning, he did not expect to use the energy blade to destroy all the Titan mechas in one wave.

Even if he frantically squeezed out the Honkai energy contained in the stigmata and converted the magic power in the fragments of the void magic stone into Honkai energy, the amount of Honkai energy released by Lin Yu was still too low.

Therefore, his attack methods are not limited to Honkai energy.

After smashing those Titan mechas, the metal left on the ground by the mechas naturally became a medium that he could use.

And Lin Yu, who was constantly moving forward in Xingyan at this time, naturally did not do this because of stupidity.

He kept moving forward, partly to overwhelm Xing in terms of momentum.

Lin Yu, who kept moving forward, now chose to chant the scriptures that the Ksitigarbha monk chanted when he "protected the country" in order to make his state of mind closer to that of the Ksitigarbha monk.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you practice the deep prajna paramita for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty, and you will overcome all hardships."

For Lin Yu now, he can only get closer to the fragments of the Titan mecha by keeping moving forward and let them become his own 'Endless Knife'.

"Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing."

This time, the metal fragments manipulated by Lin Yu suddenly turned into terrifying sharp blades.

"Therefore, there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind, no color, no sound, fragrance, touch, no vision or even unconscious world, no ignorance and no end of ignorance, no old age and death, and no end of old age and death. Without the accumulation of suffering, the path will be destroyed, and without wisdom, there will be no gain.”

The Titan mechas that could originally resist the endless cuts of the Ksitigarbha sword were shattered by dozens more this time under the slashes of the metal blades.

"Because there is nothing to gain, Bodhisattva. Because of Prajnaparamita, the heart has no worries; because there are no worries, there is no fear, and it is far away from upside-down dreams, and it is the ultimate Nirvana."

At this time, under Lin Yu's exquisite control, the chopped mecha turned into a new blade, piercing the mecha around him again.

"Therefore, we know that Prajna Paramita is a great divine mantra, a great bright mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unparalleled mantra. It can remove all suffering, and it is true and not false."

"So the Prajna Paramita mantra means that the mantra says: Reveal the meaning, reveal the meaning! Paramita reveals the meaning, Paramita reveals the meaning, Bodhisattva Maha."

Under this method of 'fighting to feed war', Lin Yu, who was chanting the "Heart Sutra" at this time, opened his eyes slightly and asked Xing casually.

"Medicine can cure diseases, and Buddha can help those who are destined to be together. This donor, I see that you are destined to be my Buddha, and I dare to ask..."

"——Donor, do you need me to give you a ride?"

"you you you......!"

At this time, Xing looked at Lin Yu, who had wiped out the entire Titan mecha fleet in a few seconds. Xing wanted to rush forward with great confidence and slit the opponent's throat with a weapon just like before.

But now, when she and Lin Yu looked at each other at close range, Xingcai suddenly realized that the aura of the handsome man in front of her was too weird.

With his eyes as calm as still water, he chanted Buddhist sutras to save the souls of the dead.

But at this time, Lin Yu's sinister feeling was not reduced because of his revealed Buddha nature. Rather, Lin Yu now made Xing feel that the sinister feeling in his body had obviously become stronger. .

Can't win.

I can't win against such a terrible guy...

"don't want......"

At this time, Xing couldn't control her body.

Driven by instinct, Xing, who kept retreating, completely collapsed and screamed desperately at Lin Yu.

"Don't come here!"

After shouting these words, Xingdun activated the ability of the stigmata in a panic.

In an instant, time around everyone stopped.

However, Xing, who possesses such a powerful ability, did not choose to return to the battlefield after stopping the enemy's time.

For Xing now, this ability is not a weapon to kill enemies, but a tool to escape.

A second later, Kiana and Yuno, who had not been close to Lin Yu and Xing, suddenly saw Xing's body suddenly moving farther away as if teleporting.

"such a pity."

Seeing Xing stumbling away, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly and let out a sigh.

"The donor chose to give up this opportunity to go west."

"Senior, this is the end of cosplay - the enemies have all run away, aren't you going to chase them?"

After seeing Xing running further, Kiana said eagerly.

"She might have information about Cocolia, let's—"

"Kiana, don't chase the bad guys. Besides..."

Lin Yu, who had just seemed inscrutable and impossible to see through, suddenly lost his balance on the spot in front of Kiana and Yuno, and fell to the ground.

"I think...I need...a little break."


Yuno, who was supporting Lin Yu, looked at Lin Yu who suddenly broke out in a large amount of cold sweat and became extremely weak. He immediately used his power to create a wicker chair and helped Lin Yu onto the wicker chair.

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